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Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-16-2019 08:47 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

[Image: zTLO844.jpg]

Westeros needs to ban dragon fire...

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Didn't this show come on when Bush II was still in office? I think I remember hearing that the producers had his head digitally inserted with a bunch of decapitated heads.

I proud to say I've never voluntarily watched this fag shit. I caught some snippets when a friend had me as a captive audience. I was not impressed. In fact I was bored.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

^ Pretty sure that was Johnny Depp in The Walking Dead.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Looks like I remembered correctly:

Now if they did this to the globalhomo Barry, there would be rioting in the streets, advertiser-pulling, and all around renting of garments.

Fuc this ghey earth.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

The best part about this dumpster fire is that it united the feminazis, the SJWs, the book fans, the normies and most on the right into one front.

The shock waves will be destroying the entire fandom of this TV series similar how the Walking Dead got woke and destoyed itself.

And the funny part is that this was done less due to too much wokeness, but more due to the usual destructive nihilistic cultural marxism coupled with really bad writing and Hollywood self-fart-sniffing.

The best is really the scene from the Burlington bar where the SJWs witness her feminist hero go apeshit and burn babies. Obviously they miss the depiction of mostly Northern men doing the raping while the Dothraki were actually famous for rape and pillage.

Still - it's amazing how they destroy multiple story arcs that were set up.

And no - Dany's madness was not set up in the show at all. Being cold while killing your enemy is nothing - the Imp killed his dad, Ned Stark killed an innocent watchman for what turned out to be the truth etc.

The destruction:

+ Dany was not set up to be crazy. In addition to killing babies it should be noted that the she destroyed HER OWN CITY - THE CITY THAT HER FAMILY HAD RULED OVER FOR CENTURIES AND ACTUALLY CREATED!!!!! It's tantamount to Czar Nikolaj beating back the Bolsheviks after 20 years and then continuing to burn Moscow and St. Petersburg just because. It's tantamount to a British soldier freeing the Falkland islands and then continuing to slaughter British citizens that were captured by the Argentinians - no messy surrender while some are firing (that does not work of course) is not slaughter of soldiers who all have thrown down their weapons.

+ Arya was once again de-powered for no reason at all, but since she shot her wad with the Night King, then they could not let her kill Cersei - something which she was motivated to do for 7 seasons. Also Dumb and Dumber let her stumble around the city and be pushed around by common citizens like the little girl. D&D switch her from Terminatrix to little girl for plot reasons. Would a Faceless Man from Bravos run around like a 13yo girl and be pushed around? So much for mythical reflexes and powers.

+ The Hound got his arc destroyed after becoming a good man, then becoming fearful of fire 2 episodes again and now to be consumed by only blind hatred and revenge against a brother who was already dead. Fuck - the zombie Mountain lost anyway, but was just tougher to kill than the Night King.

+ Jamie Lannister got thoroughly fucked - the actor said that he expected to leave Cersei after season 7 started, because he became a different man. Gotcha! He returned to the hateful bitch willing to murder innocents again. He only banged Brienne and shot short the potential romance she had with the giant Wildling man.

+ Brienne - got also her arc destroyed fucking uselessly the "hot guy" Jamie instead of picking the man who would desire and love her back, marry her. Sounds about right - win for feminism!

+ Cersei - she got to stand at the window, smile as she saw Daenerys the Mad Queen murder more people than her inbred moronic son Joffrey and she died by bricks crying!!!?????? Would Tyrion have died like that? Crying? So much for female power.

The best about it all are the memes and the interviews of the actors:

Hitler's reaction is hilarious:

[Image: dx04086psgy21.jpg]

[Image: D50Cx1WW0AAKRju.jpg]

At least this meme makes much more sense now:

[Image: a-men4hillary-follow-hillarysmen-hillary...950789.png]

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Meme bombing:

Oh - and the best is yet to come with King Bran - Lord of the Wheelchairs.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Good good.....

+ Oh - and Varys is a great spy master who hides his messages when he hears footsteps while being in the castle of the queen he wants to topple

And Dany got mad because her hairdresser got killed - she did not go mad after Khal Drogo died, after her first dragon died and the friendzoned Knight died in front of her.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

[Image: qWTKb5N.png]

Good shit, D&D.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-16-2019 02:24 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

At least this meme makes much more sense now:

[Image: a-men4hillary-follow-hillarysmen-hillary...950789.png]

Breaker of Economies...

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

The memes will keep on giving even if Google suppresses most of them:

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

The takedowns of the episodes are now truly entertaining:

Go to 00:50 minutes where you see of course a Northern warrior trying to rape a woman. When Jon - his king that he certainly knows pulls him away, he attacks his own king, because he MUST RAPE!

Obviously you never see the Dothraki rape while that is their bread and butter for centuries, but here you see a soldier attacking his own king, because he absolutely has to rape right now.

This is so stupid that it's really reaching The Room level:

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

So the series finale is both written and (unusually) directed by Benioff and Weiss.

This is our full stop it seems.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

And the best is yet to come:

[Image: image.jpg]

King Bran first of his name. The Wheel that will mount the world.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

^^^ I hope that doesn't happen. People wouldn't follow an uncharismatic weirdo who knows everything you've done - like a boring version of Santa Claus with no gifts to give.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?


[Image: attachment.jpg41848]

[Image: laugh6.gif]

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

I'm enjoying the season finale 10X more than I thought I would.

Not because of the show itself. These episodes are meh.

BUT -- MY GOD -- what joy I experience, reading the butthurt posts and seeing the butthurt memes by GOT fans who are CRUSHED because a dumbfuck TV show isn't maintaining their expected levels of script quality.

Truly satisfying.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

This clip really shows the mindset. "While Dany forgot about the Iron Fleet..." Having a character just forget about the cause of all of her losses up to the NK battle is absurd.


Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Some of the drama ABOUT GoT is a bit beyond me. Some of it is well founded.

Firstly, Danaerys is a feudalist, a monarchist. So she's as far removed from "Socialism" as you can possibly get.
She's like pretty much every Establishment toff in Britain that I've ever met. Thinks she was "born" to have everything and everyone as her own personal property. Full of charm, smarm and spin to get there. Full of the latest gimmicks and propaganda eg Neoliberalism, eg Harry Hewitt marrying a black woman, eg "freeing the black people" to use them as cannon fodder et etc. At the same time, to stay in power she is dependent on people from normal backgrounds because she's utterly clueless in her own right.
She reminds me of the posh kid in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. "I want the iron throne and if I can't have it now, I shall stamp my feet and sqweam and sqweam until I'm sthick". When her bullshit, immense over-entitlement, brainlessness, greed and thirst for power are found out, she reverts to type - and the evil shows.

As for the show itself, well obviously those 2 writers are nowhere near George's ability. But the producers wanted to wrap things up in 1 series. I don't see why GoT couldn't have kept evolving over many years. But thats not how the money men see things. They are all about merchandising, "viewer engagement", "number of tweets" and all that pathetic shite. I can see wht George got fed up and moved on. Sadly they didn't spend the money to get Jon saying goodbye to his direwolf, or the dragon shooting scene to be realistic enough. Sounds like Season 8 money is being redirected to production of the prequel pilots.

But overall, GoT has been a fantastic golden era. We mght never see its like again. Anyone can criticise it for a few Youtube views. Can these critics actually write great stories? Ofcourse not! I can't think of many programmes I've EVER looked forward to watching like I was a little kid. Ok this season got the moneymen fucking some things but you can't forget its been a truly great series. I think some people should enjoy the ride rather than back seat driving!

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

^ Finally a reasonable opinion. Not only that, but the casting was superb, and that's arguably the toughest part of making a quality series like this. They might remake GoT in the future but without guys like the Hound, Nikolaj Waldau, and that kid that played Joffrey, it's quite likely gonna be shit.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Emilia Clarke was running around dazed for 3 hours in London after she read the script. She is the one who holds back the least as she has the best footing in Hollywood.

Nikolaj Landau pleaded with the showrunners to change his arc even in season 7 because it did not make sense (back then he already became a diferent man, his children were dead and he would have logically instantly left his sister). It just got worse in season 8 with the character regressing.

Peter Dinklage makes fun of the fact that the smartest man in Westeros could not think about hiding in a crypt when you fight someone who can raise the dead. Then he looks at the camera saying that DumbAndDumber are the greatest writers in Hollywood.

The reason that Emilia Clarke was shocked was because of the shit script. She knows that a series with a shitty ending is going to be remembered like Lost. It would impact her future career, but it's not as if she can do anything about it except to laugh.

The destruction of the show is neither about money, nor about feminism despite there being plenty of it - it's mostly bad writing and showrunners who think that "surprising shock-value" is where it's at. We shall see how fast two postmodernist writers can tank the Star Wars trilogy.

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[Image: 1s5h3fulrly21.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&a...a37cfd69e9]

At least they got Euron's character "arc" right:

[Image: o7p9djfrpky21.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&a...08e2638d67]

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

^Umm no lol.

Clarke, Waldau, and Dinklage were nobodies before this show. And they all probably thank Christ every night before bed that they got such an amazing opportunity - not to mention a cool $1 mil per episode. Perhaps they are a little disappointed with the Season 8 direction and writing, as we all are, but thats about it.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

At the end of it... Do you actually care? It's a stupid ass TV show written by a couple of liberal Jews.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Does anyone know why season 8 is only 6 episodes? It just doesn't make sense - anyone could see that it would lead to a rushed conclusion. Surely the reason can't be budget constraints.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

They only had a 100 mio $ budget and could have asked for more.

Nikolaj Landau at 01:10:

Obviously actors were made in the show and Landau himself has said that he is unlikely to ever work at something big as that. That does not mean that he isn't going to fight the creators.

Mark Hamill also wouldn't have rejected a Star Wars script that had Luke Skywalker eat green titty milk all day and become a manic bum on an island. I know that he said that he signed on before knowing that, but he would have taken the money anyway since doing voice-overs for the cartoon Joker for 40 years pays him as much as being in that one shitty movie.

So yeah - it's a double-edged sword. You know that the show and writing was good before, but now you are suddenly part of a shit-show. You are grateful, you have to stay professional, but ultimately you know you are fucked:

41% rating and falling. And that is on the doctored leftie-normie platform of Rotten-Tomatoes.


Remake Game of Thrones Season 8 with competent writers.

David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have proven themselves to be woefully incompetent writers when they have no source material (i.e. the books) to fall back on.

This series deserves a final season that makes sense.

Subvert my expectations and make it happen, HBO!

764,172 have signed. Let’s get to 1,000,000!

The petition won't get anywhere, but it's a sign of the shitstorm that has barely begun.

The show gave Emilia Clarke the career and it blew up in the end. Something similar could be said about Lost with a few actors going to bigger things.

Postmodernist writers miss a few points. The destructive writers nudged George Lucas into killing main characters in the 1980s already, but George wanted to sell lots of toys and dead characters don't sell. In this case they wanted to do multiple profitable prequels and spin-offs. They also wanted to sell hundreds of millions of dollars in DVDs and merchandise. When you know how it ends, then this will impact the sales tremendously. So they absolutely needed to end the show in a satisfying logical way.

HBO likely lost hundreds of millions or even 1 bio. $+ by letting the writers do what they do. Just as George Lucas would have lost hundreds of millions if not 1 bio. + if he followed some advice. (Should have listened to other advice, but that is another story).

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

[Image: 3i9kdn8l7qy21.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&a...6a7cc971a7]

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

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