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Average girls=better sex?

Average girls=better sex?

It seems like average looking girls have much better pussy than 8's+. Most of the fine girls I've fucked have been boring as hell in bed...with shitty head on top of that. But the average ones usually have some waterfall pussy and know how to suck a dick. Has anyone else noticed this or do I just have bad luck? I'm at the point where I expect the pussy to be dry and her teeth to rub on my dick when I bring a fine slut home.

Average girls=better sex?

Quote: (09-19-2011 08:23 PM)houston Wrote:  

It seems like average looking girls have much better pussy than 8's+. Most of the fine girls I've fucked have been boring as hell in bed...with shitty head on top of that. But the average ones usually have some waterfall pussy and know how to suck a dick. Has anyone else noticed this or do I just have bad luck? I'm at the point where I expect the pussy to be dry and her teeth to rub on my dick when I bring a fine slut home.

My theory is the uglier ones have to work harder to keep a man. Hot ones can just be hot. Ugly or not so hot ones have to provide some sort of incentive.

Average girls=better sex?

Can't agree with that one.In my experience the hotter the girl the nicer her pussy is..maybe I just attribute value to hot chicks they dont have but I'm a very visual guy and the hotter a girl is the more I enjoy shagging her.

Average girls=better sex?

Quote: (09-19-2011 09:43 PM)Magnum Wrote:  

Can't agree with that one.In my experience the hotter the girl the nicer her pussy is..maybe I just attribute value to hot chicks they dont have but I'm a very visual guy and the hotter a girl is the more I enjoy shagging her.

My experience is girls in the middle of the range with some experience are the hottest. I did know an exception who was an 8 who was not middle class but UPPER class. For some reason she was a freak, wanted to be really treated nasty.

But knowing about sadomasochism takes some culture usually.

Girls who were less than a 5 I thought were worse sexually, too insecure, and also not looking good often means there's some health problems or just congenital weaknesses ( after all our attraction switches are supposed to detect fertility) -- if a woman has a less developed nervous system and/or poor circulation, she may not be as responsive. I don't think I EVER got a really chubby chick to come despite slurping at that thing like a Saharan refugee.

Average girls=better sex?

Last year, I had a woman who was definitely a 8.5, maybe a nine. Beautiful body. Her passivity in bed was a turn off. She simply laid there, little snorts of heavy breathing, but had almost zero energy. I think, for women who are really beautiful, sometimes they expect things to happen for them, and not to participate.

Right now I am banging this married woman, she's a 6.5. She's an animal in bed. Last time we were in a hotel room, the cleaning staff knocked on the door to see if everything was alright.

Give me that 6.5 every time.

Average girls=better sex?

Quote: (09-20-2011 08:55 AM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

Give me that 6.5 every time.


I love a girl with something to prove.

Average girls=better sex?

My perfect is 7 in bed. Hot enough but not secure enough to not make an effort. Whenever I am out thats what i shoot for for my approaches till its close to last call then 5s work out great. Again not looking for arm candy. I am strictly going for bangs.

The Lizard Whisperer.......

Average girls=better sex?

Yeah well it has some truth in it. There is one thing, the hotter she is, hornier you get, even when you fucking her. I remember last yr fucking this perfect phat ass bitch that i was thanking her while i was fucking her haha..she just felt so good sitting on my dick..i had this other one who was a 10 in my book (the only chick i have ever given a 10, not even pornstars got a 10 from me) but she was just boring in attitude.

And i remember fucking this girl who looked like a 5 but was a 7 when naked..she was a freak in your theory holds some truth.

Average girls=better sex?

Quote: (09-20-2011 10:18 AM)pitt Wrote:  

Yeah well it has some truth in it. There is one thing, the hotter she is, hornier you get, even when you fucking her. I remember last yr fucking this perfect phat ass bitch that i was thanking her while i was fucking her haha..she just felt so good sitting on my dick..i had this other one who was a 10 in my book (the only chick i have ever given a 10, not even pornstars got a 10 from me) but she was just boring in attitude.

And i remember fucking this girl who looked like a 5 but was a 7 when naked..she was a freak in your theory holds some truth.

How did you thank her? Was it out loud? I am curious because I actually said a small prayer (to myself, didn't want to gas her head) when I was stroking a fabulous lizard this summer, I was looking at her bum during doggy and I couldn't believe God could create something so perfect.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Average girls=better sex?

I think alot of the time this is true. Average girls have to work harder to establish themselves.

But, it doesn't mean that there are not some beautiful freaks out there also. I have met some fine women who were nasty in bed. They were not the stuck-up, popular crowd, type of hot. They are a little different. They sort of like to stay under the radar, even thought they know they get alot of attention.

They don't care so much what other girls think. They live to please men. When you look at them they always seem to have a seductive look on their face, even the way they talk is sexy. They dress sexy without even trying. They are naturally sexy without trying to hard, they just exude sexuality. I call them "naturals". They are more "sexy" then "hot".

I can often tell just by the way a girl walks and carries herself if she is a freak or not.

They are not necessarily sluts they just really enjoy sex.

Brazilian girls are a good example of this, beautiful and also freaks in bed.

Average girls=better sex?

Quote: (09-20-2011 10:44 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2011 10:18 AM)pitt Wrote:  

Yeah well it has some truth in it. There is one thing, the hotter she is, hornier you get, even when you fucking her. I remember last yr fucking this perfect phat ass bitch that i was thanking her while i was fucking her haha..she just felt so good sitting on my dick..i had this other one who was a 10 in my book (the only chick i have ever given a 10, not even pornstars got a 10 from me) but she was just boring in attitude.

And i remember fucking this girl who looked like a 5 but was a 7 when naked..she was a freak in your theory holds some truth.

How did you thank her? Was it out loud? I am curious because I actually said a small prayer (to myself, didn't want to gas her head) when I was stroking a fabulous lizard this summer, I was looking at her bum during doggy and I couldn't believe God could create something so perfect.

It wasnt a direct thank was more like ''baby you so fine, you make me so horny'' (it was like i wanted to cry and like i was singing and she noticed how excited i was about fucking her..but im always having fun and making bitches laugh so she actually found it kinda funny) day she went to tell my female friend that i have also fucked that i was in love with her (lmao) still in touch with both of them by email and phone..and can fuck any of them any time i want..

Average girls=better sex?

Having banged a lot of really average girls (oh the shame!) I can say, no, not at all.

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