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Philippines - Eye Contact (or lack thereof)

Philippines - Eye Contact (or lack thereof)

If you want to be eye-raped go to China, that's been more my experience, but then again, everyone has a different experience. In addition, if you go actively seeking out this WGF eye contact, women will sense it and deny you of it.

Philippines - Eye Contact (or lack thereof)

Kimura89, now you're second guessing yourself because DirectDanger went all passive aggressive on you and suggested you're hyping it up yourself, when in reality the Philippines has been hyped online for years by tons of Matt Forney tier rejects and "digital nomad" shills who make $1-2000/month hyping SEA to lonely guys to drive traffic to their website.

The Philippines changed somewhat, and that's that You can still bang easily as you've seen, and if you look good or flash the cash your options are fairly endless.

Be safe and happy hunting.

Philippines - Eye Contact (or lack thereof)

Quote: (09-06-2017 09:02 PM)digitalconquistador Wrote:  

DirectDanger went all passive aggressive on you

Ummm... what? [Image: dodgy.gif]

Philippines - Eye Contact (or lack thereof)

Today I was all over Quezon and areas of Makati in malls/streets/universities etc and I fell into the trap of looking for the WGF eye contact. Once your outcome dependent the girls can smell it. Still got stared at a ton, but it's kind of a draining energy when your looking for it and basing ego on it.. Gotta live your life, appreciate the Phils for what it is, a place where your status is bumped and you naturally get more attention than home

Philippines - Eye Contact (or lack thereof)

Go somewhere like Zamboanga and everyone will stare. It's only like $30 USD. Just do it brah, for the WGF.

Philippines - Eye Contact (or lack thereof)

I only went to Manila but got hard celebrity looks from everyone. It was not comparable to anything I have ever had before. Certainly something interesting to see. If you are not getting too much attention I am sure if you go to a smaller town it would be even more so.

Philippines - Eye Contact (or lack thereof)

i get a lot more eye contact when my style is on point and i am feeling and looking good...esp. the pretty girls...

thats 4 sure. no game or style or looks they won't want to talk u. its still can be an ioi....

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