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2017 Hurricane Irma
017 Hurricane Irma
Just a heads up that both RVF and ROK are hosted in South Florida, so if there is downtime this weekend, that would be why. They have high-level backup systems so I doubt it will be a problem.
017 Hurricane Irma
Hurricane Katia is forming in the south gulf also.

That's 3 on the east side of the states.

Shit's getting wild !

[Image: DJEeXNmXUAAeizQ.jpg:large]
017 Hurricane Irma
I am is South Beach and shit here is , for lack of a better term , tense. I usually party through hurricanes, but all the bitches have left or are leaving-The only popping places are the gas station and the stores that carry water. Everything is closed tomorrow-the gym, schools, courts, ect. I have been here since 2004 and I have never seen people like this before a hurricane, it is unnerving. I am filling up my car late tonight and Fridays forecast will determine my plan, if it is still projected category 4 or higher I am going to Atlanta Friday night.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....
017 Hurricane Irma
Lol and I just fly to Santo Domingo today like nothing is happening, I guess being disconnected from internet (for the most part) has it's downsides. Let's see how those hurricanes look like, we don't have that stuff in Europe.

Already texted to my friends songs that should be played at my potential funeral and with what flag to bury me with.
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-06-2017 08:54 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I am is South Beach and shit here is , for lack of a better term , tense. I usually party through hurricanes, but all the bitches have left or are leaving-The only popping places are the gas station and the stores that carry water. Everything is closed tomorrow-the gym, schools, courts, ect. I have been here since 2004 and I have never seen people like this before a hurricane, it is unnerving. I am filling up my car late tonight and Fridays forecast will determine my plan, if it is still projected category 4 or higher I am going to Atlanta Friday night.

^ Yeah man, don't play around. South Beach and Miami Beach only sit 10 feet above sea level, and from what I understand there is a huge storm surge expected with this storm, which could mean massive flooding.

Should also note that as of now (Wed night) most hotels are already sold out through Tuesday throughout North Florida, Georgia, etc.

Don't be slow on this one, guys. Seriously, this is not your usual hurricane. The weather channel keeps saying it's the strongest Atlantic hurricane on record.
017 Hurricane Irma
[Image: 109DUr2.png]

[Image: FiCaxPq.png]

What an absolute beast.

Who I am is just the habit of what I always was, and who I'll be is the result
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-06-2017 08:54 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I am is South Beach and shit here is , for lack of a better term , tense. I usually party through hurricanes, but all the bitches have left or are leaving-The only popping places are the gas station and the stores that carry water. Everything is closed tomorrow-the gym, schools, courts, ect. I have been here since 2004 and I have never seen people like this before a hurricane, it is unnerving. I am filling up my car late tonight and Fridays forecast will determine my plan, if it is still projected category 4 or higher I am going to Atlanta Friday night.

After folks saw Texas get hammered, they decided not to fuck around.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-06-2017 08:54 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I am filling up my car late tonight and Fridays forecast will determine my plan, if it is still projected category 4 or higher I am going to Atlanta Friday night.

I've lived in Florida my entire life and I would leave earlier if I were you. I'm on the West Coast, so a lot of the initial concern is metering out, but you're going to be at best on the close leeward side of a major hurricane within the radius of sustained 100-120mph winds.

If you're going to evacuate, leave Friday midday at the latest. Most of us assholes still have to work and that's going to involve securing facilities, closing down offices, backing up computer, securing documents, etc. and Friday rush-hour traffic is going to be amplified by several magnitude.

I would not take I-95; every single person is going to be heading north on 95 and you'll be gridlocked. I wouldn't even take the Turnpike for similar reasons, especially because they suspended tolls. Instead, take I-75 west across Alligator Alley to Naples, then north. I don't know what you're driving, but if you have something with sufficient range and you feel comfortable, also consider 27 to 80 to I-75 or 27 all the way north to Winter Haven if you want to take a shot with more limited refueling opportunities both in frequency and availability.

This is the 'long' way, but you still have sufficient time even with increased northbound traffic to take a break in the Tampa Bay area and head further north if you so choose, but at least you're doing it with less traffic and less chance of being gridlocked while Irma starts pounding the coast.

Best of luck and be safe regardless of what you choose to do!
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-06-2017 10:39 PM)Synezthetic Wrote:  

[Image: 109DUr2.png]

If you want to see what that's like on the ground... (skip to 3:05 for max winds):

[Image: icon_eek.gif] [Image: icon_eek.gif] [Image: icon_eek.gif]
017 Hurricane Irma

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste
017 Hurricane Irma
Getting gas was a two hour mission and people are trying to catch a ride with me to Atlanta-we got hit with a mandatory evacuation for tomorrow in SOBE. I went out tonight and it was DEAD-Story was closed, Bardot was closed, Bogota was open but empty,same in Ted's and it is a ghost town in SOBE overall. This shit is starting to get to me, is this really the one? Is this Andrew all over again? Fuck......

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-07-2017 03:42 AM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Getting gas was a two hour mission and people are trying to catch a ride with me to Atlanta-we got hit with a mandatory evacuation for tomorrow in SOBE. I went out tonight and it was DEAD-Story was closed, Bardot was closed, Bogota was open but empty,same in Ted's and it is a ghost town in SOBE overall. This shit is starting to get to me, is this really the one? Is this Andrew all over again? Fuck......

Just go and be careful.

017 Hurricane Irma
Islands that have been hit by Irma

Antigua and Barbuda
Population: 90,800
Key facts: one of the Caribbean's most prosperous nations, thanks to its tourism industry and offshore financial services
Hurricane report: Antigua reportedly escaped major damage, with no loss of life, but some 95% of structures on Barbuda were damaged or destroyed, the prime minister says, confirming at least one death

St Martin
Population: 75,000
Key facts: tourist destination celebrated for its beaches; divided between France, which calls its section Saint Martin, and the Netherlands, which calls its part Sint-Maarten
Hurricane report: at least six people reported killed in St Martin, according to the French interior minister. There has been serious damage to buildings, flooding, power cuts

St Barts (Saint Barthélemy)
Population: 9,200
Key facts: luxury tourist destination
Hurricane report: two reported killed; serious damage to buildings, flooding, power cuts
017 Hurricane Irma

Is this Andrew all over again?

Irma is stronger than Andrew was..

If only you knew how bad things really are.
017 Hurricane Irma
Just finished putting up the shutters... Things are a bit more chill in Palm beach county but still depending on the path it could look like a warzone after this hurricane passes through.
017 Hurricane Irma
I left Miami Tuesday evening via very special local routes all the way to Georgia without touching an interstate or turnpike. Yesterday 90 percent of the stations I passed had no gas. After the Georgia border the small towns had gas and no lines.

There is no gas in Miami and now people are getting the message but the entire state interstate system is a parking lot.

The noise of a tv newscaster in between shots of home depot having no water won't help you decide what to do. I looked at the hour by hour windspeed forecasts, and despite one site holding out saying this will be a nothing, I have no interest in finding out, if the other sites are correct, what ten hours of sustained 100mph winds will be like.

Greetings from an elevated, quiet little part of Appalachia.

Off The Reservation
017 Hurricane Irma
Fellow RVF'ers in the storms path, please stay safe and gtfo out of there, this storm ain't nothing to play with.

Especially with Juan on the backside and Katia forming and possibly headed to Texas.
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-07-2017 11:21 AM)zigZag Wrote:  

Just finished putting up the shutters... Things are a bit more chill in Palm beach county but still depending on the path it could look like a warzone after this hurricane passes through.

PBC here too house is boarded up and got supplies and hoping for the best. Too late to leave and you'd have to drive 15 hours to be stuck wherever for who knows how long.
017 Hurricane Irma

Just canceled a Myrtle Beach Golf/Beer visit with old friends I haven't seen in 25 years. 87 mph winds scheduled for Charleston airport on Monday and massive storm surges (20+') possible up the FLA coast and into GA/SC. Have to catch up with the boys later. Best wishes to you men in the storm-path.
017 Hurricane Irma
I'm just up the coast from Myrtle Beach....
With no plans to evacuate as of yet, if I was further South I would certainly have made evacuation plans. Kind of hoping by the time it makes it way up here its gonna be weakened

[Image: giphy.gif]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-06-2017 11:23 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-06-2017 08:54 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I am filling up my car late tonight and Fridays forecast will determine my plan, if it is still projected category 4 or higher I am going to Atlanta Friday night.

I've lived in Florida my entire life and I would leave earlier if I were you. I'm on the West Coast, so a lot of the initial concern is metering out, but you're going to be at best on the close leeward side of a major hurricane within the radius of sustained 100-120mph winds.

If you're going to evacuate, leave Friday midday at the latest. Most of us assholes still have to work and that's going to involve securing facilities, closing down offices, backing up computer, securing documents, etc. and Friday rush-hour traffic is going to be amplified by several magnitude.

I would not take I-95; every single person is going to be heading north on 95 and you'll be gridlocked. I wouldn't even take the Turnpike for similar reasons, especially because they suspended tolls. Instead, take I-75 west across Alligator Alley to Naples, then north. I don't know what you're driving, but if you have something with sufficient range and you feel comfortable, also consider 27 to 80 to I-75 or 27 all the way north to Winter Haven if you want to take a shot with more limited refueling opportunities both in frequency and availability.

This is the 'long' way, but you still have sufficient time even with increased northbound traffic to take a break in the Tampa Bay area and head further north if you so choose, but at least you're doing it with less traffic and less chance of being gridlocked while Irma starts pounding the coast.

Best of luck and be safe regardless of what you choose to do!

Yep it's a cluster fuck even outside of Florida.

017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-06-2017 08:54 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I am is South Beach and shit here is , for lack of a better term , tense. I usually party through hurricanes, but all the bitches have left or are leaving-The only popping places are the gas station and the stores that carry water. Everything is closed tomorrow-the gym, schools, courts, ect. I have been here since 2004 and I have never seen people like this before a hurricane, it is unnerving. I am filling up my car late tonight and Fridays forecast will determine my plan, if it is still projected category 4 or higher I am going to Atlanta Friday night.

It's small a eye opener showing you what would happen if a shit hit the fan scenario did occur in the U.S. This is a scenario when you had a lot of advanced warning and things are far from smooth. The infrastructure can't even come close to handling any mass evacuation or panic.
017 Hurricane Irma
I can just imagine the chaos if something big happened nationwide without warning.
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-07-2017 04:52 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

I can just imagine the chaos if something big happened nationwide without warning.

Probably the chaos you see in a zombie movie isn't far off. Japan is probably the only nation that would have total order. No wonder why they don't let many foreigners in.
017 Hurricane Irma
Looks like the front is still pushing on through. We'll see how it interacts with Irma:

[Image: usa_None_anim.gif]

However they're forecasting the front to stall on the southern end due to Irma's arrival. I wonder how this will impact the storm's path.

[Image: usa_ICast.gif]

"A happy man is a happy everybody else in his life."

"Ladies if you want to make your man happy, think about what makes you happy and do exactly the opposite."

"Hey how you doin' and I hope you know that I'm an upgrade for your stupid daughter." - Patrice O'Neal

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