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Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

When the over sophistication become absurd

It was few weeks ago,

Every years my law firm organize a soccer tournament with few others law firm considered as best friends from all over Europe (Sweden, Deutschland, England, Italy, Netherlands, Spain).
This year the host was Netherland and everybody was invited to travel in Amsterdam
For an event like this the budget is really high and we were staying in the best accommodation entirely payed by the host firm like a 5 star hotel and one of the best soccer stadium of all Amsterdam.

I was really enthusiast to share a great moment with partner, but i was also really sarcastic about how i’m gonna deal with the crappy french mentality of my team.

I did not fill with preconceived ideas so that my judgment was not altered by my state of mind of the moment.

The first incident occurred during the queue before boarding the train
A group of four abominable old scumbag completely yelled at me and pushed me back
Because I had the error of slightly exceeding the queue by mistake,And those monstrous old people devoid of all humanity look at me with such a condescending look,The shock was so big that I was stoic and abashed, Why so much hate ?

Once arrived at destination, I noticed that local people were much cooler and relaxed in this corner of northern Europe (Amsterdam),

During the check in at the hotel everybody was bitching about the bad service of the hotel,But I understood that it was just their behavior that bring this shitty vibe, because the same receptionist (a hot black chick mixed Netherland/Angola) was nice and kind with me, She even upgraded me up to a bigger room with a canal view while the others continued their unpleasant comment and ended up with the least attractive rooms in the hotel.

In the field,
My teammates did not have the mentality to win at all and the spirit of competition was completely absent.

While I was bustling with the motivation and enthusiasm of the other teams ,the only preoccupation of my teammates was thinking every minutes to taking a break to be able to smoke a cigarette,

In the half time the others teams was talking about what kind of strategy they will adopt to win, while my teammates was ordering a beer at the bar.

They complain about the condition of the field, the circumference of the ball, the referee, and assume that it was impossible to win because we are in all ways too bad,

I was pissed off of this looser mentality.

The only team that almost start a fight, was ours.

Everybody had a good mind, it was only the French team with their superiority, their way of giving lessons to everyone while they are mediocre as fucks.

We just scored a goal and win one game and it was a pure luck because the other members of the rival team was a bit older and non athletic.

They also had the female teams,What a disaster to see the French women revel in the most total mediocrity,
Faced with tenacious opponents, who shows seriousness and envy,
Our female team showed no character, they just thought to give up and abdicate,They did not score any goal, no cohesion, no pragmatism, no leadership, no intelligence game, unlike the Italian team who despite technical quality showed a determination to victory, These people are supposed to be the elite of the nation ?

We were beaten on all ground …

After the end of the tournament, winning by the english team.

A dinner was planned to socialize with other people from the other law firms,
I was impatient to socialize, specially with the hot Deutsch female team
while the French was bitching about how its gonna be annoying to talk with people they don’t know.
This test made certain of these graduates of the best French business schools (Teaching in English) a little nervous due to the lack of english speaking.

Some even propose to boycott the evening and go out only between French people What I absolutely refuse and forced them to go in this evening.

Arriving at the restaurant groups of different nationalities started to socialize together.

The French only stayed with each other, did not socialize with others and openly criticized the dresses of the others, the physics of others, the wine served,

The worst in this story, was that the french woman was the most unattractive of all the group, Compared to Swedish, German and Italian girls Who were all dressed sexy and classy, the french girls was dressed ridiculously,The cliché of the Parisian girl dressed with classy Louis Vuitton clothes Had just collapsed,
they was bitching about how the others women was dressing so sexy, so provocative and how they are prude models compared to this slutty strangers.

I was irritated by this behavior I decided to abandon the group and stay only with the people of others law firm

The tables were classified by nationality and each table had a person from a different country.

By observing well only the French had an austere and close attitude by their body language.

Everybody (except the french genius) was so friendly, i make friends from everywhere taking a picture, drinking fine wine and joking about « cliché » of different country.

After dinner, the restaurant turns into a night club with a open bar entirely free

Some people of my « team » decided to go sleep, because too annoyed,
one of the french girl was so boring that She drank only a glass of wine and she complained of headaches because of « the mediocre quality of the wine »
She only wanted to drink French wine, and nothing else, what a bitch ?

I partying hard until 6 the morning specially with english team, this fucker know how to party.

One of the dutch guy was so friendly, That we discussed about game and how to game a lawyer women.

One of the Swedish guy introduce me with one of the women of his group that i kiss close later on the night.

So the night was a complete success in term of vibe.

The few french still there still staying together and does not mix with the group.

In analyzing all this, the French have an unparalleled complexity of superiority, they have different social dynamics from the Anglo-Saxon world, everything is based on gossip, snob attitude, appearance, and for them to take the first step to talk to a Group is a sign of submission, you may have good relationship with these people but they will be based on an interest and not on being a full-fledged person.

When you entering on a social circle you realize that the good atmosphere of facade are spoiled by internal rivalries and that most people show hypocrisy and interest of each others.

The French have this tendency always to analyze everything and to question the good functioning by thinking that they are the best models of society,
But the truth is that they are totally overwhelmed by their ego, the organization within a French company is anarchic, archaic, paternalistic, any form of creativity and variation are ferociously rejected for fear of losing, Fear of risk, fear of commitment.

And you who have to travel to Paris what you felt about the french mentality ?

1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.

Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Quote: (07-08-2017 05:26 AM)perception_theory Wrote:  


They also had the female teams,What a disaster to see the French women revel in the most total mediocrity,
Faced with tenacious opponents, who shows seriousness and envy,
Our female team showed no character, they just thought to give up and abdicate,They did not score any goal, no cohesion, no pragmatism, no leadership, no intelligence game, unlike the Italian team who despite technical quality showed a determination to victory, These people are supposed to be the elite of the nation ?

We were beaten on all ground …

After the end of the tournament, winning by the english team.

A dinner was planned to socialize with other people from the other law firms,
I was impatient to socialize, specially with the hot Deutsch female team
while the French was bitching about how its gonna be annoying to talk with people they don’t know.
This test made certain of these graduates of the best French business schools (Teaching in English) a little nervous due to the lack of english speaking.

Some even propose to boycott the evening and go out only between French people What I absolutely refuse and forced them to go in this evening.

Arriving at the restaurant groups of different nationalities started to socialize together.

The French only stayed with each other, did not socialize with others and openly criticized the dresses of the others, the physics of others, the wine served,

The worst in this story, was that the french woman was the most unattractive of all the group, Compared to Swedish, German and Italian girls Who were all dressed sexy and classy, the french girls was dressed ridiculously,The cliché of the Parisian girl dressed with classy Louis Vuitton clothes Had just collapsed,
they was bitching about how the others women was dressing so sexy, so provocative and how they are prude models compared to this slutty strangers.

I was irritated by this behavior I decided to abandon the group and stay only with the people of others law firm

The tables were classified by nationality and each table had a person from a different country.

By observing well only the French had an austere and close attitude by their body language.

Everybody (except the french genius) was so friendly, i make friends from everywhere taking a picture, drinking fine wine and joking about « cliché » of different country.

After dinner, the restaurant turns into a night club with a open bar entirely free

Some people of my « team » decided to go sleep, because too annoyed,
one of the french girl was so boring that She drank only a glass of wine and she complained of headaches because of « the mediocre quality of the wine »
She only wanted to drink French wine, and nothing else, what a bitch ?

I partying hard until 6 the morning specially with english team, this fucker know how to party.

We've done it. Finally won an international tournament. [Image: banana.gif]

On a serious note, I have also encountered this type of French mentality. I think French people hate to look like they are trying and then still lose, so they just throw the games. This is why the French national football team has so many meltdowns.

It is well known that they can be snobby about their language and their food, but it's a small minority, however this small minority of French people seems to be the majority in your team.

At heart they are southern europeans not northern. That is the main reason why they didn't get on with everyone else.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Another masterpiece by Perception.

Keep up the good work, mate!

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Quote: (07-08-2017 05:55 AM)apolis Wrote:  

Another masterpiece by Perception.

Keep up the good work, mate!

Thank you my friend !

1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.

Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

I agree with most of what you wrote. .......

I was in Paris last week and ended up at the some the happening college bars near the Panthon area on a busy Friday night.

Most young girls are conversational in basic English, hell they listening to English music 80% of the time... yet in typical French stoic manner it was tough getting in decent approaches on limited French.

Even the local Blacks and other Asian living there speak French and rightly so since they live there.

At least many other countries if you have language issues to be less of a issue and girls seem more open to meeting a foreigner.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Brilliantly summarized.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Quote: (07-08-2017 07:18 AM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

I agree with most of what you wrote. .......

I was in Paris last week and ended up at the some the happening college bars near the Panthon area on a busy Friday night.

Most young girls are conversational in basic English, hell they listening to English music 80% of the time... yet in typical French stoic manner it was tough getting in decent approaches on limited French.

Even the local Blacks and other Asian living there speak French and rightly so since they live there.

At least many other countries if you have language issues to be less of a issue and girls seem more open to meeting a foreigner.

How can you love english music and not be enthusiastic on practicing and conversing the language?

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

OP, it must be so hard for you to live in Paris, I was born in this city and I am mixed ( white but mixed). I left Paris in 2005 and lived in 6 or 7 countries in my life.

You seem to focus solely on the negative aspects, which is also a typical french attitude. One advice my friend... if you arent happy there just leave, that is what I do whenever I don't like a place. Maybe you are french yourself with a different background? Maybe you have a lot of resentment towards native french? I agree that there can be some racism, that french in general are mediocre and not so open to foreigners but there are many nice people as well, live abroad for a while and maybe you'll start seeing the positive aspects of France.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Quote: (07-08-2017 09:35 AM)Lino Wrote:  

OP, it must be so hard for you to live in Paris, I was born in this city and I am mixed ( white but mixed). I left Paris in 2005 and lived in 6 or 7 countries in my life.

You seem to focus solely on the negative aspects, which is also a typical french attitude. One advice my friend... if you arent happy there just leave, that is what I do whenever I don't like a place. Maybe you are french yourself with a different background? Maybe you have a lot of resentment towards native french? I agree that there can be some racism, that french in general are mediocre and not so open to foreigners but there are many nice people as well, live abroad for a while and maybe you'll start seeing the positive aspects of France.

Not sure if the OP hates France. As he told us in his glorious 'Tribulations in Kiev' he is an aspiring writer. He just tells us his stories.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

This is not my experience at all in France and I would say it simply has more to do with your work environment than the actual french mentality?

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

People outside of Paris tend to dislike Parisians too, so i think your perceptions are about Paris and not France as a county.

French people do tend to complain about everything.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

I would put Paris as among the worst places to game for someone who doesn't fit the "mold". Great place to visit with a plate whose NOT French, but I'm glad I don't live there.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

This is exactly what I like here a space of free expression with divergent opinions and brilliant people

I could describe the positive aspects of Parisian life but these are based for the most part on superficial values

The Paris of today has nothing to do with the Paris of yesterday described in the books of the Beat Generation or in the jazz pieces of Miles Davis, Coltrane, Monk, and others

It was an alternative city, there were literary circles, bars with incredible musicians, artists from all over the world were there to meet up, Paris was a monster of creativity, all the American artists adored Paris, this allowed them To flee from an over-puritan America, here it was an alternative, protesting, revolutionary city, the first people to rebel against the king's authority were the Parisians (the taking of the bastille in 1789)

The cost of living was affordable and the social mix was at its height

Today what I see is a city too commercial where the appearance and superficiality took over the creative genius that was Paris in the 60/70 years for example

The new generations are completely americanized nobody knows Balzac or Rimbaud, they identify with Young Thug and Drake, wears Brooklyn T-Shirt and make of the 10th arrondissement of Paris a kind of Williamsburg bis that sounds so wack

1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.

Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Can relate to it a bit. Met three french guys in Szimpla Kert in Budapest. Utter nonsensical snobbish people I came across in my whole trip there.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Quote: (07-08-2017 10:16 AM)MrRoundtree Wrote:  

This is not my experience at all in France and I would say it simply has more to do with your work environment than the actual french mentality?

The debate is interesting could you depict the portrait of Paris from your point of view

If I am not mistaken you have to leave France for Canada right ? (I have read a lot of your posts very relevant besides) [Image: wink.gif]

1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.

Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Quote: (07-08-2017 02:16 PM)Xen Wrote:  

Can relate to it a bit. Met three french guys in Szimpla Kert in Budapest. Utter nonsensical snobbish people I came across in my whole trip there.

Of course i traveled all over the world and when i start to speak about french people it's all the time the same critics to get back on my ears (arrogance, grumpy, snobbish, selfish).

1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.

Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

As a Parisian, I confirm. As a rule of thumb, especially if you're not french yourself, expect from a french guy cockblock & envy. For a french girl, expect bitchiness.
Regarding the group mixing/socializing, don't be too harsh. French are usually more closed in their group, but if you power through, you will probably see them another time one way or another. In the anglo-saxon world, you can talk to strangers easily but even after an hour of good conversation, they can leave like nothing happened. So for this aspect the anglo are more superficial. Anyway, both are cultural differences and both have merits, act accordingly.

Make men great again!

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

I think thar compared with for example the Spanish, the French are less friendly. BUT, there are also many nice French people, I would say that the nicest tier of French people are nicer than the nicest tier of Spanish people.

That said, Spanish nightlife is much more open to foreigners than French nightlife.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Paris in august is a paradise, most of the parisian assholes are gone on vacation so the city has a better atmosphere, more relaxed and friendly. Less car traffic and girls are more Dtf.

I enjoy cycling in the center, chatting one of the girls who make eye contact... people flirt way more than in anglosaxon countries, I have seen waiters in cafés serving ice cream to their clients and telling them that they have beautiful eyes...that kind of things...the girls enjoy it, that gives you an idea of the vibe.

Romance is still important there and women expect the man to take the lead. There are entitled bitches and few raging feminists but that is nothing compared to anglo-saxon countries. In Paris I enjoy street game, it's fun and I know at some point I'll come across some girl who has good flirting skills and we'll have a good interaction, a bit playful and cheeky.

Now regarding the things being said about parisians, let's be honest these types of guys are all over France, mediocre people who prejudice a lot, only speak french, feel superior, are extremely jealous and selfish, yup I came across that kind of assholes all over France.

I just dont waste my time with them anymore, back then, in my 20's it used to drive me crazy, was even depressed because of that, when I lived in the north of France I Have been fighting a few times and ended up at the police office...Now I'm older, am earning money, travelled a lot and can pick up beauties, All these jealous motherfuckers can suck my dick! I might now sound arrogant but I think I am the ideal modern french, born in Paris with foreign background, Polyglott, university educated, well travelled and open minded... people like me end up leaving France sooner or later, then french people end up stucked with the ghetto rats and all these "racailles"...well they deserve it, if they treated educated "minorities" better they wouldnt be in this situation.

Allright that was a bit off topic, regarding picking up girls I would say that the east of Paris is more laid back and open minded, I usually daygame there, around Bastille, Oberkampf, even more central like hotel de ville...plenty of tourists there as well. I am sure some parts in the west have good spots as well but I never bothered to try there, plenty of fish in the east...

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

[Image: 1499557421016.gif]

OP the haters Lounge is this way

[Image: 1498683894592.jpg]

If even blacks & asians do better than you no wonder why you mad...

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Some guys here don't have the culture or the aistehetics to understand that we should be proud and grateful of having Perception Theory on board.

PT, keep adding value to this forum with your amazing writing and deep observations on human behavior and ignore the haters.

French arrogance is one of the black holes of Humanity and requires thoughtful examination..

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Quote: (07-09-2017 04:27 PM)apolis Wrote:  

Some guys here don't have the culture or the aistehetics to understand that we should be proud and grateful of having Perception Theory on board.

PT, keep adding value to this forum with your amazing writing and deep observations on human behavior and ignore the haters.

French arrogance is one of the black holes of Humanity and requires thoughtful examination..

Thank you again Apolis this compliment goes straight to my heart !

1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.

Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Quote: (07-08-2017 02:13 PM)perception_theory Wrote:  

The Paris of today has nothing to do with the Paris of yesterday described in the books of the Beat Generation or in the jazz pieces of Miles Davis, Coltrane, Monk, and others

It was an alternative city, there were literary circles, bars with incredible musicians, artists from all over the world were there to meet up, Paris was a monster of creativity, all the American artists adored Paris, this allowed them To flee from an over-puritan America, here it was an alternative, protesting, revolutionary city, the first people to rebel against the king's authority were the Parisians (the taking of the bastille in 1789)

The cost of living was affordable and the social mix was at its height

Today what I see is a city too commercial where the appearance and superficiality took over the creative genius that was Paris in the 60/70 years for example

The new generations are completely americanized nobody knows Balzac or Rimbaud, they identify with Young Thug and Drake, wears Brooklyn T-Shirt and make of the 10th arrondissement of Paris a kind of Williamsburg bis that sounds so wack

That part reminded me of Brel's lyrics from 'Fernard.'

Dire qu'on traverse Paris
Dans le tout petit matin
Dire qu'on traverse Paris
Et qu'on dirait Berlin

To think that we walk through Paris
In the bleak early hours
To think that we walk through Paris
And it looks like Berlin.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

I could not summarize this better myself, I'm American but was in the French Foreign Legion from age 19 - 24 based in Corsica. I joined in Paris after living there a year illegally working and shacked up with a French girl I had fallen in love with thus overstaying a vacation. After I got busted to told to leave the country enter the Legion to save my waning beta relationship which thankfully the Legion took care of via deploying my ass to the Middle East after training.

Although I was pretty naive back then and not really much of a gamer (mostly because I was deployed) I did build a network of "friends" outside the Legion and even after I finally got my French down and my citizenship via (spilled blood) which supposedly is considered an honor. I still never sensed any acceptance from the civilians anywhere in France and was still considered an outsider or at least felt that way.

I was never sure if that was because of the reputation of the Legion or me being American. But OP pretty much nailed it for all of France. Only French friends I still talk to are my former officers. I never felt like I made any deep connection with anyone one outside the Legion.

I keep my citizenship in France (dual American) for logistical reasons and maybe some potential future opportunities but I personally would never recommend friends to travel there for girls, socializing or business. And I personally have very little interest outside of catching up with some former Legion brothers to spend any amount of time there for any other reason.

Stay away from France in general, not worth it.

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Quote: (07-09-2017 11:54 PM)FFL Wrote:  

I could not summarize this better myself, I'm American but was in the French Foreign Legion from age 19 - 24 based in Corsica. I joined in Paris after living there a year illegally working and shacked up with a French girl I had fallen in love with thus overstaying a vacation. After I got busted to told to leave the country enter the Legion to save my waning beta relationship which thankfully the Legion took care of via deploying my ass to the Middle East after training.

Although I was pretty naive back then and not really much of a gamer (mostly because I was deployed) I did build a network of "friends" outside the Legion and even after I finally got my French down and my citizenship via (spilled blood) which supposedly is considered an honor. I still never sensed any acceptance from the civilians anywhere in France and was still considered an outsider or at least felt that way.

I was never sure if that was because of the reputation of the Legion or me being American. But OP pretty much nailed it for all of France. Only French friends I still talk to are my former officers. I never felt like I made any deep connection with anyone one outside the Legion.

I keep my citizenship in France (dual American) for logistical reasons and maybe some potential future opportunities but I personally would never recommend friends to travel there for girls, socializing or business. And I personally have very little interest outside of catching up with some former Legion brothers to spend any amount of time there for any other reason.

Stay away from France in general, not worth it.

Thats just sooo wrong. I mean I would consider it an honour if you gained citizenship through spilled blood. But I really don't understand where from thou angst rises from for these parisian snob elitists.

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