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North Carolina

North Carolina

LOL, more banned posters in the earlier sections of this thread than dead bodies on Mount Everest.

North Carolina

Quote: (06-26-2018 09:16 AM)jamaicabound Wrote:  

What can you tell me about Wilmington? I was talking to a customer of mine the other day and he said Wilmington is hot for real estate right now. A girlfriend of my girlfriend is also thinking about moving there after visiting. What kind of town is it? What's it like?

Others may be able to tell you more updated material since it has been 20 years since I was there, but Wilmington is more or less a beach town with a college in it. The kids that go to UNCW were not the sharpest knives in the drawer, but they were not the protester types either. Obviously that may have changed over the years. Summer months may have girls from UNC or NC State working at the restaurants as well, so school being out does not depress the town. AFAIK the port is not that large, nor is there much in the form of industry in the town, so it is not exactly as large of a town as Charleston or Savannah. In general, I would characterize it is a nice place to visit if you are into the beach scene.

Living there would require more research for you. Definitely look for high ground if you want to buy in town. It does get hit by hurricanes every once in a while. I think that we had about 3 hurricanes that hit the coast when I was in Raleigh. It amounted for me to be basically a heavy, windy rain storm. The coastline was torn to shit, or flooded.

"Stop playing by 1950's rules when everyone else is playing by 1984."
- Leonard D Neubache

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