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The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Just watched the 4th episode.

Spoiler if you care.

I don't know about the book, but the history is presented in 4 timelines so far:

-Before the government took over
-When she is in the orientation center called the Redd Center
-When she first is at the commander's house
-About a year later when Janine who also arrived at the Red Center at the same time as Offred is heavily pregnant and give birth.

Because is not a lineal narrative you have to figure out things by watching each episode.

Anyway, the history continue after Offred is mistakenly believe to be pregnant and the commander's wife punish her by not allowing her to leave her room.

The some time before that Offred and Moira her lesbian friend assault one of the Aunts (females in charge of management of the Red Center) and escape to some part of the city and try to get on a train to Boston but Offred is captured and Moira is able to escape. Offre is taken back to the Red Center and is punished with some slashes on the bottom of her feet to the point she cannot walk.

Back to the time when she is at the commander's house locked in her room, Offred is believed to be sick, she is taken to a hospital and the doctor tells her she is fine and the Commander is most likely sterile which is not supposed to happens since only women are sterile.

When she is back home is ceremony night, the night she and the commander have sex, the commander tells Offred he wants to play a board game again, the moment the sex is about to happens the commander cannot get hard, leave the room, the wife tried to help but he reject her, Offred is sent to her room again, Offred narrate that the commander needs to connect in order to have sex, and how playing board games is a way to know each he is using.

When they play the game the commander mention a previews Handmaid that committed suicide and how he does not want Offred to do the same, he end up terminating her punishment and Offred is left to go outside the room again.


I don't know if the purpose of the history is to show the men as villain, because the more sympathetic characters are the men, in fact, the 4th episode is about the commander cannot just fuck Offred, that he needs to know Offred better, I was spectating the show to display the man in more negative way.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

From what I recall this is sticking pretty close to book so far. I have to give you props for watching it. The commander seemed sympathetic in the book too. I believe Margaret Atwood intended for this to be a love letter to intersectional feminism, you know that line you here internet feminists say that patriarchy hurts men too. I think that's the point she's trying to get across.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

From what I have gather around, the main differences is that in the book the black population is segregate and sent to some island, in the book Moira is white but in the Hulu show Moira is black, the producers said they wanted to be more inclusive and that reproduction will be more important so the government will use as many women and men as possible.

The other main difference is the age of the Commander and his wife is reduced a lot, in the book they are supposed to be mid to late 50s, which make more sense for reproductive reason, in the show the commander and his wife are mid 30s to late 40s.

The 90s movie is closer to the book with the age of the Commander and his wife.

The age gap between Offred and the commander is more the noticeable.

[Image: 220661_full.jpg]

Margaret Atwood was heavily involved in the show and had a cameo in one of the episodes as one of the aunts.

[Image: ae54599fdef3fab6_HMT_101_GK_0916_0169rt_f_1_.jpg]

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

[Image: Atwood_Moss-1024x576.jpg]

What a fitting role they gave her, because she is nothing but a radical feminist with moronic ideas about Christianity and White Western civilization.

Atwood should have looked to Muslim countries which are even more restrictive and freedom stifling than even her dystopian novels about a moronic radical Christian dictatorship:

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

But of course that would run counter to the white capitalist patriarchy that Western feminists are so fond of.

By the way bitches - the big capitalists are financing your little anti-family anti-Western civlization ideology from the beginning. They allow you to run wild, they push your crappy books like this fan-fiction-novel. Without them you would be side-note of history like the MRAs are who actually have more legitimate and logical concerns than you do.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-13-2017 10:43 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

[Image: Atwood_Moss-1024x576.jpg]

What a fitting role they gave her, because she is nothing but a radical feminist with moronic ideas about Christianity and White Western civilization.

Atwood should have looked to Muslim countries which are even more restrictive and freedom stifling than even her dystopian novels about a moronic radical Christian dictatorship:

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

But of course that would run counter to the white capitalist patriarchy that Western feminists are so fond of.

By the way bitches - the big capitalists are financing your little anti-family anti-Western civlization ideology from the beginning. They allow you to run wild, they push your crappy books like this fan-fiction-novel. Without them you would be side-note of history like the MRAs are who actually have more legitimate and logical concerns than you do.

And at the end of the day this totalitarian government is at least trying to solve the the fertility issue is some way or another, Atwood does not realize this but Christianity is much much better than they only way for her to created some sort of boogy man was to introduce some problem, ie the fertility issue of women, is not that this Christian group just decided to take control.

What truck me the most is one of the main reasons mentioned for the fertility problem was sexual transmitted disease, meaning hookup culture and rampant unprotected sex.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-04-2017 03:53 AM)I DIDNT KILL MY WIFE Wrote:  

I remember reading this book in high school and the whole class thinking what a pile of complete bullshit it is. Of all the dystopian novels like 1984 or Brave New World which actually have some believable parallels to the real world, this one had the most ridiculous premise: women are life, women are the most important sacred thing left on this earth and yet this beautiful perfect creature is kept in breeding captivity by oppressive fundamentalist Christians. It has just the right mixture of pathological fear of Christians and fear of their predetermined biological function of being mothers to make all leftists swoon.

Which is ironic when in the show and the book pregnant women are treated the best. And if we really had a fertility problem like in the book women would be dreaming to be the special ones that get to give birth.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

I think I've had a complete 180 on this show thanks to the Regressive Left's love affair with it. They all say it's poignant allegory and is coming true. They are right but as usual, for 100% the wrong reasons. I love it.

The reaction to this show is an invaluable insight into the radical leftist's mind. They are smart enough to see the pattern and all the warning signs, but they are psychologically incapable of seeing the true causal factors. Textbooks should be written about this kind of projection.

The notion that "radical Christianity" is going to seize power in the United States would probably be hilarious even if modern Christianity hadn't devolved into the gynocentric, pacifistic and emasculated state it currently has. However the show is excellent allegory for where the US (and the West) is headed under Islamo-fascism and totalitarian progressivism.

Is it the far right or the far left that are trying to seize control of everyone's healthcare, ban certain English phrases and all dissent to their "word"? Is it "radical Christianity" or radical Islam that would happily force women into very narrow gender roles and an enforced dress code? Is it the far left or the far right that wants men executed for even the mere accusation of rape?

Yet the leftist mind can only blame the usual suspects for the increasingly dystopian/crumbling society we live in, which causes them to always make white, heterosexual, Christian, conservative men the bad guys. Their love for this show and steadfast refusal to acknowledge who the real bad guys are in the real world is such a tremendous example of pure cognitive dissonance.

I know it would cause Atwood herself psychological damage to even consider the foregoing, so I love it all the more. Beautiful.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

The word you were looking for is projection. The far left is incapable of understanding its own dysfunction when looking into a mirror.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-15-2017 12:24 PM)DannyAlberta Wrote:  

I think I've had a complete 180 on this show thanks to the Regressive Left's love affair with it. They all say it's poignant allegory and is coming true. They are right but as usual, for 100% the wrong reasons. I love it.

The reaction to this show is an invaluable insight into the radical leftist's mind. They are smart enough to see the pattern and all the warning signs, but they are psychologically incapable of seeing the true causal factors. Textbooks should be written about this kind of projection.

The notion that "radical Christianity" is going to seize power in the United States would probably be hilarious even if modern Christianity hadn't devolved into the gynocentric, pacifistic and emasculated state it currently has. However the show is excellent allegory for where the US (and the West) is headed under Islamo-fascism and totalitarian progressivism.

Is it the far right or the far left that are trying to seize control of everyone's healthcare, ban certain English phrases and all dissent to their "word"? Is it "radical Christianity" or radical Islam that would happily force women into very narrow gender roles and an enforced dress code? Is it the far left or the far right that wants men executed for even the mere accusation of rape?

Yet the leftist mind can only blame the usual suspects for the increasingly dystopian/crumbling society we live in, which causes them to always make white, heterosexual, Christian, conservative men the bad guys. Their love for this show and steadfast refusal to acknowledge who the real bad guys are in the real world is such a tremendous example of pure cognitive dissonance.

I know it would cause Atwood herself psychological damage to even consider the foregoing, so I love it all the more. Beautiful.

Hulu is owned by the same TV networks that produce the same JSW we see all over TV, if you look at articles from the 80s you will find the same leftists journalists saying how relevant the book was, you know, when Reagan was president this book was assumed relevant, now Trump is president and is the same, in 40 years in the future they will adapt this again when there is another republican president and claim how relevant again.

TV is watched mostly by women, and women love drama and feeling outrage, I have watched some women's reaction YT videos to some episodes, and you can see how they react to particular scenes, is a good experiment for any forum member to see how the female mind.

When the environment gets comfortable in the Western wold, Western women needs to invent fake reality where they are oppressed.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Watched the 5th episode.


Offred and the commander are now having regulars scrambles game sessions every night, which is illegal, the Handmaids and the commanders are not suppose to be alone in the same room, he allows Offred to drink and give her a fashion magazine to read, all that was assumed to be burned.

Next while helping the mistress with the garden the mistress asks Offred if she has any sing of pregnancy, when Offred respond "no", the mistress presumes the commander might be sterile, and suggest they to try somebody else, someone they trust, Nick, the driver low status working for the family, Offred accept and Nick already said yes.

While in the supermarket Offred encounters her former shopping partner, the lesbian Ofglen that was taken and had some vaginal surgery done to her now renamed Ofsteven, while having the conversation Offred tries to talk about the eye on her house (the eye is someone in the house spying on the rest of people in the house but nobody knows who really the person is) Ofsteven is now very reluctant to talk about anything related to resistance, the new Ofglen comes and takes Offred away from Ofteven, while walking back to the house the new Ofglen scolds Offred, telling her not to do mess up the situation for her, to what Offred asks if the current situation is not mess up already, Ofglen starts asking Offred what she did and was before, telling stuff like having a Northstrom car, going to Yoga and spinning classes, the new Ofglen says she used to have sex with people just to buy drugs and food.

Actual quote:
New Ofglen : “I used to get fucked behind a dumpster just so could buy a six of Oxy and a Happy Meal. I’m clean now. I got a safe space to sleep every night and people who are nice to me.”

There are some flashbacks to Offred meeting her husband who was married to another woman at the time, he divorces her and marry Offred back then called June.

Back to current time, Nick and Offred have sex while the mistress is in the room,that same night is the ceremony when Offred and the commander have sex. Is assumed that the commander "rape" Offred because he keeps fucking her even after he ejaculated, something that is forbidden.

Next day on the street market Ofsteven steals a car and run over one of the security guards killing him, she is stopped and taken away, that night Offred get out of her and have a conversation with Nick, he then reveals he is an eye.


That is a good summary so far, from what I found online is in the book the mistress and the commander are described way older, like having arthritis, grey hair and the mistress using a cane to walk.

And in the book Offred's real name is never revealed. In the show they gave her the name June.

What I found more fascinating about this episode is what the new Ofglen said and feel about the whole situation, because everything so far has been shown from Offred' point of view, we are supposed to feel like this whole new government is bad, but here we are shown someone whose live have been improved because of it, one thing is having patriarchy government society, but one different is having a patriarchy government with part of the female population supporting it, and here new Ofglen wants the current situation to stay the way they are, is kind of fun watching new Ofglen mention Offred stuff Offred used to do like yoga and spinning class, is like mentioning your typical upper class privilege Western woman.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

This series gets even more stupid by the day - SPOILERS

They are bringing global warming to the mix and making it now both a case for carbon footprint reduction as well as organic farming - both are opposing talking points of the globalists by the way. I guess the fake global warming is now causing infertility is it? Also organic farming is a good thing, but they somehow want to let the fascist Christians do it, so I guess it is bad?

I am still amazed of how much those feminist psycho-bitches copied from Saudi Arabia/Taliban/ISIS and then went up a bit revving the crazy.

Now it appears that children have become so rare that bloody Mexico has entire major towns and no children being born for 6 years.

So naturally what would society do with the few fertile women they have? Pair them with mostly infertile men and pluck out their eyes, logical hm?


This is so much bullshit.

Society within very short time would look like this:
[Image: children-of-men-immigranten.jpg]

And believe you me - if few women were fertile then they would be treated like pampered princesses, get a 10 mio. $ / year stipend, get massages daily and have the best of the best of life. Only the most wealthiest or craziest women would refuse such a job.

The reality is that any such woman could command an army of men to fight and die for them, because they would be so precious.

The author utterly and ridiculously misses the human ideological perceptions. Young women are given an already high status in society, if let us say - only 1 in 100.000 women would be a successfully child-bearing one, then that woman would be treated like a queen and not be beaten, get her arm cut off for reading, get her eye plucked for shit-tests.

They have now even added the point of women being forbidden to read, to write and to intellectually contribute at all.

Either way - this is utter intellectual bullshit - this is less realistic than MARS ATTACKS or TRANSFORMERS.

[Image: 29237832e4e514b2b57fa030222fe32d.jpg]

Feminists have no idea how much society would cater to such women. They would get paid 30 mio. $ for each baby and could wish for the world - even if men would theoretically decide who gets them pregnant.

Besides - the entire idea that this neo-never-seen-fascist Christian society would be the only one successfully popping babies is ridiculous.

It is tantamount to the bullshit feminists getting nervous as they watch movie RED PILL and are surrounded by MRAs - those psycho-bitches are honestly fearing for their lives. The big evil patriarchy is going to come down on you any minute now and cut off your hand for reading a book.

[Image: b38781085060a10fcea16b31de145f9c.jpg]

Ah - on another note. The US in reality could produce pretty much anything due to the size and geography. But of course if they reduce the fake "carbon footprint" by 78% within 3 years as in the show then there is not much producing left, is there?

I think the show deserves a price if it had been concocted by patients in a lunatic asylum. It will be funny to watch decades in the future when feminism had fallen and generations watch this stupid show just as they watch Stalinist propaganda.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

I haven't read the book or watched the show, but I do wanna say something about ATwood. Honestly, by all accounts and interviews, she seems like an alright older woman. Definitely not traditional but she doesn't strike me as particularly anti-male. She seems more interested in writing and speculating on the future. I'm a big fan of The "After the Flood" Trilogy that she wrote. It's rock solid writing.

Maybe not for everyone, but it's probably my favorite Post-apocalyptic series. I'd say that even if you hate this show and book, that giving that trilogy a try is a worthy investment.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-18-2017 07:21 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

This series gets even more stupid by the day - SPOILERS

They are bringing global warming to the mix and making it now both a case for carbon footprint reduction as well as organic farming - both are opposing talking points of the globalists by the way. I guess the fake global warming is now causing infertility is it? Also organic farming is a good thing, but they somehow want to let the fascist Christians do it, so I guess it is bad?

I am still amazed of how much those feminist psycho-bitches copied from Saudi Arabia/Taliban/ISIS and then went up a bit revving the crazy.

Now it appears that children have become so rare that bloody Mexico has entire major towns and no children being born for 6 years.

So naturally what would society do with the few fertile women they have? Pair them with mostly infertile men and pluck out their eyes, logical hm?


This is so much bullshit.

Society within very short time would look like this:
[Image: children-of-men-immigranten.jpg]

And believe you me - if few women were fertile then they would be treated like pampered princesses, get a 10 mio. $ / year stipend, get massages daily and have the best of the best of life. Only the most wealthiest or craziest women would refuse such a job.

The reality is that any such woman could command an army of men to fight and die for them, because they would be so precious.

The author utterly and ridiculously misses the human ideological perceptions. Young women are given an already high status in society, if let us say - only 1 in 100.000 women would be a successfully child-bearing one, then that woman would be treated like a queen and not be beaten, get her arm cut off for reading, get her eye plucked for shit-tests.

They have now even added the point of women being forbidden to read, to write and to intellectually contribute at all.

Either way - this is utter intellectual bullshit - this is less realistic than MARS ATTACKS or TRANSFORMERS.

[Image: 29237832e4e514b2b57fa030222fe32d.jpg]

Feminists have no idea how much society would cater to such women. They would get paid 30 mio. $ for each baby and could wish for the world - even if men would theoretically decide who gets them pregnant.

Besides - the entire idea that this neo-never-seen-fascist Christian society would be the only one successfully popping babies is ridiculous.

It is tantamount to the bullshit feminists getting nervous as they watch movie RED PILL and are surrounded by MRAs - those psycho-bitches are honestly fearing for their lives. The big evil patriarchy is going to come down on you any minute now and cut off your hand for reading a book.

[Image: b38781085060a10fcea16b31de145f9c.jpg]

Ah - on another note. The US in reality could produce pretty much anything due to the size and geography. But of course if they reduce the fake "carbon footprint" by 78% within 3 years as in the show then there is not much producing left, is there?

I think the show deserves a price if it had been concocted by patients in a lunatic asylum. It will be funny to watch decades in the future when feminism had fallen and generations watch this stupid show just as they watch Stalinist propaganda.

This is the problem with this narrative on the book, women love being special and better than other women, if a woman finds out she is one of the few women in the planet that can give birth she will do anything to get pregnant and there would be huge incentive for her to do so.

Like I said a few pages ago, in the 90s TV show there is a mass fertility problem few men still alive are kept in military bases like mansions where the only thing they have to do impregnate as many women as possible, they are treated like royalty.

From a biological point, we are prone to always protect and preserve female live since eggs are more valuable than sperm, the idea humanity will soon treat females almost like slave is pathetic.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-18-2017 07:21 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Now it appears that children have become so rare that bloody Mexico has entire major towns and no children being born for 6 years.

This is something people have been wondering for some time, if it was only the USA or the entire world with fertility issue, how are others countries dealing with the issue? how is Canada, portrayed as a heaven in the book and show, dealing with the issue?

So far USA under this Christian sect still reproducing, sure, they have strange method, but at least they manage to reproduce.

Interesting is, Mexico like many others Latin America countries are heavily Catholics, how the Catholic church, which is pro life and anti contraception, not taken this opportunity to take expand its power?

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-19-2017 04:11 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Quote: (05-18-2017 07:21 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Now it appears that children have become so rare that bloody Mexico has entire major towns and no children being born for 6 years.

This is something people have been wondering for some time, if it was only the USA or the entire world with fertility issue, how are others countries dealing with the issue? how is Canada, portrayed as a heaven in the book and show, dealing with the issue?

So far USA under this Christian sect still reproducing, sure, they have strange method, but at least they manage to reproduce.

Interesting is, Mexico like many others Latin America countries are heavily Catholics, how the Catholic church, which is pro life and anti contraception, not taken this opportunity to take expand its power?

In the book I don't recall hearing much about Canada or Mexico, other than Offred and her husband tried to flee to Canada. I do recall a part of the book where Offred comes across Japanese tourists. I don't think the scene served any real purpose. Overall I don't think Atwood gave any real thought to world building. Obviously Canada and MExico would be affected by some of the same problems.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-19-2017 09:52 PM)metalfan20 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2017 04:11 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Quote: (05-18-2017 07:21 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Now it appears that children have become so rare that bloody Mexico has entire major towns and no children being born for 6 years.

This is something people have been wondering for some time, if it was only the USA or the entire world with fertility issue, how are others countries dealing with the issue? how is Canada, portrayed as a heaven in the book and show, dealing with the issue?

So far USA under this Christian sect still reproducing, sure, they have strange method, but at least they manage to reproduce.

Interesting is, Mexico like many others Latin America countries are heavily Catholics, how the Catholic church, which is pro life and anti contraception, not taken this opportunity to take expand its power?

In the book I don't recall hearing much about Canada or Mexico, other than Offred and her husband tried to flee to Canada. I do recall a part of the book where Offred comes across Japanese tourists. I don't think the scene served any real purpose. Overall I don't think Atwood gave any real thought to world building. Obviously Canada and MExico would be affected by some of the same problems.

That's because the book was written to make a point. Also because it was written by a woman, i.e. the sex that has no regard to actual consequences either in fiction or real life.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

So the womens names are "Of Fred", "Of Steven" and "Of Glen"?

Their fathers?

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-20-2017 07:24 AM)Malone Wrote:  

So the womens names are "Of Fred", "Of Steven" and "Of Glen"?

Their fathers?

No, their husbands/owners if I understand it right.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-20-2017 07:52 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2017 07:24 AM)Malone Wrote:  

So the womens names are "Of Fred", "Of Steven" and "Of Glen"?

Their fathers?

No, their husbands/owners if I understand it right.

This is as stupid as the entire dumb feminist crap - Ofotto, Ofdick, Ofadolf, Ofdarryl, Ofamadeus, Ofmordechai, Ofdon....

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-20-2017 08:15 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2017 07:52 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2017 07:24 AM)Malone Wrote:  

So the womens names are "Of Fred", "Of Steven" and "Of Glen"?

Their fathers?

No, their husbands/owners if I understand it right.

This is as stupid as the entire dumb feminist crap - Ofotto, Ofdick, Ofadolf, Ofdarryl, Ofamadeus, Ofmordechai, Ofdon....

Even smart women prove the general childishness of woman. "Oh, so deep, that's, like, taking your husband's last name. I never thought of that before! Whoa."

Not once does she bother to ask why the husband's name is taken; what purpose it serves in society. No more than she asks why Canada and Mexico are free of the infertility curse, or what the Catholic Church would do in a crisis like this (aren't, like, all Christians evil though?)

She needs a good hard spanking. Unfortunately her husband is the epitome of low-t, nice guy, pasty-faced, creepy-uncle sweater, long distance running, soy socialist, Canadian cuck. An older version of Trudeau, basically.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-20-2017 08:26 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2017 08:15 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2017 07:52 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2017 07:24 AM)Malone Wrote:  

So the womens names are "Of Fred", "Of Steven" and "Of Glen"?

Their fathers?

No, their husbands/owners if I understand it right.

This is as stupid as the entire dumb feminist crap - Ofotto, Ofdick, Ofadolf, Ofdarryl, Ofamadeus, Ofmordechai, Ofdon....

Even smart women prove the general childishness of woman. "Oh, so deep, that's, like, taking your husband's last name. I never thought of that before! Whoa."

Not once does she bother to ask why the husband's name is taken; what purpose it serves in society.

Because only males could inherit and get on the throne, and women carrying their fathers and then husband last name was a form of protection, married women were given more protection than single one.


No more than she asks why Canada and Mexico are free of the infertility curse, or what the Catholic Church would do in a crisis like this (aren't, like, all Christians evil though?)


In the last episode, 6, they show flashbacks to the commander and his wife, showing how they were involved with this cult from the start, and the idea for the new government was completely different from what end up becoming. The wife Serena Joy, was your typical writer "have it all" careerist woman, and the flashbacks show how Serena Joy was slowly kicked to the side of leadership position within this cult. To then accept her role as a barren woman, That is how the episode is called "A Woman's Place".

Back to the present, the Mexican delegation is visiting the new country to talk about trade of food, after they visit the Waterford where Offred is staying there is a party where all the Handmaids and marriages of the area are shown and then the children product of the Handmaids are presented, right there another Handmaid reveals to Offred that the Mexican delegation is not there to trade food for food but to trade food for Handmaids, since as the Mexican woman says later, there are towns in Mexico where not children has been born in 6 years.

So, either is the author stupid or something else, because by doing this she shows that this cult method works, they are reproducing and the environment is cleaner.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-20-2017 11:23 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

So, either is the author stupid or something else, because by doing this she shows that this cult method works, they are reproducing and the environment is cleaner.

I've often found this with Left-wing writers; they wind up proving the other side with their stories, but we're not supposed to notice because right wingers are mean and the scrappy rebels on the left are nice.

For example, Torchwood Season 4: the plot of the season is that people can no longer die. They can suffer traumatic injury - they can even be blown up and turned into black ash - but they just won't die. (Cool premise, right? The writers cock it up half-way through, so don't even bother. Watch the first two episodes at most, after that it's garbage).

Here's the unfortunate implications part. The "people who cannot die" include aborted fetuses - hmmm, I guess life does begin at conception. As the series progresses, one of the great villains that arises? Socialized medicine.

And just to add laughter to insult, the 'rag tag rebels' of the series are utterly incompetent, and for the most part wind up making the situation worse.

It's pathetic, watching these leftist writers try and string together a plot. On the one hand, they need to be the virtuous rebels, fighting against fascist tyranny. On the other, they constantly beg and demand for fascist tyranny to protect everyone's feefees. Like in the Handmaid's Tale: they tacitly prove the system correct (or at least, better than extinction, which is the alternative), but because hard work and discipline will upset some people's feefees, we're supposed to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

This is why people call it a mental illness.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

< The documentary film-maker Cassie Jaye (movie The Red Pill) mentioned recently that she was contacted by a few writers and journalists at mainstream studios and newspapers. They thoroughly agreed with her on many topics about feminism, propaganda and censorship. Many good writers know that movies and TV series are now destroyed by trying to make propaganda plot-lines of feminism and SJW memes. They bend even history - Vikings (women fighting on equal footing), Harlots (18th century an incredible amount of blacks existing in the UK and they were slaves there! Any black slave who made it on British islands territory was instantly freed, but history be damned).

Cassie also mentioned something interesting - studios now have diversity and gender consultant officers. Guess what these assholes have studied? Those feminism and gender studies graduates and de-facto propaganda workers are now hired by studios and even computer game creators to butt into plot lines and press their bullshit. Many writers certainly would prefer to write better stories, but are forced by ideological marxists to change stories so far so that they are shit.

And that is what Cassie heard from workers - they write the plot lines and the articles for the mainstream, but they hate it. At least Hollywood writers get paid well, so they are not going to risk their jobs for integrity. They just start hating their job more.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Quote: (05-21-2017 10:06 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2017 11:23 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

So, either is the author stupid or something else, because by doing this she shows that this cult method works, they are reproducing and the environment is cleaner.

I've often found this with Left-wing writers; they wind up proving the other side with their stories, but we're not supposed to notice because right wingers are mean and the scrappy rebels on the left are nice.

For example, Torchwood Season 4: the plot of the season is that people can no longer die. They can suffer traumatic injury - they can even be blown up and turned into black ash - but they just won't die. (Cool premise, right? The writers cock it up half-way through, so don't even bother. Watch the first two episodes at most, after that it's garbage).

Here's the unfortunate implications part. The "people who cannot die" include aborted fetuses - hmmm, I guess life does begin at conception. As the series progresses, one of the great villains that arises? Socialized medicine.

And just to add laughter to insult, the 'rag tag rebels' of the series are utterly incompetent, and for the most part wind up making the situation worse.

It's pathetic, watching these leftist writers try and string together a plot. On the one hand, they need to be the virtuous rebels, fighting against fascist tyranny. On the other, they constantly beg and demand for fascist tyranny to protect everyone's feefees. Like in the Handmaid's Tale: they tacitly prove the system correct (or at least, better than extinction, which is the alternative), but because hard work and discipline will upset some people's feefees, we're supposed to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

This is why people call it a mental illness.

The problem for Left-wing writers is that they believe the true and reality is 100% left wing, that they are the absolute judges of reality.

These Left-wing writers assume people are so indoctrinated people won't see through their propaganda, you are right, we are not supposed to notice, I think the Blue Pill vs Red Pill analogy plays very well here, for example, in The Walking Dead and every zombie and post-apocalyptic show and movie the heroes depend and use guns to survive, while Hollywood and celebrities tell the masses guns are bad, the heroes always save the day with guns.

In The Lego Movie, the villain is president business that want to control and dictated everything and everybody, in Winter Soldier is similar, a big government body with absolute power over people's lives, and the heroes have to stop them, in both cases big government is the enemy.

In The Handmaid's Tale we are not supposed to notice that the system implemented by this Christian sect is not only working but it seems is the only system that is working around the world. Given that Mexico politicians had to come to USA/Gilea to get some Handmaids of their own, and by the look of it, Mexico is about to implement the same system.

And as you mention, is ether this or extinction of the human race, is a small price to pay.

The Handmaid's Tale - More SJW Propaganda

Watched the first episode. I have never read the novel but 5 minutes into the show and you can tell the author is a woman. What a load of cultural marxist shite. All the sjw ingredients are there, interracial couples, lesbians, rape and the pseudo-nazi evil society. Gimme a break, my kids could see thru this bullshit ! It's also shot in Ontario, a leftist laboratory. No surprise there. Oh and Offred is far from hot, why the hell did they cast this chick.

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