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Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

PowerGame, is the Coconut Oil Vitamin d3 that you are taking the one from the Sports Research brand? I ask since that's the only one I've found. I don't plan on going as high as you with the dosages, but I might try out that brand actually instead of the Source Naturals.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Post #10 in this thread from TLoZ is correct from my experience. Even though I was getting plenty of natural sunlight, a sort of imbalance happened a couple years back. My energy levels were very low and I knew something was wrong. My VitD level was around 14. From my research at the time, single digit levels result in crazy psychological effects that make you want to just stay in bed and not care if you get fired for not coming in to work. It was very concerning at the time.

My GP put me on 50,000 IU gelcaps taken once a week with food. After the initial two refills, I switched to OTC 5000IU and take 10kIU about 4 days a week. My levels are now in the normal range on the low end.

The powder caplets are less expensive for me compared to the prescribed, but they don't seem to absorb as efficiently as the gel kind. That being said, they are actually my preference due to the side effects of the 50kIU gelcap. I don't have any links for the chemistry aspect but the 50kIU tablets made my face oily and break out (which has never been a problem). Once I am done with the ones I have I plan on trying the one recommended in this thread.

It was worth it to initially use the prescription, though. Healthy VitD levels have many health benefits, including "improved emissions" (for lack of a better term), in addition to an increase in energy levels.

A couple links I used to get more info:

Hopefully your health improves steadily over the next few months with whatever path you take. Please keep us updated.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Quote: (02-20-2016 04:44 PM)eatthishomie Wrote:  

Multis are essential when you're on an unbalanced diet like keto or RFL though.

That's probably true. Though, i'm the type of individual that would recommend more physical activity instead of a crazy crash diet.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

I read somewhere that consuming a diet with high amounts of grains, nuts and some seeds can lead to vitamin D and calcium deficiencies.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

You need vitamin K to make D work for you. Try taking both together, or by a vitamin that combines both. I think mine costs 20 bucks for 6o pills.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Quote: (02-21-2016 09:56 AM)Titan Wrote:  

Did you do the blood test on your own or through a doctor? I just went through this, doctor put me on 50,000 IU/week. I don't think 1000 IU is going to cut it. What's your sun exposure like? Are you overweight?

How did this pan out? I'm also prescribed to specifically VIT D 50,000 IU D2 (Ergo) CAPS (RX). I'm supposed to take 1 per week, but after reading some shit reviews about the side effects I'm considering asking my Dr about my calcium levels. That seems to be the only link to bad side effects.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Vitamin D needs to be taken with Vitamin A in a ratio of around 5:1 or greater, A : D. And probably not every day.

I recommend buying dry A, and taking it at first without D to gauge the effects. Take it anytime but at night. Though, it's probably going to make you sleep harder no matter what. It's great for insomnia. Then begin to add D in 100 IU increments to see the difference in feeling. Experiment with taking them together and apart.

These "vitamins" are more akin to hormones, and you may want to also eventually experiment with a small amount of K with the D, as well as C and/or E with the A. Try different combinations, and be ready to scale down to small doses depending on how you feel. And only add one vitamin at a time.

At minimum, vitamin A and D seem to be needed for utilization and/or balance of the other. Too much of one without the other can lead to side effects and also likely limit major increases in blood levels. I believe that too much of D, without A, for too long may even increase risk for certain cancers. But look into it. And I'd stay away from the Cod Liver Oil hype. Stick with the isolated vitamins.

In terms of concept, its helpful to think of A as something that will deepen / increase your sleep pattern and D as something that will make you more alert. This is an oversimplification of their importance and actions, but it helps to remember how to counter possible symptoms of either grogginess or insomnia when taking either of these vitamins. (start with one tablet, and then scale down or up as needed) (this sales copy says 400 iu, but the bottle is 100 iu per drop).

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

I used to be just like OP. I was deficient despite taking a daily multi. My doctor recommened to go to 5000 IU. Now I stick to 10000 IU. Last blood test I had doctor was surprised I had extremely healthy values. I take 5000 IU in the morning and 5000 before bed. As per LoZ's recommendation, I use Source Natural Products.

David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king's son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage. 1 Samuel 18:27

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Per my wife's Dr, 6,000 IU per day is not an issue. I had her on a multi plus a 2,500 IU gel and her numbers were still borderline. So I bumped her up to what I take, 5,000 IU per day.

It is hard in modern times to get the proper vitamin D. Lack of sun exposure and daily showers really reduce our natural uptake. It is more than just sun exposure.. the oil on your skin has to be there a while in order for the vitamin D, created in the sun, to absorb into your body

A side note on how low Vitamin D can really screw you up:

Heavy drinking will also reduce your vitamin D levels, sometimes severely. One of my tenants went full blown alcoholic on beer. I think he drank gallons of it a day. At one point, the bones in his feet would break when he walked. His vitamin D levels were so bad that his body stopped metabolizing calcium.

So what the "medical professionals" do? Common sense would be a detox program, massive vitamin D supplements, etc. Instead they put him on massive pain killers for his busted up feet. The pain killers then caused his kidneys to fail. He spent 6 month in a nursing home before dropping dead. The man was only in his mid 50s. He leaves behind a widow.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Is there a difference between Source Naturals and NOW brands? I've taken the latter, but not the former. Got to get a new one my supply is running out.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Quote: (07-19-2016 06:57 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Is there a difference between Source Naturals and NOW brands? I've taken the latter, but not the former. Got to get a new one my supply is running out.

There is a lab out there that you can buy test reports on various brands. I don't have the link handy. If I can locate it later today I will post it.

Generally Jarrow and NOW both have good reputations, so most of what I take is from them. The problem with supplements is that they are not as highly regulated as pharmaceuticals, so getting a substandard product is much more common. This is a problem in particular for companies that rely on Chinese suppliers (Jarrow had a problem with this as well in the past)

Example: GNC got busted a while back for having cheap fillers in some of their supplements. GNC blamed it on a Chinese supplier. GNC's pet supplements I have found to be really sub-standard (my cat relapsed with hip problems) even though the GNC product was supposed to be equal to the competition. As a result, I don't buy anything made by GNC.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

i take 5000 to 10000 iu from thorne research. feel much happier after a few weeks witgh no other supps.. highly recommend. btw, superdoses are for a short time, always get tested to adjust the dose.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

20K IU or less is not a terribly unreasonable dose.
I usually stick with 10k or so during the winter months. It is hard to get enough through diet alone.
Tanning beds seem to have some positive effect but I do not do regular bloodwork so it is hard to say.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

For "getting Vitamin D" haha, sunshine is best. However, sunbathing is best fully nude so the gentials recieve sunshine too. Fully nude.

Other healthy options are moon bathing and air bathing naked especially at night under the moon. Its equally important being nude under the sun as being nude under the moon.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Going to start taking 5,000 ui of Vit D in the morning and then another 5,000 before bed.

How much Vit K2 should I take along with it? Will 100mcg be enough for 10,000 ui?

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Thorne Research provides a quality D3 supplement that includes K2. I would take 5000 IU (or more) daily and then retest your levels after a month or two.

Dr. Schulze, a famous herbalist, recommends massaging some coconut oil on the skin and getting exposure to sunlight to naturally generate vitamin D.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Guys, remember that Vitamin D has to be dissolved in fat for the body to absorb it.

You can take as high a dose of Vitamin D as you want, but if you don't take it down with some butter or milk or some other source of fat, you are just going to poo it out the other end.

There are 4 vitamins that can only be absorbed with fat : A, D, E, K. When taking any of these 4, ideally you want to eat them with a high fat meal or you might not even absorb anything.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Quote: (04-18-2017 08:19 PM)jibj Wrote:  

Thorne Research provides a quality D3 supplement that includes K2. I would take 5000 IU (or more) daily and then retest your levels after a month or two.

Dr. Schulze, a famous herbalist, recommends massaging some coconut oil on the skin and getting exposure to sunlight to naturally generate vitamin D.

Thanks for the suggestion. Looks like Amazon carries it...although it comes in a dropper. There is a big price difference between the liquid and gels.

I guess it's safe to assume the liquid is more effective than the gels? Anyone with first hand experience can confirm?

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?


Double post

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Vitamin D in pill form is extremely inefficient.

I believe you want to pick the D3 kind of pill as well.

Basically, you have to take a lot of them daily to "catch up" on your Vitamin D.

Stan Efferding had a youtube video about it where he was taking ten or fifteen of those pills a day for months to get a decent level of it.

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Taking Vitamin D, but still Vitamin D deficient...Why?

Quote: (02-13-2016 07:11 AM)Mr.GoodThread Wrote:  


I am supposedly getting 1000 IU of Vit. D3 from my NOW: ADAM Multivitamin that I take once a day. Yet, in my latest blood test from about a month ago it still shows that I am Vit. D deficient. The 1000 IU found in the ADAM Multivitamin is supposedly 250% of the Daily Value I need, so how the hell can I still be deficient? Is there a main difference between Vit. D and Vit. D3? This doesn't seem to make sense.

Can anyone that's experienced something similar, or who has more knowledge please let me know what's going on? Thanks.

Sorry I'm late to the party; I have yet to read the whole thread.

When I discovered I was d-deficient it took me several months at 15,000 IU (via gelcaps from a reputable source) to get into the healthy range. I now maintain at 5000 IU/day except during weeks when I get a lot of sun.

It seems that response to oral d3 supplementation shows a lot of individual variability.

Make sure you take k2 with your d3. See

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