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Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

Question for the homies that had STDs:

How did it feel living with it while you had it?
How did you find out?
Did you freak out at first?
Also, how was the crabs experience?

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

Is getting rich worth the risk of becoming a jaded and unpleasant human being ?

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

I don't have genital herpes but it's not life threatening so it doesn't matter too much. Just take pills and you'll be good (genital herpes medicine also cures cold sores, which I do get, so I like to keep a bunch of pills around for that). The only STD that really scares me is AIDS, otherwise I don't care too much.

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

Quote: (02-12-2017 05:54 AM)Travel Museums Wrote:  

Get the two different HPV vaccines that's already been out for years now. Costs a few hundred.

Get the HSV vaccine coming out this or next year. Maybe two as well.

Realize neither one is that big a deal. 90% of people have HSV on their skin. I'm more worried about getting a plantar wart from public showering without sandals than getting it from skin to skin.

I actually had a plantar wart in college while wearing sandals but shower backed up over them. I got it burned off with a laser in 3 visits. Common problem.

I see tons of famous people with warts all over on their face like Russell Crowe and no one thinks anything of it. People still make out with them.

Almost everyone I know had an HSV1 cold sore around 15. HSV2 is a cold sore on your dick. While I wouldn't want it, it's an inconvenience so long as you abstain during a rare outbreak.

I've banged chicks with my underwear on. Stick my cock through pee fold after donning a condom. I've even used a gloved hand to squirt ons chicks who live Vegas or Bangkok.

Nothing is 100% safe. But you can reduce your risks. Stay away from prostitutes. Bring good condoms and gloves with you when traveling. Go for quality; girls under 6 fuck a lot of gross men. This is one reason having game may reduce your risk. You can be picky in the field. You can confidently turn down a girl in the bedroom if she reveals she's got something.

Warts is the most common form of low level STD's... 70% of guys get it at some point and many don't even know that they have it.

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

There shouldn't be a direct correlation between PUA and STDs, theoretically speaking [Image: smile.gif] A PUA is so good at picking up women that he can easily separate the sluts from the "good" girls (aka the more conservative ones who don't sleep around). Generally speaking, the more promiscuous the woman, the more likely she'll have a ONS which is considered quite an achievement even on this forum. If a choice presents itself of banging a slut the same night or putting the work in seducing a traditional girl I'm quite confident that most guys will choose the former.

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

Quote: (02-12-2017 05:54 AM)Travel Museums Wrote:  

I've banged chicks with my underwear on. Stick my cock through pee fold after donning a condom. I've even used a gloved hand to squirt ons chicks who live Vegas or Bangkok.

Sounds like you lead an interesting life! I guess Bangkok really does keep a hard man humble...

[Image: clap2.gif]

Quote: (02-12-2017 11:41 AM)Pointer Wrote:  

If a choice presents itself of banging a slut the same night or putting the work in seducing a traditional girl I'm quite confident that most guys will choose the former.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Well, I guess that's the theory, anyway.

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

Quote: (02-12-2017 06:34 AM)Sensei Creation Wrote:  

Is getting rich worth the risk of becoming a jaded and unpleasant human being ?

Bit off topic, but the OP got STD-concern-troll nuked anyway, so...

IMO very few people end up rich, jaded, and unpleasant who weren't that way to begin with.

Money just makes you notice them more.

I also think that most guys who get hair transplants finally don't end up banging that many more girls afterwards than before. If they'e getting a hair transplant to please women it means they probably had bad game to start with, and, well, you can't lipstick a pig.

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

IMO, don't pursue a high number of sexual partners, instead aim to pursue higher quality women and have great sexual experiences with them. Certain countries have higher std rates then other countries. If your living in America, you have a right to be worried about STD's. I'm currently living in Canada and the only real problem is just STI's not STDs. Also look into the raw food diet, or find a really really healthy diet to compliment your sexually active lifestyle. If you also get a chance to live abroad or are thinking of pursueing the nomad lifestyle. Visiting countries that have low STD rates is another thing you can take into consideration.


Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Serbia made the list.

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

To paraphrase the prophet Patrice "please God.. just not AIDs"

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

Quote: (02-12-2017 05:57 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Question for the homies that had STDs:

How did it feel living with it while you had it?
How did you find out?
Did you freak out at first?
Also, how was the crabs experience?

Kind of hilarious, also a lot of work.

I was working in a bar in Australia and banged out a cute little spinner. The other guys at the bar were proud, it was my first lay in the land.

The night after I was at work and mixing drinks and my crotch started itching like mad. I wasnt sure what was going on, just kept scratching and mixing. The other two guys were already rolling on the ground laughing. Just dying.

When I came back to ask them why the fuck my crotch was so itchy they lost it, just howling and laughing that the chick had complained that she had caught crabs and had to wash her entire wardrobe and wash her hair and pubes with special shampoo. And then I banged her. Fuck.

Another funny thing, I was at the laundromat washing all my clothes, sheets, towels etc, just in my board shorts. I see another guy in his board shorts, and we give each other a nod and sure enough, he had crabs too. Different chick though.

Fucking Oz

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

Quote: (03-07-2017 12:50 AM)Laner Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2017 05:57 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Question for the homies that had STDs:

How did it feel living with it while you had it?
How did you find out?
Did you freak out at first?
Also, how was the crabs experience?

Kind of hilarious, also a lot of work.

I was working in a bar in Australia and banged out a cute little spinner. The other guys at the bar were proud, it was my first lay in the land.

The night after I was at work and mixing drinks and my crotch started itching like mad. I wasnt sure what was going on, just kept scratching and mixing. The other two guys were already rolling on the ground laughing. Just dying.

When I came back to ask them why the fuck my crotch was so itchy they lost it, just howling and laughing that the chick had complained that she had caught crabs and had to wash her entire wardrobe and wash her hair and pubes with special shampoo. And then I banged her. Fuck.

Another funny thing, I was at the laundromat washing all my clothes, sheets, towels etc, just in my board shorts. I see another guy in his board shorts, and we give each other a nod and sure enough, he had crabs too. Different chick though.

Fucking Oz

Geez, these chicks really get around.

(then again, so do we...)

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

My philosophy when it comes to STDs is: you can't get what you already got!

I had a gym teacher in junior high who also taught us sex ed, he was hilarious and this is how he told us to cure a case of the crabs (we were 13-14 years old): "If you get crabs, shave one side of your pubes off, in one hand hold a spoon and in the other a lighter, light your one side of pubes on fire and when the crabs run to the other side, whack them with the spoon!"

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

Quote: (03-09-2017 10:30 PM)scotian Wrote:  

My philosophy when it comes to STDs is: you can't get what you already got!

I had a gym teacher in junior high who also taught us sex ed, he was hilarious and this is how he told us to cure a case of the crabs (we were 13-14 years old): "If you get crabs, shave one side of your pubes off, in one hand hold a spoon and in the other a lighter, light your one side of pubes on fire and when the crabs run to the other side, whack them with the spoon!"

Is this part of the "amazing government funded healthcare?"

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

^Things were a bit different back in the mid-90s bro, that dinosaur is long retired!

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

Quote: (02-12-2017 05:57 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Question for the homies that had STDs:

How did it feel living with it while you had it?
How did you find out?
Did you freak out at first?
Also, how was the crabs experience?

Had something like a tripper once, got it via a BJ. I say "something like" because doc did swab / analysis and found nothing, but I was in pain. So they drew blood and analyzed again full spectrum. Nothing, clean as a virgin.

Doc told me that this is quite possible because there are so many things you can catch there that it is sometimes impossible to tell, so they hit it with broad spectrum Antibiotics and it went away.

I became much more careful after that accident, test myself yearly and demand the same from partners.

I also got warts on my hands a while ago, do not think it was from sex though. Bought a bottle of liquid nitrogen and burned them off.

Is PUA worth the risk of STDs?

just bang girls with condoms if your that scared of STDs, problem solved.

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