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Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

So I've been wondering something for a while, and I was reminded of it this post, where a bunch of democrats dressed up in KKK robes and tried to block Trump's appointment for Attorney General.

The KKK has become this all-purpose boogeyman, similar to how Nazis used to be the universal badguy 30 years ago. People seem to think they're this terrifying threat that could start burning crosses and lynching blacks at any moment. We all know this is BS, and they're this generation's Emmanuel Goldstein from 1984: something for people to hate, that makes them easier to control. Wiki told me that there were something like 3 crosses burned in the last decade, and one of them looked like an obvious hoax to me. I'm not sure when the last lynching was, but it was a while ago. But I'd like to go a step further beyond that rather obvious analysis.

I've lived in a lot of places, and been in a lot of spots on the socioeconomic ladder, and I have never met anyone in the KKK. I don't know anyone who's met anyone in the KKK. I've never heard anyone talk about meeting someone in the KKK. I have literally seen more penguins and polar bears in my life than I have KKK members.

But it may be that I'm just sheltered. This forum has a lot of people with a lot of life experience, and I'd like to hear what you have to say. Have you ever met a KKK member? What were they like? Did you ever see them commit a crime, or threaten to commit a crime, against a minority? If you are a minority, did you feel scared around them?

My suspicion is that I'm not going to get a lot of people saying yes to this, but I'd be very interested in hearing what you have to say.

(As a general request, I'd like to keep this discussion limited to actual KKK members. Not white nationalists, not racists, and not people who read Stormfront or Daily Stormer. Only people who are in the KKK. If you asked the person you're talking about, "Are you with the KKK?" and they wouldn't answer, "Yes, I am!" please don't write about them here.)

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Every ethnicity should promote and preserve their people, but the MSM's fear-mongering of the KKK Is hilarious.

Out of 'la raza' , black panthers, or KKK, take a guess which ethnic group commits the least amount of violent crime? Which of those ethnic groups creates the most advanced countries? I fear the USA degrading into a 3rd world shithole more than anything. Mexico and Africa are both virulently violent and unstable compared to the 'evil white man's' societies.

They claim to fear white supremacists yet crawl over eachother to get into white-majority countries. That's why libtards all threatened to move to Canada/ New Zealand/ Australia if Trump won. They prefer white societies too, they just express it in a more obtuse way.

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Quote: (01-10-2017 02:07 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Every ethnicity should promote and preserve their people, but the MSM's fear-mongering of the KKK Is hilarious.

Out of 'la raza' , black panthers, or KKK, take a guess which ethnic group commits the least amount of violent crime? Which of those ethnic groups creates the most advanced countries? I fear the USA degrading into a 3rd world shithole more than anything. Mexico and Africa are both virulently violent and unstable compared to the 'evil white man's' societies.

They claim to fear white supremacists yet crawl over eachother to get into white-majority countries. That's why libtards all threatened to move to Canada/ New Zealand/ Australia if Trump won. They prefer white societies too, they just express it in a more obtuse way.

So have you ever met someone in the KKK? Or do you just jump all over every chance you get to type up this stuff?


Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Have you, Kona? Do they have the KKK in Hawaii? Do they wear leis on top of their white sheets?

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

In the mid-80s when I was in high school in the Pacific Northwest, I was sitting in band class. I hear two girls sitting next to me talking about a summer camp they will be attending and they mention a "grand wizard." I asked one of the girls, who I had talked to throughout the year so perhaps she thought she could trust me, although we had never talked about any kind of political topic, "I heard you mention a grand wizard. Is that the KKK?" She looked at me, paused, and said, "Yes." The school year ended soon after and I moved away from the area.

I'm from the southern states originally and have lived there off-and-on for many years and, ironically, the one time I ever knowingly encounter someone from the Klan is in a northern "blue" state.

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Quote: (01-10-2017 02:07 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Every ethnicity should promote and preserve their people, but the MSM's fear-mongering of the KKK Is hilarious.

Out of 'la raza' , black panthers, or KKK, take a guess which ethnic group commits the least amount of violent crime? Which of those ethnic groups creates the most advanced countries? I fear the USA degrading into a 3rd world shithole more than anything. Mexico and Africa are both virulently violent and unstable compared to the 'evil white man's' societies.

They claim to fear white supremacists yet crawl over eachother to get into white-majority countries. That's why libtards all threatened to move to Canada/ New Zealand/ Australia if Trump won. They prefer white societies too, they just express it in a more obtuse way.

Guys the KKK haven't done anything wrong, they're no different than the NAACP, they're a great organization furthering their race, we have never had anything to fear about them. [Image: angel.gif]

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

I knew one KKK guy thirty years ago and he was a complete whack-job. He reminded me of the communist I worked with at the same time. Absolute nut cases.

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Quote: (01-10-2017 03:43 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Have you, Kona? Do they have the KKK in Hawaii? Do they wear leis on top of their white sheets?

Right now we're just trying to get more white people here because we don't want to crawl over each other trying to get into white-majority countries. I'm sure once we get enough some of them will want to start up a chapter out here. I've got a little haole in me so I might try to be grand wizard.

I'm really happy you started this thread, because I actually knew a guy in the KKK in Missouri. I'll type that story up in a minute.


Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

I grew up in ATL and they were always holding "clan meetins" around town with a big rally at Stone Mountain Park every year but were pretty much regarded as relic of the old south / novelty back then...more laughed at than feared.

The father of a girl I was dating just after high school was a former member. He was a wealthy land owner but pretty much a back country rube. I remember once going with the GF to ride horses on the dad's "farm" and somehow the subject of KKK came up. The old man said something along the lines of "them meetins aint nothin but a bunch of drunk and bitch sessions."(sic).

Looking back on it I bet the old feller was none too happy about the slightly brown guy piping his daughter [Image: smile.gif]

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Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

I knew a guy in the Ku Klux Klan. This is one of my favorite stories to tell, so mahalo for starting this thread.

When I was in college in St. Louis Mo I had a job at a big towing company. We also repoed cars. Most of the vehicles had to get a basic once-over by a mechanic before they got returned.

This company had a guy with the title "lot mechanic" who did all of the maintenance on the trucks, did repairs on repos and managed all the other mechanics, most of whom were black.

This guy was without a doubt the biggest redneck scumbag I have ever seen in my life. He wore a brown carhart jacket every single time I ever saw him. In the summer he would sweat through it. He wore it to the Christmas party. He lived in a trailer in Affton Mo with about 5 dogs underneath it. I know this because I drove him home. His little area was littered with cars in various states of disrepair.

This guy was the best mechanic in the Midwest. He would cut custom wheels off cars in seconds. He did a windshield in minutes. The guy could fix anything. He was amazing. He would help out with funny car drag racing on the weekends and his ultimate goal was to be a NASCAR mechanic.

One day our biggest client, the old Nations Bank, had some representatives out walking around. This guy got upset and started complaining about the "Joosh" which was how he said Jewish. It was very odd, but I just went with it.

Some time later he began to confide in my his dislike for the African Americans we worked with. He would say some really twisted shit. He liked me because "messicans is hard workin" so it was OK. I guess illegal immigration wasn't as big of a deal then.

After a while of listening to him I finally asked why it was he felt this way. He opened his wallet and in the drivers license spot he had a Missouri KKK chapter photo Id.

He wasn't just a regular member either, he was KKK management. His group was called the Supreme Knights of the Ku Klux Clan or something like that. It turns out the KKKs mecca was outside of st. Louis near the intersection of highways K and KK, which is very creative.

I promised not to tell anyone. One day he was in my little office rambling his hatred on the other side of my desk. His dip popped out of his lip. He picked it up and put it back in, but it popped out again. Well, ;he problem was, he had been chewing for so many years, that a hole had worn between his lower lip and his chin.

I drove him to the hospital, in his Chevy Citation. I told everyone while he was gone about the KKK card. It turns out he had shown a number of other people.

We all couldn't believe that even the KKK would want this human garbage in their upper echelon. He was a dirt bag without that affiliation.

He came to the little going away party th y had for me when I quit, still wearing his carhart jacket, and he looked like this:
[Image: Gruen2.jpg]

Again he was an amazing mechanic. I guess just because someone is bad, doesn't mean they have absolutely no talent. R. Kelly pissed on little kids but he still wrote "Fiesta Fiesta" so its all relative.


Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Quote: (01-10-2017 02:07 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Every ethnicity should promote and preserve their people, but the MSM's fear-mongering of the KKK Is hilarious.

Out of 'la raza' , black panthers, or KKK, take a guess which ethnic group commits the least amount of violent crime? Which of those ethnic groups creates the most advanced countries? I fear the USA degrading into a 3rd world shithole more than anything. Mexico and Africa are both virulently violent and unstable compared to the 'evil white man's' societies.

They claim to fear white supremacists yet crawl over eachother to get into white-majority countries. That's why libtards all threatened to move to Canada/ New Zealand/ Australia if Trump won. They prefer white societies too, they just express it in a more obtuse way.

And you've had how many white children?

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Quote: (01-10-2017 04:00 PM)ColSpanker Wrote:  

I knew one KKK guy thirty years ago and he was a complete whack-job. He reminded me of the communist I worked with at the same time. Absolute nut cases.

A communist and a KKK member working under the same roof? I'm more shocked that no one decided to shoot up the place...or at least each other.

Also, in middle school I was part of the Kool Kidz Klub. Does that count?

Edit: Yes, we started a group with that retarded name just so we could say we were part of the KKK in a mocking manner. Somewhere in North Dallas there's a couple of older apartments with KoolKidzKlub marked on I wished it was Küül (or Kvvl?) Kidz Klvb

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Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Quote: (01-10-2017 04:59 PM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2017 02:07 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Every ethnicity should promote and preserve their people, but the MSM's fear-mongering of the KKK Is hilarious.

Out of 'la raza' , black panthers, or KKK, take a guess which ethnic group commits the least amount of violent crime? Which of those ethnic groups creates the most advanced countries? I fear the USA degrading into a 3rd world shithole more than anything. Mexico and Africa are both virulently violent and unstable compared to the 'evil white man's' societies.

They claim to fear white supremacists yet crawl over eachother to get into white-majority countries. That's why libtards all threatened to move to Canada/ New Zealand/ Australia if Trump won. They prefer white societies too, they just express it in a more obtuse way.

And you've had how many white children?

This is the trendy question to ask. Maybe you can explain why it's relevant to the discussion?

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Here's four other interesting things about the Klansman I knew:

1) He was unable to get a job at the Wentzville MO Ford plant, because of "ferrmitive assion" as he called it.

2) He was in to some type of bondage. The stuff with leather masks and ball gags. He would get upset when asked if he was the pitcher or catcher and just say "its my riiight to done do as I please" or something similar. He would never answer straight.

3) He had this tattoo on his shoulder, which I thought was really cool:

[Image: ASE-Certified-Logo.png]

4) He and some friends would play cards, and he invited me. I think just because he needed a ride. These white guys sat around drinking Busch Beer and gambling. The N word flew around like crazy. I didn't realize it , but I was probably at a KKK poker game.


Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

I've never met an actual KKK member. I'm sure they exist, but in miniscule numbers compared to the constant media droning about White Supremacy, White Nationalism, KKK, etc. It is a media bogey man that helps drive donations to political assassin groups like the ADL, SPLC and NAACP. The average klansman is low-income and in hiding. Harly the threat to democracy that the Old Media make them out to be.

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Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Quote: (01-10-2017 05:00 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2017 04:00 PM)ColSpanker Wrote:  

I knew one KKK guy thirty years ago and he was a complete whack-job. He reminded me of the communist I worked with at the same time. Absolute nut cases.

A communist and a KKK member working under the same roof? I'm more shocked that no one decided to shoot up the place...or at least each other.

Also, in middle school I was part of the Kool Kidz Klub. Does that count?

Edit: Yes, we started a group with that retarded name just so we could say we were part of the KKK in a mocking manner. Somewhere in North Dallas there's a couple of older apartments with KoolKidzKlub marked on I wished it was Küül (or Kvvl?) Kidz Klvb

Sorry, I wasn't clear. These were two different dudes I knew at the same time. One of them, the communist, managed to get his ass fired from the company where I worked because he freaked everyone out. Being a communist will do that to people.
The other one, the klansman, was a former communist and/or socialist (I never did get the story straight) who turned into a preacher. I still wonder if his congregation know who they hired.....

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Quote: (01-10-2017 06:34 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Here's four other interesting things about the Klansman I knew:

1) He was unable to get a job at the Wentzville MO Ford plant, because of "ferrmitive assion" as he called it.

2) He was in to some type of bondage. The stuff with leather masks and ball gags. He would get upset when asked if he was the pitcher or catcher and just say "its my riiight to done do as I please" or something similar. He would never answer straight.

3) He had this tattoo on his shoulder, which I thought was really cool:

[Image: ASE-Certified-Logo.png]

4) He and some friends would play cards, and he invited me. I think just because he needed a ride. These white guys sat around drinking Busch Beer and gambling. The N word flew around like crazy. I didn't realize it , but I was probably at a KKK poker game.


St. Louis? What years did you live there? I lived there for part of the 80's.

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Quote: (01-10-2017 06:47 PM)ColSpanker Wrote:  

St. Louis? What years did you live there? I lived there for part of the 80's.



Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

My friend's dad's uncle's second cousin thrice removed on the grandpa side once heard of a friend who knew a guy who said he met a person who once saw an ad for old computer from an unknown man's storage room which had a harddrive which was bought from an intermediary on ebay which contained a usenet post from a defunct newsgroup in which a user claimed he once heard of a friend's cousin who once found a sheet of paper which said "KKK wuz here" .... signed by Ben Garrison

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Quote: (01-10-2017 04:36 PM)Kona Wrote:  

I drove him to the hospital, in his Chevy Citation. I told everyone while he was gone about the KKK card. It turns out he had shown a number of other people.

I've been in the car business for 10 years. How come every shithole shadetree mechanic drives a ratty GM X-Car or a Tempo/Topaz, regardless of what year it currently is?

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Almost 20 years ago, I met a KKK member at a bar in rural Appalachia while visiting an old friend who was from the area. I had traveled nearby on business and we met for a few beers.

The klansmen was about 75, drunk early in the evening, disheveled, poorly dressed, bad hygiene, and an unpersuasive loser. Pretty much every stereotype you can imagine of an off duty klansman.

Even amongst that bar crowd he was considered a burned out has been, and this is likely the most sympathetic audience he ever had.

My conclusion: If that man was leader material, then that organization is doomed.

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

I'm curious what the point of this thread is. Kona is dropping some interesting accounts, but why doe we need yet another pointless race thread?

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Quote: (01-10-2017 08:52 PM)Space Cowboy Wrote:  

I'm curious what the point of this thread is. Kona is dropping some interesting accounts, but why doe we need yet another pointless race thread?

Because I was curious what people would say. I hear about the evils of the Ku Klux Klan every week on the news, and I've always thought that it was overblown bullshit, but I don't actually KNOW that it's overblown bullshit. I don't live in the south, I'm not as old as some of the other members, and it's possible that I'm simply ignorant. For reasons that should be obvious to anybody on this board, I don't trust the official statistics, which means that my only option is to find out for my own. So I asked people to see what answers I would get.

As I expected, I got some funny anecdotes, and confirmation that the Klan in the US is basically a relic of the past. The thread's at 2000 views, and eight people have said in the poll that they have ever met someone from the clan. This is a fairly disciplined forum that's good at staying on topic, so I imagine we'll get a couple more funny anecdotes and then it will slide of the page and be forgotten. Everyone who reads it, however, will now have some data to confirm their suspicions that the Klan in the US is dead as a doornail, and what is a haven for pathetic losers.

Have you ever met anyone in the KKK?

Being from Georgia, I heard rumors of Klan activity, but never met anyone I knew for sure was in the Klan. There were some people I met that loved to use the N word, and used it exclusively when referring to black people. There are a few I encountered that I suspected at least had family who were Klan members.

My friend lived in Cumming, GA, and I heard stories of people running around the woods at night happening upon Klan meetings. While it's more of a relic now, I believe there were some serious elements still remaining in Forsyth County.

Interesting story about Cumming, GA. There is a place called Booger Mountain that's by a slave grave yard. I never went there to confirm, but my friend told me there is also a tree there where they used to hang people. If you put your car in neutral, your vehicle will roll up hill. Some people have even reported seeing handprints on their cars after doing this, with the superstition being that the slaves don't want to be bothered and are trying to push you away. Others have also reported ghost sightings there. It's now a fairly popular spot on Halloween.

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