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Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Studies show that women expect men to have good paying jobs.

When men become unemployed: divorce initiated by the wife is natural and normal

What happens when men get fired? Loss of social proof. We know that loss of social proof causes loss of attraction.

To put it simply:

Social proof is important for women.
Loss of social proof causes loss of attraction.
Unemployment = loss of social proofing.


Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Not if the man is an abusive alcoholic with dreams of a never starting writer's career.

In this case the woman will pay his bills, wash his underwear and suck his dick for at least 5 years while he plays computer games and cheats on her while she is at work.

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

On the other hand, if a man HAS a good paying job or business, she can divorce him anyway just because "muh feelings" and talk half his stuff.

Sounds like a win-win for the ladies.

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

This thread is a dupe and the study involves sensational statistics. The article itself shows that the risk of divorce increases a whopping 0.8% if a man in unemployed.

I personally would like to see correlations like...does the woman have a job? My hypothesis is that if she is employed there is a correlation. I'd also like to see if there is a correlation between separate bank accounts, the amount of sex a couple has and last, the amount of time the woman spends on social media. The last one, being the most interesting to me.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Well naturally the man is a provider and the backbone of the family.

If he loses this status and becomes unworthy, that divorce might be '' justifiable'' .

However considering the total decadence of the times we are living in, the women today have found endless '' reasons'' to divorce, even when the man is a good guy and has a good job.

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

come on, we all know that over 80% of divorces are initiated by women

anything can be a reason, from "She no longer feels loved" to "she cheated on you because you were neglecting your sexual duties to her after she gained extra 50 kgs"

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Quote: (08-02-2016 07:01 AM)Roger Wrote:  

Well naturally the man is a provider and the backbone of the family.

If he loses this status and becomes unworthy, that divorce might be '' justifiable'' .

However considering the total decadence of the times we are living in, the women today have found endless '' reasons'' to divorce, even when the man is a good guy and has a good job.

Would you say that divorcing an unemployed husband is the same as a man divorcing an infertile/ unproductive/ barren woman?

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Quote: (08-02-2016 12:45 PM)seniol Wrote:  

come on, we all know that over 80% of divorces are initiated by women

anything can be a reason, from "She no longer feels loved" to "she cheated on you because you were neglecting your sexual duties to her after she gained extra 50 kgs"

Don't forget the porn break-clause for a woman already wanting to leave. It must be quite embarrassing for a husband to have his browsing history read out in the family court.

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

What I was trying to underline is that no matter who cheated, and no matter how any of the partners behaved, the majority of the public and the majority of the courts, will consider guilty always the husband, because he was not trying "hard enough" or not giving her "enough love" etc

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Men expect women to stay in good shape. If women become fat: Divorce is natural.

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

The difference being that the husband at divorce, will hand to the fat exwife his house, his car, his dog, his kids and half of his wealth, plus alimony for the following years

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Quote: (08-02-2016 01:54 PM)N°6 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-02-2016 07:01 AM)Roger Wrote:  

Well naturally the man is a provider and the backbone of the family.

If he loses this status and becomes unworthy, that divorce might be '' justifiable'' .

However considering the total decadence of the times we are living in, the women today have found endless '' reasons'' to divorce, even when the man is a good guy and has a good job.

Would you say that divorcing an unemployed husband is the same as a man divorcing an infertile/ unproductive/ barren woman?

No, because an infertile/barren woman is not really a woman at all.

(That line was written solely to trigger feminists who are snooping on this forum. That earthquake you just felt was them collectively falling on the floor throwing tantrums.)

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

I'd add that an unemployed man can get a job; a barren woman is barren forever.

As Churchill said, "I'll be sober in the morning, madam, but you will still be ugly."

Лучше поздно, чем никогда begins at "70% Warning Level."....

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Notice the spike in divorces anytime the economy has a downturn. Or better yet, look at a regional boom/downturns. Notice the spike in divorces in areas where the coal mining industry collapsed recently. Same with the new flash money jobs of pipe-liners and natural gas industry.

These women had a ``perfect marriage'', while the husband was gone 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, making 6 figures so she could stay ``at home'' while he provided for her every whim, with that added perk of him never being around. Fast forward a month after he has been laid off and she is long gone.

Growing up in a area where bagging a man who worked in Steel, Coal and Gas was a woman's golden ticket for life, this was an early and obvious life lesson for me. As each one of these fields collapsed, you noticed how quickly their marriages fell apart. True, financial strain is a big problem in any marriage, but it was clear that for many of these women, once the life they wanted was gone (stay at home, not work, and cheat on her husband with the ample time he provided away from the home while working himself into an early grave) they had no loyalty or desire to stay anywhere near the man that cost them their perfect life. Didnt matter if they had one kid, three kids, no kids. They simply walked away in droves any time the Mills announced lay offs, or the mine shut down.

Of course, as soon as the mine reopened, she reappeared, with her lawyer to collect ``her'' half...

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

^I've seen this play out many times in the Alberta oil patch, the greedy whores get accustomed to the big money then fuck off once its gone. To be fair, most blue collar guys do wife up idiots (strippers, minimum wage earners, etc) and are happy to go along with the big spending lifestyle.

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

To wife up is a very beta weak supplication move, but to wife up a stripper or a prostitute that's a level of cringe is that hard to even imagine someone is capable of.

Only an omega, fat 200 pounds desperate man would ever be able to go that low

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Your posts seem to indicate that you have a minimal level of life experience. So how much time have you actually spent out in the real world vs how much time have you spent commenting on forums?

Because anyone who has seen the sunshine in the last year probably knows someone that's wifed up a stripper. Quite frequently these are not fat Omegas, but people in confrontational occupations like soldiers, cops, small-time fighters and athletes, crossfit coaches, etc.

The reason for this as far as I can tell is that these men are drawn to the social proofing aspect that I do not really need to explain. There is a huge amount of BS out there that regards dating strippers as some kind of achievement. Hell, there was one reasonable well known PUA guru I met back in the day who was obsessed with them...and this guy was very far from the usual dorkiness of the RSD crowd, much more ofa Tyler Durden type character (referencing the movie, not the PUA).

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Yes there was some PUA guru that had a guide of how to pick up strippers, and it was just pathetic.

Why would anyone in his right mind, would even touch a slut who had hundreds of dicks of
various random men inside her orifices, leaving their sperm everywhere inside her,
every single month of her life?

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Because people have ego issues.

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

^^^ Because not everyone out there understands the value of virginal women or why it is critically important. Not to mention most strippers are arguably hot.

Most of the guys out lined by easy-c happen to also be of the low IQ variety. Not all of them nor is it their fault but that's just reality.

Culture will flip and then women will become more chaste on their own. Give it time.

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural


But if it happens in more than 80 years from now... will it matter for you?

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

I already found a virginal woman, defiled her, and made her my wife so no.

They're out there, you just need to know where to look.

(Hint: it will never be at a place where alcohol is served)

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Dancers are usually crazy, hot, burn bright and fast.

I've had a few and it was waaaay different than dating your average girl or even your average slooty girl. They come with much different quirks, traits and trends. It's an interesting experience and unless you've shared that experience it's hard to take criticism of it seriously. It reeks of fox and grapes.

Just some interesting quirks

When someone likes them at the club, that person usually pays them alot; the corollary to this is that if they like you a lot, they'll spend a lot of money on you. My ripper ex's showered me with gifts and I never bought them anything.

Some are so desensitized to s ex that I've heard things like "was I making the right faces? I was trying" - you can tell girls like this because they're mostly dead inside

One was so conditioned to being on top during a la p dance that she would sort of panic in any position other than cow girl.

They all - and I mean all - have severe issues with their father or no father.

If you ever saw season 1 of The Pick up Artist (mystery's show) one of their challenges was to pick up a dancer at a club. They had a totally different set of game rules for these girls. It's a whole different subset of skills and tools and it's a fun challenge if you've never done it. It takes a degree of skill unless you go for the trash, but you can say that about any gaming arena

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Life lesson short version: Women are all about money and provision. The difference is scale. Some women are happy with a new Ford Focus, some need a new Benz. When that provision stops, they will leave. Men spend years wondering why this is and it will never change.

Women expect men to have good paying jobs.If men become unemployed:Divorce is natural

Quote: (08-08-2016 07:55 AM)Beijong Wrote:  

When someone likes them at the club, that person usually pays them alot;

you can tell girls like this because they're mostly dead inside

They all - and I mean all - have severe issues with their father or no father.

It's a level of misery that I am not willing to ever go: to ever pay for women which had hundreds of different random dicks ejaculating inside them... thanks but no thanks

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