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$100k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

This is just a thought that popped into my head as a potential win/win/win scenario and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

Would guys here that make more than 100k a year have the capacity and the industrial pull to get other suitable RVFers into their field?

There seems to be more than a few guys here stuck on schmuck level pay grades who want to do better but just don't know where to start.

I figure if someone could break them into a highly paid industry then that would easily be worth five to ten percent of their new salary annually for five years (as a base concept rate).

The rookie would win. The coach would probably see a good investment on their time. More red pill guys would be making more money.

This could be anything from trades to a fast track on medium-to-high level corporate work. Obviously it would be preferable that the coach had the capacity to help get the guy a position rather than just give advice.

Crazy talk?

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Scotian already did this free of charge.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

$100K/year is a schmuck level job. I'm stuck being a keyboard monkey instead of solving problems that could save companies millions of dollars per year.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:31 PM)chicane Wrote:  

$100K/year is a schmuck level job. I'm stuck being a keyboard monkey instead of solving problems that could save companies millions of dollars per year.

I can't wait to become a schmuck then...

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

I have a better idea. Don't work for your money, let your money work for you. Focus your efforts into real estate. Look into apartment units in the center of a smaller city near you. Ones that need a little work. New carpet, paint, minor issues. If your not sure how to do minor repairs just look online. You can learn how to lay carpet just buy watching videos on YouTube.

Purchase one unit. You will not have any problems finding people to rent to. Wait for your money to start coming in then purchase another unit. In the end you will want to have four units. Let your buddy live in one for free and he can be your property manager(he pays his own utilities) Rent the other three out. 2,500$ a month coming in.

Sell everything you have. Pack your bags and live the life you have always dreamed of.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

I could turn any reasonably athletic guy in the UK into one of my franchisees, with minimal, minimal investment into a $6 figure profit business within 12-18 months.

Most low earners are that way for a reason though, sadly.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:31 PM)chicane Wrote:  

$100K/year is a schmuck level job. I'm stuck being a keyboard monkey instead of solving problems that could save companies millions of dollars per year.

I set that as a base line minimum because a lot of guys are literally fucking around in minimum wage work.

Obviously as the wage increases so does the reward, and when you're working at a car wash then 100k a year is a big step up.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:44 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

I could turn any reasonably athletic guy in the UK into one of my franchisees, with minimal, minimal investment into a $6 figure profit business within 12-18 months.

Most low earners are that way for a reason though, sadly.

I hear that, but some are genuinely looking to step up.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:42 PM)Schlep Wrote:  

I have a better idea. Don't work for your money, let your money work for you. Focus your efforts into real estate. Look into apartment units in the center of a smaller city near you. Ones that need a little work. New carpet, paint, minor issues. If your not sure how to do minor repairs just look online. You can learn how to lay carpet just buy watching videos on YouTube.

Purchase one unit. You will not have any problems finding people to rent to. Wait for your money to start coming in then purchase another unit. In the end you will want to have four units. Let your buddy live in one for free and he can be your property manager(he pays his own utilities) Rent the other three out. 2,500$ a month coming in.

Sell everything you have. Pack your bags and live the life you have always dreamed of.

Did you do this?

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

This is what I'm working on now. I'm still at my present job. Working a schedule of 7 days on and 7 days off. On my off week I'm working on fixing up my last unit.

If you look in Linux's thread about vagabond living you will see I'm getting ready to embark on my own journey soon. Will be leaving sometime in October or November. Probably live in South America for acouple months and then Asia for awhile. Then in late spring go to Europe. After that who knows.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:28 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

Scotian already did this free of charge.

I also heard alot of his students screw him over.

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
– Bruce Lee

One must give value, but one must profit from it too, life is about balance

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

I think a lot of us here are happy to give advice for free, and to try to help others where we are able. I can't speak for anyone else, but to me 5% of $100k is such a low return on the time investment that any successful person would not be motivated by the money in that situation. 5% is an acceptable return for passive investments, not for things which require you to give up a lot of your time helping someone else get ahead - particularly where $5k or so still represents a lot of money to that person and they will be looking to maximise their return.

I think those who are serious about increasing their lot in life will find no shortage here of people willing to help them for free.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Quote: (07-22-2016 03:19 AM)HOD Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:28 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

Scotian already did this free of charge.

I also heard alot of his students screw him over.
Care to elaborate? No one has ever screwed me over, a couple of people I helped out were disappointing because I put in a lot of effort to guide them along but the oil biz isn't for everyone and I understand why they moved on to something else.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

I've gotten a friend of my a $55k a year job. Does that count?

For a $100k per year job though, I'd have to seriously vet the person i'm looking for.

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:44 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

I could turn any reasonably athletic guy in the UK into one of my franchisees, with minimal, minimal investment into a $6 figure profit business within 12-18 months.

Most low earners are that way for a reason though, sadly.

Lets hear it CBW!

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Quote: (07-22-2016 02:12 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 03:19 AM)HOD Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:28 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

Scotian already did this free of charge.

I also heard alot of his students screw him over.
Care to elaborate? No one has ever screwed me over, a couple of people I helped out were disappointing because I put in a lot of effort to guide them along but the oil biz isn't for everyone and I understand why they moved on to something else.

As one of scotian's "students" who is now in the 6 figures/year solely due to his thread and his excellent advice and direction, I would also like to know how "a lot of his students screw him over".

If there was one thing I learned about the oil sands RVF meetups in the past, is that some people just don't have the skin or the work ethic to get into the trenches in order to achieve the level of salary some simply dream of achieving. Scotian's thread was essentially a real-life cheat code to improve your financial situation yet there were guys who still couldn't understand how to follow it. They had the belief that if they put their foot in the door, riches would follow. The toxic entitlement mentality.

Of course, there were a number of us who have successfully maneuvered the trenches and made it to the other side. So to answer the OP, I do believe there are individuals to whom you can refer into a well-paying position and have them excel, but such individuals are few and far between. There are few who have the appetite for growth and development. It is an acquired taste, and most don't like it.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Actually come to think of it I kinda like the idea of a mentor getting a 10% cut of the student's earnings, Albertron where's my 40 Gs bro?

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

What do you want?

Do you want to be in the 80k-150k range with a chance to maybe go higher. Learn a trade.

Do you want to shoot for the stars and make 1+ million a year? Make a business...a lot of these are guys who are trades who create their own business.

Do you want to make bank in your mid 40s and beyond of say 400k+ per year? Climb the corporate ladder / have an advanced degree MBA, JD, MD, DDS etc.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

This could easily turn into a recruiting scam.

I make 6figures but I don't know how helpful I would be when odds are someone is not part of the field and if they are willing to switch fields then they would need time to reach the level and probably start low.

This would only work if someone is stuck in the same field and looking for that extra 'connection' push to surpass the 100k number.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Most of the time this situation is for free and is nepotism, your asking a lot for a direct hook up into a high paying field even if your offering a % of your income. The $ isn't worth anything if he's already making $, it's more a moral character thing, I met a friend who worked in finance and he told me he's gotten burned a couple times doing this; it's is a huge leap of faith.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

What this really boils down to is if your meant to make 100k a year you'd be doing it already or your on your way to doing it. If your not making 100k a year without someone else essentially making it happen for you, then you really don't belong making that money.

I know this isn't 100% true but in general it is. One of the owners of the Chicago White Sox, guy by the last name of Walsh. He used to be an insurance salesman. I guess he was probably fairly successful but was by no means rich. He got invited to a country club one weekend. He wound up meeting Jerry Reinsdorf. I guess Jerry and some buddies were like hey why don't you join the club, he said he didn't have money. They offered to loan him or front him I'm not exactly sure the membership. He wound up obviously making some good connections and doing very well for himself.

He now is a partial owner of the Sox, he also owns majority of Elmhurst which is an upscale nice burb still relatively close to the city, etc. Obviously just having the right connection turned him into a very successful person himself.

That said most people who need a leg up, really aren't meant to be there.

I'm a coach/mentor/consultant I guess depending on what term you want to do. I teach people how to make money online through either affiliate marketing, ecommerce, digital content creation, kindle publishing, etc. Most of the people who come to me don't knwo what they want to do, don't have any idea for businesses. They basically want to pay me $200 to turn them into a success. The goal/plan most of the people who message me have is "I want to make 20k a month". They have no business skills, they have no ideas, they have no direction. That is not a goal that is a wish. It really gives me nothing to work with. These are the people who will never be successful. These are grown ass adults who say they need me to help them create an ebay account. If someone is to fucking stupid to signup for eBay I have no time for them. It's not even stupidity, its a total lack of taking any action on their own.

On the flip side I'll occasionally be messaged by a 16 year old kid who's already setup an ebay/Amazon account, has already placed a small order with an importer to check quality, has already taken some steps on their own and are hungup on one specific point or issue or another. It's these guys that I will often work with for free because I think its awesome they are not only thinking about business at a young age but actually taking some action and doing something and not sitting on their ass wanting someone to hold their hand. This is the type of person who will be successful.

Not sure if my rant was off topic. I get that luck or being in the right place at the right time, or having the right connection is the tipping point for some people but in general don't expect to have success just because someone gets you a job because if you didn't belong there in the first place you wont last long.

Essentially waht this post is really about is finding a mentor and you can do that for free. If you want a mentor checkout an organization called score.org. They will pair you up with a CEO who volunteers their time to mentor people.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:42 PM)Schlep Wrote:  

I have a better idea. Don't work for your money, let your money work for you. Focus your efforts into real estate. Look into apartment units in the center of a smaller city near you. Ones that need a little work. New carpet, paint, minor issues. If your not sure how to do minor repairs just look online. You can learn how to lay carpet just buy watching videos on YouTube.

Purchase one unit. You will not have any problems finding people to rent to. Wait for your money to start coming in then purchase another unit. In the end you will want to have four units. Let your buddy live in one for free and he can be your property manager(he pays his own utilities) Rent the other three out. 2,500$ a month coming in.

Sell everything you have. Pack your bags and live the life you have always dreamed of.

Hey, great strategy, this is basically what I'm currently trying to do. Here's the issue I run into and let me know what you have to say about this or if there's any way around it. For an investment property every lender I've spoken with wants 25% down as opposed to say even 5% down which you can get on a conventional mortgage with some lenders.

On a say 200k condo 25% down is 50k. That's not a small chunk of change so between buying your first place and second place you need to have 50k, obviously even if your making money off your rental it's probably not enough to make 50k over the course of a year or even two years. Add do that oftentimes a lender won't let you use that rental income as income for approval unless youve had it for two years.

I guess just curious about your time frame between acquiring all these units. Assuming someone doesn't have a ton of cash to throw around I'm thinking like min 2-3 years between properties before you can go on and buy the best one as all these properties are going against your debt to income ration until you can show two years of solid tax returns to get them to be able to use.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

For a coach/consultant, Jamaicabound, I think you are being strangely dismissive of people who don't understand technology as much a 16year old or as you'd like.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Quote: (07-25-2016 02:35 PM)jamaicabound Wrote:  

I get that luck or being in the right place at the right time, or having the right connection is the tipping point for some people but in general don't expect to have success just because someone gets you a job because if you didn't belong there in the first place you wont last long.

What about the guys who have what it takes to be successful, just need a step in the door? The RVf certainly has the knowledge, skill set, and connections to help members really start making big accomplishments. What are we when all we do is tell guys how they should be living their lives without giving them the tools, connections, and advice to get there?

Also, what can our detractors say or do about us as a community when members are helping each other become the best men they can be? It's hard to argue with success.

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Both chicane and Schlep are kind of right here in different ways. On one hand 100K isn't that much of a job. It's a sort of golden handcuffs that only guarantees you will be taxed to death as an employee. It never gets said but it also means you will be expected to live in slightly larger boxes of Chinese drywall in areas that people have a knee jerk reaction when they hear of the name of oooh thats nice.

And Schlep is being a good student of Rich Dad Poor Dad and starting on a journey of freedom, albeit with a lower amount of money.

There are those who want to learn who ask questions on this forum coming from varying levels of knowledge and experience and do get great, free advice.

I am an entrepreneur to entrepreneurs. I provide a service and specialty products to them. I can tell you from my experience that almost no one asks truly successful people for advice or to tell them how they did this or that. I have learned to do it all the time. I have been in billionaires offices with their lackeys all around and broke protocol and said "may i have a few more minutes of your time i need to ask you some personal questions." The gasp in the room is heard but the principle smiles and gives me the floor. How did you do this? What did you do differently here? If you ran my business what would you do? I have NEVER been turned down by anyone and have been provided with INCREDIBLE advice.

Those that want to learn will ask.

0k+p/y RVFers. Coach careers for cash?

Quote: (07-25-2016 10:53 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Both chicane and Schlep are kind of right here in different ways. On one hand 100K isn't that much of a job. It's a sort of golden handcuffs that only guarantees you will be taxed to death as an employee. It never gets said but it also means you will be expected to live in slightly larger boxes of Chinese drywall in areas that people have a knee jerk reaction when they hear of the name of oooh thats nice.

And Schlep is being a good student of Rich Dad Poor Dad and starting on a journey of freedom, albeit with a lower amount of money.

There are those who want to learn who ask questions on this forum coming from varying levels of knowledge and experience and do get great, free advice.

I am an entrepreneur to entrepreneurs. I provide a service and specialty products to them. I can tell you from my experience that almost no one asks truly successful people for advice or to tell them how they did this or that. I have learned to do it all the time. I have been in billionaires offices with their lackeys all around and broke protocol and said "may i have a few more minutes of your time i need to ask you some personal questions." The gasp in the room is heard but the principle smiles and gives me the floor. How did you do this? What did you do differently here? If you ran my business what would you do? I have NEVER been turned down by anyone and have been provided with INCREDIBLE advice.

Those that want to learn will ask.

I want to learn, what are some key things that stood out with those billionaires? PM if you don't want it to be public.

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