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An American 10 VS An EE 10

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Quote: (07-07-2016 10:16 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

American you say?

[Image: 2da3f878a1f0d30d14e5b7b370829c34.jpg]

[Image: 96d79242ae6a08dffeeb107624da2d13.jpg]

[Image: f1e912a9dc8b94edcf7e69d8f756acda.jpg]

[Image: cada4f8159053f9fa248ea065946ca3e.jpg]

Every other girl in America is just a multi-generational immigrant. They don't really look any different from the women in the countries their families came from.

[Image: attachment.jpg32442]   

Take care of those titties for me.

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Best book on tens, Fibonacci Curves and "golden" ratios - Math does not lie.

"Face This" Chapter 5 "Golden Ratio" ... beauty is scientifically definable and measurable.


There is even a software package that will morph your headshots to the Marquardt Golden ratio developed and copy righted by a famous plastic surgeon of the same name.


There is a different golden ratio for Women <feminine> and Men <masculine>



Online Face Analyzer:


An American 10 VS An EE 10

This should now be a "What Does a Native American 10 Look Like" Thread. Mod, re-title it!

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Debating about a "10" is like talking about which Ferrari is the nicest looking, pointless.

I would take an American 10 and I would take a European 10, end of debate.

Our New Blog:


An American 10 VS An EE 10

Quote: (07-07-2016 12:18 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (07-07-2016 10:16 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

American you say?

[Image: 2da3f878a1f0d30d14e5b7b370829c34.jpg]

[Image: 96d79242ae6a08dffeeb107624da2d13.jpg]

[Image: f1e912a9dc8b94edcf7e69d8f756acda.jpg]

[Image: cada4f8159053f9fa248ea065946ca3e.jpg]

Every other girl in America is just a multi-generational immigrant. They don't really look any different from the women in the countries their families came from.

You forgot one American Indian 10 (well Canadian, but they don't care about borders). Ashely Callingbull.

[Image: 6f5656fd87d15ce09db1c6b7d899006c.jpg]

Would make metis babies with.
Didnt know Red Indians were that hot. This calls for a what do you consider a Red Indian 9 thread?

Don't debate me.

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Quote: (07-09-2016 07:07 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

Didnt know Red Indians were that hot. This calls for a what do you consider a Red Indian 9 thread?

"Red Indians" is an inappropriate term. I believe the correct term is "Savages."

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Quote: (07-09-2016 04:29 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2016 07:07 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

Didnt know Red Indians were that hot. This calls for a what do you consider a Red Indian 9 thread?

"Red Indians" is an inappropriate term. I believe the correct term is "Savages."

There should be a feathers vs dots 10's poll...

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Also it's worth saying that there are smoking hot girls of every race/skin color - it's just the frequency that makes the difference. I personally have never seen a very attractive native American girl in person. Partially because there just aren't very many native Americans left, and partially because generally they look like chubby mexicans with flat noses who look older than they actually are.

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Quote: (07-09-2016 06:05 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Also it's worth saying that there are smoking hot girls of every race/skin color - it's just the frequency that makes the difference. I personally have never seen a very attractive native American girl in person. Partially because there just aren't very many native Americans left, and partially because generally they look like chubby mexicans with flat noses who look older than they actually are.

^^That's a bingo!!!

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Quote: (07-09-2016 06:05 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Also it's worth saying that there are smoking hot girls of every race/skin color - it's just the frequency that makes the difference. I personally have never seen a very attractive native American girl in person. Partially because there just aren't very many native Americans left, and partially because generally they look like chubby mexicans with flat noses who look older than they actually are.

This. Whenever someone criticizes a certain country girl's looks, seems like always a poster always comes up with an actress / model to try and prove his point.

I've yet to meet a hot Native American, or remotely cute.

An American 10 VS An EE 10

An American 10 is more likely to have fake boobs, piercing, tattoos and to dress slutty.

An EE 10 will probably be more natural (no tattoos, no piercing) and will dress more conservatively. Some of them will have fake boobs, but not as much as in the USA.

Both make a great mistress, or a great fuck buddy, but should be avoided for LTR.

Of course there are some exceptions, and EE is changing a lot, but these are the main differences I see.

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Quote: (07-09-2016 11:50 PM)Putin Closes Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2016 06:05 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Also it's worth saying that there are smoking hot girls of every race/skin color - it's just the frequency that makes the difference. I personally have never seen a very attractive native American girl in person. Partially because there just aren't very many native Americans left, and partially because generally they look like chubby mexicans with flat noses who look older than they actually are.

I've yet to meet a hot Native American, or remotely cute.

I've banged two really hot NativeAm mixes in the past month. One tall and willowy, one tall with more curves and ridic high cheekbones.

NYC has the hottest girls in the world, bar none.

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Let's make a deal. If OP has banged at least one 10 in his life, thread continues. If not, we dispense with the mental masturbation, let this thread die and we all go out and daygame the hell out of some bitches.

I'm the King of Beijing!

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Quote: (07-10-2016 02:47 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Let's make a deal. If OP has banged at least one 10 in his life, thread continues. If not, we dispense with the mental masturbation, let this thread die and we all go out and daygame the hell out of some bitches.

Why are you so obsessed with closing every thread?

bad day, huh?

An American 10 VS An EE 10

Also don't be posting bitches with tatts and calling them 10s, tattoos cost you 2 points! And there's no such thing as a bitch with tatts who doesn't have an attitude.

Vanessa Hanson has one on her wrist so that's actually extra points off in my book.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

An American 10 VS An EE 10

That OP pic is as "natural" as a duck living in your ass.....

Sorry man... but she has "before and after" pics on the web too.

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