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Beautiful Women Flirting With Other Guys To Make You Jealous?

Beautiful Women Flirting With Other Guys To Make You Jealous?

Ive noticed this with many 9s and 10s...

They will be interested in an alpha guy - but will deliberately ignore him... and go out of their way to speak and flirt with a beta dude in full view of the alpha

Is a girl like this just shy and intimidated by the alpha... but still wants to show she is available and interested?

Or is she trying to make dudes jealous, simply to gather admirers and boost her ego?

Either way, how should this be dealt with?

- tell her you see and understand what she is doing, and cheekily ask her out immediately

- undermine the beta guy, so further reinforcing your alpha status... then move away from her and wait for her to comes over and orbit

- dont show any interest in her at all, so she wonders why you are not getting jealous... and changes her game plan

- hit her with some negativity to undermine her game and create submissiveness

- forget her and move on... as she may have deep psychological issues, or just be used to playing with men like toys

- etc etc...

Beautiful Women Flirting With Other Guys To Make You Jealous?

I would not do anything, because that kind of thing never bothered me enough to care.

I take a very ' do whatever you want ' kind of attitude, so I have not been in that position. It also could be because I never met many 9s anyway.

Are you talking about social circles? In my experience circles can have values contrary to what is usual.

Beautiful Women Flirting With Other Guys To Make You Jealous?

Thinking about it this much is beta.

Beautiful Women Flirting With Other Guys To Make You Jealous?

I understand that it's appealing for intelligent men to ponder sometimes about the whys and hows of women's social behavior. Sometime this is effective. But keep in mind that there's a danger in over-analyzing.

Young women can be a conundrum in that sometimes they can be very conniving and goal-focused, i.e. they know precisely what they're doing in a certain situation. But other times they're completely solipsistic and driven by whatever shiny item grabs their attention at the moment. It's very egocentric to assume that a woman must be talking to this guy or that guy simply to make YOU jealous (assuming the "alpha" in the OP's post is an insertion for the author.) How do you know a particular guy is a "beta", anyway? Do you have an insider's list into how many girls he's banged in the past month? Are you a beta-psychic, able to tell immediately simply by his demeanor? There are indeed wolves in sheeps clothing out there, so I wouldn't automatically bin guys based on first impressions.

How do you know she is "interested"? What is your evidence? IMO interested is, is interested does. If you're approaching and she's blowing you off to engage with someone else, she's clearly not interested, at least at that point in time.

9s and 10s are rare as hen's teeth, at least in the US. If they are legitimately that hot (where are you rolling that they're showing up on the regular anyway?), my guess is that they're not "playing games" with you, they already have a bunch of alphas on lock already, they're just doing whatever they feel like at the time, which sounds like it's just to be entertained by whomever seems the most interesting in the moment, beta, alpha, or whatever.

Instead of wondering why she's ignoring you and spinning around all her motivations (which are probably incorrect anyway), I'd pay closer attention to what the "beta" is doing to hold her attention, and how you might capitalize on that.

Beautiful Women Flirting With Other Guys To Make You Jealous?

I'm also a bit unclear if this is a realistic scenario for many guys, but that could be mostly me, since I tend to roll in the territory of 6, 7 and 8s, rather than 9 and 10s. Sure, the more options that the girl has, the more she may be elusive in getting... but ultimately, you have to have something that she is interested in getting, so if you happen to be the guy that she is ignoring (but supposedly secretly wants), there's gotta be some way to make a hook, and if she is not hooking with your hook, then it seems like a waste of time to attempt to play games with her... either she is interested in spending time with you or not, otherwise move on to girls who show some interests, no?

If you attempt to get into her head too much, then you are going to find that she is calling the shots and setting the parameters, and for me, I would rather hook up with a 6, 7 or 8 who is engaging with me on my terms than to attempt to pursue a 9 or 10 who doesn't seem willing to play on my terms.

Beautiful Women Flirting With Other Guys To Make You Jealous?

It doesn't matter why she is doing it - excessive flirting is disrespectful and you must react accordingly.

Channel this anger into courage and hit on other girls in front of her, preferably ones that are a point or two cuter than her. Stop short of making out, but go for the digits and escalation. Girls LOVE making other girls jealous. And hey, maybe you'll even meet an even hotter girl than the rude bitch you came in with.

Beautiful Women Flirting With Other Guys To Make You Jealous?

It doesn't matter what her behavior means. It can mean lots of things. It's not your job to figure it out but to use it to your advantage.

When she plays her dramatic role of being hard to get and acting like a bunny you should chase by talking to other guys then break that little bunny's heart by letting her see you talking to other attracting women giving zero fucks about her status and games she plays.

Print it out, make it your desktop wallpaper, hang a poster on the wall in your room, have it on your mobile screen...


Beautiful Women Flirting With Other Guys To Make You Jealous?

How to deal with it?
Her intent is to make an alpha jealous?
The alpha's intent is to bang hot girls?
Are there other hot or hotter girls in bar/club?

Next. Her loss.

Beautiful Women Flirting With Other Guys To Make You Jealous?

^^ you're not nexting her in that situation she's nexting you

Beautiful Women Flirting With Other Guys To Make You Jealous?

Two rules i make for myself,

- Never LTR girls who do this kind of shit
- It's okay to be jealous -If ever- ONLY with a girl i'm in an LTR with (without making it obvious of course)

A girl who comes with this behaviour outta nowhere would next herself very briefly.

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