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Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

In "Humor." Tell us how you feel, Art

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

^^ In my experience the people who seem to be the most outraged are not even gays themselves. They are the left wing do-gooders, it has more to do with being part of the group, like im so progressive and cool. Like all the idiots putting up rainbow backgrounds on FB.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: Lib13.jpg]

[Image: Lib16.jpg]

[Image: Lib18.jpg]

[Image: Lib20.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: attachment.jpg41651]   

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: funny_memes_9.jpg]

[Image: Lib23.jpg]

[Image: Lib26.jpg]

[Image: Lib30.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

#51 She made a longer video than I wanted to watch.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: Fun1.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: tesla%20generator.jpg?itok=66FrNSMt]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

That isn't a diesel generator, it is a health club gym for grass fed steer running on treadmill generators.

Learn the new science.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: 966436655156559872]

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists


Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (04-22-2019 02:34 PM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

[Image: 966436655156559872]

I don't get that one.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

She's ignoring the dude offering her flowers for the dude offering her a 'like'.

But drawing flowers is hard so it looks like the dude's offering her a lung he ripped out of somebody's chest.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Figured it was supposed to be his heart plus an artery or two...

Although, that meme requires a second scene.
Where she's snatched both the heart & the 'like' & discarded both in the trash for another like.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: 57486636_131750187903013_488718784238557...e=5D3EA111]

Make our guns illegal and we'll call them "undocumented"

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (04-22-2019 08:55 PM)spokepoker Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2019 02:34 PM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

[Image: 966436655156559872]

I don't get that one.

Actually the cartoon even encompasses 2 more things - optimized hypergamy and women ignoring lesser real-life suitors for the likes of seemingly superior men.

On top of it you have the higher-scale men banging out women, but never settling down with them, while men who would have married them in their early 20s - they get rejected. A glorified 6-7 can fuck NFL stars, Jet Set heirs and lots of good-looking Players with Game, but none of them will wife her up. Heck - even an 8+ will be riding the carousel if she dates only athletes and Jet-Setters. Meanwhile Dave the guy with the flowers and a good STEM job - he is discarded.

The drawing also shows the guy with the flowers to be less slim and somewhat less good-looking.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Come on.

Girls are ignoring both of those chumps.

And it's an artichoke.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Also, it's interesting to note that the guy on the left bows down his head like a dog, pedestalizing the pussy.

Fuck that!

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: D44-A49-MWk-AAa1h-A.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: D43-FIJGX4-AAnp-Df.png]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: virginity-comic.png]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

One can only dream

[Image: D47lBngXsAMhMys.jpg]

Make our guns illegal and we'll call them "undocumented"

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: attachment.jpg41690]   

Parody and real face of feminism vs the propaganda they dished out:

[Image: m_5bff22dfc617776355078321.jpg]

[Image: attachment.jpg41691]   

Why one woman gets her own movie and the other doesn't - too much reward for the male gaze is not feminist enough.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: 58444104_10157660432434769_6971701020648...e=5D6C37F9]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: e944ba34ff69cb3ad99652ead1d49a904e77e77c...=600&h=408]

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