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Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin


Did some quick research on these 2 places as a potential places to live for a period of time(1year) and it seems like Santo Domingo is twice as expensive as Medellin according to

You would need around 2,605.66$ in Santo Domingo to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 1,380.39$ in Medellin (assuming you rent in both cities)

When it comes to cost of living Medellin wins hands down.

Now I have a few standard questions for those who have visited both places

Pros&Cons of both cities

Chicks-quality/how easy is to pick up (online/offline), level of Spanish required to hook up with regular girls
Where do you have more value as a white foreigner with shitty Spanish[Image: smile.gif]

Is there any reason why would someone choose SD over MEdellin if girls are his main objective and knowing $1 in COL is worth $2 in DR

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

I wouldn't put much stock in web sites detailing the cost of life. Both Santo Domingo and Medellin are well cheap but it depends on what you do. You should just go to both places for a couple weeks and see how they feel.

That said, Santo Domingo girls are a lot looser and easier. Medellin girls may be better-looking. They're both worth a visit so you just have to go and see.

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

SD is definitely more expensive than Medellin. Having said that, you can stretch your dollar a lot by being smart about spending, e.g. buy local ingredients vs imported. Pros of SD would be: wider variety of girls (blacks, whites and everything in between) and their overall looseness, ocean nearby and cleaner air, better air connections to North America. Pros of Medellin: girls are more educated - you can actually have conversations with them, more temperate climate (SD gets hot and humid), people are less likely to try to rip
you off, better prices, much better infrastructure, e.g faster and cheaper Internet etc.

Medellin and Colombia in general have more culture and a 'proper country' feel; DR is a pure
banana republic, the wild wild west where everything goes - a blessing for some and a
showstopper for others. As a white foreigner, you will definitely have more value in SD -
especially as your Spanish improves. Quality of
girls - in DR there are plenty of great bodies but
harder to find a pretty face, Colombia is the

In DR you can easily stay a year without visa hassles, - in Colombia you can only extend your tourist visa a month at a time for up to 6 months, and then you need to change to a
different visa or get out. In Colombia, as a tourist, you won't be able to legally rent directly from locals at local prices - which kills the 2 to 1 price ratio. In DR no one gives a shit - you can legally rent, open a bank account and buy a car - all as a tourist.

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

Quote: (12-26-2015 11:35 AM)rover Wrote:  

SD is definitely more expensive than Medellin. Having said that, you can stretch your dollar a lot by being smart about spending, e.g. buy local ingredients vs imported. Pros of SD would be: wider variety of girls (blacks, whites and everything in between) and their overall looseness, ocean nearby and cleaner air, better air connections to North America. Pros of Medellin: girls are more educated - you can actually have conversations with them, more temperate climate (SD gets hot and humid), people are less likely to try to rip
you off, better prices, much better infrastructure, e.g faster and cheaper Internet etc.

Medellin and Colombia in general have more culture and a 'proper country' feel; DR is a pure
banana republic, the wild wild west where everything goes - a blessing for some and a
showstopper for others. As a white foreigner, you will definitely have more value in SD -
especially as your Spanish improves. Quality of
girls - in DR there are plenty of great bodies but
harder to find a pretty face, Colombia is the

In DR you can easily stay a year without visa hassles, - in Colombia you can only extend your tourist visa a month at a time for up to 6 months, and then you need to change to a
different visa or get out. In Colombia, as a tourist, you won't be able to legally rent directly from locals at local prices - which kills the 2 to 1 price ratio. In DR no one gives a shit - you can legally rent, open a bank account and buy a car - all as a tourist.

This post is incredibly accurate on nearly all accounts. Just to add a few thing...

If you had a budget of over $2,500 a month - you'd be better off in Santo Domingo (just my opinion). Dominican women love money much more than Colombian women. And at $2,500 a month you can ball out in Santo Domingo.

If you only have $1,300 a month - you may be better off in Medellin. You can live in the DR nicely on $1,200-1,300 a month, but you'll need a bit more to continually "date" high 8's and 9's in Santo. The keyword is continually...

Everybody is fucking in the DR [Image: wink.gif]

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

Quote: (12-26-2015 11:35 AM)rover Wrote:  

SD is definitely more expensive than Medellin. Having said that, you can stretch your dollar a lot by being smart about spending, e.g. buy local ingredients vs imported. Pros of SD would be: wider variety of girls (blacks, whites and everything in between) and their overall looseness, ocean nearby and cleaner air, better air connections to North America. Pros of Medellin: girls are more educated - you can actually have conversations with them, more temperate climate (SD gets hot and humid), people are less likely to try to rip
you off, better prices, much better infrastructure, e.g faster and cheaper Internet etc.

Medellin and Colombia in general have more culture and a 'proper country' feel; DR is a pure
banana republic, the wild wild west where everything goes - a blessing for some and a
showstopper for others. As a white foreigner, you will definitely have more value in SD -
especially as your Spanish improves. Quality of
girls - in DR there are plenty of great bodies but
harder to find a pretty face, Colombia is the

In DR you can easily stay a year without visa hassles, - in Colombia you can only extend your tourist visa a month at a time for up to 6 months, and then you need to change to a
different visa or get out. In Colombia, as a tourist, you won't be able to legally rent directly from locals at local prices - which kills the 2 to 1 price ratio. In DR no one gives a shit - you can legally rent, open a bank account and buy a car - all as a tourist.

Very accurate post, from everything I know (I have been to Medellin and know only a bit about SD).

Failure is caused by unwillingness to adapt!

"If it's not rough, it is not fun!" - Lady Gaga, Philosopher

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

Quote: (12-26-2015 11:35 AM)rover Wrote:  

Quality of girls - in DR there are plenty of great bodies but
harder to find a pretty face, Colombia is the opposite.

I thought Medellin was full of fake asses and tits. In what way are they hard to find?

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

Quote: (12-27-2015 03:32 PM)BallsDeep Wrote:  

Quote: (12-26-2015 11:35 AM)rover Wrote:  

Quality of girls - in DR there are plenty of great bodies but
harder to find a pretty face, Colombia is the opposite.

I thought Medellin was full of fake asses and tits. In what way are they hard to find?

Fake ass and tits are quite prevalent in Medellin, but I wouldn't say full.

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

This is a very helpful thread. I'm torn between where to go in the summer. Leaning toward SD since this would primarily be 2 week bang mission.

Seems like Medellin (and Colombia in general) is more of an investment- a better place to post up for a longer time, build a social circle and do other things besides just game.

The Peru Thread
"Feminists exist in a quantum super-state in which they are both simultaneously the victim and the aggressor." - Milo Yiannopoulos

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

Quote: (12-27-2015 04:48 PM)NovaVirtu Wrote:  

This is a very helpful thread. I'm torn between where to go in the summer. Leaning toward SD since this would primarily be 2 week bang mission.

Seems like Medellin (and Colombia in general) is more of an investment- a better place to post up for a longer time, build a social circle and do other things besides just game.

To a certain extent - yes. SD would be better for two weeks. Colombia may be better for a month. Budget is the biggest factor. Money goes a long, long way in SD. The more you have - the more fun you'll have.

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin


I thought Medellin was full of fake asses and tits. In what way are they hard to find?

I didn't say *hard* to find. I said its *harder* to find great bodies than pretty faces - in Medellin. Too many chubbies and flat girls basically. Lots of pretty faces however. In DR its the opposite: awesome (and mostly natural) bodies all over the place, perfect asses, racks and legs, but the faces are so-so for the most part. Anyway, just my observation.

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

Quote: (12-27-2015 05:49 PM)rover Wrote:  


I thought Medellin was full of fake asses and tits. In what way are they hard to find?

I didn't say *hard* to find. I said its *harder* to find great bodies than pretty faces - in Medellin. Too many chubbies and flat girls basically. Lots of pretty faces however. In DR its the opposite: awesome (and mostly natural) bodies all over the place, perfect asses, racks and legs, but the faces are so-so for the most part. Anyway, just my observation.

Also, in DR the great bodies are usually natural. In Colombia, the best bodies are usually surgically enhanced (unless she's a Costena). Colombian girls are often naturally flat in the chest, but usually have great asses.

I may be the minority, but I found Colombian girls to have better assess than Dominican girls.

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

I will take natural ass and titts over surgically enhanced ones, it is a big turnoff for me no matter how skilled doctor is nothing beats natural.

Women on dom cupid look very african or some combo with strong african genes being present. What mixture do we have in medellin? Im guessing native indians and spanish, nothing black african?

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

Quote: (12-27-2015 06:51 PM)Bananaman711 Wrote:  

I will take natural ass and titts over surgically enhanced ones, it is a big turnoff for me no matter how skilled doctor is nothing beats natural.

Women on dom cupid look very african or some combo with strong african genes being present. What mixture do we have in medellin? Im guessing native indians and spanish, nothing black african?

Then you may not like Colombia as much as some others have.

DR is very African, but you can find every skin tone on the island.

Colombia is much whiter on average, but you can find some African genes in Medellin, Cali, and on the coast.

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

I don't know about DR so I can't compare, but I will say that Medellin is a really nice and liveable city if we're talking about something other than the girls. Transport is very cheap, clean and reliable. Most of the city is very safe in my experience. Nobody speaks English though. I usually bought a 'menu ejecutivo' lunch for about 6-7000 pesos which comes with a drink - about 3 dollars. The same little restaurants are everywhere. I loved them. Agree with Rover too, people are educated in Medellin and you can have some great conversations - if you speak Spanish.

My tip, look for some cool guys, make friends with them and go out together. They love foreigners of all sorts in Colombia and are really curious. Let them practice their English, buy them a few drinks and play some soccer. They'll more than return the favour.

I'd love to head to DR too, I'd love to hear what you think of either place once you choose. all the best

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

I signed up for 1 month on and I am getting good responses so far, just to test waters, Im always skeptical about good normal girls advertising themselves online...they are either golddigers or loose type looking for bang with foreign men with a few exceptions here and there. I already had a few cases where girl would ask that she needs help, family member is sick and other good old bs and i had a few that have normal jobs, drive cars etc...mixed bag so far

Another thing is about clothes, how to dress without screaming "fresh gringo", it important to blend in as much as you can to avoid unwanted attention from locals, of course they will see Im not dominican but i wanna look like im foreigner whos been there for a long time.

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

Quote: (01-02-2016 11:34 AM)Bananaman711 Wrote:  

I signed up for 1 month on and I am getting good responses so far, just to test waters, Im always skeptical about good normal girls advertising themselves online...they are either golddigers or loose type looking for bang with foreign men with a few exceptions here and there. I already had a few cases where girl would ask that she needs help, family member is sick and other good old bs and i had a few that have normal jobs, drive cars etc...mixed bag so far

Another thing is about clothes, how to dress without screaming "fresh gringo", it important to blend in as much as you can to avoid unwanted attention from locals, of course they will see Im not dominican but i wanna look like im foreigner whos been there for a long time.


I have 6 weeks off in May, thinking of 2 weeks SD and 4 weeks Medellin. Never been to SD. also from OZ... Let me know how it's going on Cupid.. thanks

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

I just read that hotels in DR are not "guest friendly", as in you are not allowed to bring anyone in unless they pay on top off what you already paid.
Most of my travels have been in Asia and I never had to deal with these issues, I usually book through and that per room which allows you to have a guest or 2 , its common sense as you are paying premium price.
It would be real pain in the ass to deal with reception staff when bringing chika back to your room, mood killer.

Any hotels around 50USD that don't charge fee for guests?What they usually charge, double?

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

Quote: (01-19-2016 08:17 AM)Bananaman711 Wrote:  

Any hotels around 50USD that don't charge fee for guests

There are plenty of hotels in SD that are chica friendly in that price range.

Santo Domingo Vs Medellin

Quote: (01-19-2016 08:17 AM)Bananaman711 Wrote:  

I just read that hotels in DR are not "guest friendly", as in you are not allowed to bring anyone in unless they pay on top off what you already paid.
Most of my travels have been in Asia and I never had to deal with these issues, I usually book through and that per room which allows you to have a guest or 2 , its common sense as you are paying premium price.
It would be real pain in the ass to deal with reception staff when bringing chika back to your room, mood killer.

Any hotels around 50USD that don't charge fee for guests?What they usually charge, double?

"Guest friendly" in DR means that you can bring in a girl whose name was not registered when you checked in. The prices are generally "per room" but if you didn't register the other guest's name, non-guest-friendly hotels will require that you pay extra when you bring someone. Basically they just assume you are bringing in a pro and want to penalize you/have their cut. On the other hand, "guest-friendly" hotels don't care if you bring in anyone and don't charge extra.

You gotta confirm, preferably in person, that the hotel is "guest-friendly". It doesn't matter whether you book with or not. Usually the more expensive the hotel is, the more strict they are - but really there is no particular pattern, just gotta ask. The extra fee would be somewhere in the 30-50% range, but best to avoid it altogether. Usually a discreet bribe of $10 to the right hotel employee works fine but then sometimes it doesn't and then it sucks. There is nothing worse than getting a hot chica within feet of your bed and you are wasting time having to negotiate with some gimp at 3am.

By the way, in Colombia, all hotels (or at least absolute majority of them) charge "per person" and are definitely not guest-friendly, so one more minus to them in the comparison matrix.

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