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Russia Bans George Soros' Open Society Foundation

Russia Bans George Soros' Open Society Foundation

This picture sums of George Soros in one hit:

[Image: femen-soros-israel.png]

Multiculturalism for thee and not for me!

Russia Bans George Soros' Open Society Foundation

Quote: (11-30-2015 11:57 AM)dreambig Wrote:  

Wow. Just goes to show we are not totally losing it around here.

A lot of us have always maintained that Soros is a giant sponsor of zionism and geopolitical fuckery around the world. This goes way back to even the '97 financial crisis in asia. He's shady as fuck.

Russia Bans George Soros' Open Society Foundation

Quote: (12-01-2015 04:56 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

This picture sums of George Soros in one hit:

[Image: femen-soros-israel.png]

Multiculturalism for thee and not for me!

Is this true, or a joke?

Did he really stop funding FEMEN because they are launching in Israel?

EDIT: A quick Google search makes it look as if this is true.

Russia Bans George Soros' Open Society Foundation

Soros and his career explain why the establishment tolerates or backs SJWs: because it helps them make more money.

This whole "open society" bullshit is a slick marketing of his real objective: open up your markets, open up your wallets, open up your legs, so that I can make money off you.

He's just another wire-puller, working behind the scenes to make money.

Where this goes too far is when the quest for profit corrodes the social and cultural values of each country. And this is the problem with Soros and his ilk.

They don't know when to stop. They want it all.

Russia Bans George Soros' Open Society Foundation

Glad to see this thread went in the direction I was hoping for!

Russia Bans George Soros' Open Society Foundation

Quote: (11-30-2015 03:26 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

[Image: b227d4c13d572dffd1624b1ad18d67efcf8bcf1e...1b00_1.jpg]

If you really think this zionist puppet will have any power whatsoever against the real enemies of the US...

Russia Bans George Soros' Open Society Foundation

Israel is now discussing a similar law:


Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked publicized what she called the “transparency bill” on Sunday, which would require NGOs who receive most of their funding from foreign governments to declare that they do so.

The blatant intervention of foreign countries in the State of Israel’s internal matters through funding is an unprecedented, broadly-occurring phenomenon that violates all the rules and norms of relations between democratic countries,” Shaked said.

The bill is the latest of several iterations of legislation meant to limit donations organizations can receive from foreign governments or entities funded by foreign governments. Past versions, which did not pass, tried to tax the donations, whereas Shaked’s bill would only label the NGOs, and only apply to those whose funding from foreign governments is over 50 percent of their budget.

An NGO that is mostly funded by foreign governments will have to say so in its publications and reports that are publicly available, in any contact in writing or at meetings with public officials or workers, and they will have to detail which foreign entities donated to them in the relevant years.

In addition, the NGOs’ representatives will have to wear name tags with the name of their organization on it when they’re in the Knesset, as lobbyists do.

Any violation of the law will carry a fine of NIS 29,200.

Shaked argued that foreign countries use NGOs to undermine Israel’s sovereignty and character and the democratically elected government’s authority. She brought the UN investigation into Operation Protective Edge, which accused Israel of possibly committing war crimes, as an example, pointing out that NGOs such as B’tselem, Breaking the Silence, Adalah and others testified to the commission.

“The ‘transparency bill’ will be a fence to block out blatant intervention by foreign countries in Israeli public life,” she stated. “It does not harm freedom of expression or the right to equality, and contributes to increasing transparency. The public and its representatives have the right to know who is stirring the pot.”

The article also contains statements from other politicians of various parties, some saying it´s not strict enough, some accusing the minister of McCarthyism.

It seems the bill mainly targets leftist organizations, and naturally they are absolutely against it:


The Israeli Civil Liberties Association said in response that the transparency law it another attempt to harm the Israeli Democracy through a sophisticated silencing campaign and scare tactics. The Association further wrote that the purpose of the law is to delegitimize human rights organizations, especially organizations that deal with the rights of the Palestinians in the territories, of Israeli Arabs, and of African refugees.
According to NGO Monitor, the government of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the European Union, Finland, France and Germany all donate generously to anti-government, anti-Zionist NGOs inside Israel. Other donor are organizations from Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and the World Bank – PNGO Project.

Or this opinion piece, comparing the law to the "mark of Cain" or the yellow badge in Nazi Germany, which I won´t quote:


It was hardly by chance that Shaked chose to include the word “transparency” when coming up with a name for her new law. Borrowed from the social protest movement, the term has the positive connotation of orderly government among the public. In fact, it is little more than a cynical attempt to whitewash a law intended to further existing efforts to delegitimize left-wing NGOs — and the left in general — throughout Israel. Though the law makes no mention of the word “left” per se, it doesn’t have to. In Israel today, the situation is such that many left-wing NGOs that support finding ways to resolve the Palestinian issue receive funding from foreign governments, mainly from Western Europe and the United States. In contrast, right-wing NGOs usually tend to receive contributions from private individuals. These latter donations are not covered by the proposed law.
Representatives of these NGOs were quick to condemn the law and to defend themselves on major media outlets, while the right is accusing them of one of the worst imaginable charges against public officials in the current climate: of being against “transparency.”
Shaked could hardly have been surprised by the uproar that the proposed law evoked. When a picture of a yellow Star of David with the word “leftist” written on it appeared on social networks, she jumped on the opportunity as if it were a godsend. She responded mockingly on her Facebook page, “Transparency about the gas pipeline and votes in the Ministerial Committee: yes. Transparency about the involvement of foreign governments in the internal affairs of the State of Israel: no. The left likes some kinds of transparency but hates others. Some kinds of incitement are prohibited, while other kinds of incitement are permissible.
There is no other way to describe this law than as a political persecution — a McCarthy-style brutal, ugly and wild persecution that is reminiscent of regimes best forgotten. Shaked’s proposal not only targets left-wing organizations, but the left as a whole. The law that she is proposing is not meant to protect Israel from the involvement of foreign governments in its internal affairs. It is simply intended to protect the right. By advancing this law, Shaked has already scored points with the extreme right. Unfortunately, there isn’t a single minister in this entire government who will do what it takes to stop her.

More and more countries are coming to the realization that the "N" in NGO should really be an "A" for "Anti-".

Russia Bans George Soros' Open Society Foundation

I haven't seen a single person say this was a bad idea.

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