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Considering Monasticism

Considering Monasticism

Considering the increasingly degenerating society we live in, perhaps we need to admit that society is lost. While it might (and that is a strong might) be possible for guys Roosh's age to settle down and have a more-or-less stable family life, that option will most likely not be possible for young men under thirty. Similarly, there are some of us around the manosphere (though not necessarily on this forum) who simply cannot subscribe to this lifestyle of hedonism that is seen both in and out of the 'sphere.

Perhaps for men such as myself who fit into these categories, the best way for us to move forward is monasticism. In recent weeks I have strongly considered becoming a priest in the Catholic faith. The Catholic church does indeed have many internal issues which must be resolved, and I'm not a big fan of Pope Francis and the direction he's taking the church, but compared to the majority of Protestant churches, Catholicism remains significantly less churchian. Similarly, it seems that in the past, whenever SHTF, monks were the ones who preserved what was good from the past amidst all the chaos around them. Perhaps that is my place in life: to be a preservationist. Since the average person no longer seems to care about acknowledging his own culture, let alone preserving the good things about it, it appears that it is up to a small minority to do this. And perhaps once this society falls, we will have preserved what was good about western culture and theology, and through our efforts aid the survivors in rebuilding civilization.

I am open to discussion about this topic, and would very much like to hear what my fellow forum members think about monasticism and religious life in general.

Considering Monasticism

Becoming a priest or a monk is a calling. It is something you do because you have to, and no other direction or life will work.

Not only is a monastery not a place to escape the world, but the interview process they have designed will actively screen out people who are there for any other reason than because they believe God has called them to be there.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve culture, it's just that if that is why you are going to a monastery, you are missing the point of the monastery.

This is a good idea for a topic though.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Considering Monasticism

While they may seem similar to the outsider, Monks and Priests actually perform quite different roles. Priests are spiritual leaders and pillars of the community. They spend a large amount of time every week interacting directly with their parishioners. They also have significant responsibility for managing the church itself, which is no small task. In short, a Priest is not really a preservationist. He's in a much more active day-to-day role.

Monks, on the other hand, largely sequester themselves from the outside world in order to focus entirely on spiritual matters. They spend large portions of their day in prayer. When not praying, they are working diligently, usually at some kind of manual/craft labor which helps to support their monastery. What scant time is not spent in prayer or at work is consumed by communal meals and reading of the Bible. There are different types of monasteries, so this description is not universal, but it's generally representative of the life of a Catholic or Orthodox Monk.

Your post comes across as if this is just a passing flight of fancy (similar to how many young men daydream of joining the Foreign Legion). You need to figure out how serious you actually are about this idea, and make sure it is something you really want. I would encourage you first to do more in-depth research on the internet. If you are still serious after learning more, arrange to meet with a local Priest and visit the nearest monastery to see if it's really something you think you can dedicate your life to.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Considering Monasticism

Another thought is to try and hit up Aurelius Moner, a.k.a Cui, one of the ROK authors. He is a monk - probably Benedictine I'd guess, he seems to have a little more freedom than the Cistercian order seemed to.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Considering Monasticism

rw95: Some "Canticle for Leibowitz" will no doubt be needed in the future.
Many monasteries offer weekend retreats to the public, which should give anyone interested an idea of what it's like.


Considering Monasticism

It's beta to the max, in my opinion. Too weak to take on the challenge of making it in the modern world? Hopefully this is just a passing fad and in a year's time you'll look back and laugh.

Hope I don't sound too abrasive, but don't we openly mock MGTOW elsewhere on this board?

Considering Monasticism

If I was going become a monk I'd go with the Trappist order.

[Image: 520px-Trappist_Beer_2015-08-15.jpg]
If I'm gonna give up pussy at least I want access to good beer

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Considering Monasticism

You might want to talk to Return of Kings' theologian in residence, Aurelius Moner.

We actually have a writer who is also a Catholic monk. For real. His name is Aurelius Moner, and has also used the name Cui Pertinebit.

This guy is a fountain of knowledge. He has walked the road, and should be able to give you valuable guidance.

Considering Monasticism

OP, all kidding aside:

While you may very well be correct in that western society at large is "lost" that doesn't mean that individuals can't carve out the lives they want within it with focus, drive, fortitude and determination. There are even many successful and happy individuals that are forum members.

Edit: Here's one success story that comes to mind that might be in line with your sensibilities (just guessing due to the elements of spirituality)

Out of the game Success Story

This forum has opened your eyes to some real societal issues and concerns and that's great. Use that awareness. But don't let that awareness conquer and close your eyes to the positives and opportunities available to you.

In other words whatever you choose to do, choose it from a (positive) place of desire, rather than a (negative) place of fear.

If monasticism is a true calling (positive/desire) for you (as mentioned above) then by all means pursue it. But choosing it out of fear (negative) of not getting or failing to get what you want out of life without ever even trying sounds like a path to eventual regret.

Ultimately we must each choose our own path as our journey is our own. You posted for advice here so the above is my 2 cents.

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Considering Monasticism

We don't need any more higher IQ white guys checking out from procreating. whites are only like 12% of the world and soon will be much smaller because we all think of reasons not to make children. All the younger priests are just a waste of genetics as far as I'm concerned. Men that smart should be making children.

Many young white men grew up in decent families but the line will end with them as they have similar views to yours. It saddens me to see my race checking out from the world. If you want to help the world, make some white children.

Considering Monasticism

Quote: (12-01-2015 03:59 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

We don't need any more higher IQ white guys checking out from procreating. whites are only like 12% of the world and soon will be much smaller because we all think of reasons not to make children. All the younger priests are just a waste of genetics as far as I'm concerned. Men that smart should be making children.

Many young white men grew up in decent families but the line will end with them as they have similar views to yours. It saddens me to see my race checking out from the world. If you want to help the world, make some white children.

Friend, I'm only half white.

Considering Monasticism

Quote: (12-01-2015 05:58 PM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-01-2015 03:59 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

We don't need any more higher IQ white guys checking out from procreating. whites are only like 12% of the world and soon will be much smaller because we all think of reasons not to make children. All the younger priests are just a waste of genetics as far as I'm concerned. Men that smart should be making children.

Many young white men grew up in decent families but the line will end with them as they have similar views to yours. It saddens me to see my race checking out from the world. If you want to help the world, make some white children.

Friend, I'm only half white.

Then just use sperm from the white ball

EDIT: Just making a funny,... not a race troll. Plus I'm Cuban so I get an ethnicity pass...don't I?

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Considering Monasticism

Quote: (12-01-2015 03:59 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

We don't need any more higher IQ white guys checking out from procreating. whites are only like 12% of the world and soon will be much smaller because we all think of reasons not to make children. All the younger priests are just a waste of genetics as far as I'm concerned. Men that smart should be making children.

Many young white men grew up in decent families but the line will end with them as they have similar views to yours. It saddens me to see my race checking out from the world. If you want to help the world, make some white children.

Only Catholics and Eastern Orthodox churches (with many exceptions) are not allowed to marry.

OP, if you want to become a priest while enjoying female companionship check out Lutheranism. It's all of the fun of Catholicism without the guilt.

Considering Monasticism

Quote: (12-01-2015 11:44 AM)Mr. Brightside Wrote:  

don't we openly mock MGTOW elsewhere on this board?

Yes, but I don't think you know why.

Considering Monasticism

Quote: (12-05-2015 02:37 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-01-2015 11:44 AM)Mr. Brightside Wrote:  

don't we openly mock MGTOW elsewhere on this board?

Yes, but I don't think you know why.

iop, I think there isn't all that much difference between these web "monks" and web "MGTOW"; they're quite similar types. In both cases, their lives and discourse are based on lies and cowardice. In the one case, beta males who lie and pretend that they don't need women and don't worship them more than life itself; in the other, web dudes who are so obsessed with the idea and conviction of "meaninglessness" that they lie to themselves and others and desperately affect belief in things which they do not actually believe for a moment.

I have no problem with actual religious guys; I've lived for some years in the Midwest and I've met some true Christians, particularly Evangelicals, whose faith and belief were as literal and as natural as the sun in the sky. They were some of the best, sweetest, and purest people I've ever met; I always loved being around them and I will never forget them.

What I have no use for is web Christians: obvious convicted nihilists whose minds are so weak that they'll do and say anything to distract themselves from their true thoughts. Some of them will live out their whole lives as a lie because of their weakness, cowardice, and fear and hatred of the world as it is. Web Catholics are among the very worst in this regard.

As far as this ROK monk, I wrote a post about him when he first appeared on the scene. It describes what I believe truly animates him and others like him.

Quote: (07-31-2014 09:12 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

This intellectual "neo-reactionary monk" who affects to convince himself and others that he believes and takes seriously the "apparition of the Virgin in Fatima" when he believes nothing of the sort;

And the equally intellectual progressive atheist self-styled "organic farmer" who has thrown away his air conditioning and lives a harried locavore's life of negative carbon footprint, a modern day monk himself --

They are exactly the same in every way that matters. They have become entirely convinced of just what QC states above -- the "meaninglessness" of a world without God -- and with the all-encompassing knowledge of that "meaninglessness" to the end of the line, they see the complexity of life as it is as an added insult: all this activity; all for nothing. And so, with the hard-mindedness, dedication and fanaticism of white men whose first youth is behind them, they retire to an affected monastic simplicity of life, which, together with one or another crudely reductive ideology, allows them to keep their apprehension of "meaninglessness" at bay.

It is unfortunate that intelligent men have become so convinced of this idea of "meaninglessness" that they feel compelled to attach themselves, in one way or another, to an austere pseudo-religion, with guilt and proscriptions to spare. These are spiritually and cognitively reduced and blighted lives, and one waits for the day when the intractable confusions that have led to them are changed either by brute fact or by new and different thought.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Considering Monasticism

OP: "Considering the increasingly degenerating society we live in..."

I've heard that most of the priests and monks are homosexual (and quite a few are pedophiles - we all heard about the scandal). I remember reading an inside story about how the seminaries are hot beds for homosexual buggery (I can't remember where - it may have been the NY times).

OP, you are going to be exposed to more degeneracy living among priests than you will experience in the secular world.

Take care of those titties for me.

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