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Girl Quotes Translated to English

Girl Quotes Translated to English

"I'm not like the other girls" = I'm nuts
"I'm a free spirit" = I flake more than the cereal aisle
"I'm driven/strong-willed/career-oriented" = make me call you "Daddy" and I'll soak everything in a 5 foot radius
"Don't think we're having sex tonight"/"don't get any funny ideas" = we're fucking, so long as you don't do anything retarded from now til then
"Tired of the games" = the Wall has either been hit or will be soon

Girl Quotes Translated to English

Quote: (07-19-2015 03:14 PM)Deuce Anna Half Wrote:  

"I'm a free spirit" = I flake more than the cereal aisle

According to Webster's, "free-spirited" is also a synonym for slutty as fuck and I've had at least 50 dicks in me.

Or at least it should be.

Girl Quotes Translated to English

The best quote:

"I'm not having sex with you tonight."

Translation: I'm thinking about having sex with you tonight.

Girl Quotes Translated to English

"Everyone is different." - When she sees that you're getting a handle on what female nature REALLY is.

Translation - People just seem different, but their biology makes them roughly the same.

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Girl Quotes Translated to English

You're such an asshole. You make my ovaries explode.

I really like nice guys who treat me well. Only after i've lost my attractiveness and spent my best years fucking bad-boys who turn me on.

I'm an artistic soul. I love drama.

It feels like i've know you forever/everything about you. You're already boring me.

You know everything about me and i know almost nothing about you. Don't tell me everything about yourself because your mystery turns me on.

What do you do for work? How much money do you have ?

What are you studying? What's your earning potential?

What are your hobbies? Do you have a life?

We'll see. I'm not interested.

Maybe. Always means no.

I'm not in the mood right now. You don't turn me on anymore/i'm fucking somebody else.

Are you on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter ? Can i add to you to my list of omega orbiters who like my selfies ?

Why won't you accept my friend request? Why won't you let me mark my territory?

Girl Quotes Translated to English

Quote: (07-19-2015 02:24 PM)CH-Toronto Wrote:  

"What happened to all the good guys?"
"What happened to all the alphas who would fuck me?"

Note: No one under 25 has ever said this.

They are right where you left them, in your twenties.

Girl Quotes Translated to English

“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.” - I'm just as hot and famous as Marilyn Monroe!

Girl Quotes Translated to English

Quote: (07-19-2015 08:10 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.” - I'm just as hot and famous as Marilyn Monroe!

Any girl who says that doesn't have a "best."

"Well-behaved girls rarely make history"
'Secretly, I'm boring as fuck. You'll want to fall asleep mid-bang.'

I hate drama = I lurrvvvve drama.

You're a little short for me = Come back when you're Tom Cruise

I like being good friends with guys I date = I love the attention from betas who fawn over me for 6 months per bang.

I'm artsy = I'm slutty.

I like working out = I like staring at guys at the gym while reading OK mag.

Let's go out sometime = Never/Only if no one else is around including my cat

No = convince me
Maybe = not in a million years

I'm not seeing anyone right now = I'm dying to get fucked

I love my body = you won't when the clothes come off

I'm a dancer = I'm a drug-addled stripper

I only drink Champagne = I have no idea what I really like to drink

I'm unique = I'm like every other college girl shopping at Lily Pulitzer

I like tats and piercings = You may have just qualified to be my 501st fuck. This year.

I love traveling = I love fucking natives abroad where no one can see how big a slut I am.

I'm a good girl = I'm dying to meet an alpha that will fuck me more than once or pretend he likes me after

I'm a virgin = I've given blowjobs to half the lax team this semester.

I'm 21 = I'm 23.
I'm 25 = I'm 29.
I'm 29 = I'm 35.

I hate the patriarchy = Please will some rich guy with a big house fuck me so I can quit social work.

Girl Quotes Translated to English


Girl Quotes Translated to English

"I like White Zinfandel"
(from a woman) = "I'm easy!"
(from a man) = "I'm gay!"

"I like White Russians"
(from a woman) = "I'm really easy!"
(from a man) = "I'm really gay!"

More recently, from a 33 year old career woman:
"I think I found the guy I'm going to marry..."

= "He hasn't so much as asked me yet, let along bought a ring, but I've been giving him the best blowjobs of my life for the past six months, hoping and praying he does ask before I hit that wall!"

Girl Quotes Translated to English

h/t to Days of Broken Arrows ( ):

"chemistry" = "I follow my vagina"

Girl Quotes Translated to English

In a text message context.

Guy: *General text game ramble, aimed at building conversation & thus rapport*

Girl: *insert non reply (aka blank)*

I'm privelaged & deserve the top tier in text messages sent to me. I couldn't be bothered to spit out a half-assed one word reply (ie. O.K, cool, lol, no) or other text girl staples.

Barring you showing me a massive DLV, such as being the president's son or owning a multi million dollar trust-fund - your just another beta orbiter, relegated to text messaging hell.


Girl Quotes Translated to English

Anybody read the Chicktionary : What Women are really saying by Wing girl method?

Don't debate me.

Girl Quotes Translated to English

^ Not sure anyone on the forum would trust anything written by a woman on how to pick up women. The usual applies: "So, helpful woman, how many chicks have you banged? None? Okay ..."

Girl Quotes Translated to English

"I'm not like other girls"

= I'm so self-centered I don't notice that I'm exactly like other girls.

"I hate guys who are assholes"

= My pussy gets soaking wet for badboys but I'm not good enough out of bed for one to keep me around so my ego hates it when they next me.

"I won't do X" (X = blowjobs, anal, threesomes, whatever sexual excitement etc)

= I won't do X...with you. I like/love X but you don't turn me on enough to give it to you.

"Well behaved women rarely make history"*

= 1. I'm a cunt and this excuses my childish, rude, selfish behavior perfectly.

2. I'm ambitious and have high T levels. I do a lot of male hobbies half-assed and think I'm the best in everything. I do crossfit/weightlifting so that pretty much makes me an Olympic athlete. And I've sport fucked most of the alpha guys I've met at these hobbies.

* Women rarely make history period. There's nothing more than a token amount of accomplished women throughout all areas of human endeavor.

"I'm a country girl"

= I like getting fucked by douchebags who drive pickups and listen to country music.

"I'm a city girl"

= I like getting fucked by well-dressed guys with money. I'll suck his dick while he drives his high end BMW while EDM blasts on the stereo. I'll be pissed off when he drops me for better.

"I'm a hipster chick"

= I'm half a lesbian. For some ungodly reason I'll fuck women with penises (hipster males). Maybe because they're weak-willed and easily controllable. When I get fat I'll still be pretty because beauty comes in all sizes.

"You're such an asshole"

= You're turning me on and my hamster hates me for it.

Girl Quotes Translated to English

"I should have been born in the 40's/20's/victorian/renaissance times"

I'm delusional with no concept of reality.

"I'm a foodie";

I'm entitled, vapid, soon to be overweight, and contribute nothing of value to society.

"I'm not looking for a hookup"

I've been pumped & dumped so many times. I just can't say no. 100% chance I will give it up on the first date.

"Just be yourself"

'Game'? Is that like...negging? No! Now go be a good boy, and mind your SMV.

"I like guys who can carry a conversation"

Have game. And don't expect an ounce of effort from me.

"I'm extremely well traveled"

I've seen dick of all shapes & sizes. When it comes to getting me drunk and boning, I prefer an accent.

"I'm not friends with girls"

I wish I was hot enough that women hated me because of my looks, but it's really just because of my personality.

Girl Quotes Translated to English

Ukrainian Girl Translations...

"Are you boring?" = "Are you bored?"

"Age is not important" = "Money is important"

"If you don't start the visa process, then we should break up" =
"Bring me to America, then I'll have another ultimatum for you"

Girl Quotes Translated to English


"I like to be romanced!"

I like expensive dinners.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Girl Quotes Translated to English

"I'm sapiosexual." - I'm a retard trying to sound smart
"Tired of players/liars." - This is the type of man I am consistently attracted to
"We're not having sex." - We're having sex
"Where have all the good men gone?" - Wall-smash imminent, beta required
"Are you a player?" - I'm getting tingles in the vaginal area
"I'm a feminist." - You're paying for this meal
"No hook-ups! Don't even ask!" Looking explicitly for hook-ups, enjoys anal.

Girl Quotes Translated to English

"Why don't guys ever approach?" = "I sent a hot guy the most obvious signals I could be bothered to send and he didn't respond. Why?"

Girl Quotes Translated to English

"I just want to marry you know an, average, regular guy. Not too much of this, not too much of that."


"I want to marry a guy who is far enough to the right on the bell curve such that I am attracted to him, but far enough to the left that he feels I'm the best he'll ever do, and will be easy to manipulate."

Gaming women in their 30s is like Sun Tzu shit: feign vulnerability when you are armed to the teeth. When you have no options, pretend that you do, and when you do have options, pretend that you don't.

Girl Quotes Translated to English

"I have a Marilyn Monroe tattoo on my back."


"I'm a whore and I prefer payment in the form of buffalo wings instead of dollars."

"Their emotional waves will swamp you if you're just quietly-floating, so you need to learn to surf." - AnonymousBosch

||Learn How to Sing Datasheet||

Girl Quotes Translated to English

"You're a handsome, charming, funny man. We're just not right for each other. I wish you the best, I really do."


"Blocking your number now..."

Girl Quotes Translated to English

Quote: (07-19-2015 11:12 AM)blck Wrote:  

Esther VILAR got some good ones from The Manipulated Man but I can't find them

Here they are:

A man must be able to protect me. = A man must be able to spare me from all forms of discomfort. (What else could he protect her from? Robbers? An atom bomb?)

I need a man to make me feel secure = Above all, he must keep his money worries to himself.

I must be able to look up to a man = To be a possible candidate as a husband, he must be more intelligent, responsible, courageous, industrious and stronger than I am. Otherwise, what purpose would he serve?

Of course I would give up my career if my husband asked me. = Once he is earning enough money, I am never going to work again.

The only thing I want in life is to make him happy = I will do everything in my power to stop him from knowing how much I exploit him.

I will never bother him with trivial problems. = I'll do anything rather than keep him away from his work.

I am there for him alone. = No other man has to work for me.

In future I shall devote my life to my family. = I'm not going to lift another finger for the rest of my life. It's his turn now.

I don't believe in Women's Liberation. = I'm not such a fool. I'd rather let a man do the work for me.

After all, we are living in an age of equality. = If he thinks he can order me about, just because he earns money for me, he is sorely mistaken.

I'm so bad at doing things like that. = That's a job he will have to do. What's he there for, anyway?

He knows absolutely everything. = He even serves the function of an encyclopedia.

If a couple really love each other, there is no need to get married at once. = He is being a bit obstinate, but I'll soon get him around in bed.

I love him. = He is an excellent workhorse.

Girl Quotes Translated to English


Pound for pound, the truest words ever spoken by a woman about womenfolk. The manipulated man should be a required reading in all boys' schools. That book scared the hell out of me.

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