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Girl Quotes Translated to English - brob - 07-17-2015

I searched for threads on quotes and didn't find any official quote thread so I thought I would post a few. I even went through the painstaking effort of translating them into English.

“I want the guy that takes me to meet his parents and not his bedroom.”

I want the nice guy because society has programmed me to think I want him. However, biology has programmed me very differently. Oh well, I will have my cake and eat it too. The beta can take me to his parents house while the alpha picks me up later and takes me to his bedroom.

“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.”

You need to accept my poor behavior because it’s all a part of who I am as a person. You shouldn’t want or need to “put me in my place”, you should just accept me for who I am. If we date, I’m going to push you as far as I can with bitchy behavior and I’m going to stop trying altogether. Relationships change over time so you just have to accept this. I’m going to push you as far as your tolerance will allow so hopefully it goes pretty far. If you can’t handle the decreasing appreciation I will show you as time goes on, then you don’t deserve me shaving my legs for you on a daily basis.

And for my personal favorite...

“If you would like to be a part of my future, don’t judge me for my past.”

I am free from all responsibility of my actions. No matter how many guys I’ve slept with, I will always be entitled to my prince charming. The soccer team I sucked off when I was in high school? Don’t worry about them. Worry about where you’re taking me out to dinner tonight instead. The dozens of guys I fucked in college who had no respect for me whatsoever as they railed me weekend after weekend? Don’t worry about them. Worry about saving up $15k for my ring instead. The countless random hook ups I had from nights out on the town and tinder dates in my yuppie years? Pay no mind to those. Worry about saving up to buy a house we can’t afford instead.

Anyone heard any other good ones?

Girl Quotes Translated to English - Kabal - 07-17-2015

I like to play a different game: Flipping the quotes into my personal philosophy.

“I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best." =>

“You're selfish, impatient, and insecure. You make mistakes, are out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if I've already banged you at your best, then I'm sure as hell not going to bother with you at your worst."

"If you would like to be a part of my future, don’t judge me for my past." =>

"Don't worry, I've already judged you for your past, which is why you won't be part of my future and are barely part of my present.”

Girl Quotes Translated to English - Suits - 07-17-2015

Quote: (07-17-2015 10:15 PM)brob Wrote:  

Anyone heard any other good ones?

"I've only had sex with five guys."

Translation: I've had five boyfriends, who I regularly had sex with, but never anal and then were lucky to get their dicks sucked twice a month. I've also had sex once inside a bathroom stall at a club, but that doesn't count, because I was drunk and I've sucked the dick of eight other guys, but that's not sex and then there was the time I tried anal sex, but it only lasted for five seconds and after that I was pissed at the guy for sticking his dick in my ass, so I left immediately, so that doesn't count. I've had four guys eat me out on the first date and I sucked them off so that I wouldn't have to have sex with them, because I'm a good girl and I don't have sex on the first date. Then there are the three guys that I had sex with on the first date, but that doesn't count, because they said that they just needed to use my bathroom and then they ended up in my vagina, but that doesn't count, because it just happened and I never texted them again. I also had sex with two guys in high school, but it wasn't really sex, because they didn't know what they were doing and came in under a minute, so I didn't technically lose my virginity until I had sex with my first boyfriend in college, but not before I sucked another three different dicks during orientation week. But that doesn't count, because it was a crazy time in my life.

Girl Quotes Translated to English - CH-Toronto - 07-17-2015

Chateau Heartiste posted some good ones years back


“One day you’ll meet your soulmate.”
Translation: “One day you’ll settle.”

“Just be yourself.”
Translation: “Know your place.”

“I will never cheat on someone I love.”
Translation: “I will never cheat on someone I love given the options available to me.”

Girl Quotes Translated to English - Phoenix - 07-17-2015

"Ok see you then at 8pm!"
There is some chance we will meet at 8pm.

"I like beer"
I like beer and dick.

"It's not you, its me"
I am jumping to another, sexier, branch.

"I just came back from visiting Dubai"
I am a human latrine.

Girl Quotes Translated to English - Bacchus - 07-17-2015

"I love traveling"=

I enjoy taking dick from swarthy men in Mediterranean countries and taking selfies by major tourist destinations.

"I hate drama"=

My life contains an inordinate amount of drama that I've either sought out or caused.

Girl Quotes Translated to English - eljeffster - 07-17-2015

"I love you"

I love you until reality hits, then I'm not so sure.


"I love you"

I love you now (after riding the carousel) because I need to.

Girl Quotes Translated to English - Eskhander - 07-18-2015

Pretty much all the catchphrases:
"Fuck you, I do what I want when I want. With no regard for personal accountability"

Girl Quotes Translated to English - TheMan - 07-18-2015

Haha great thread

"I am a strong, funny and independent woman" =
Somewhere along the line I have mistaken snark for humor, belligerence for strength and reliance on white knight drones, injust laws and biased societal frameworks as independence.

"I love you" =
I love you substantially more than what is currently on offer to me.

"Someone who truly loves you, sees what a mess you are, how moody you can be and how hard you are to handle, and they still want you in their life" =
Man the fuck up and deal with my willfully immature and disrespectful behavior.
By the way, this doesn't apply to men, you have to be on your best behavior at all times especially while dealing with our shit... It also doesn't apply to women who make me feel jealous or whose man I want, because she is obviously a skank and he deserves better, like me... Fuck it. This only applies to who I want when I want, because fuck you, don't judge me, you.. you MAN!!

Girl Quotes Translated to English - Suits - 07-18-2015

Quote: (07-18-2015 02:15 AM)TheMan Wrote:  

"I am a strong, funny and independent woman" =
Somewhere along the line I have mistaken snark for humor, belligerence for strength and reliance on white knight drones, injust laws and biased societal frameworks as independence.

[Image: potd.gif]

Girl Quotes Translated to English - Captainstabbin - 07-18-2015

"I love to travel and really want to be involved in charity work"

I'm a gold digger.

Source - Mark Cuban.

Girl Quotes Translated to English - Aquiles_Baesta_Parada - 07-18-2015

Quote: (07-17-2015 10:15 PM)brob Wrote:  

“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.”

I see that quote all the time on facebook with a Marilyn Monroe photo background...

[Image: marilyn-monroe-drug-1.jpg]

Girl Quotes Translated to English - UroboricForms - 07-18-2015

Quote: (07-18-2015 07:21 AM)Aquiles_Baesta_Parada Wrote:  

Quote: (07-17-2015 10:15 PM)brob Wrote:  

“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.”

I see that quote all the time on facebook with a Marilyn Monroe photo background...

[Image: marilyn-monroe-drug-1.jpg]


[Image: Thats-Gold-Jerry-Gold-Kenny-Bania-Seinfeld-Quote.gif]


Girl Quotes Translated to English - SUPER1NE - 07-18-2015

"i am not looking for anything right now, just got out of a relationship" translated = "you aren't worth shit, i am waiting on someone better"

"let's keep our relationship platonic, sex would complicate things" translated "i am not attracted to you"

"you are so sweet, why aren't all guys like you?" translated "here buddy, i present you a ticket to the purgatory known as the friend zone."

Girl Quotes Translated to English - birthday cat - 07-18-2015

"I'm intelligent"
I'm not that smart

"I'm very intelligent"
I'm dumber than a sack of rocks

"I never do this" (as she is coming home with you a few hours after meeting you)
I always do this

"I don't date X" (X could be jerks, assholes, losers, players, etc.)
I've been pumped and dumped by a lot of X

Girl Quotes Translated to English - 262 - 07-18-2015

Her: [Flakes on date]
Her, later: "Sorry," + lame excuse = "I'm not an adult who keeps commitments ... with you, anyway. But since I ACTUALLY bothered to send you this beta-bait text, as opposed to simply giving you radio silence, I'll let you orbit me"

You: [Texting at the right pace to now ask her out]
Her: [Radio silence] = "Thanks for the attention, but bye! Oh, and I don't care that I wasted your time. But how dare those bad-boys pump 'n dump ME and waste MY TIME! It keeps happening too ..."

"I could never be a stay-at-home mother" = "Even though I complain about my job not being fulfilling, because I don't understand that there's a reason they must PAY someone to do this, I value that sterile, temporary, and opportunistic relationship more than that which I would have with my own future children"

"I'm not going to have kids until I'm at least 35" = "I either don't know about fertility and age-related effects such as down syndrome, or I do, but I still don't care about the health of my own future children"

"I'll never have kids" = "I offer absolutely no reason for a guy to commit to me, because I figure some thirsty Beta eventually will, and I'll rationalize it, though I will still cross my fingers for an Alpha"

"Age is just a number" = "I'm old"
"I age like wine" = "I'm old"
"XX is a good female's age for you to date" = "I think your sexual market value will get you milk that's only [XX - 22] years spoiled"

At the end of the day, almost all of them boil down to this:
Quote: (07-18-2015 01:00 AM)Eskhander Wrote:  

Pretty much all the catchphrases:
"Fuck you, I do what I want when I want. With no regard for personal accountability"

Girl Quotes Translated to English - Stun - 07-18-2015

Quote: (07-17-2015 10:33 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (07-17-2015 10:15 PM)brob Wrote:  

Anyone heard any other good ones?

"I've only had sex with five guys."

Translation: I've had five boyfriends, who I regularly had sex with, but never anal and then were lucky to get their dicks sucked twice a month. I've also had sex once inside a bathroom stall at a club, but that doesn't count, because I was drunk and I've sucked the dick of eight other guys, but that's not sex and then there was the time I tried anal sex, but it only lasted for five seconds and after that I was pissed at the guy for sticking his dick in my ass, so I left immediately, so that doesn't count. I've had four guys eat me out on the first date and I sucked them off so that I wouldn't have to have sex with them, because I'm a good girl and I don't have sex on the first date. Then there are the three guys that I had sex with on the first date, but that doesn't count, because they said that they just needed to use my bathroom and then they ended up in my vagina, but that doesn't count, because it just happened and I never texted them again. I also had sex with two guys in high school, but it wasn't really sex, because they didn't know what they were doing and came in under a minute, so I didn't technically lose my virginity until I had sex with my first boyfriend in college, but not before I sucked another three different dicks during orientation week. But that doesn't count, because it was a crazy time in my life.


Girl Quotes Translated to English - Gatsby - 07-18-2015

Some oldies but goodies

Girl Quotes Translated to English - ~wrIghter~ - 07-18-2015

"He's a nice guy"
You were only good for fucking me, but he can buy me things and raise my kids.

"I can't kiss"
I have a boyfriend so I have to say this, if something happens I'm not a slut because I warned you.

"You're possessive"
I want to fuck other guys behind your back but you won't let me, so I'm going to flip it on you so that you feel bad and let me go out with friend from work.

"You don't trust me"
You're on to me, I need to get you to change your mind about what I'm really doing behind your back.

"I don't know yet"
I have to see what other options are out there before I can confirm.

Girl Quotes Translated to English - brob - 07-19-2015

Quote: (07-17-2015 10:33 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (07-17-2015 10:15 PM)brob Wrote:  

Anyone heard any other good ones?

"I've only had sex with five guys."

Translation: I've had five boyfriends, who I regularly had sex with, but never anal and then were lucky to get their dicks sucked twice a month. I've also had sex once inside a bathroom stall at a club, but that doesn't count, because I was drunk and I've sucked the dick of eight other guys, but that's not sex and then there was the time I tried anal sex, but it only lasted for five seconds and after that I was pissed at the guy for sticking his dick in my ass, so I left immediately, so that doesn't count. I've had four guys eat me out on the first date and I sucked them off so that I wouldn't have to have sex with them, because I'm a good girl and I don't have sex on the first date. Then there are the three guys that I had sex with on the first date, but that doesn't count, because they said that they just needed to use my bathroom and then they ended up in my vagina, but that doesn't count, because it just happened and I never texted them again. I also had sex with two guys in high school, but it wasn't really sex, because they didn't know what they were doing and came in under a minute, so I didn't technically lose my virginity until I had sex with my first boyfriend in college, but not before I sucked another three different dicks during orientation week. But that doesn't count, because it was a crazy time in my life.

Perfect translation. Being fluent in both English and Womanese is an important skill! [Image: thumb.gif]

Girl Quotes Translated to English - blck - 07-19-2015

Esther VILAR got some good ones from The Manipulated Man but I can't find them

Girl Quotes Translated to English - Truth Teller - 07-19-2015

"I'm seeing someone."

Your game isn't good enough/you haven't given me plausible deniability.

Girl Quotes Translated to English - s3k - 07-19-2015

"I can't get pregnant"
(I let almost every guy I bang cum inside of me and only had 15 miscarrages and 8 abortions the other 22 nothing happened).

Girl Quotes Translated to English - Asnluver - 07-19-2015

The irony is Marylin Monroe couldn't handle herself at her her worst, or she wouldn't of killed herself.

Girl Quotes Translated to English - CH-Toronto - 07-19-2015

"What happened to all the good guys?"
"What happened to all the alphas who would fuck me?"

Note: No one under 25 has ever said this.