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Social Circle Infiltration

Social Circle Infiltration

I got a number of a girl I was talking to for 15 minutes on the subway, she had a boyfriend but is from a school that I'm interested in for parties and girls. I know for a fact that she isn't bullshitting about her boyfriend because he goes to my old school(different from the one she goes to).
I'm more focused on her social circle and I might try to get with her after I establish that because her boyfriend is a chode.

Right now though, I want her to introduce me to her group of friends and people in her school.

Does anybody have any suggestions for how to go about this? This is a situation where I'd prefer to be in the friend zone so I can gain access to her friends. I'm thinking of doing this over text and perhaps getting her to hangout with me and my friends. I could perhaps ask her to bring a couple of friends along.

Social Circle Infiltration

This is a good question, because that is how I got the bulk of my lays while in college, between LTRs and before discovering game.

The key here is establishing trust with the girl and her boyfriend, follow my blueprint and you'll be banging her friends on her kitchen floor in no time!

My Blueprint to Banging Hot Girls' Friends

Develop Friendships:

1. You've got to be cool with the girl and her closest female friend(s), or roommate(s).
- Don't bang any of these girls, they're your new wings.
- That means you've got to put some time in and hang out in a platonic environment.
- Chill with 'em, bullshit with 'em, smoke with 'em, but don't bang 'em.
2. Make friends with her boyfriend.
- Doesn't matter if he's just her flavor of the month*, you've gotta be cool with him.
- He has to trust that you're not after his girl.
- If he wants to hang out with you, she's going to want to hang out with you.
* - Note, if she is the type to frequently change boyfriends, you've only got to "win over" the current one, after that you and her should be friends, and her next boyfriend(s) should be trying to "win over" you.

Time to Party:

1. Pre-drink, pre-drink, pre-drink.
- Invite them to go out to a club/bar/etc with you, and suggest pre-drinking at your place first.
- Ideally they'll return the favor and invite you over next time.
2. Be entertaining.
- You have to add some value, learn how to make a cool drink or play a fun drinking game.
- Get this right and you'll be an essential pre-drinking commodity.

Your Targets:

1. Visitors.
- These are by far the best girls to bang, they're often just there for a weekend, and left their inhibitions miles away back home.
- Every girl wants to have a memorable, fun weekend when they go see an old friend (or go to Vegas), your job is to provide a scenario in which that is possible.
- Get them to reminisce on good times with your now mutual friend, and say things like, "Wish I coulda been there." This, accompanied with alcohol, will put her in a very pleasant mind set, likely to spread her legs.
2. Infrequent friends.
- These are like visitors, but live closer and only hang out from time to time.
- They're great because they don't hang out with your new female friend frequently enough to fuck up your game with her other friends.
- Isolate these ones, and get them to your place or set up a time to hang out with them separately.
3. The busy chick.
- Again perfect because she's not around them all the time, or if she is, she rarely can stay all night. The one time she does... bang!
- Talk about why she's so busy, how you admire her dedication, and then play up how stressing all that must be, but how it's great she got to relax and let go for a night.
4. The break-up victim.
- Perhaps the second best on my list; you'll know when one of her friends has a break-up, because you're such good friends now.
- Easy swoop, just isolate, let her bitch about her ex, tell her she's way better off now hanging out with you, then shut her up with some vodka and dick.
5. The birthday girl.
- I actually advise you avoid this one.
- She's impossible to isolate because she's the focus of everyone.
- Second, she's going to be noticeably drunk and you don't want your new friends to think you're just taking advantage of her.

Pits Falls to Avoid:

- Don't tell her to bring friends at first (if she does on her own that's ok), remember you're trying to focus on building a friendship tree that will provide delicious fruit in the long run, not trying to just fuck a friend of hers and bolt. The friends will join eventually.
- Don't bring your friends at first either. Your best wing man or roommate is cool, but beyond that you're creating unnecessary obstacles. Even if your friends are chicks, the last thing you want is this girl bonding with one of them and cutting you out.
- Never try to bang her or her roommate (if she has one) UNLESS you're ready for the gravy train to end. Later on you can let a friend of yours bang either one, that's only fair after all, but you'll be cutting yourself off from their friends if you bang one.
- Again, don't lose focus! This means when you're hanging out with her and her friends, work on sowing the seeds you've planted, don't wander off into a bar/club and try to game other girls all night.

I think this is all pretty easy to follow and replicate. Just don't stray and remember your goal is to bang as many of her friends as possible. This all works particularly well in a college setting, where she'll have more readily bang-able friends at your disposal. Good luck!

Social Circle Infiltration

To add to Cj's post, once you get in cool with the girl and her friend and she brings a friend along with her for you to meet, be sure to be aggressive and escalate quickly; the girl you have befriended has hyped you up as a great guy and her girlfriend will already have great thoughts about you. I tried to play it cool and slow and fucked myself over. I have no doubt that if i would have started touching her in a confident sleazy way and been more interesting early on that things would have been different.

When i first met her i shook her hand. I could have taken her hand and pulled her off the couch and given her a hug.

I tried to save face by sitting next to her and putting my arm around her but she kept moving and put distance between us.

Social Circle Infiltration

Those are good points KB. I'm also a huge advocate of being a "hugger" when meeting girls, especially when they know another friend of mine (and aren't dating them). If they look at you weird or recoil, just exclaim, "I'm a hugger!"

Social Circle Infiltration

Thanks for the tips guys. Your writeup is pretty awesome CJ.
I'll keep those points in mind for the situation.

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