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AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (08-08-2015 10:30 PM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

For the record that was not an attack on you, I was only trying to be nice after reading some of your posts in the Linux thread. I'm not the kind of person that points absolute blame without physical proof. I'm not looking for problems with you or anyone, also that message was sent to you much earlier in the day, saying "just" is misleading. My apologies for any confusion. I truly hope no one here would do that. I do have an idea of who it could be, but I'm not 100% sure. With the problems floating around recently it's becoming hard to trust anyone here.

"Just" as in I just got home and saw it and also saw your posts here. It looks like you sent it quite a few hours earlier.

If you were just trying to be nice and beak the ice then thanks. I appreciate that. If you are even slightly implying or thinking that I'm the one who tried to get your bank info, you are way fucking out in left field on that. Fisto and scotian I'm sure would vouch for me on that one. But if that's not what you are implying at all then my mistake.

As far as being able to trust some people, that's true. In the last 30 minutes I got another PM from a 0 rep 0 post member asking me what country I am originally from, and saying nothing else. Possibly nothing at all, just a newbie who is curious, I just found it strange to get 2 weird PMs in one day.

With that said I've had nothing but good experiences meeting RVF guys in person, and I'm friends with quite a few of them away from the forum.

EDIT: I just want to be 100% clear, because from the bold in your post I'm not sure. Do you think I am the one who tried to extort your bank account information?

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Rio, I received that same P.M. from the zero post guy, and have received one or two more equally bizarre P.M.s today. There seems to be an increase in that for some reason.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Not to try to pick anything apart but Merenguero I did say "may have disguised himself" I have no physical proof. Rio, I am not accusing you in anyway to be 100% clear. I will admit I'm a unique human so some of the shit I say may be confusing. I would like to be cool with you Rio because your obviously an esteemed member.

Merenguero, the same goes for you. I have nothing, but respect for both of you. I think this situation will clear itself because I never gave my info and never would to a stranger. I also want to be clear, this is not the place I am fishing for clients. I am trying to build a repoire with like minded people and possibly get some constructive criticism. Eventually, I will be posting concrete evidence to back my stories, but not here directly. I hope this can make everything clear.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (08-09-2015 12:10 AM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

Not to try to pick anything apart but Merenguero I did say "may have disguised himself" I have no physical proof. Rio, I am not accusing you in anyway to be 100% clear. I will admit I'm a unique human so some of the shit I say may be confusing. I would like to be cool with you Rio because your obviously an esteemed member.

Merenguero, the same goes for you. I have nothing, but respect for both of you. I think this situation will clear itself because I never gave my info and never would to a stranger. I also want to be clear, this is not the place I am fishing for clients. I am trying to build a repoire with like minded people and possibly get some constructive criticism. Eventually, I will be posting concrete evidence to back my stories, but not here directly. I hope this can make everything clear.

Clear as mud.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (05-07-2015 04:05 PM)AndThenDime Wrote:  

I am fresh off a trip to the DR that probably made my dick about an inch longer with girth gains so I am finally tipping the 4" mark.

A little background I am about 5'9" skinny white guy from NorCal with the only redeeming factor a good face and smile. When I am in the US all I care about is blazing, money and good laughs. But when I get out I am all about sex.

I just arrived here in Medellin 5 days ago. I have scored two dates that were terrible. I am currently in a funk and don't even feel like going outside today. From reading Linux's thread I think I need to check out a different city or pull out completely. I am not one to quit before at least grabbing the flag though.

I was meaning to write threads on the Phils and the DR but I basically just followed the bible that is 20nation. I didnt think I could really add much that isn't already there. I can give some great advice on Makati and Santo Domingo because I absolutely destroyed those places. And a lot of the girls were smokeshows way beyond the fat sluts I pull in America that I only bang out of necessity.

I'm thinking of looking for an apartment elsewhere, I am damn glad I didnt rent one here for a month. I think that bad date last night was a blessing in disguise telling me to move on. I will try to keep this updated with any success I may run into. But as of now it's looking dismal.

Stats in Phils: 46 lays 79 days
Stats in DR: 51 lays in 4 months. I had one GF for 3 weeks, cabarete for a month, 4 threesomes including my first I was a natural, and the final 31 bangs came in 21 days. I was smoking about a pack of marlboro's a day and prolly lost about 15-20 pounds in the process of those 21 days.
I recently spent 3 weeks in Medellin. Didn't like it at all !

I rented an apartment in the Laureles area, a few blocks from UPD University and the Estadio Metr0 Station.
I thought it was terrible and totally Americanized.

In 3 weeks I had 2 lays from tinder and 2 lays from day game. None anything to brag about.
I went out every morning and afternoon to supermarkets, malls, parks, train, parks, got off almost every single station on the metro , cable cars etc.
Got a lot of numbers from daytime approaches but was not successful in converting them into dates.
With the free wifi in the city the girls will chat you to death on whats app . All of them flaked on the dates.

I was warned about Medellin , however I went anyway because it was a direct flight.
Based on my recent trip to Medellin I may never return to Colombia ever again. If I do it will certainly be another City.

The place was totally Americanized. High strung women. Its an outright lie that they are friendly and open to having a conversation. Citi bikes, Doggy day care, free wifi every park , mall,universtity etc. Smart phone addiction. I could not date any better than I do at home. I didn't need to travel thousands of miles . Received no special treatment. Just my experience .
Alittle back round on me. I am 36 years old. Speak very good Spanish. 5'7 .200 pounds. Muscular -dress nice. From NYC.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

I appreciate the input and although I'm not a big fan of Colombia or Medellin, I don't detest it this way you seem to. This whole thread is a train wreck and is probably the worst and least accurate Colombia thread we have on here.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (02-08-2016 06:42 AM)Merenguero Wrote:  

I appreciate the input and although I'm not a big fan of Colombia or Medellin, I don't detest it this way you seem to. This whole thread is a train wreck and is probably the worst and least accurate Colombia thread we have on here.

Smart phones ruined Medellin. Worse with free wifi now.
Paisas like attention more than sex.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (02-08-2016 11:22 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-08-2016 06:42 AM)Merenguero Wrote:  

I appreciate the input and although I'm not a big fan of Colombia or Medellin, I don't detest it this way you seem to. This whole thread is a train wreck and is probably the worst and least accurate Colombia thread we have on here.

Smart phones ruined Medellin. Worse with free wifi now.
Paisas like attention more than sex.

So I take it you swooped broads left and right back when there were payphones?

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

I assume the OP just fabricated most of this thread?

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Quote: (02-11-2016 07:28 AM)zoom Wrote:  

I assume the OP just fabricated most of this thread?
It might have been true. Multiple forum members have met him in real life. I just had trouble understanding what he was talking about throughout this thread.

AndThenDime aka Oil Spills does Colombia

Choche nailed it on the smartphones. I think it's becoming true for everywhere, but it's particularly bad in Medellin. I don't even know where these $10 a day shop girls get the money for an iPhone, but I have a sneaking suspicion that some prepagaing was involved.

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