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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-09-2015, 11:05 PM
I'm repeatedly running into this problem. The girls I am seeing know I am lording it here in the Philippines. And many of them don't seem to understand that being a slut is a bad thing, because us as guys bang every chick we can get, they seem to think that us humans are equal. But we all know that clearly isn't the case. Typically this kind of thing happens with the feminist types.
Now I do not wish for the girls I am seeing to turn into massive sluts. Perhaps I have already made the mistake thinking they aren't sluts already. They keep making points, saying it is so easy to find a guy. Approaching other dudes in front of me to test my reaction, them coming back at me 'look, I can fuck that guy' is a typical example. If I've banged 100 chicks, they argue that it is just so easy for them to bang 100 guys - and of course they are right as any chick who isn't hideously ugly has a mile of erect cock lining up waiting to jump to tap that pussy. Perhaps part of this is a bad attempt for them to demonstrate their SMV as they feel intimidated by an alphas SMV.
However, I think part of this is just a shit test, to test my frame to see if I break, to see if it is OK with me if they go ahead a bang other dudes, which, call me slightly narcissistic, I'd rather have them to commit to me. I think it would take some very tight game to take multiple women off the mating market and have them commit to you.
Here are some points I have attempted:
1) All a guy has to do is spit inside 100 girls and walk away. Women will be left holding the babies with other guys to take care of her. Women have committed paternity fraud for centuries.
2) All a women has to do to get laid is to open her legs. For a man, he needs to build on his attraction levels to gain access to sex. 80% of dudes on this planet do not get laid.
3) Deep down you know you are attracted to players, even though you don't realise it. Imagine a guy in a bar with chicks around him, being the center of attention and banging these chicks. Now imagine it the other way around, a girl hunting on guys every night banging lots of dudes, you'd look down on her. She's a whore, right?
4) Men will always brag about how many girls they've banged. Women will always be shameful of revealing that information and ALWAYS lie about it.
5) If you're out all the time hunting for guys like I am hunting for chicks, my attraction for you will drop and I will pump and dump you like I do with most chicks.
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-09-2015, 11:36 PM
You don't explain logically to girls why being slutty is bad because they'd never understand. You simply tell or show them that you would never date a slutty girl, and if she doesn't like that then she's obviously a slut not worth your time.
Similarly, you can never logically explain to a girl why its ok for you to sleep with other girls. You can either choose to do it on the sly and hope you never get caught, or if you have tight-enough-game/high-enough-value do it openly and say if she doesn't like it she's free to go whenever she wants.
Logic is for reasoning with men, not dealing with women.
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-09-2015, 11:56 PM
This is one fundamental thing with women and has nothing to do with their famous madonna/whore complex that they bring out.
I've had some discussions lately with a female somewhat Red Pill blogger. And in the beginning she had trouble understanding that even a good-looking guy was not getting laid linke gang-busters. All she saw was the relative ease that he could attract female attention and she really believed that any 6+ looking man can get laid quite easily. For guys at 7+ she really thought that they could have a harem each day.
I explained to her that this is not the case, that most men struggle hard - even very good-looking 8s. Most bang below their weight when good-looking - fucking 6-7s. Then I told her that even if an 8 guy approaches 10 girls during Daygame or Nightgame, then the majority would reject them. If his Game was sub-par then even more.
I noticed that she started to incorporate that into her posts now, as she is quite Red Pill. But trying to teach that to women in the Philippines is probably more difficult, since there the Western men can get laid relatively easy as well.
The female mind is strongly solipsistic and explain shit like that to them is useless unless they are already somewhat open. And besides - who needs that - sluts are good and sluts are made for fucking. Don't piss into the well of sluts there.
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-10-2015, 12:21 AM
Explaining all too often leads to arguing and when it comes to arguing with women, that's usually (atleast for me) a one way ticket to major headache land. Therefore, I try to stay away from that shit as much as possible. I'll make an exception with a LTR by droppig some red pill knowledge everyonce in a while. It gives you a chance to see how she reacts plus you're planting some seed into her mind.
But if we're talking about any other type of girl, I don't see the point of wasting your time.
This is how you view the world and the door is always there if she's not happy with that.
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-10-2015, 12:35 AM
Here's the shortest way to explain it to them (after the wisdom of keys and locks of course):
Males and females are born with fundamentally different base skill sets. Equal doesn't mean the same. It means equal.
** Fucking is for women as fighting is for men. **
It's easy for a guy to get into a fight. It takes little effort on his part so, it's nothing special. It's not something to be proud of because: Any man can do it. In fact, it's generally frowned upon by society because a man who fights a lot is just exploiting his base physical nature. People instinctually recognize this and are unimpressed. He isn't trying to be anything beyond his animal self and is judged to be of low class.
Now replace guy with girl and fighting with fucking.
Equal but not the same.
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-10-2015, 12:48 AM
Quote: (04-09-2015 11:56 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:
This is one fundamental thing with women and has nothing to do with their famous madonna/whore complex that they bring out.
I've had some discussions lately with a female somewhat Red Pill blogger. And in the beginning she had trouble understanding that even a good-looking guy was not getting laid linke gang-busters. All she saw was the relative ease that he could attract female attention and she really believed that any 6+ looking man can get laid quite easily. For guys at 7+ she really thought that they could have a harem each day.
I explained to her that this is not the case, that most men struggle hard - even very good-looking 8s. Most bang below their weight when good-looking - fucking 6-7s. Then I told her that even if an 8 guy approaches 10 girls during Daygame or Nightgame, then the majority would reject them. If his Game was sub-par then even more.
I noticed that she started to incorporate that into her posts now, as she is quite Red Pill. But trying to teach that to women in the Philippines is probably more difficult, since there the Western men can get laid relatively easy as well.
The female mind is strongly solipsistic and explain shit like that to them is useless unless they are already somewhat open. And besides - who needs that - sluts are good and sluts are made for fucking. Don't piss into the well of sluts there.
Who is this blogger?
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-10-2015, 01:19 AM
It's evolutionary based on survival traits. Men wouldnt have the motivation and use their resources to protect offspring who weren't their own genetically.
Men are judged by their utility (accomplishments, social status, strength), women are valued by their ability to conceive and raise children.
That sounds harsh, but think of 8,000 years ago. Strong men had the best chance of survival.
The only thing stronger than a large man, is a group of people -hence, social status is also very attractive. If you are important to the group, women are attracted to you. In modern times this could be a quarterback, DJ, frat president, Doctor, etc....basically anything that groups of people like or approve.
Women had a significantly harder time surviving back then, so their primary value was child rearing and that's how our minds are still wired. Providing offspring for a strong man who could ensure her survival. It was extremely important whom a woman could get as her mate /protector /provider.
Women also have the increased vulnerability of being pregnant for 9 months....if they made a bad mating decision they could end up starving to death (thats also why women are better at reading people - so they can select a mate)It's only been within the past 70 or so years where modern technology has made life comfortable, safe and easy for everybody.
Notice how voraciously women cockblock their friends. They literally pull a girl away from you. On a deep level they realize female sexuality is more valuble than male sexuality because sex is womens' prime asset.
The only 2 crimes which dont have statutue of limitations are murder and rape. - society recognizes female sexuality as their most precious asset.
A woman who's a slut is less suitable because in evolutionary terms she's not really solely the property of the man she may now be linked with/married / has kids with.
A man wouldnt work to give resources to offspring which weren't his. Rules on female sexuality tried to help regulate that aspect.
Theoretically, if a modern woman never intended to get married or have kids, and wanted to be a career slut her whole life with no family, then really it wouldnt be bad at all. But given the massive amount women on anti-depressants, government safety nets etc, its clear modern women dont intend to survive on their own anyways, therefore their sexual integrity does matter lest she wouldnt find a suitable mate.
Obviously you see why women are pushing for more gov benefits to women, so they can act like complete sluts and cunts without any consequence as gov (male taxpayers) will be forced to support them anyways.
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-10-2015, 05:54 AM
"Every single time a man sleeps with a lot of women, he’s called a stud. But if a woman sleeps with a lot of men, she’s called a slut, and people think this is unfair… Nah. It’s completely fair, and I’ll tell you why, alright? ‘Cause it’s fuckin’ easy to be a slut. It’s fuckin’ hard to be a stud. To be a stud you have to be witty, charming, be well-dressed, have nice shoes, and a fake job. To be a slut you just have to be there. There are fat ugly sluts out there, there are no fat ugly studs." Jim Jefferies
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-10-2015, 09:55 AM
This is an interesting topic. Granted I don't want to date some chick who's taken 200 dicks but at the same time can I really expect women to act like monks when I'm out fucking around? If that were the case and there were no sluts none of us would ever be getting laid, at least not casually and not ONS.
I think it all goes back to that Chris rock skit about how every guy who opens a door for a women is really saying " ya want some dick". Women have been conditioned from a young age to be somewhat selective or like you said they'd be fucking every guy they came across.
IMHO there's no denying there's a double standard so don't try to act as if there isn't but there's plenty more double standards that favor women than men so who cares...thats life.
As far as chicks who are sluts. I'm not a fan of the chicks who are all empowered and proud of being whores but at the same time I don't like chicks who act all innocent like they are someone they are not. Honestly I don't mind if a chick isn't a total whore but has fun and dates and does her thing and doesn't brag about it but at the same time doesn't play like she's some innocent flower.
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-10-2015, 11:51 AM
Don hate the player, hate the slut.
Don't debate me.
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-10-2015, 04:46 PM
There are loads of fat ugly studs. No fat ugly studs though (stolen from somewhere, can't seem to remember where)
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-10-2015, 04:54 PM
I once has this argument with a girl. I asked one single question:
"why does the women have a hymen?"
Whether you are a religious person or even an atheist. Women do have an hymen. The hymen has a purpose.
If they are religious. That's it. I win.
If you are not. I still win. Nature has already decided for us.
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-13-2015, 03:34 PM
The key/lock explanation can work as well as a longer explanation involving how women like to be pursued and men like to pursue (men are the hunters, etc...), but usually a much simpler version will work:
"If I take the average plain girl and average plain dude and they go around asking everyone in their vicinity if they want to fuck, who is going to get almost all or all of the yes answers?"
That's why a guy who sleeps with a lot of women is a stud and a woman who sleeps with a lot of men is a slut.
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-13-2015, 03:45 PM
I would avoid explaining this to a woman; It is usually way too much for them. I haven't met a woman yet who can actually talk about female/male dynamics in a way that isn't total bullshit. Most women really believe that they can slut around on the carousel and then still come at a guy like she's a fresh 18 year old. They are just delusional and don't realize that taking a bunch of cocks over a period of years will erode their beauty.
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-13-2015, 04:04 PM
Why explain...they'll never understand.
A woman saying she's good at getting guys is like a fat socially awkward guy with no friends saying he's good at sitting on the couch eating potato chips watching tv.
It sorta comes naturally.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
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How do you explain being alpha is good, being a slut is bad?
04-13-2015, 04:50 PM
Here's the deal. A woman being slutty isn't really her fault. I know, that's contrary to what we all think and normally write on here. You could probably find a snippet even from one of my posts that contradicts that. But hear me out.
Women are purely situational. This is why I don't slut-shame. I pity them, sure, but I don't shame them. Imagine this scenario:
You are an attractive 18 year old chic. Your mom never restricted your access to tv or social media, so you're an attention-whore with a threshold for dopamine is +100 likes and +6 comments. You've never been to church, and dad has never been much of a disciplinarian, so right vs wrong was based on your mom's emotional state at any given moment. Plus, your mom left your dad and ran his name into the ground, and your dad was a pussy who's working to pay off your mom's mortgage.
Layer on the fact that your attraction triggers are purely situational. Cute boys in school aren't based on whether they're bangable or not, but rather how the guys stack up to other guys...which is why they're situational. In high school this was the basketball or football captain. Maybe just that boy in a band who's really funny and had the balls to ask you to homecoming so you dated him.
But that was high school, where everybody always knows what's going on, including teachers and parents sometimes. But now you're a freshman in college, mommy and daddy (who's a loser anyway) live 3 hours away, the social group is no longer the class of 2015, but smaller ever-changing and always dynamic fragments of cliques, and most importantly, those situational attraction triggers are ever-changing. Your boyfriend Zach who is an unbelievable guitar player in the band doesn't look so manly when he's standing next to Brody, the 6'5 backup defensive linebacker.
In the dorms there's the guy who smuggles beer kegs in,
but there's also the smart guy who's funny and everyone asks for help,
or your roommates older brother who buys you vodka,
or your professor who smirks at you and teased you for forgetting the mass of H2O,
or the kid who's parent's are loaded and drives a BMW...
Besides the fact that every entertainment outlet is telling her she can do whatever or be whatever she wants in this world without judgement.
Society keeps you safe, makes you feel good, allows you a good job, gives you driving directions, doesn't judge your drunkeness or one-night stands.
And here's me. A 31 year old good looking guy with a great body standing in my humble apartment mixing her a drink. She turns 21 in 5 months, doesn't appear to work out, but at her age it doesn't matter. She has great curves, a perfect 7/10 waist to hip ratio, B cup tits, no fake tanning, soft, supple skin.
The advice and the truths of the world I'd love to impart, but that ship sailed long ago.
Don't excuse women for being sluts, but don't be too harsh on them either.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”