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This blew my mind...!

This blew my mind...!

Okay I invited this girl to a new years party right its was awesome I like her and I know she likes me,so all night I got the courage to escalate some kino in and she didnt pull away and even reacted to me when I touched her (simple hand on the small of her back touching her hips and all that good stuff) so it comes time after mulitple beers and games of pong that it was time to go to sleep so we end up making out on the bathroom floor mind you Ive talked to this girl for a good three months and apparently I told her I liked her and asked her to go out with me and thats cool since I can see myself in a relationship with her but the thing thats killed me was she acted completely differant to me the next day wtf is that she went to telling me she liked me and showing it to acting like a shy attention whore??? [Image: dodgy.gif]

This blew my mind...!

Why did she change? Because you were a chump that told her that you "liked her" and "asked her to go out with you."

Case closed.

P.S. Learn how to use periods and complete sentences for crissakes.

Fortune favors the bold.

This blew my mind...!

X-Factor hit the nail on the head.


Actually, I want to flesh this out a bit. Being needy is a no-no when it comes to the pick up and I've run into this once before. Basically, the chick's response was something along the lines of "We could have just kept it fun that's how it should have been"

Don't smother the chick with needy intent. Just go with the flow and let it be fun and if it eventually escalates into something more then just go with it. Don't force the situation by pouring your heart out when you have her where you want. Chances are that's where she wants it to be at that time as well.

This blew my mind...!

Quote: (01-05-2009 12:44 PM)Trotter Wrote:  

X-Factor hit the nail on the head.


Actually, I want to flesh this out a bit. Being needy is a no-no when it comes to the pick up and I've run into this once before. Basically, the chick's response was something along the lines of "We could have just kept it fun that's how it should have been"

Don't smother the chick with needy intent. Just go with the flow and let it be fun and if it eventually escalates into something more then just go with it. Don't force the situation by pouring your heart out when you have her where you want. Chances are that's where she wants it to be at that time as well.

How do I do that tho? I think one of my prolems isnt meeting girls its just talking to them and keeping the attraction there ya know. [Image: huh.gif]

This blew my mind...!

You were fine all the way up to the point where you started to bear a little of your soul to her. Quite simply don't do that anymore. You're so excited about possibly getting a girl that you're losing control of your senses. And if you're saying these things under influence guess what you're just going to have to cut back on the drinking then.

Making out on the bathroom floor is good, telling her that you like her was not. She obviously was looking for a fun, no strings attached, experience. You were adding strings to that deal by becoming attached and she didn't want that. Should just keep it fun and I bet that's exactly what she was thinking.

If you want things to escalate let fate take care of that. Just keep your game up, keep things fun, and if relationship happens to come out of it in the long run then go with it. Don't try to make it happen.

This blew my mind...!

Why would you tell a girl that you like her??

This blew my mind...!

I have had this problem to with chicks I like, sometimes I have a hard time escalating (upping kino and etc) and then dont know how to take it and start getting worried that I am heading towards friend zone.

So then I settle for saying I like you, have a crush on you or some dumb shit.... its terrible.
what should i do instead?

This blew my mind...!

Quote: (01-09-2009 12:15 PM)Trotter Wrote:  

You were fine all the way up to the point where you started to bear a little of your soul to her. Quite simply don't do that anymore. You're so excited about possibly getting a girl that you're losing control of your senses. And if you're saying these things under influence guess what you're just going to have to cut back on the drinking then.

Making out on the bathroom floor is good, telling her that you like her was not. She obviously was looking for a fun, no strings attached, experience. You were adding strings to that deal by becoming attached and she didn't want that. Should just keep it fun and I bet that's exactly what she was thinking.

If you want things to escalate let fate take care of that. Just keep your game up, keep things fun, and if relationship happens to come out of it in the long run then go with it. Don't try to make it happen.

Dammit; thats exactly what she said!!! Okay so Im gonna ask how on earth do I go about getting this chick into bed I mean obviously she thinks Im fun [Image: idea.gif] but once again Im running blind and I have no clue what to do from here???

This blew my mind...!

Well experience is telling me that the door on that opportunity has closed. You've diminished any higher value you may have had up until that point. Now the chick is thinking that there's no way she can have casual fun with you because you already showed her you're in a hurry to be... *gulp*... needy and possibly clingy.

I know what you're thinking. No way that's not me at all and that's not what I want, but that isn't the point anymore. What your real intentions are and what you conveyed are two totally different things now and she is going to question it.

Fuck it. Get her back to that mindset when you were doing the bathroom make out and just go for it. If she's resistant because of what you did last time that'll be your chance to turn it around if it's possible.

"Let's just keep it fun."

I'd be interested in hearing from Roosh on this one. He never really talks about trying to keep getting with "one" chick.

This blew my mind...!

Once again you've struck gold. Thats the one thing I thought I should do its get back to that situation or atleast a simliar situation of course dealing with sex [Image: smile.gif] and just letting her know that its all cool. I think Im gonna go skiing with her or something like that, I think thats a good idea and then go to a party to warm up and relax. idk?? I think I can pull this off, but to adress this a little more. Do I act all chill and laid back, or pursue just enough to get things back in motion. <----any tips would be appreciated seriously like anything

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