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Who has the most game: Jerry, George, or Kramer?

Who has the most game: Jerry, George, or Kramer?

Still love Seinfeld, the humor is as good as ever. But wow, it's from another era, isn't it? The fashions, the pop culture. I remember watching episodes as recently as 2008-2010 and not really being conscious that it was dated. Now, the whole thing seems like a world now vanished.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Who has the most game: Jerry, George, or Kramer?

^There's a lot of Seinfeld episodes that flat out would never get a green light if they were pitched today due to fear of pissing off SJWs.

Seinfeld himself has come out and said that political correctness is killing comedy.

p.s. Puddy for the win, but George if handicap is taken into account.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Who has the most game: Jerry, George, or Kramer?

In general, and on average both George, Jerry and Kramer do not put women on a pedestal, but I gotta go with George. He is at a serious handicap, but he's still got game. He has more game than 99.9% of the worlds population.

Sure he's a neurotic mess, but that is merely his personality type. Unlike most modern men, George approaches women on the regular, even during the day [Tell me five people you know that do that!] and proceeds finds creative ways to overcome his flaws…

While he wallows in self pity some times, it never stops him from pulling and whilst in a relationship he rarely gives the woman the upper hand. Most importantly though, when it comes to women, he never sells himself short…

I always remember the blind date episode where he starts rattling off a list of qualities that the woman should have… Now George is typically in no position to pick and choose, but yet he does. He ends up having sex with that girl on the first date, inside the kitchen… He does so by saying to her:

[Paraphrasing] "Sex eases the social tension". Clearly he has no problem with initial resistance as well... You can't tell me George has no game. Shit… I would say that George probably has more game than many guys on here.

Yes, I realise this is just a show but you can still learn bits and pieces from this sitcom. I can give a hat tip to Seinfeld for quite a few lays in my past.

Who has the most game: Jerry, George, or Kramer?

None of them, they are all fictional characters.

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Who has the most game: Jerry, George, or Kramer?

Quote: (07-04-2016 03:24 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

None of them, they are all fictional characters.

[Image: b8ea8d8d1b3496c852f7bc812cf62e2a.jpg]

A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.

A true friend is the most precious of all possessions and the one we take the least thought about acquiring.

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