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Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Yet another amusing installment in the continuing series on female denial and self-delusion.

It's never a pretty sight when a woman suddenly awakens to the fact that most of what she's been told in her life turns out to be rank bullshit. One of those cherished myths is the idea that a woman can fritter away her prime years in bullshit career pursuits, and then just magically re-appear as a middle-aged woman to bestow her favors on the supplicating, eager male hordes. Doesn't work out that way.

In this article a furious woman over 50 is unable to come to terms with the fact that no man wants her. I have to assume she's out of shape and has short hair.

The best quote is this little tidbit of delusion:

"A woman past 50 is experienced in giving and receiving pleasure; grateful when understood and appreciated. She is like a classic car, a fine wine, or an imported cigar. The engine hums, with a complex taste and a smooth relaxing smoke. It's a sharp, insightful and lucky man who can appreciate the passion, depth and beauty of a seasoned, sensual woman."

Years ago I would have pitied such a creature. Now I do not. I call that progress.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

So at age 50 she is pissed off that she now has to live life like 80% of men at any age?

Zero fucks.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

"A woman past 50 is experienced in giving and receiving pleasure; grateful when understood and appreciated. She is like a classic car, a fine wine, or an imported cigar. The engine hums, with a complex taste and a smooth relaxing smoke. It's a sharp, insightful and lucky man who can appreciate the passion, depth and beauty of a seasoned, sensual woman."

[Image: laugh6.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

I took a look at her HufPo profile, good lord she's screaming insecurities.

WNB Take a look at her:
Now take a look at her articles:

Keep on spinning hamster
[Image: laugh4.gif]

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men


Wow...she's a walking bag of insecurities...

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

I misread the "Why Every Woman Over 50 Should Practice Bisexuality" title as "Why Every Woman Over 50 Should Practice Beastiality". For fuck sake, the dog humping thread jacked my shit up.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Women who in the past would be considered for institutionalization or mental treatment are now writers for web sites that get millions of users a month. Times really have changed.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Quote: (11-03-2014 03:01 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Women who in the past would be considered for institutionalization or mental treatment are now writers for web sites that get millions of users a month. Times really have changed.

I went on a date once with a girl who referred to herself as a 'princess' several times. Finally I said "you know, they used to institutionalize people like you who had delusions of royalty ."

I never saw her again.

Take care of those titties for me.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

What is also disturbing about this (besides the degree of self-delusion) is the level of anger here. Look at the last sentence in the article:

So the next time a man sees me or any of my mid-life female friends out in the world, he should LOOK AT US. Then smile and say, "Hello." He'll be in for an astonishing surprise

Basically what she's saying is this: YOU'D BETTER LOOK AT ME OR ELSE. It comes close to being a threat. The implied threat is that if you don't look at ME, I will PUNISH YOU.

Imagine the level of hand-wringing we'd see if some guy over 50 said that young girls SHOULD LOOK AT ME.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

"Look at me and I'll punish you" -Female under 30

"Look at me or I'll punish you" - Female over 30+

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

"Even though he doesn't realize it, deep down in his lizard brain..."

"Yet middle aged Peter Pans wake up with thinning hair and expanding waistlines to find their female contemporaries no longer desirable, because their wombs have no prospective residents."

Take note of the shaming language. This woman exudes bitterness.

“When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America you get a front row seat.”

- George Carlin

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Quote: (11-03-2014 02:49 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

The best quote is this little tidbit of delusion:

"A woman past 50 is experienced in giving and receiving pleasure; grateful when understood and appreciated. She is like a classic car, a fine wine, or an imported cigar. The engine hums, with a complex taste and a smooth relaxing smoke. It's a sharp, insightful and lucky man who can appreciate the passion, depth and beauty of a seasoned, sensual woman."

Even Don Draper couldn't have made that convincing.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute." - John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

From Heartiste:

Woman, age 20: Don't talk to me.
Woman, age 30: He's talking to me!
Woman, age 40: Please talk to me.
Woman, age 45: I'm talking to you!

Take care of those titties for me.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Quote: (11-03-2014 02:49 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

It's a sharp, insightful and lucky man who can appreciate the passion, depth and beauty of a seasoned, sensual woman."[/b]

[Image: jordan.gif]


When I think of female contemporaries I wonder, why is a woman who is confident, with a self assured sexual ease, invisible, ignored and undesired on her local landscape? Is it that men and boys want naive girls they can control?

[Image: hamster2.gif]

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Women should use what Mother Nature gave them before Father Time takes it away.

Don't debate me.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Women are attractive at 20, attentive at 30, and adhesive at 40.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

"Women age like milk." - Tom Leykis

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men


Is it that men and boys want naive girls they can control?

[Image: agree.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Quote: (11-03-2014 03:23 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Women should use what Mother Nature gave them before Father Time takes it away.

[Image: mindblown.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

That face of hers is just screaming "I'm on Prozac!"

Oh yeah - as if it needed to be said: WNB

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Wait a minute -- this is from Huffington Post. Last week, they went crazy over that catcalling video, telling us we're not supposed to notice women and it's improper to compliment them.

This week, they're saying we need to notice women and compliment them.

Or could it be women just complain about everything?

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

I swear Huff post's articles confirm everything we believe in on this forum about women, Spin hamster spin!!!! [Image: lol.gif]

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

She should go work for Facebook or Google at least they'll shove her eggs into the freezer next to their microwave pizzas. That, or the nunnery. Do nunneries allow cats?

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

[Image: Coca_Cola_Hamster_drole.gif]

Older Woman (50+) Angry That She's Invisible To Men

Whenever I pen a controversial idea I always do this routine; would I say this if I was someone else?

That has saved me from shitting a lot of self-absorbed drivel on the net.

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