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Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

I've noticed how Western men praise big time women from some eastern european countries (ukraine, czech, russia, poland) but kinda consider Bulgaria, Serbian, Macedonian or Hungarian on the same level as say France or Germany (mediocre...).


Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Hailing from the UK, I suppose that I'd fall under the category of 'Western men', and I must say that I was very impressed with what I saw in Sofia, Bulgaria. But then I've never been to Poland, Ukraine, etc.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

The bulgarian women I know are hot and seem to have longer staying power than other slavs. I know one in her late 40s who's had a couple of kids and is still putting up a valiant fight against the wall. Other slavs usually completely fall apart sometime in their mid 30s.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Quote: (10-26-2014 11:25 AM)Bey Wrote:  

Hailing from the UK, I suppose that I'd fall under the category of 'Western men', and I must say that I was very impressed with what I saw in Sofia, Bulgaria. But then I've never been to Poland, Ukraine, etc.

Hm I guess being from the UK you've been exposed to some level of propaganda whose goal is to show that Bulgarians and Romanians are gypsies. It was very common last year to read stories about gipsies from these countries stealing and begging on the streets of London (in the dailymail...).

In reality though: less than 5% of the population are gypsies, some 30% have russian/ukrainian heritage (light eyes and light hair...), about 20% are Turks and the rest are just "bulgars": dark eyes but light,pale skin - similar to the tones of northern iran.

typical bulgarian beauty:

[Image: kalin-vrachanski-toplel-legloto-na-dilya...1347185760]

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Quote: (10-26-2014 11:31 AM)Ensam Wrote:  

The bulgarian women I know are hot and seem to have longer staying power than other slavs. I know one in her late 40s who's had a couple of kids and is still putting up a valiant fight against the wall. Other slavs usually completely fall apart sometime in their mid 30s.

recent research btw suggests that bulgarian dna has very little to do with Slavic and it's more related to Mongolia or some regions of Iran. The slavic identity of bulgaria was communist propaganda during the 80s. It was a way to subdue the bulgarians from Russia.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Since moving to London, my observations are that Bulgarian and Romanian women are hot, thin, good facial structure.

Hailing from Melbourne where there is a lot of Balkan DNA (Croat, Serb, Macedonian, Greek. etc), I have concluded that women from this region are hot too.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Quote: (10-26-2014 11:15 AM)bacardi123 Wrote:  

I've noticed how Western men praise big time women from some eastern european countries (ukraine, czech, russia, poland) but kinda consider Bulgaria, Serbian, Macedonian or Hungarian on the same level as say France or Germany (mediocre...).


Bulgarians are Hot, Serbs Super Hot, Macedonians Hot, Hungarians can be hot - but they are the sluttiest out of the bunch

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

The best are FSU girls, period.

But, I would still put Serbian girls above Polish or Czech.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Quote: (10-26-2014 01:08 PM)OnlyMarryInTajikistan Wrote:  

The best are FSU girls, period.

But, I would still put Serbian girls above Polish or Czech.

Can you specify which FSU girls exactly? Is that for LTR or quick bang?

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

I actually prefer Balkan women to Poles, Russian, Ukrainian etc. Also when I went to Greece for the first time I was pleasantly surprised. For some reason in America there is a stereotypical image of Greek women being hairy and fat, but when I first stepped onto the metro in Athens I couldn't believe how many hot fit college-aged girls were walking around. One of the most underrated countries in my opinion.

They are not Balkan, but Armenian girls can be top tier too.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Bulgarian girls look good up to a certain age then they rapidly hit the wall.

That being said, they look after themselves far better than Western (North American) women do. They won't do the frumpy shit that chicks here sometimes tend to do. You'll not catch a Bulgarian woman at the supermarket with sweatpants on and uggs, and without make-up, sleeve tatted up. Just won't happen. Women there aren't hotter than western women per say. They just care about their appearance and thus are far more presentable. And the obesity epidemic hasn't hit there yet so there aren't as many lard-balls walking around ruining the ratios.

Bulgarians are also a very mixed up people, as the last country in Europe, and the corridor to Asia minor, it has been the entry point for many invading empires throughout history. Thus Bulgarians are a bit darker in features than Western/Anglo people. Red hair and freckles are a rarity there. However Asiatic eyes (which can be very exotic on women) and thin feminine asian features on what are seemingly white girls are commonplace. Then you'll see quite a few people that clearly have an Arab/Lebanese look, but obviously Bulgarians. Bulgaria under Turkish rule for 600 years meant that many Bulgarians intermixed with the Turks also. Culturally it probably explains the lack of sluttiness on Bulgarian women and prudish sexual culture of the women there.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

This thread is one big circle jerk. You guys are splitting hairs.
They're all better than American girls.

Team Nachos

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

I think a general rule of thumb is that hot chicks come from historically oppressed populations that are still somewhat struggling. I don't mean populations that were oppressed for a few generations (african americans) I means populations that were oppressed for centuries. The Irish and the Scotts are good examples of why it matters that the population group still be struggling. Irish and Scottish chicks can be stunning but only if they keep themselves thin but it's just too easy to get fat in those countries.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Quote: (10-26-2014 01:37 PM)Ensam Wrote:  

I think a general rule of thumb is that hot chicks come from historically oppressed populations that are still somewhat struggling. I don't mean populations that were oppressed for a few generations (african americans) I means populations that were oppressed for centuries. The Irish and the Scotts are good examples of why it matters that the population group still be struggling. Irish and Scottish chicks can be stunning but only if they keep themselves thin but it's just too easy to get fat in those countries.

Never been to Ireland, but have been in Scotland many times, and the chicks there are nothing to write home about. Frumpy, strange, and they cuss like sailors. They are worse than English girls for the most part.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Quote: (10-26-2014 01:27 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  


Bulgarians are also a very mixed up people, as the last country in Europe, and the corridor to Asia minor, it has been the entry point for many invading empires throughout history. Thus Bulgarians are a bit darker in features than Western/Anglo people. Red hair and freckles are a rarity there. However Asiatic eyes (which can be very exotic on women) and thin feminine asian features on what are seemingly white girls are commonplace. Then you'll see quite a few people that clearly have an Arab/Lebanese look, but obviously Bulgarians. Bulgaria under Turkish rule for 600 years meant that many Bulgarians intermixed with the Turks also. Culturally it probably explains the lack of sluttiness on Bulgarian women and prudish sexual culture of the women there.

Yep, when I moved to Bulgaria last year I was a bit surprised by the variety (I had done one short scouting trip in advance, but half that time was spent in resorts on the coast) - I had expected a much larger portion of the population, counting out the very easily distinguishable gypsy segment, to have darker, faintly Middle-Eastern features.
While there are certainly many of them - and a limited number of natural blondes and redheads - many others I could very easily mistake for natives of a number of other more Northern/NW/NE European countries (but granted, whenever I see someone describing fine variations like supposed typical bone structure, nose curvature etc. for specific peoples, I usually just go "huh?!).

As far as prudishness goes, I wouldn't really use that label.
Yes, I haven't managed any SNLs/first date lays yet (except for at the end of a first date that was a long trip out of town), but otherwise my lays here have happened - when they've happened, not at all satisfied with my closing rate on dates yet - on the second or third date, and the girls haven't really behaved more prudishly than my experiences elsewhere (I don't have a lot of flags, so I speak primarily from experience with Scandinavian girls, widely known for anything but sexual prudishness).
The Bulgarian girls also haven't been more prone to LMR once I get them back to my apartment - the resistance comes when trying to get them there, they clearly know what's expected if they agree to come along and "let's just watch a movie at my place/have a glass of wine/fix my dripping shower head" seems quite inefficient with most of them if they aren't already intent on getting naked (I have a female friend here I kept in touch with after she friendzoned me last year, since she's always entertaining company and has been more helpful than my male friends here with a number of local matters. She laughs it off whenever I try kissing her or otherwise escalating - friendzone or not, I'm certainly not modifying my behaviour for a women - but even after a year of going out once or twice a month, she still staunchly refuses to go to my place or invite me to her's).

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Definitely more Turkish admixture.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

I find it interesting how people label Greek girls as "Balkan", when culturally and in terms of it's people, language etc Greece has nothing to do with it's neighboring countries (namely the ones in the former Yugoslavia), which I believe are Slavic. It's just that when I hear the word "Balkan" I think of Serbia, Croatia etc, while I imagine Greece as more of a mediterranean country like Italy or Spain.

Bulgaria seems like an interesting mix of Slavic and Turkic influences but somehow it's not very popular in this forum when you compare it with countries like Poland or Romania. I know a guy who's been there a couple of times and he told me the women are gorgeous and that there are quite a few gypsies but that "regular bulgarians" are openly racists towards them.

As for Hungary, there's quite a big hype about Budapest right now. I visited for a few days back in May and coming from Poland, I was a bit disappointed with the local girls.

At the end of the day I think that a lot of the hype and praising for a particular country and city also depends a lot on how available and easy it is to visit and settle there for a while. If you think about it, Poland or the Czech Rep. are better communicated by cheap flights, trains etc to western Europe than for example Bulgaria or Serbia. Countries that are part of the EU also tend to receive more westerners, leading to more hype.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Quote: (10-26-2014 01:37 PM)Ensam Wrote:  

I think a general rule of thumb is that hot chicks come from historically oppressed populations that are still somewhat struggling. I don't mean populations that were oppressed for a few generations (african americans) I means populations that were oppressed for centuries. The Irish and the Scotts are good examples of why it matters that the population group still be struggling. Irish and Scottish chicks can be stunning but only if they keep themselves thin but it's just too easy to get fat in those countries.

no offense, but this can get an award for the dumbest post of the month.

and no...not just because bulgaria has been empire many times in the past BUT mostly for these reasons:

1. Ireland isn't oppressed - it's an independent country that kicked away the english
2. Scottish and Irish girls aren't that stunning if you compare them to the average english or let alone the average Australian gal (i've found how aussies are def. the hottest among the anglo-sphere).
3. How are they struggling when they're the richest english-speaking countries (together with australia...).

Anyway - like the user above said: the thread is kinda knee-jerkish - there are many hotties all over the eastern part of europe...but gotta go now as much as i am enjoying the topic...

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Where did I say that Ireland and Scotland were full of hotties? My point was exactly that the women in those countries aren't living up to their genetic potential precisely because they are too prosperous at the moment. Historically both groups were oppressed and only managed to gain independence in the last hundred years or so. The last Bulgarian empire ended in the early 1400s and was immediately followed by 500 years or Ottoman rule which was not so great for the Bulgarians. The genetics in a population don't shift over the course of a generation or two - they shift over dozens of generations.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Ensam is right.

The vikings refused to fuck their own women and stole women from Ireland and Scotland.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

I was in Serbia two weeks ago and right now I'm in Bulgaria. The girls are very sweet, but harder to game, especially compared to the Polish. No ONS's. They would make good girlfriends though and Sofia and Belgrade turned out to be quite nice. Both cities feel like mini versions of Russia with a more laid back vibe. Actually, I like them more than anywhere I've been in Poland, I find them quite cozy, although a bit run down. Also, a lot of the guys do seem to work out and have that macho/tough guy look going on - exactly how I imagined it.

Neither look Turkish to me, but the music they play in some clubs definitely sounds Turkish/Middle-eastern. Both countries are very odd indeed (kinda cool too) and much cheaper than Poland.

Overall, the women are very attractive, but if you're used to gaming Polish chicks (like me), you are going to have a difficult time.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

Quote: (10-26-2014 08:34 PM)Lucas88 Wrote:  


Neither look Turkish to me, but the music they play in some clubs definitely sounds Turkish/Middle-eastern...

Probably chalga, Bulgarian "pop-folk" with some Middle-Eastern inspiration. They play it in many of the large clubs in particularly Studentski Grad (Student City).
Not really my usual type of music, but I kind of like it. Certainly no worse - and in my opinion often more pleasantly melodic - than the more or less tolerable music they play in clubs around the world.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

searched bulgaria and found this. Girls body is beautiful 9/10 wb

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRUY6NMks0o2CwIQquCuLN...cofGW6aljw]

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

A lot of the dancers in the clubs do look similar to those two. On the streets you rarely see anything below 5.5, at least among the younger crowd. Definitely a substantial upgrade from Poland. I predict that in the next 2 to 3 years a lot more people would be interested in Bulgaria and the surrouding countries.

Bulgarian and Balkan women not rated as high as other Eastern Euro women

I spent much time in Bulgaria for business and the girls are nothing to write home about. When you are used to Slavic women Bulgarian are below par and even in compare to western Europe like France or Germany they fall behind.
Even though it is considered Slavic people the amount of dark hair and dark skin girls is big, I am sure they are mixed heavily with neighboring Turkish over the generations.
As the talent is not high, 8 and even 7s have high standard and feel like they are a gift to humanity, blondes acts even worse as they are rare.
When you just cross the near border to Romania girls are least 1-1.5 points more on average.
Saying that, whoever prefer darker complex girls would be fine there.

I will spend in Sofia few days soon for work, so I will post some up to date info on places I will visit.

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