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2014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Today's democrats aren't the same as yesteryear. I'd proudly vote for a Kennedy democrat today. They've been driven out by the nut job war-on-women, abortion and multiculturalism schtick.

Also, it is more important to look at congressional control at the federal level, as they pass the laws / regulations that actually have an effect. Presidents get a lot of credit / blame for the economy, but the real power is in congressional chairmanships. In the end, we've effectively ended the US being a reasonable republic and have now become "who can get me more stuff". Both parties will be playing this game from now on.

Looks like the GOP is going to get control of the Senate and start passing some laws instead of letting them die. Should be an interesting two years in politics.
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
GOP now controls the Senate. Cool. Well done.

Onto 2016. #BeatHillary
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Thank god Wendy "the wicked witch" Davis lost.

You don't get there till you get there
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
I'm glad my country is telling Obama to fuck off.

"Believe in your FLYNESS ...
... conquer your shyness"
- Kanye Omari West
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Quote: (11-04-2014 11:49 PM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

Thank god Wendy "the wicked witch" Davis lost.

"Abortion Barbie" [Image: banana.gif]
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)

[Image: american.gif]
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Sandra Fluke loses!

My night is complete.

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Oh god. Please don't tell me Sandra Fluke actually ran for office...
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
It's interesting how this is playing out exactly like the Bush presidency. Both were immediately faced to deal with a catastrophe, and they were pretty much able to unilaterally expand their executive powers without debate since their respective parties controlled Congress. Then said policies began to become unpopular, this time Obamacare as compared to Bush's interventionism in Iraq, and both Presidents were able to barely skate by into a second term on their platform. They both doubled down on their respective issues in the face of much opposition, and as a result they were served with being lame ducks in their final two years of office.

I'm curious to see how Obama and the Democrats try to turn this into a win in 2016 because I doubt he'll to be able to cut any deals with Republicans in the next two years on any significant issues like immigration. Curious also that we are expecting interest rates to rise in these last years just like what we experienced in 2006-2007. This alone could have a negative effect on an already stagnant economy.

"Despite their numbers, their pussyness means I was barely hurt. 2 black eyes and a cut nose, no big deal. I could sense the fear in them so as they were walking I chased them down and told them to "go home". They all left like little girls." - Revelations 21:4
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Upon seeing victory for my party I did the only thing a good Republican can do. I lounged in a lazy boy smoking an expensive cigar, eating Oysters Rockefeller, and sipping on a scotch while having my shoes shined[Image: biggrin.gif]

Bully to Capitalism!

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Thomas Jefferson
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Quote: (11-05-2014 12:31 AM)Apollo Wrote:  

It's interesting how this is playing out exactly like the Bush presidency. Both were immediately faced to deal with a catastrophe, and they were pretty much able to unilaterally expand their executive powers without debate since their respective parties controlled Congress. Then said policies began to become unpopular, this time Obamacare as compared to Bush's interventionism in Iraq, and both Presidents were able to barely skate by into a second term on their platform. They both doubled down on their respective issues in the face of much opposition, and as a result they were served with being lame ducks in their final two years of office.

I don't think it was Obamacare that got the Democrats this year--it was Fearless Leader's near-complete outsourcing of foreign policy to his SecState for the past 6 years, first Hillary, and now Kerry.

We have a militant Islamic extremist state setting up shop in the Middle East as a result of numerous failures to nip the situation in the bud previously. We have Ebola STILL running amok in West Africa (who knows how long before it gets to India or Central America/Mexica and REALLY fucks us). We have the whole Russia-Ukraine fiasco.

Meanwhile, Obama just whistles dixie and re-assures us that "Everything's cool," as threats continue to pop up around us, and threaten our very society, both in the form of ISIS (terrorist attacks, either real or false flag, further restricting our freedoms) or Ebola (60-70% of the fucking country dead, or us fighting a horde of refugees from the border for years to come).

I'm watching CNN right now, and they just said that the new governor of Maryland (a Republican) was trailing in the polls by 13% as recently as two weeks ago! Two fucking weeks! The validity of statstical sampling methods generally notwithstanding, Obamacare and immigration reform don't swing that race that much in 2 weeks' time.

Obama just doesn't know how to "play politics," either at home or abroad. He's completely impotent when dealing with other world leaders, preferring to leave that to appointees, and can't horse trade well enough at home to get shit done. It's probably the worst possible combo in a modern President, where most of their power is derived from foreign policy due to gridlock domestically.

It's gonna be a long two years. This next presidential election is going to determine if the last 16(!) years of boobery and fucking around by our supposed leaders is going to be fixed, or culminate in a wrinkled old hag pushing the button to "really show" her alpha husband and all of his concubines "who's boss." Most people don't grasp the gravity of the situation--if not, you best start educating yourself right fucking now.

014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
I don't know if this a good thing or a bad thing, but I know Democrats deserved it. Well done.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
I voted for Republicans today but I'm under no illusion they'll actually do anything other than continue to stop worse crap from being passed.

Gridlock is better than the left's idea of "progress."

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Hillary is looking more and more beatable with each passing day. After 8 years of Obama, I think it'll be damn near impossible for a Democrat to win the presidency. Same was true for McCain after Bush. You throw a sacrificial lamb candidate out and try to win the next election. It happens time and again in American politics.

1936: Alf Landon vs. FDR
1956: Stevenson vs. Ike
1984: Mondale vs. Reagan
1988: Dukakis vs. Bush Sr.
1996: Dole vs. Clinton

All the Democrats basically saying that the 2014 election will pave the way to Hillary Clinton's presidency have just received a very rude awakening. The Democrats have to return to the center. The far-left portion has had far too much power for far too long.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Quote: (11-04-2014 07:23 PM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

Cattle Rustler someone earlier in the thread mention that you do oil work. Why would you vote for a Democrat and put your job on the line and not stay neutral? I mean Green Party seriously!? They would love to shut down oil rigs and leave thousands without work

Because to me voting for a republican and most libertarians is like shooting myself in the foot. It's choosing the lesser evil. I prefer separation of church/state, no religious interference, and military downsizing. Feminism and the such is not important to me, abortion is a good plan when it's too late for Plan-B. Some people work to pay their bills, others to save money which is why I wouldn't let my job interfere with my vote. That's just desperate.

Most people put all their eggs in one basket and are out of luck if something happens. I can always go back to healthcare which is recession-proof and pays well. Or I can teach abroad, helps I got a second passport so no need for a visa.

Both parties are just as corrupt, the only real winners are political donor who stand to gain something from the politician (contracts).

Quote: (11-05-2014 01:21 AM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

All the Democrats basically saying that the 2014 election will pave the way to Hillary Clinton's presidency have just received a very rude awakening. The Democrats have to return to the center. The far-left portion has had far too much power for far too long.

The same thing happened with bush 6 years ago.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Get ready for Obama to come out guns blazing with Executive Orders, similar to what Bush did after 06.
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Quote: (11-05-2014 01:21 AM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

Hillary is looking more and more beatable with each passing day. After 8 years of Obama, I think it'll be damn near impossible for a Democrat to win the presidency. Same was true for McCain after Bush. You throw a sacrificial lamb candidate out and try to win the next election. It happens time and again in American politics.

1936: Alf Landon vs. FDR
1956: Stevenson vs. Ike
1984: Mondale vs. Reagan
1988: Dukakis vs. Bush Sr.
1996: Dole vs. Clinton

All the Democrats basically saying that the 2014 election will pave the way to Hillary Clinton's presidency have just received a very rude awakening. The Democrats have to return to the center. The far-left portion has had far too much power for far too long.

I wish you were right. However, it seems to me that democrats have a lot of low information voters. A lot of these people don't even know what midterm elections are, so they don't turn out to vote. They do know what the presidential election is though, so they'll be back in 2016. The demographics of the country have changed a lot since 1984 or even 1988. Republicans won California in every presidential election from 1952-1988 except one(Goldwater lost in 64) but 40 years of unchecked third world immigration have taken their toll. Democrats should win the presidency easily in 2016 given the way the demographics are trending.
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)


Republican reboot

Minutes after landing at Reagan National Airport one day early this year, many GOP Senate hopefuls found themselves besieged at baggage claim by people with cameras yelling questions at them about abortion and rape.

This was no impromptu news conference but rather Republican staffers in disguise, trying to shock the candidates into realizing the intensity of what lay before them.

From the airport, the startled candidates were whisked off to NRSC headquarters for a series of meetings. There were policy briefings led by Lanhee Chen, Mitt Romney’s former policy director, as well as communications boot camps and media training from Roger Ailes associate Jon Kraushar, who has mentored Fox News personalities.

Looming large were the ghosts of combustible campaigns past: Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, Ken Buck, Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle.

“How do you fundamentally go about making human beings who are wildly unpredictable more predictable?” the NRSC’s Collins said. “It’s not about replacing what they believe. Pro-life is a majority view in this country, so how do you talk about it in terms that are relevant and not characterized as extreme?”

The efforts were not just an attempt to coach up their candidates; they were also designed to prove to donors that Republicans had what it takes to win.

Seems like the candidates got a lot of good coaching this time around. There was also a way more advanced dirt-digging operation than there has been in years.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Quote: (11-04-2014 07:48 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2014 07:23 PM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

Cattle Rustler someone earlier in the thread mention that you do oil work. Why would you vote for a Democrat and put your job on the line and not stay neutral? I mean Green Party seriously!? They would love to shut down oil rigs and leave thousands without work

I don't think CR works which is probably why he voted Democrat. hah

The more you know.....(and I do work)

[Image: red-state-socialism.jpg]

Quote: (11-05-2014 01:43 AM)MidWest Wrote:  

Get ready for Obama to come out guns blazing with Executive Orders, similar to what Bush did after 06.

I heard he might take away people's guns, send people to FEMA camps, and have Sharia Law in the US. /sarcasm

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Quote: (11-05-2014 02:02 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2014 07:48 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2014 07:23 PM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

Cattle Rustler someone earlier in the thread mention that you do oil work. Why would you vote for a Democrat and put your job on the line and not stay neutral? I mean Green Party seriously!? They would love to shut down oil rigs and leave thousands without work

I don't think CR works which is probably why he voted Democrat. hah

The more you know.....(and I do work)

[Image: red-state-socialism.jpg]

Quote: (11-05-2014 01:43 AM)MidWest Wrote:  

Get ready for Obama to come out guns blazing with Executive Orders, similar to what Bush did after 06.

I heard he might take away people's guns, send people to FEMA camps, and have Sharia Law in the US. /sarcasm

[Image: b57ff78210fd5626f23dd81f1037b4eb.jpg]

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
I'm from The People's Republik of Massachusetts.

Voted R the whole way. Any race in which there was a democrat unopposed, I added George Dubya Bush, Dick Cheney and Bozo the Clown. Count my write-in's dammit. Gimme some legitimate Libertarians to choose from.

I'm so happy to be moving to Nevada.
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Quote: (11-05-2014 01:38 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Quote: (11-04-2014 07:23 PM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

Cattle Rustler someone earlier in the thread mention that you do oil work. Why would you vote for a Democrat and put your job on the line and not stay neutral? I mean Green Party seriously!? They would love to shut down oil rigs and leave thousands without work

Because to me voting for a republican and most libertarians is like shooting myself in the foot. It's choosing the lesser evil. I prefer separation of church/state, no religious interference, and military downsizing. Feminism and the such is not important to me, abortion is a good plan when it's too late for Plan-B. Some people work to pay their bills, others to save money which is why I wouldn't let my job interfere with my vote. That's just desperate.

Most people put all their eggs in one basket and are out of luck if something happens. I can always go back to healthcare which is recession-proof and pays well. Or I can teach abroad, helps I got a second passport so no need for a visa.

Both parties are just as corrupt, the only real winners are political donor who stand to gain something from the politician (contracts).

Separation of church and state is the way our country is founded. But Democrats push their new religion, feminism, which is far more destructive to you as a man than the Republicans pushing Christianity and far more reaching.

Agreed on abortion. Republicans should make it a states rights issue and let each state determine the legalities of it.

You said you don't vote Libertarians. They want to downsize the military. Both Democrats and Republicans want to grow military spending. So you are voting against yourself here.

Nothing is recession proof. Don't fool yourself. You probably should follow the economic news more, healthcare has been attacked by Obamacare and the more intertwined it becomes, the tougher the healthcare field will become.

Voting Democrat is pretty much standing against everything we discuss on this forum in regards to the serious problem facing the USA and it spreading overseas.
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
I only come here to chuckle about how little people know about politics compared to how much they say.

Some of y'all need to travel and see how the rest of the world looks at America.

Some of y'all...need to read more

I'll continue lurking though..

I am the cock carousel
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
Quote: (11-05-2014 03:06 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

I only come here to chuckle about how little people know about politics compared to how much they say.

Some of y'all need to travel and see how the rest of the world looks at America.

Some of y'all...need to read more

I'll continue lurking though..

I definitely agree.

I was having dinner with well-connected Asian exporter last night. A self-proclaimed "fan of the USA" he described the current US president in this way:

"He basically accomplished nothing in his first four years."

Real recognize real and this administration ain't looking familiar.

the peer review system
put both
Socrates and Jesus
to death
014 USA Election Thread (form. Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?)
I didn't vote (for obvious reasons), but I will say this: the best part of a GOP victory will be watching the SJWs suffering mass conniption fits.



"ZOMG REPUBLICANS ARE GONNA TAKE AWAY MY FREEEE-DUMBS!!!!!11" (the "freedoms" they're concerned about curiously don't consist of freedom of speech, privacy, the right to bear arms or any actual right integral to a free society, but the right to infinite gimmedats on the public dime, or call yourself a transgendered male lesbian and demand government recognition of your unique and special sexual identity).

SJWs are completely divorced from reality. Unemployment (and underemployment) is skyrocketing, the college loan crisis is unraveling, the middle class is collapsing... all these morons care about are boutique issues. Abortion has literally been untouched since Roe v. Wade. Gay marriage has zero relevance to 98% of the population (yeah yeah yeah, I get the greater cultural context, but it's not an immediate issue that affects the average person's welfare).

SJW ideology is intellectualized narcissism. The world is coming apart, their own lives have been ruined thanks to the poor economy... but it's all ME ME ME! I look forward to watching them twitch.

And since Charlie "Closeted" Crist has been put out to pasture a second time, I have another no-income-tax state to choose from when it comes to moving my assets out of this left-wing shithole called New York. Since the GOP is also ascendant in Illinois, I'll probably be moving to Chicago too to take advantage of big city living, concealed carry and $800 monthly rent off the Brown Line.

Enjoy your skyrocketing taxes, astronomical rent, gun-grabbing laws and rising crime rates, you stupid Democrat-voting Brooklyn hipsters! Viva la tax shelter!

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