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Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

I just found out recently that Cristiano Ronaldo has a son that he has full custody of, and on top of that the mother is nowhere in the picture. In fact her identity has never been made public.

I have to give Cristiano props that he probably knocked up some random psycho hottie (probably looking to cash in) but took responsibility for his actions. Who knows what went down when he found out he was going to be a father, I'm guessing he paid the chick off after his son was born? Still it's interesting to consider:
Rich and famous young man knocks up a random, doesn't marry her and opts to keep her out of the picture entirely while electing to raise his son on his own.

I wonder if this will be a trend among rich and famous young men of the western world moving forward. So many women that will gladly take your seed and try to use it against you once you slip up... When she tries to pressure you into marriage you instead take whats yours and keep the golddigger out of the spotlight entirely (sticking it to her). It will cost you but at least she won't get the pleasure of sharing in your fame and then milking you dry in the divorce courts. Respect to CR7

Wanted to get your guys thoughts on the issue

two scoops
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Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

No this isn't what happened with Ronaldo. The story apparently is that he's a SFC, single father by choice. Very smart on his part surprised more rich successful men don't do it. The whole surrogacy process can cost $150,000-$200,000 compare that to how much he'd have to pay out in alimony & mommy support payments & it's a bargain

Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

Interesting, I hadn't heard this. It looks like it was a while ago too, back when he was in South Africa for the 2010 Cup. It's a good move if you want to play the field and have the money to do it.

He got hit with a false-rape claim when he was playing in Manchester, towards the beginning of his career. I'm sure dealing with that when you're 20 leaves you pretty cynical of the sluts that chase celebrities.

Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

Quote: (10-17-2014 07:16 PM)Lord_Perseus Wrote:  

No this isn't what happened with Ronaldo. The story apparently is that he's a SFC, single father by choice. Very smart on his part surprised more rich successful men don't do it. The whole surrogacy process can cost $150,000-$200,000 compare that to how much he'd have to pay out in alimony & mommy support payments & it's a bargain

That's very interesting.


Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

Quote: (10-17-2014 07:16 PM)Lord_Perseus Wrote:  

No this isn't what happened with Ronaldo. The story apparently is that he's a SFC, single father by choice. Very smart on his part surprised more rich successful men don't do it. The whole surrogacy process can cost $150,000-$200,000 compare that to how much he'd have to pay out in alimony & mommy support payments & it's a bargain

Not sure about that.
From the article:


According to reports, the baby was born as the result of a fling with an American woman, who has been paid to stay anonymous.

Now I'm really curious how the surrogate mother was worked into the picture

two scoops
two genders
two terms

Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

I am not sure about the article. I remember reading somewhere he had a kid with some waitress in the US and paid her $10 million or something to get complete custody of the child.

Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

Quote: (10-17-2014 07:51 PM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

Thanks for this, a quote from the article:


According to reports, the baby was born as the result of a fling with an American woman, who has been paid to stay anonymous.

Now I'm really curious how the surrogate mother was worked into the picture

I've actually been looking this surrogate thing for the past 20-minutes, it looks like nobody knows what's up.

Some articles say she was an American waitress. Some say English. Some say he paid $15,000,000, some say $200,000.

One even says that the kid's nanny said the surrogate was Mexican.

I think Ronaldo did a really good job of keeping the girl's identity under-wrap, which makes me think it must have been a professional surrogate. Not some girl he knocked up and paid off.

Good on him though. Part of getting drafted into pro sports should be a vasectomy.

Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

Quote: (10-17-2014 07:16 PM)Lord_Perseus Wrote:  

No this isn't what happened with Ronaldo. The story apparently is that he's a SFC, single father by choice. Very smart on his part surprised more rich successful men don't do it. The whole surrogacy process can cost $150,000-$200,000 compare that to how much he'd have to pay out in alimony & mommy support payments & it's a bargain

If you compare it to the estimated $30 million Robin Williams paid out in alimony then it really makes you wonder why more movie stars/elite athletes don't do this sort of thing.

You'd still be able to create your own family and have a legacy, and it certainly wouldn't preclude from having relationships with woman - just don't marry them or let them move in with you (to avoid common law traps).

Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

Well, we know she isn't American because of the concept of unconscionability in U.S contract law.

American courts would certainly find it unconscionable to expect some broad to keep her dumb fucking mouth shut even if you paid her an obscene amount of money.


Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

The most important part of this story is that his baby momma is a U.S. citizen, therefore making the boy eligible to play for the USMNT should the time ever arise. WC 2030!!!

Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

Quote: (10-17-2014 07:58 PM)TheSlayer Wrote:  

I am not sure about the article. I remember reading somewhere he had a kid with some waitress in the US and paid her $10 million or something to get complete custody of the child.

Even if this is the case it's money well spent. He has the kid in his life forever on his terms, how many estranged fathers, especially those whose kids are in the clutches of unfit mothers would jump at doing this if the opportunity presented itself?

Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

Story made no sense from the beginning.

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Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

Quote: (10-17-2014 08:03 PM)Hedonistic Traveler Wrote:  

Good on him though. Part of getting drafted into pro sports should be a vasectomy.

[Image: GVz9x1W.gif]

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Cristiano Ronaldo - Athlete, Icon... Father

I know CR is perceived by many as a faggot or at least not a cool guy, but to be honest I think a lot of it is based on his looks. If you look at his actions, he might be pretty red pill. He is a figher, giving everything on the pitch and maintaining a beast physique. He fucks a shitload of beautiful girls and doesnt seem to be getting too attached to any of them. The thing with the kid. He keeps his life pretty private and what does appear is generally that he gave money to charity or stuff like that. Also his teammates have always stated he is a cool guy and pretty normal in his social ways.

Im not saying he is a boss, but I dont think he is as gay as he sometimes seems. He deserves the benefit of doubt.

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