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Androids new advertisement

Androids new advertisement

I saw this on TV last night it was on the Walking Dead season premier (its on Sunday but I had it recorded). I can not find the video online though. However in the video it seems like one of the pretentious ads where they show great moments in history and somehow at the end of the video tie it in with the product. I beleive Apple, Jeep and Chrysler have done these types of commercials in the past. This one had civil right and gay rights thrown into it and a had a married guys kissing each other in the commercial. I have never seen that in a phone commercial before. Are they trying to go after hipster and liberals with this type of commercial?

Nothing about the phone or the androids new features discussed at all. Also no green droid guy either.

Androids new advertisement

How about a link or two Sir.

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

Androids new advertisement

:edit I found it. Next post.

Androids new advertisement

Its the android:be together commercial. they are trying to brand themselves as progressive.

Androids new advertisement

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:22 PM)kbell Wrote:  

Its the android:be together commercial. they are trying to brand themselves as progressive.

Does this mean that the juciest customers are gays and SJWs? I mean why market to them unless they will throw money at your product?

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Androids new advertisement

Gays are rich if they don't have kids. Although Apple already has the hipster and progressive market on lock down. Why not specifically target conservatives and libertarians? Almost everything in this video is repulsive though. Selfie sticks, comparing civil rights to gay rights, muslim android?, ice bucket challenge with a mumuu wearing fatty, and a micro car. They even make the word "and" seem like it some new pc word. Will they try to redefine conjunctions now?

Androids new advertisement

Quote: (10-16-2014 12:59 PM)kbell Wrote:  

Also no green droid guy either.

You lied. He pops out of the bottom right corner at the end and give the peace sign.

That was a dumb commercial. Everyone knows that people will use the product in the same way: Tinder, Candy Crush, Facebook, Twitter and texting. Nothing individual or different about that...

Androids new advertisement

Forgot about that. Wonder why he is being a hippy too? OR maybe its a V for victory?

Androids new advertisement

Wov, that's sure one repulsive ad!

Androids new advertisement

I'm suddenly really happy about my old man decision to get a Windows phone.

As time goes on I'm starting to really like MS for their product centric ad focus.

Like this:

The engineer in me shed a tear.

Androids new advertisement

Quote: (10-17-2014 02:28 AM)Norset Wrote:  

Technology: Has allowed me to see millions of vaginas from all over the world, with just a click of a mouse.

Thank you, Technology.
[Image: attachment.jpg22220]   

Androids new advertisement

Quote: (10-17-2014 02:28 AM)Norset Wrote:  

I'm suddenly really happy about my old man decision to get a Windows phone.

As time goes on I'm starting to really like MS for their product centric ad focus.

Like this:

The engineer in me shed a tear.

The contrast in those commercials is pretty amazing. the microsoft one is mostly white people, with some military mention and a ubiquitous IRT shot. Google is pandering to the SJW type and microsoft is selling directly to me.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Androids new advertisement

Microsoft as an organization is probably on the SJW wagon as well, but much wiser to not be overt about it in the commercial. There is money to be made on customers after all, even if they don't share your companies views. The android commercial is pure propaganda and that's probably why I had such a visceral reaction to it. Robotic arms are pretty cool as well. I assume both types of commercials affect a view you have on the company itself rather than the product they are trying to sell. Maybe this gives some sort of social status to the product?

Androids new advertisement

Android is trying to become a bit trendier via getting the SWPL/hipster/LGBT/Trader's joes crowd on board, who seemingly worship Apple products. It's fair to say that Apple has probably reached a level of fandom among this crowd that simply cannot go any higher.

The Apple 5c basically called itself the Queer Phone, with the sassy tagline "For the Colorful". This campaign was featured on commercials and billboards across the world. Paradoxically, if HTC or Motorola had done this exact same thing - it would have been controversial and they could have potentially been accused of mocking the gay community.

Androids new advertisement

Unfortunately, Silicon Valley is in general, extremely SWPL. Being a part of the industry, I've begun to seriously notice it.
Even with this ad, however, Android still is nowhere near Apple levels of faggotry.

Android dominates a massive 85 percent of global smartphone market share. Flagship Android phones make iOS feel Fisher Price.
Google's strategy is to remind people that they may have all different Android phones (probably Samsung) but they all run the same OS.

That's the real meaning of the tagline. I understand it completely, I just wish it didn't involve teh gay.

Androids new advertisement

Also, here's a much better ad:


Androids new advertisement

A much better commercial. I know what it can do, and have idea of its power. Its also kind of geeky, so it might not appeal to your average phone buyer. Perhaps they need it to have some chik appeal, or how it affects social status. Since the majority of ads due not go into useful details like that. Cars ad for instance almost never tell the straight up cost, but will tell you the monthly cost. I think they may be shying away from even telling you the monthly cost. Kia ads just have dancing hamsters now. WTF does that have to do with the car?

Androids new advertisement

Quote: (10-18-2014 01:08 PM)kbell Wrote:  

Cars ad for instance almost never tell the straight up cost, but will tell you the monthly cost. I think they may be shying away from even telling you the monthly cost. Kia ads just have dancing hamsters now. WTF does that have to do with the car?

Many times, car ads advertise price and lease rates during season promotions. "Starting at" pricing usually appears on new model introduction, a la the Mercedes CLA making a big deal about its $199/mo lease and $29,995 MSRP (which is embarassing, by the way).

As far as the Kia hamster ads, its goofy as all hell, but its not hurting - Soul sales are through the freakin' roof. Its also a solid product.

Chrysler Group ads right now are the best to me. Sadly, the company is no longer American as the sports portend, but the message is a solid one that would have more credibility coming from Ford or GM.

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