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Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion


I had an abortion. I was not in a libertine college-girl phase, although frankly it’s none of your business. I was already a mother of two, which puts me in the majority of American women who have abortions. Six out of 10 are mothers, which makes sense, because a mother could not fool herself into believing that having another baby was no big deal.

Translation: I was not the common stereotype, but I was still a stereotype nonetheless.

No one who read the RoK article on her book should be surprised. She doesn't explain any further but we already know the fairy tail: "I have never struggled a day in my life. I had bought in to the 'truth' of feminism. I went to college for four years while sleeping with a good 30 dudes who happened to find me attractive. Eventually I settled down a rich beta male and when I turned 32 I decided to have children. After two kids and failure to use my birth control properly I became pregnant a third time. Being stereotypical leftists my sla... I mean husband and I decided we were too poor to care for another baby. I exercised my 'choice' and had an abortion. Anyways don't we have an overpopulation problem? That's terrible for the environment!"

Seriously I wonder if this woman can recognize herself in the mirror. Her fairy tale stories make The Little Mermaid look like non-fiction (or it's also because Hans Christian Anderson was actually a good writer). Really after that paragraph she goes on to promote a pro-choice book

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

She's a murderer and wants other murderers to weigh in so she can erase the few little shreds of doubt and regret that linger in her diseased mind.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion


although frankly it’s none of your business. I was already a mother of two, which puts me in the majority of American women who have abortions

Bitch, YOU wrote the article. Notice the incessant need of cunts like this to automatically paint themselves as victims.

Fuck you. Fuck your abortions. And fuck your two children.

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

What's wrong with Hanna Rosin having an abortion?

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

Who is this woman?

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

Here's the lovely lass:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQUXk5ByUIIF2bVAXS4NS...5vhHVlkTgo]

And her book:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZvg7zA0Elq-Oln3illbN...PbwE9Adnb7]

Exactly what you would expect, isn't it. The Amazon reviews are pretty good at pointing out the shallowness of the one sided, agenda driven, anti-male, anti working class nature of the book.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

Quote: (10-16-2014 10:37 AM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  


although frankly it’s none of your business. I was already a mother of two, which puts me in the majority of American women who have abortions

Bitch, YOU wrote the article. Notice the incessant need of cunts like this to automatically paint themselves as victims.

Fuck you. Fuck your abortions. And fuck your two children.

I think her kids, specifically her son, are already fucked. This cunt dedicated her book, The End of Men, to her son:

Hanna Rosin: 'I feel miscast in the gender wars'


You dedicated the book to your eldest son, Jacob, nine, "with apologies for the title". What is his view of your argument?

He is offended by the book. I wish I could show you the notes that he puts on my attic door. It is very hard to explain to a nine-year-old what I mean by "the end of men"

Yeah, kind of like it would be hard for a white person to write a book called The End of Black People, gleefully recounting how whites out-performing blacks indicates white folks racial superiority and then wondering why their black nine-year old son (to whom they dedicated their racist screed) has a hard time wrapping his head around it.

Others have pointed out the ridiculousness of her claims as well:


Rosin's son, Jacob, gets a shout-out in the acknowledgements of The End of Men: "[He] asks me every day why I would write a book with such a mean title. I always tell him that I want to convince people that some men out there need our help, since it's not always so easy for them to ask for it. He doesn't quite believe me yet, but maybe one day he will."

Count me on Jacob's side of the question. How, exactly, does a book like Rosin’s convince us that "some men out there need our help"? It sounds a lot more like R.I.P. to me: an interpretation amply borne out by the book's contents.

The dedication of the book reads, "To Jacob, with apologies for the title." At least Rosin found grace enough to apologize to Jacob. The rest of us are still waiting.

All that remains to be seen is who "Jacob" will loathe more once he becomes an adult: himself for being male, or his mother for being a sexist cunt who used her own son to profit on a wave of cultural misandry.

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

Quote: (10-16-2014 11:09 AM)Renzy Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2014 10:37 AM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  


although frankly it’s none of your business. I was already a mother of two, which puts me in the majority of American women who have abortions

Bitch, YOU wrote the article. Notice the incessant need of cunts like this to automatically paint themselves as victims.

Fuck you. Fuck your abortions. And fuck your two children.

I think her kids, specifically her son, are already fucked. This cunt dedicated her book, The End of Men, to her son:

Hanna Rosin: 'I feel miscast in the gender wars'


You dedicated the book to your eldest son, Jacob, nine, "with apologies for the title". What is his view of your argument?

He is offended by the book. I wish I could show you the notes that he puts on my attic door. It is very hard to explain to a nine-year-old what I mean by "the end of men"

Yeah, kind of like it would be hard for a white person to write a book called The End of Black People, gleefully recounting how whites out-performing blacks indicates white folks racial superiority and then wondering why their black nine-year old son (to whom they dedicated their racist screed) has a hard time wrapping his head around it.

Others have pointed out the ridiculousness of her claims as well:


Rosin's son, Jacob, gets a shout-out in the acknowledgements of The End of Men: "[He] asks me every day why I would write a book with such a mean title. I always tell him that I want to convince people that some men out there need our help, since it's not always so easy for them to ask for it. He doesn't quite believe me yet, but maybe one day he will."

Count me on Jacob's side of the question. How, exactly, does a book like Rosin’s convince us that "some men out there need our help"? It sounds a lot more like R.I.P. to me: an interpretation amply borne out by the book's contents.

The dedication of the book reads, "To Jacob, with apologies for the title." At least Rosin found grace enough to apologize to Jacob. The rest of us are still waiting.

All that remains to be seen is who "Jacob" will loathe more once he becomes an adult: himself for being male, or his mother for being a sexist cunt who used her own son to profit on a wave of cultural misandry.

Her son sounds like a clever kid who's already a somewhat critical thinker, so there's hope for him yet.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

Oh man that son already dislikes his mother. I predict someone will become very red pill later in life...

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

Yet another feminist whose ego is far greater than her character and value. She's nothing more than a provocateur.

Here is her greatest accomplishment:

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

For those with photoshop skills: book cover that reads "The End Of Hannah Rosin's Child: An Empowering Tale Of Abortion" paired with a picture of a fetus.

The next book in the series will be "The End Of Hannah Rosin's Man: An Empowering Tale Of Divorce" with a picture of Rosin digging her heels into a man's head as she trots off.

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

The eyes are the key to the soul as the clique goes. Her eyes are about as dark as the demon eyes in Supernatural and just like the ones in From Hell with Ian Holmes. That picture of her is edited to remove skin flaws as well. Why does she need to do that if she hates men?

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

These articles, Hanna Rosin to Amanda Hess, all convey the same exact message.

Anger at men for not giving them the attention they feel that they deserve.

The irony is that it is feminism that has betrayed them. They are all special and perfect and if they are judged, it will be on what other women deem is appropriate for men to judge them on. At least in the previous generation they weren't taught that being a fat whale was "beautiful". I think that is a newer phenomenon.

Either way, they are unable to cope with reality. They are pissed that they don't have their choice of men. Or as stated by the obese woman in the Louis CK show "why can't we have men chase us?". They just don't see how entitled they are.

Everyone comes from nothing and deserves nothing. Life isn't fair, but it isn't hard to figure out either. Work on self improvement. Get in shape. Learn skills. Be the person that the people you like would be attracted to. Go for what you want and accept the wins with the losses. In baseball, a batter fails 65-70% of the time and is still in the hall of fame.

These women can't handle it. It's astonishing to read these articles, and the ones on HuffPost et al, and see how they are all virtually the same. They don't see their hypocrisy and stupidity, telling men what to find attractive, the fat whales who are angry that "hot" guys don't like them and can't figure out why. Their bitterness is astounding, and frankly, hilarious. I have to admit, I enjoy watching the train wreck.

End rant, back to work, for now.

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

From the article:


As Pollitt puts it, “This is not the right time for me” should be reason enough to have an abortion.

I remember back during the Clinton years the slogan Democrats used was that abortion should be "safe, legal and rare." Now it's framed it as an affirming lifestyle choice upper-income SWPLs make (and shouldn't regret!) when they decide it's "not the right time for me.”

It's always fascinating to flip the script around because it would be hard to imagine reading "empowering" articles from men about all the bastards they sired and then refused to pay child support for because well, it wasn't "the right time for me", and society supporting them with catchy slogans like "My money, my choice." But if feminists truly believe in equality, this is what it would imply for both genders.

After all, if a woman can decide to kill a fetus simply because "this is not the right time for me", shouldn't a man also have the right to "abort" any sort of financial, legal, and parental obligations if he too decides "it's not the right time for me."

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

Just another entitled, foolish Feminist spinning her own lies and making money off it. Ughh.

Swear if I ever saw her in person I'd punch her in the face. She's the modern-day definition of evil.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

So if a Jewish woman has an abortion, doesn't that make her an anti-semite?

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

I hope that the doctor who performed Rosin's abortion earned hazard pay for doing so.

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

Quote: (10-16-2014 10:47 AM)MrXY Wrote:  

Here's the lovely lass:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQUXk5ByUIIF2bVAXS4NS...5vhHVlkTgo]

And her book:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZvg7zA0Elq-Oln3illbN...PbwE9Adnb7]

Exactly what you would expect, isn't it. The Amazon reviews are pretty good at pointing out the shallowness of the one sided, agenda driven, anti-male, anti working class nature of the book.

I am going to make a wild speculation and guess that she is Jewish.

I wonder how emotionally damaged her kids are

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

I share every common manosphere beliefs, except for abortion. I'm in my early 20s and like most of you I've chosen a path of fuck&dump style dating and I intend to do so until I no longer can (I hope until my mid 40s). What I don't get is why a group of men who have mostly dedicated themselves to bachelor life are against abortion. When you knock a girl up by accident, you have 3 choices.
1) Marry her, be a family man and give up your freedom. Spend your resources while doing so.
2) Don't marry her. If she sues you, pay child support for a child you will never see. If she doesn't sue, live the rest of your life knowing you have a child somewhere you abondoned in every way.
3) Get abortion.

Now why would a bachelor guy want to eliminate the 3rd option for himself? I dated girls in countries where abortion was illegal or/and condemned (like Poland) and also in countries where abortion was okay or/and legal ( like Turkey, Serbia). The former is just a pain in the ass. A broken condom can lead to your life getting screwed unless you can convince a Catholic girl to come with you to Germany to have an abortion without her parents knowing. Dating in a country where abortion is a last resort but still a resort is a load off your mind when you are rawdogging or blowing up condoms like balloons.

Guys in the manosphere who are against abortion are mostly concerned with female empowerment, promiscuity and ''murder'', but I sincerely think you guys lack a pragmatic approach to this issue. You might thank to god abortion is still legal and morally okay to have in your country when that day comes and your random hookup knocks on your door with a positive pregnancy test.

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

She was willing to hurt her son's feelings and confidence in order to have a more provocative title that would sell more.

The height of cynicism. And if one pointed that out, I feel she would display yet another layer of cynicism, a sneer as if the money she had made justifies it all.

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

Quote: (10-17-2014 04:25 AM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

I share every common manosphere beliefs, except for abortion. I'm in my early 20s and like most of you I've chosen a path of fuck&dump style dating and I intend to do so until I no longer can (I hope until my mid 40s). What I don't get is why a group of men who have mostly dedicated themselves to bachelor life are against abortion. When you knock a girl up by accident, you have 3 choices.
1) Marry her, be a family man and give up your freedom. Spend your resources while doing so.
2) Don't marry her. If she sues you, pay child support for a child you will never see. If she doesn't sue, live the rest of your life knowing you have a child somewhere you abondoned in every way.
3) Get abortion.

Now why would a bachelor guy want to eliminate the 3rd option for himself? I dated girls in countries where abortion was illegal or/and condemned (like Poland) and also in countries where abortion was okay or/and legal ( like Turkey, Serbia). The former is just a pain in the ass. A broken condom can lead to your life getting screwed unless you can convince a Catholic girl to come with you to Germany to have an abortion without her parents knowing. Dating in a country where abortion is a last resort but still a resort is a load off your mind when you are rawdogging or blowing up condoms like balloons.

Guys in the manosphere who are against abortion are mostly concerned with female empowerment, promiscuity and ''murder'', but I sincerely think you guys lack a pragmatic approach to this issue. You might thank to god abortion is still legal and morally okay to have in your country when that day comes and your random hookup knocks on your door with a positive pregnancy test.

Yeah. I was, and am to a degree, the same way from about 14 until my mid to later 20s. I just turned 30, if that helps.

I have always known that the whole pro-life v. pro-choice argument is flawed. If you look at bio-ethics the argument boils down to when we, as a group that can be defined as consisting of a minimum of two human lives (mother +baby) to the entire social group and every strata within, define a human life to be morally valuable.

That is what the bio/medical ethics of it all says. But isn't that kinda a fucked up way to look at it?

Well...maybe or maybe not.

We routinely determine when and how and why a human life shouldn't be considered morally valuable. We do this with our enemies or with capital punishment, for example. But the difference, and I hate the word innocent in these arguments because we really don't know if that fetus will be morally good or bad and it can't be innocent or guilty when it lacks the ability, is that we are dealing with a minimum of two human lives where one is in complete control over every element of the other.

If an abortion is needed to save the mother, then I don't think most pro-life people are going to argue against it in that case. I sure wouldn't. I live in the south and I have never seen any hardcore lifer argue that abortions shouldn't be allowed when the mother will die or in the case of rape or incest. That is all a liberal fantasy as far as I can tell...and I am a liberal.

Where it starts to bother me, and this is really since I have gotten older and thought seriously about what it would mean to have a family other than simply freaking out over a broken condom or a gf missing a period, is how callous women seem when discussing it.

So many western women talk about abortion as if they are getting a haircut because, "I just don't have the time/patience/energy/ of having long hair and totes will ruin how beautiful my awesome self is..grrl power."

The fact that western women can be so callous with human life is really fucking disturbing to me on a moral level. Even more, they as individuals and as a group not only have the power to carry (us men create it) a life but they have no problem destroying it over casual reasons.

It seems to me that you can make a naturalist argument for why women should have this moral right. But then I would want to argue that us men, being stronger and being the protectors and providers, should have the same moral rights over women. I am not exactly sure how to make that argument but it has been made before in history based on naturalism and related philosophies.

I am tired cause I haven't slept, so this may not be making as much sense as I hope but I have wondered based on what I wrote above if the future won't see children throwing off the paternalism of their mothers in the same way that women through off the patriarchy of men and if or when this happens maybe children would subjugate women and outlaw abortion in similar ways to how women are now trying to subjugate men through their hypergamist alpha/beta paradigm.

Wow. That got long. Simpler version. I largely agree.

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

Quote: (10-17-2014 04:25 AM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

Guys in the manosphere who are against abortion are mostly concerned with female empowerment, promiscuity and ''murder'', but I sincerely think you guys lack a pragmatic approach to this issue. You might thank to god abortion is still legal and morally okay to have in your country when that day comes and your random hookup knocks on your door with a positive pregnancy test.

It already happened to me in my blue pill days and I'll admit the thought crossed my mind. I was extremely lucky, though, in that she wanted to give the baby up for adoption rather than push for marriage or kill it. It probably helped that I was a broke 22-year-old college student at the time.

The adoption agency paid all her medical bills, food, rent, etc. until the baby was born. They then let the two of us decide on a family the kid would go to and when we agreed, that was that.

Right now a nice couple who couldn't have kids is raising a little girl that could've been killed and thrown into a dumpster with other medical waste.

I fully realize every situation won't be like mine but knowing what I know now, looking back, I don't think I could live with myself if I'd been able to successfully convince her to get an abortion. Especially not since I became a Christian.

Your mileage may vary, but I believe it's murder.

Rawdoggers, it's something you should be thinking about.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Hanna Rosin admits to having an abortion

What I really want to know is this:

Was the aborted fetus a boy or a girl???

That would say a lot either way. I money is on boy.

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

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