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Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

100 years after Norway introduced full voting rights for women, the Norwegian Parliament voted to adopt compulsory conscription for women as well as men with an overwhelming majority. – This is an historic day for equality and for our armed forces, said Norway’s Defence Minister, Mrs. Anne-Grete Stroem-Erichsen, on the day of the vote.

With the decision, seen as another major step towards equal rights, Norway will be the only European country and first peacetime NATO member practising gender-neutral conscription.

- This is important for two reasons. Male-only conscription is out of synch with the rest of society. All citizens shall have the same rights and obligations, regardless of sex. Secondly, in order to secure our operational capabilities in the future we need to recruit the best, and we need diversity. Therefore we cannot limit our recruitment to the male half of the population, says the Defence Minister.

Women as likely to serve as men
This does not mean that all women must serve in the military. Women will, however, be subject to conscription on an equal basis with men, making them as likely to serve in the military as people of the opposite gender. Norway’s armed forces have an annual requirement for 8-10.000 conscripts out of a total of 60.000 men and women in the relevant age group. Recruitment is already high and increasing, and the number of applicants each year exceeds the needs of the Armed Forces.

- We do not adopt conscription for women because we need more soldiers, but because we need the best, no matter who they may be, says the Defence Minister, and adds: - High-tech equipment alone does not make for a modern military; we also need a modern and diverse organisation with different people, skills and perspectives.

Hoping for more women
Norway’s goal is to have 20 percent women in its armed forces by 2020. Today the share is nine percent. Over the years, a wide range of measures have been taken to increase the number of women, but they have yielded limited results.

- Today, women who join the military are asked why they do it. It is my hope that the natural question to ask in the future is why they don’t want to serve, says Mrs. Stroem-Erichsen.

same obligations as men? doesn't sound that bad.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Yay! Equality.

Don't debate me.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

They can do with their military whatever they want - even dress every soldier in playboy bunny uniform - it's irrelevant because that country is already open and occupied by immigrants who have greater rights than natives.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

This is good. I don't mind women having all possible rights if they also have the same obligations. And this might actually serve to instill some discipline in them.

Assuming, of course, that their conscription time won't be something for pussies (no pun intended) where they are faced with unreasonably low standards.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Just a matter of time before some feminist/manigina starts up:
"This is not enough!! We demand real equality for bicurious transgender hermaphrodites!! It's an act of blatant discrimination to exclude them! We also must have complusory military service!!"
Knowing Norway, they probably would accommodate ludicrous motions like the above, to show how liberal and "enlightened" they are.
Next thing you know they'll be installing a third toilet in every army barracks for 'Transgingers'!.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

I actually had a female leutanant as a platoon leader during my military service.

How strange it might sound, but she was more disciplined than most other plutoon leaders. When we competed for weeks in the forests with other Grenade launcher companies from other regements of who was the most effective and accurate platoon, we had the best results.

We won and got two extra days off as reward [Image: banana.gif]

However, I think it's a big difference in having a female officer in charge in peace time or in times of war.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

I actually expect backlash here. Women cry for equality, but when the equality means something is equally as hard for them, they often find a way out of it.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

"This is good. I don't mind women having all possible rights if they also have the same obligations. And this might actually serve to instill some discipline in them."

When a man commends women for acting like men, he holds both men and women in contempt. I.e., you, MRAs, and feminists.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

I believe this is one part of a general effort from the Norwegian army commanders to include more females wherever it can in order to get more $. It is ridiculously underfunded compared to Norway's finances. They are selling out in the long term to avoid having to moor ships in the short term. Given the recent Russian activity in the Arctic, Norway now actually has a legitimate reason to bolster military spending, and I truly understand where they are coming from. But in twenty years, the organization itself may end up being unable to operate, simply because a lot of the best soldiers quit after a few years and work for private contractors (which we are already seeing in the US army, which I would argue is even more PC than the Norwegian one).

And I think the right answer is women and men should both have rights and obligations, but they are different.. and complete each other.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Quote: (10-15-2014 10:07 AM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

"This is good. I don't mind women having all possible rights if they also have the same obligations. And this might actually serve to instill some discipline in them."

When a man commends women for acting like men, he holds both men and women in contempt. I.e., you, MRAs, and feminists.

I simply don't think there is anything inherently wrong with women having rights. It is only when they have rights in an environment that shields them from any negative consequences and balloons their narcissism that things start going to hell.

A man born and raised in such an environment would become spoiled and start acting in despicable ways just as quickly as any woman.

Naturally, I'd prefer going to the old situation because it has already been proven to work relatively well, but there is no putting the genie in the bottle. If I have to choose what happens in the future, I'd rather have women with equal rights and obligations rather than the ridiculous world of today.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

On a more important note, how bangable are the Norwegian girls? The ones I have seen come to Africa were complete dogs.

Don't debate me.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Hmm, just did a search of Jezebel, nothing about this. You figure they'd be ecstatic that their Norwegian sisters can die along with their male counterparts. Equality and all that.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

When is the last time Norway has been in combat? That Anders Breivik guy?

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Only the Finns are capable/willing to put up resistance. They bloodied Russian noses several times.

Scandinavian militaries are like male nipples; at some point in history, maybe they had a useful purpose, now they're just androgynous decorations.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Quote: (10-15-2014 05:01 PM)alexdagr81 Wrote:  

When is the last time Norway has been in combat? That Anders Breivik guy?

They have/had a small token troop deployment as part of ISAF in Afghanistan. That's it AFAIK.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Quote: (10-16-2014 03:22 AM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

Only the Finns are capable/willing to put up resistance. They bloodied Russian noses several times.

Scandinavian militaries are like male nipples; at some point in history, maybe they had a useful purpose, now they're just androgynous decorations.

That's because Finland has been involved in three bloody conflicts during the last century. And also learnt from history that many countries pretend to be friends and big talkers about helping out, but when our country were under attack and help and aid was badly needed, EVERYBODY turned their backs.
Except Germany.

Germany has proven throughout history that they are the only reliable country who can be trusted from a Finnish perspective. They have always reached out a helping hand in times of crisis.

Germany is the only country who haven't been scared and ran away when the Russians are coming. UK,France,US and even our dear neighbour Sweden were passive and let the Finns bleed alone against the Russian bear.

That's probably the reason why Finland is quite NATO sceptic still today.
In times of crisis when the Russian bear is attacking everybody runs away.

If our Scandinavian neighbours would be attacked and dragged into a war aswell I'm sure they would man up and invest in a decent defence.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Quote: (10-15-2014 05:01 PM)alexdagr81 Wrote:  

When is the last time Norway has been in combat? That Anders Breivik guy?

They have been in Afghanistan

I am the cock carousel

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:22 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Quote: (10-15-2014 05:01 PM)alexdagr81 Wrote:  

When is the last time Norway has been in combat? That Anders Breivik guy?

They have been in Afghanistan

Ha, do you know about Valhalla?

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

The Norwegian soldiers from a UN mission in Kosovo brought us this hilarious video:

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

In USA since men have less/no rights imho men shouldn't register for selective service anymore..make women do it.

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Quote: (10-16-2014 02:15 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

In USA since men have less/no rights imho men shouldn't register for selective service anymore..make women do it.

Or gays. But whatever I don't recommend it our fighting forces would turn to shit pretty soon. I guess once the drones take over it won't matter so much. That's where these "Progressives" are headed.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Quote: (10-16-2014 02:18 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2014 02:15 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

In USA since men have less/no rights imho men shouldn't register for selective service anymore..make women do it.

Or gays. But whatever I don't recommend it our fighting forces would turn to shit pretty soon. I guess once the drones take over it won't matter so much. That's where these "Progressives" are headed.

They could round up the gays and throw them against the Russian army. [Image: blush.gif]

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

I wish Canada had this, might reduce the amount of fat people.

Our New Blog:

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

Quote: (10-16-2014 11:30 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I wish Canada had this, might reduce the amount of fat people.

Its funny to hear Canadians complain about fat people. Come down south to US and Mexico. #2 and #1 in obesity worldwide respectively and you will have a new appreciation for Canadian chicks.

I believe Canada actually has the lowest obesity rate in the anglo world if im not mistaken.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Norway Extends Compulsory Military Service to Women

what the fuck!

I saw this thread title and went to the bathroom and grabbed my bottle of lotion. Came back and tore off 2-3 tissues only to see no pics.

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