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Porn detox

Porn detox

I decided earlier this week that I'm going to go through a porn detox. I think it will help my sexual appetite, give me more energy and motivation. I had to admit that I had become addicted to pornography and could not resist sitting there wasting countless hours a week sitting at my computer viewing female flesh. I think of all the time I could've been doing something productive.

Well it's been 4 days and counting now. I've tried to give it up before and relapsed, but I feel more determined now then ever. Maybe I'll just have a one day a month cheat day to look at porn, just like some health folks have one day a week where they have their ice cream.

Porn detox

In south american my laptop battery broke so i could only watch porn near an outlet, but all the outlets were in the common areas. I actually had to use my imagination on many occasions. [Image: shudder.gif]

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