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how do i play this?

how do i play this?

so a couple months ago when i was in brazil i met this cute little alternative chick at a bar in rio... within a couple minutes of sitting down she started glancing over and we were flirting and touching casually in no time... unfortunately, thats as far as it went. turned out she came to rio from a state 5 hours north of rio to see this deusch bag progressive rock guy, we chilled the next day and nothing came of it

ANYWAYS, a couple days ago i get an email from her saying she was thinking about me and she wants to practice her english with me blablabla. so she gave me her skype, i waited a couple days and we started talking again. she says she wants me to visit her town but that "theres nothing in my town, only me." i tell her half-jokingly that we should go somewhere together. she is down. cuzco? straight. iguazu? sure.

I dont want to come on too strong with her but this seems pretty fucking awesome. i wanted to check out a bunch of places in south america before deciding where i wanted to set up shop, and traveling around with a bomb ass brazilian cutie is just my style... but i still feel like im missing something. i know she has money because shes always traveling and was talking about riding horses on her parents land. shes a few years younger than me (im 22)... i dont know. she did me pretty dirty in rio... how do i play this? i wanna leave in a few weeks, too.

how do i play this?

If the girl is under 22, she's probably fickle-minded as hell. And if she's an "alternative chic", then even more so. I wouldn't put too much expectation on this. If you want to meet up with her in a place like Cuzco, don't believe she's going to meet you there until she has a plane ticket in hand paid for with her own money. Only then would I purchase a ticket. Somebody can say any shit from 5,000 miles away, especially a girl her age. She may even be 100% serious, then she could go out tonight, meet some guy who rocks her world and forget she ever met you in a heartbeat. If you decide to fly down and meet her, make sure you have a plan B in case she gets flakey and wishy-washy. Have your own plan together to do whatever it is you want to do, and then let her join in on it, but don't make her the entire point of going. If a girl isn't emotionally invested in you, and I take it she's not since nothing physical happened, don't believe anything they say about wanting to meet you.

Personally, I've had girls do this even right in my own town. I had a youngish chic who was talking the same way once. I'd met her on myspace. She was pretty much saying she wanted to do me and how much she digs me all this stuff. Then when I tried to make that a reality by meeting up with her, she'd get flakey and had a million excuses. Every single time. Some girls just like the attention. The fun of making guys want them and being a tease. You can see her telling her friends, "Wow, can you believe I made this guy fly all the way down here for me! haha!" But who knows, she may be legit, so followup on her offer if you want to go to S. America regardless. But take it all with a grain of salt, man. Until she drops those panties, all the talk in the world doesn't mean jack.

how do i play this?

You need to get more commitment from her before you hop on a plane.
If her family has money, then she can come see you.

how do i play this?

If she is very sincere about you visiting, i say do it.

BUT HAVE A BACKUP PLAN BECAUSE THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE SHE WILL FLAKE. You will feel like shit if you get excited to visit her and then she disappears and you are stuck in the middle of nowhere.

And whatever you do, don't make it seem like you're visiting just for her. She's part of some grander trip.

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