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Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

In the midst of a recession with high unemployment and falling wages, our President Barack Obama is considering allowing in 800,000 foreign immigrant workers per year.

Remember that we already allow in 1,100,000 legal migrants per year and another 200,000 visa-workers (H1B tech visas and H2 agricultural visas). So this would be an additional 800,000 + 1,100,000 +200,00 = 2,100,000 immigrants per year. This is in addition to an unknown, but large (in the hundreds of thousands) number of illegals.

Effectively the US used to have 1.3 million immigrants coming in per year, but now it'll have 2.1 million immigrants coming in per year. It's actually worse than it seems because of those 1.3 million immigrants, quite a few are spouses/children. Of these proposed 800,000 immigrants, they'll all be workers.

In a recessionary environment, the effect will be to push out American workers from the workforce and lower wages dramatically.

RIP to the American dream.



After meeting with a "bevy" of big-business groups, President Barack Obama is reportedly considering granting them up to 800,000 additional guest-worker visas via executive actions.
According to the Associated Press, "one of the more popular requests among business and family groups is a change in the way green cards are counted," which would "essentially free up some 800,000 additional visas the first year."

In addition, "other requests have included removing the requirement that some spouses of U.S. citizens return to their native country for at least three years before they can apply for U.S. residency, as well as extending work permits to the spouses of all temporary H1-B skilled workers." The Obama administration is also considering granting work permits for low-skilled industries as well.
The Obama administration "has already increased the number of guest-worker permits by possibly 100,000 when it allowed the spouses of high-tech guest-workers who are applying for permanent residency to obtain permits."
Numerous companies – like Microsoft and Cisco – have massively laid off American workers while pushing the Obama administration for more guest-worker visas at a time when scholars and studies from organizations on the left, right, and center have debunked the notion that there is a shortage of American high-tech workers. The Obama administration reportedly wants to appease big-business interests so they give him air cover for his potential executive amnesty, which may enable millions of illegal immigrants to get work permits in addition to temporary amnesty.
All of these actions would make it tougher for Americans at the bottom of the economic ladder to get jobs, as U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow has repeatedly emphasized. And as Breitbart News has reported, Americans are increasingly demanding a "pause" in the number of guest-workers who are admitted. A Reuters poll "found that 70% of Americans feel illegal immigrants threaten U.S. beliefs and customs, 63% believe more immigration at this time threatens the country's economy, and 45% want fewer immigrants. A recent poll from The Polling Company found that 90% of likely voters feel that "U.S.-born workers and legal immigrants already here should get first preference for jobs." Strong majorities of those who favor a pathway to legalization and citizenship for illegal immigrants even believe that "jobs now held by illegal immigrants should go to American workers."
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) accused the Obama administration of "actively working against the interests of the American worker."
"We have communities throughout America that are barely scraping by. Tens of millions of Americans are on welfare, unemployment, and public assistance," Sessions said in a statement this week. "Yet the White House and their Senate Majority seem more concerned about the economic demands of large corporations, or the citizens of other countries, than about getting our own citizens back to work into stable jobs that can support a family and uplift a community.”

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

In other words, expect an additional 799,999 men in the already heavily skewed male/female gender ratio of the good ol', US of A.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Correct me if I am wrong about any of this. I believe there are about 250,000 new jobs created per month. This comes out to about 3 million total jobs created annually. Assuming 40% of the 1,100,000 (440,000) are workers plus the 200,000 visa-workers, plus the new 800,000 workers for a total of 1.44 million new workers annually. Obviously some immigrants leave but this doesn't include new illegal immigrants coming to the US.

So excluding illegal immigrants, out of the 3 million new jobs created annual only 1.56 million are available to legal residents. 314,000,000 people and only 1,560,000 new jobs. I might be wrong but I imagine more than 0.4% (0.004) of the population is entering the labor force each year. Now retirees do open up hundreds of thousands of jobs as well but even then the 1.56 million new jobs seems like a really low number.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

They are trying to increase the democratic voter ranks. Get them on the government dole.

Enjoy the decline

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Quote: (08-21-2014 08:58 PM)username Wrote:  

Correct me if I am wrong about any of this. I believe there are about 250,000 new jobs created per month. This comes out to about 3 million total jobs created annually. Assuming 40% of the 1,100,000 (440,000) are workers plus the 200,000 visa-workers, plus the new 800,000 workers for a total of 1.44 million new workers annually. Obviously some immigrants leave but this doesn't include new illegal immigrants coming to the US.

So excluding illegal immigrants, out of the 3 million new jobs created annual only 1.56 million are available to legal residents. 314,000,000 people and only 1,560,000 new jobs. I might be wrong but I imagine more than 0.4% (0.004) of the population is entering the labor force each year. Now retirees do open up hundreds of thousands of jobs as well but even then the 1.56 million new jobs seems like a really low number.

The US population grows by approximately 3 million per year, including natural increase (births - deaths) and immigration (both legal and illegal).

The US economy used to create jobs at a quick rate, but from about 2000 through now, that's no longer true.

Job growth in full time jobs from 2001-2014 has averaged about 500,000 per year, as the population has grown by about 3 million per year.

Our population grew about 12% from 2001-2014, but the full time jobs grew by only 4.5%. Which is really bad.


Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Quote: (08-21-2014 09:08 PM)Spader Wrote:  

They are trying to increase the democratic voter ranks. Get them on the government dole.

Enjoy the decline

They're actually trying to lower wages by increasing the labor supply.

Which is why a lot of pro-business Republicans support this too.

Yes, we are in decline.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Here's a graph of our labor force participation rate:


The participation rate has fallen from 65.5% to 62.9% in the past five years (July 2009-July 2014).

[Image: latest_numbers_LNS11300000_2004_2014_all...7_data.gif]

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year


The size of the Civilian noninstitutional population is 248 million people and the labor force participation rate fell from 65.5% to 62.9% from July 2009-July 2014. So approximately 6.45 million
Americans have been displaced from the labor force in 5 years.

That represents about 1.3 million Americans being displaced from the labor force ever year. That's astronomically bad.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

A Vietnamese born heavily FOB accented but extremely charming professor in one of my grad school classes vehemently told us once a month circa 2011 that the new world economy has 2 kinds of people. He wrote on the board:



Choose which one you will be because there will be no middle ground. And there won't be many smart people with opportunities.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

I am a (legal) immigrant myself.

This is plain and simple. In the corporate world, there is a need for obedient, relatively smart and relatively cheap corporate drones.

Here is an ideal profile that the likes of Microsoft and Cisco love to hire: an Indian or Chinese in their 20s, with a good STEM degree, willing to work 60+ hours weeks including evenings and weekends, do monotonous and thankless work if needed, put up with micromanaging and bullying asshole bosses, never talk back, stay with the same company for years yet not sue them or make trouble if the company decides to kick them out. Last but not least, willing to do it for a modest salary with not much room for pay/career growth.

Don't buy all the bullshit about shortage of highly skilled workers. It's all about high level executives and company owners trying to import more pawns to play their games and line their pockets. What it's doing to the US is making the work environment for rank and file employees more and more third world like. You'll end up working in third world conditions, but then you come out of the office and face first world prices, a sophisticated police state, and, on top of that, first world attitudes from bitches.

If things keep moving in this direction, at some point it'll be worth just moving to a third world country where it'll be the same slave driving shit at work, but at least after work we can go out and get laid with many attractive girls 10+ years our junior. Which is something I'm seriously considering in the long term, btw.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

[Image: facepalm.png]

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Quote: (08-21-2014 09:32 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

If things keep moving in this direction, at some point it'll be worth just moving to a third world country where it'll be the same slave driving shit at work, but at least after work we can go out and get laid with many attractive girls 10+ years our junior. Which is something I'm seriously considering in the long term, btw.


The irony of the illegal alien invasion is that I may eventually end up moving to Mexico with location independent income where I can live a fraction of the price and smash young latinas.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

I didn't really think about it, but yeah an additional mostly male 800,000 additional workers will really fuk up our gender ratios.

As pussy gets more expensive, we ourselves will get poorer as these foreign workers depress wages and increase unemployment. So the percent
of our income spent on pussy will inevitably increase, as the quality of pussy depreciates.

Spend more, get less.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Won't these new people be purchasing housing, products and services and therefore create new jobs to support the growing population in those areas? I'm not professing to be an econ guy but wouldn't the outcome be the same as if 800,000 merican couples pooped out a kid 15 years ago? If 800,000 people moved to my area I would be swamped with work, if 100,000 left, I'd be fucked.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

The real number is way over 800.000. There are not even enough jobs created for the current population. Most will be on the dole sooner or later. And the US will be a predominantly Latin country within decades. That is the plan. Adjust life-planning accordingly.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Quote: (08-21-2014 08:06 PM)Fighting888 Wrote:  

In the midst of a recession with high unemployment and falling wages, our President Barack Obama is considering allowing in 800,000 foreign immigrant workers per year.

Remember that we already allow in 1,100,000 legal migrants per year and another 200,000 visa-workers (H1B tech visas and H2 agricultural visas). So this would be an additional 800,000 + 1,100,000 +200,00 = 2,100,000 immigrants per year. This is in addition to an unknown, but large (in the hundreds of thousands) number of illegals.

Effectively the US used to have 1.3 million immigrants coming in per year, but now it'll have 2.1 million immigrants coming in per year. It's actually worse than it seems because of those 1.3 million immigrants, quite a few are spouses/children. Of these proposed 800,000 immigrants, they'll all be workers.

In a recessionary environment, the effect will be to push out American workers from the workforce and lower wages dramatically.

RIP to the American dream.



After meeting with a "bevy" of big-business groups, President Barack Obama is reportedly considering granting them up to 800,000 additional guest-worker visas via executive actions.
According to the Associated Press, "one of the more popular requests among business and family groups is a change in the way green cards are counted," which would "essentially free up some 800,000 additional visas the first year."

In addition, "other requests have included removing the requirement that some spouses of U.S. citizens return to their native country for at least three years before they can apply for U.S. residency, as well as extending work permits to the spouses of all temporary H1-B skilled workers." The Obama administration is also considering granting work permits for low-skilled industries as well.
The Obama administration "has already increased the number of guest-worker permits by possibly 100,000 when it allowed the spouses of high-tech guest-workers who are applying for permanent residency to obtain permits."
Numerous companies – like Microsoft and Cisco – have massively laid off American workers while pushing the Obama administration for more guest-worker visas at a time when scholars and studies from organizations on the left, right, and center have debunked the notion that there is a shortage of American high-tech workers. The Obama administration reportedly wants to appease big-business interests so they give him air cover for his potential executive amnesty, which may enable millions of illegal immigrants to get work permits in addition to temporary amnesty.
All of these actions would make it tougher for Americans at the bottom of the economic ladder to get jobs, as U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow has repeatedly emphasized. And as Breitbart News has reported, Americans are increasingly demanding a "pause" in the number of guest-workers who are admitted. A Reuters poll "found that 70% of Americans feel illegal immigrants threaten U.S. beliefs and customs, 63% believe more immigration at this time threatens the country's economy, and 45% want fewer immigrants. A recent poll from The Polling Company found that 90% of likely voters feel that "U.S.-born workers and legal immigrants already here should get first preference for jobs." Strong majorities of those who favor a pathway to legalization and citizenship for illegal immigrants even believe that "jobs now held by illegal immigrants should go to American workers."
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) accused the Obama administration of "actively working against the interests of the American worker."
"We have communities throughout America that are barely scraping by. Tens of millions of Americans are on welfare, unemployment, and public assistance," Sessions said in a statement this week. "Yet the White House and their Senate Majority seem more concerned about the economic demands of large corporations, or the citizens of other countries, than about getting our own citizens back to work into stable jobs that can support a family and uplift a community.”

Lot of Immigration and Visa frauds,Guest Worker Frauds are committed by Indian immigrants, now all politically correct people in this forum will pounce on me for saying this..

But i believe america needs to die whether its a slow death with parasitic infection of different immigrant groups importing their cultures and skewed fraud corrupt business practices into USA or through WAR

If you are hard working american , who still sees hope in the system and authorities , good for you

I can simply say,pack your back, this is not the same country that your ancestors built and toiled day and night to create. there are several political interests and society is taken over filth whose sole interest is preserving power

If you want to see the future of USA, i suggest you to take a trip to india and live in India for few years not days

You will understand how some societies are irreparable , how some cultures have different moral compass, how people are different from each other both biologically and Culturally.I believe Culture,biology and Traditions are intertwined with each other

USA will resemble much like india in future, Social Trust is minimum, corruption at all level pervades in society, Hypocrisy and solipsism becomes the narrative of society.

Much of the society lives in illusion, continuously seeks false paradigms ,Philosophy and metaphysics will move from rational thought and objective reason to narratives like " Life is an illusion"," human body is decadent,decaying corpse, its not body that matters but human aatman(Spirit) or soul"

Fake spirituality will become social narrative and it will shape the culture and people thoughts for years to come or probably generations to come.

If you want to see how to some ideologies permanently destroy Human will and permanently handicap a society& culture, i suggest take a trip to india

You will see all the narrative that i expressed in my post openly professed by billions of people

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

The Labour government did this to the UK and it had few benefits.

Take Polish immigrants for example. I know a hard working couple who stayed in the UK for years and still work here but they send a lot of money back home.

These immigrant workers come to work on cheap labour jobs and spend very little.

Money is going out of the economy at a steady rate. The more of them that do this the worse it becomes. You create a bleed on the economy.

Now lets get to those immigrants from eastern europe and Africa who don't really add anything to the economy but take benefits. Crime levels and violence go up and housing shortages for local authorities become exasperated.

All of this is done by Labour because they knew they'd have them as voters. Especially the Muslim vote who will never say no to benefits which they receive by the bucket load.

Now the US has 300 million people. Its infrastructure isn't top notch and covers a vast area. Tax and spend policies are bleeding your middle class dry and the rich just get richer. The poor however
increase in number every year.

These immigrants are for the most part going to the cities. This isn't a good thing.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Quote: (08-21-2014 09:32 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

I am a (legal) immigrant myself.

This is plain and simple. In the corporate world, there is a need for obedient, relatively smart and relatively cheap corporate drones.

Here is an ideal profile that the likes of Microsoft and Cisco love to hire: an Indian or Chinese in their 20s, with a good STEM degree, willing to work 60+ hours weeks including evenings and weekends, do monotonous and thankless work if needed, put up with micromanaging and bullying asshole bosses, never talk back, stay with the same company for years yet not sue them or make trouble if the company decides to kick them out. Last but not least, willing to do it for a modest salary with not much room for pay/career growth.

Don't buy all the bullshit about shortage of highly skilled workers. It's all about high level executives and company owners trying to import more pawns to play their games and line their pockets. What it's doing to the US is making the work environment for rank and file employees more and more third world like. You'll end up working in third world conditions, but then you come out of the office and face first world prices, a sophisticated police state, and, on top of that, first world attitudes from bitches.

If things keep moving in this direction, at some point it'll be worth just moving to a third world country where it'll be the same slave driving shit at work, but at least after work we can go out and get laid with many attractive girls 10+ years our junior. Which is something I'm seriously considering in the long term, btw.

Post of the day. This is just another sign that the government is not being run for the benefit of the ordinary person, but an oligarchy.

Every government policy with regard to the labor market seems to seek to expand the supply of labor in order to reduce the cost. Even in the top end, high skill jobs.

Obama is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated. I really am beginning to believe his election was pre-engineered by the banking and corporate oligarchy a 'la The Manchurian Candidate.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Quote: (08-21-2014 10:32 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (08-21-2014 09:32 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

If things keep moving in this direction, at some point it'll be worth just moving to a third world country where it'll be the same slave driving shit at work, but at least after work we can go out and get laid with many attractive girls 10+ years our junior. Which is something I'm seriously considering in the long term, btw.


The irony of the illegal alien invasion is that I may eventually end up moving to Mexico with location independent income where I can live a fraction of the price and smash young latinas.

I'm already gone. Honestly it ain't that bad once you get used to it. If you went to Mexico you'd be so close to home anyway that you could import most of the conveniences of the US.

Anyway, great post Brodiaga real food for thought. Americans and Western workers are under attack on both the high and low ends of the wage scale due to these thankless corporate masters that could give two shits about their employees for the most part.

Quote: (08-22-2014 05:31 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

These immigrant workers come to work on cheap labour jobs and spend very little.

Money is going out of the economy at a steady rate. The more of them that do this the worse it becomes. You create a bleed on the economy.

I'm sure all that money going out of the UK in FX from these immigrants pales in comparison to all the foreign currency coming in via dirty money from corrupt Third World oligarchs for RE and other things. This has had the effect of bolstering the pound but making things much more expensive back home in the UK.

Still can't believe the mainstream media perpetuate the lies about how massive illegal and legal immigration is somehow 'good' for the average American.

The unholy alliance of the left seeking votes and big business sourcing cheap labor is a very powerful one.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Quote: (08-22-2014 02:43 AM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

Won't these new people be purchasing housing, products and services and therefore create new jobs to support the growing population in those areas? I'm not professing to be an econ guy but wouldn't the outcome be the same as if 800,000 merican couples pooped out a kid 15 years ago? If 800,000 people moved to my area I would be swamped with work, if 100,000 left, I'd be fucked.

The majority of H1Bs end up sending the majority of their paycheck back home to whatever 3rd world country they came from.

When the money leaves the US, so does the opportunity to buy stuff with it.

The government should force H1Bs to not send their money home.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Frenchie, the kind of control apparatus to oversee that would be gigantic and unlikely to be worth it in the end.

The legal, working immigrants/visa holders are and have never been a strain on the nation's economy.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Quote: (08-22-2014 07:04 AM)frenchie Wrote:  

The majority of H1Bs end up sending the majority of their paycheck back home to whatever 3rd world country they came from.

When the money leaves the US, so does the opportunity to buy stuff with it.

The government should force H1Bs to not send their money home.

You really think some Indian I.T worker in Silicon Valley of all places would even be able to save the majority of his paycheck after accounting for living expenses in the first place, let alone send it all back home? [Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Quote: (08-22-2014 07:11 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

Frenchie, the kind of control apparatus to oversee that would be gigantic and unlikely to be worth it in the end.

The legal, working immigrants/visa holders are and have never been a strain on the nation's economy.

This is no longer true, and adding 800,000 a year would be a HUGE hit to the middle class in the USA.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Quote: (08-22-2014 05:55 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (08-22-2014 05:31 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

These immigrant workers come to work on cheap labour jobs and spend very little.

Money is going out of the economy at a steady rate. The more of them that do this the worse it becomes. You create a bleed on the economy.

I'm sure all that money going out of the UK in FX from these immigrants pales in comparison to all the foreign currency coming in via dirty money from corrupt Third World oligarchs for RE and other things. This has had the effect of bolstering the pound but making things much more expensive back home in the UK.

Still can't believe the mainstream media perpetuate the lies about how massive illegal and legal immigration is somehow 'good' for the average American.

The unholy alliance of the left seeking votes and big business sourcing cheap labor is a very powerful one.

This is where a lot of outsiders become confused and you've highlighted it perfectly.

London, moreso the City is not representative of the UK. It is its own little bubble and if it were to separate from the UK it would be its own little country.

Before any of that big money comes to little old England it goes through a lot of filters.

Obama may allow in 800,000 immigrant workers per year

Quote: (08-22-2014 07:17 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

You really think some Indian I.T worker in Silicon Valley of all places would even be able to save the majority of his paycheck after accounting for living expenses in the first place, let alone send it all back home? [Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

Yes, they save by not living alone. That is until they bring a wife over. I worked with quite a few back in my consultant days and all of them lived with other Indian IT guys.

This isn't a new phenomenon nor a conspiracy theory. Look at the Philippines as an example.


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