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Cartago Colombia Data Sheet

Cartago Colombia Data Sheet

This one is a little off the beaten path but is worth checking out. It's about 40 mins from Pereira for 3500 in a collectivo or 3 hours from Cali for 20,000 pesos.

There are three options for places to stay, two central hotels; the first one you can have a room for about 55,000 pesos and the second is 120,000 pesos. The rooms are a little bigger and nicer in the more expensive hotel but not that much nicer. They both have pools and wifi, the expensive one also has a gym. I don't remember the names of these but if you ask a taxi driver for a hotel he should take you to these two which are close to each other on the same street.

The third option is where I stayed, it's a resort complex slightly out of town called Villa Sol on Calle 5 # 6-63. You get a nice if slightly functional room with ensuite plus tv for 28,500 pesos including breakfast you could alternatively pay 45,000 pesos which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner so it's great value. I think it is a little more at the weekend so maybe an extra 10 mil.

The resort has a huge swimming pool lined with deckchairs and is a great place to sit out during the day when the sun is shining.

The only real downsides to the resort are cold showers, (I'm sure this is meant to be good for you) and the cacophony of noise from the local wildlife in the morning - you've never heard anything like it, living down town New York is probably quieter.

This resort is right across the road from a tennis club, my friend works there which is the reason I ended up in Cartago so I would head over there in the morning for a tennis lesson for 20,000 mil. This is a private club but they weren't super busy so I'm sure you could head in there if you wanted to play. The tennis club also has a pool, gym and wifi.

Taxi's don't have meters here but it seems to be a standard charge of around 3300 pesos wherever you go apart from the first taxi I took which ripped me off. It's very easy to get to the center from the resort, reception will call you a cab and I never had to wait very long.

The town is quite basic, definitely not pretty but it seems very safe, I walked around without any real trouble. There is a shopping mall, Plaza Santiago, which was very quiet the times I visited then there is a central plaza with lots of old leathery looking dudes hanging about shooting the shit.

There is a great juice bar right on this plaza which is always packed, you get a huge hugo con leche for 2500 which is enough for three people. I would also check out Drive Pizza which does some great pizza and spaghetti, this is quite close to the central plaza but I don't remember the address a friendly local should be able to help.

For ladies I think there are good possibilities, there are no tourists here so you'll be the only gringo in town, I went out a couple of times with my friend but this was mid week so it was very quiet. He said it starts getting busy from Thursday onwards, there are a few nightclubs slightly out of town again a taxi driver should be able to point you in the right direction.

Having some decent Spanish would be a big advantage here, mine is still quite basic but my friend was able to help me out. I'd be interested to know what it is like at the weekend, I didn't stick around because my friend had to leave town for several days and the weather took a turn for the worse.

Even if it's just for a day or two it's definitely worth a look and try to coincide your trip with the weekend.

Cartago Colombia Data Sheet

Awesome! I'll be in Pereira very soon, and will hit this place up for a weekend trip. Not much is said about the women of Cartago by any local Colombian men, so not sure what to expect. I am fluent in Spanish, so I should get by well.


Cartago Colombia Data Sheet

Cartago is a very small town, I don't think you would want to stay there for more than a day or two. Also I have had several girlfriends in Pereira/Dos Quebrados, its is much bigger than Cartago, but still a small town feel. This was about 4 yrs ago and at the time there were only 2 other gringos (one from england and one from the USA) in the entire city. At first it seemed cool, like I was a celebrity, but I soon realized the few high quality girls around did not want the attention. And if you spend any length of time there you will get sick of everyone eyeballing you, and also realize many of of the girls there are putas. The smart ones end up in Medellin or Bogota at the Uni often sponsored by a rich Colombian. It is known among Paisas, Rolos, and Calenas that Cafetero is basically a dead end with no future if you are Colombian. The area in infamous for its large number of mafia and the putas that service them. Have you seen "Sin tetas no hay paraiso" ? The characters are ficticious, but the basic theme of the series is regarded as factual even among Pereiranas.

Enjoy the termales (hot springs) for a day or two if you are visiting but plan on spending most of you time in the major cities in Colombia if you want high quality ass and a lower risk of becoming a victim of crime. And if you don't speak spanish anyplace outside of Medellin/Bogota/Cartagena would be a complete bust in my opinion. Sorry if this post is negative, but trying to call it like it is.

Cartago Colombia Data Sheet

Thanks Mixx will be interesting to see what you think of the place.

Ilovelatinas - I agree it's not worth a long visit, if I was to go again I'd aim for a Thursday through Sunday stay, if you're on a backpacker budget you can stay at a pretty nice resort and chill out by the pool for a few days.

I haven't found the small towns to be dangerous so far, the bigger cities such as Cali or Bogota have felt less safe to me, also if you're trying to learn Spanish, which I am, getting off the Gringo trail forces you to improve rather than just hanging out and speaking English with the other tourists.

Cartago Colombia Data Sheet

Quote: (03-25-2011 12:52 PM)Jalouse Wrote:  

Thanks Mixx will be interesting to see what you think of the place.

Ilovelatinas - I agree it's not worth a long visit, if I was to go again I'd aim for a Thursday through Sunday stay, if you're on a backpacker budget you can stay at a pretty nice resort and chill out by the pool for a few days.

I haven't found the small towns to be dangerous so far, the bigger cities such as Cali or Bogota have felt less safe to me, also if you're trying to learn Spanish, which I am, getting off the Gringo trail forces you to improve rather than just hanging out and speaking English with the other tourists.

Good point, one advantage of the smaller towns is low prices. I tend to stay in each city for at least a few weeks because I like to rent an apartment and live like a local, so I get bored if it is a small place.

I've never had any problems, although I notice in cafetero especially Pereira, a very large number of signs posted by family and friends of missing people. It is sad but I can only imagine most were killed and burried in the jungle. Crime statistics are misleading because people killed in large urban areas typically result in the recovery of a body. Whereas those who are killed in smaller cities often are never recovered and do not show up in murder statistics since officially they are missing and also police presence is much lower vs large cities.

If you are only in town for a few days, and not chasing mafia princesses, nothing to worry about though.

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