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Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy

Ain't nothing like me except me.

"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis

Guardians of the Galaxy

I fricking loved this one. Watched it twice already. Gonna get one if those cool leather jackets too this summer.
http://soul revolver.com

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Guardians of the Galaxy

This was my favorite movie last year, and one of the preciously few in my lifetime I've enjoyed watching a second time already within two weeks. And the only movie in a couple of decades I can remember actually watching twice in the cinema.
Also, great music. Something I more often than not don't pay conscious attention to at all in movies.

I brought a mid 30s date along the second time - the type with usually moderately snobbish and "mature" tastes in art and entertainment - and even she was laughing frequently (Rocket being the main instigator) and had a blast.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Eh... it was alright I guess.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Quote: (08-02-2014 08:51 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

What would a Roosh book look like if we had aliens amongst us?

Don't bang Alpha Centauri.

"The point is, marriage is stupid. Every year there are a million hot, new 22-year olds going into bars, and call me glass-half-full, but I think they're getting dumber." -Barney Stinson

Guardians of the Galaxy

Quote: (08-03-2014 05:10 PM)Haig Wrote:  


I think they will go down the "inhuman" route with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

The inhumans are a race of Kree/Skrull Who were sent to earth as sleeper agents to then take over the world.

The two above will no doubt be half human/half kree hybrids (Ronan from GOTG is kree)


They're the same characters but their origins have been changed to fit the licensing.

No need, they're over crowded with origin stories already, just don't mention it and you get mutant background for the purists without having to pay for it.

Guardians of the Galaxy

This bump is a reminder that as recently as 2014 we could watch Hollywood movies without being overly conscious of the degeneracy and the brainwashing. The Marvel movies are OK, but as it looks like they will be remembered as the main product of an entire decade (2010s) of Hollywood - how far the movie industry has fallen.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Quote: (10-25-2018 12:38 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

This bump is a reminder that as recently as 2014 we could watch Hollywood movies without being overly conscious of the degeneracy and the brainwashing. The Marvel movies are OK, but as it looks like they will be remembered as the main product of an entire decade (2010s) of Hollywood - how far the movie industry has fallen.

When challenged about the proliferation of Superhero movies, people say 'what about the insane output of studio Westerns in the 50s, 60s etc', but a good percentage of those films have turned out to be bona fide classics. I think I'm up to date on all the Marvel films now ('cept Black Panther) and there isn't one that I'll still be watching in ten years time, nevermind 40.

Hell, 'Lawman' (1971, Burt Lancaster) was on the tv last week and I sat through and watched it all. Just last night I watched 'For A Few Dollars More' on Netflix for about the millionth time.

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

Guardians of the Galaxy

Part of that movie repetition can also be attributed to watching certain movies in your youth. Their quality aside, even if they were a masterpiece you'd never watch a Marvel movie again simply because the movies we see in adulthood are automatically less likely to leave a deep impression on us. But someone who is a teenager today probably thinks differently.

I know I'd watch Lord of the Rings anytime, but if I had seen it for the first time ever this year, that almost certainly wouldn't be the case. It would become just "another nice movie" in my mind.

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