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Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Behold, here is the first danish homosexual male couple to adopt a black african girl - with HIV - everything of course to be paid, including lifelong treatment, by the tax payer.

I find it vile and disgusting and extremely selfish. It is basically real trafficking and the selfish way in which these people let a child now grow up being different in more ways than you can imagine. Can you say identity issues?

[Image: adoption_dag_6_864118y.jpg]

Source:http://politiken.dk/indland/ECE2351255/kapitel-6-hun-er-sydafrikaner--men-bliver-nu-ogsaa-aarhusianer/ - danish

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

[Image: Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepalm_statue.jpg]

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

What is the life expectancy of this child?

As for this publicity stunt. All I can say is that using black children with HIV as a gay couple screams attention whore.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?



Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

I find it vile and disgusting and extremely selfish. It is basically real trafficking and the selfish way in which these people let a child now grow up being different in more ways than you can imagine. Can you say identity issues ? "

At least its not a boy whom they could then molest, rape, and indoctrinate into sodomy.................

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

I can picture them high on hash taking about a dog, cat, hamster, or a picture perfect African orphan. All just accessory and ornaments to them. This is a pet to them to walk around with at the trendy markets on Sundays.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Wow people here make me seem not cynical... Charity is now viewed exclusively as status whoring? If it were a straight couple adopting a child with HIV?

I mean whatever happens, she will have a great chance at treatment and a long life in Denmark.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

This is a wash for me. I oppose adoptions by homosexual couples, but this little girl has AIDS and if they want to care for the girl and she actually has a chance at survival now, I think it would be crass to oppose it.

It's not ideal, but if a single male philanthropist wanted to adopt and care for a girl with AIDS In don't think there would be a big problem for conservative, excepting the questions as to why he is single. In this case the 'philantropist' also likes buttsex, and I'm confident that there were homosexual philanthropists throughout history. Just no one spoke about it.

I am absolutely opposed to the use of African babies as props for liberals, especially in America where we have plenty of kids starving. But in Denmark with their social welfare, it's hard to make that argument. I think very few go hungry there.

With respect to the government support, surely you would rather handouts to go an innocent child than to grown men who have failed as providers?

So, here I think the real issue is the attention-whoring aspect of it. Christians are taught to give charity but not announce it-- a principle I think most people can agree with irrespective of religion.

As long as they didn't receive preference over a heterosexual couple in the adoption process, I think it's better for the kid, though not as good as a adoption by a heterosexual couple.

Let them adopt the child, and they should even be praised for it, but the homosexual aspect should just not be mentioned (readers are intelligent enough to guess) and they shouldn't be going to the press for praise, it should be the other way around.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

It is disgusting that degenerate people play "we are just like any normal couple" without EVER thinking about the consequences.

Evolution derailed.

[Image: tumblr_n65ojfBkvS1tvrjn7o1_400.gif]

Deus vult!

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

I don't understand the decision to adopt a child with aids. Just as a personal decision, if I were going to adopt a child, they sure as heck wouldn't have aids. That is just asking for your heart to be broken if/when the kid dies early.


Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Just to make it clear, this isn't a charity case, they didn't decide to adopt a child with AIDS, it's because no countries except South Africa allow adoption to homosexuals and South Africa only allows it with children with 'special needs'. The entire article series (7 installments) is basically a propaganda piece for homosexual adoption.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Just going to leave this right here

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

love the Morcheeba song "All Part of The Process"..


"...we all love looking down.."

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

I think the animal brothels in Denmark are a greater indication of degeneracy than a couple giving an AIDS infected baby the chance of survival.

Quote: (07-26-2014 07:05 PM)kdolo Wrote:  

At least its not a boy whom they could then molest, rape, and indoctrinate into sodomy.................

Do you have any evidence to suggest that homosexuality leads to paedophilia? This comment screams of ignorance, and extreme bigotry.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

^^ What the hell is an animal brothel?? Or is it something I don't want to know.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Quote: (07-26-2014 11:46 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Wow people here make me seem not cynical... Charity is now viewed exclusively as status whoring? If it were a straight couple adopting a child with HIV?

I mean whatever happens, she will have a great chance at treatment and a long life in Denmark.

Its hard not to be cynical when two grown men adopt a child from more than a thousand miles away whilst there are thousands of children closer to home without loving parents.

That actress, Jolie whatsherface and Madonna are prime examples of attention whoring. Going to Africa to adopt and use their status as well off white folk to take kids from a continent far away.

Go to any city or town near you and there are plenty of children without homes but because they dont fit the status quo of "oh my gawd look at THIS!", they dont get the attention.

Two gay men adopting a child from Africa, one with HIV no less is a status gimmick.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Quote: (07-27-2014 07:27 AM)frenchie Wrote:  

Just going to leave this right here

Damn and I thought I was a risk-taker.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Quote: (07-27-2014 08:23 AM)Marmite Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2014 07:05 PM)kdolo Wrote:  

At least its not a boy whom they could then molest, rape, and indoctrinate into sodomy.................

Do you have any evidence to suggest that homosexuality leads to paedophilia? This comment screams of ignorance, and extreme bigotry.

Yes, it's been discussed on this forum already:




Homosexual apologists admit that some homosexuals sexually molest children, but they deny that homosexuals are more likely to commit such offenses. After all, they argue, the majority of child molestation cases are heterosexual in nature. While this is correct in terms of absolute numbers, this argument ignores the fact that homosexuals comprise only a very small percentage of the population.

The evidence indicates that homosexual men molest boys at rates grossly disproportionate to the rates at which heterosexual men molest girls. To demonstrate this it is necessary to connect several statistics related to the problem of child sex abuse: 1) men are almost always the perpetrator; 2) up to one-third or more of child sex abuse cases are committed against boys; 3) less than three percent of the population are homosexuals. Thus, a tiny percentage of the population (homosexual men), commit one-third or more of the cases of child sexual molestation.



The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men (using a prevalence rate of adult homosexuality of 2%—4%).


A study by Abel et al. (32) of 377 nonincarcerated, non-incest-related pedophiles, whose legal situations had been resolved and who were surveyed using an anonymous self-report questionnaire, found that heterosexual pedophiles on average reported abusing 19.8 children and committing 23.2 acts, whereas homosexual pedophiles had abused 150.2 children and committed 281.7 acts. These studies confirm law enforcement reports about the serial nature of the crime, the large number of children abused by each pedophile, and the underreporting of assaults (1). Studies that used self-reports and polygraphs show that pedophiles currently in treatment underreport their current interest in children and past behaviors.


Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Quote: (07-27-2014 08:29 AM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

^^ What the hell is an animal brothel?? Or is it something I don't want to know.

Just some danish farmers making a little side income by renting out their cattle to deviant Euros, because animal sex isn't explicitly forbidden in Denmark.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Animal brothels are brothels dedicated to those who want to have sex with animals. It isn't limited to live stock, if you have a little search on Google you will come across articles written by undercover journalists including pictures of chained up dogs that have been raped to death.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Isn't Denmark the third happiest place on earth behind Vanuatu and North Korea(the happiest by far, not one sad motherfucker there)? I know Roosh loved the place, he even wrote a book about it.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Quote: (07-27-2014 04:26 PM)Katatonic Wrote:  

Isn't Denmark the third happiest place on earth behind Vanuatu and North Korea(the happiest by far, not one sad motherfucker there)? I know Roosh loved the place, he even wrote a book about it.

It's also a country where 10% of the population uses anti-depressants, so that may have something to do with it.

Maximum liberal degeneracy reached in Denmark?

Quote: (07-27-2014 04:41 PM)berserk Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2014 04:26 PM)Katatonic Wrote:  

Isn't Denmark the third happiest place on earth behind Vanuatu and North Korea(the happiest by far, not one sad motherfucker there)? I know Roosh loved the place, he even wrote a book about it.

It's also a country where 10% of the population uses anti-depressants, so that may have something to do with it.

SSRI use is getting out of control in the world. Cultures that practice suppressive forms of egalitarianism(Denmark), and those where everyone is some sort of victim(USA) are going to see those rates climb higher every year.

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