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Roosh's videos

Roosh's videos

If you go to youtube and type in "roosh", you will find a humorous assortment of videos made by Roosh. This may be old news, but I thought it would be worth sharing regardless. I now have a question for Roosh: How can you keep a straight face so well?

Roosh's videos


How can you keep a straight face so well?

Multiple takes and years of pick up [Image: smile.gif]

Some are also on vimeo...


Roosh's videos

I love the part, "I can do X many pull ups in x amount of time, my little brother can't even do one. That's not my fault. We're all equals out there. We are all human." Pretty funny video.

You other videos bring up another question. What stops you from travelling the world teaching english? Have you given it much thought?

Roosh's videos

Not too interested in teaching english. I would only do that if i needed the money.

The reason i stopped traveling was not because of money but of gastrointestinal reasons. The reason i'm not traveling now is because i'm trying to finish a book. Once i'm done with that i'll hit the road again

Roosh's videos

Quote: (11-25-2008 09:18 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

The reason i stopped traveling was not because of money but of gastrointestinal reasons.

Damn, Bolivia messed you up huh? [Image: undecided.gif]

Roosh's videos

roosh i really think that a career in improv would be fitting.

Roosh's videos

Hmmm...the Roosh portrayed on here bares no resemblance to the character on youtube. I've been forced to rethink the legitimacy of this entire site. :|

One thing's for sure, there certainly isn't any justice at all in this world as Roosh seems to be getting more sex than me.

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