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This Is What "Cool" Is

This Is What "Cool" Is

Being cool is one of the highest levels of playerdom and usually reserved for naturals.

A man with cool:

1. Has NO MUSCULAR TENSION in his body.

2. Smiles at the right times. This may be frequently - but is at different times than an uncool person smiling.

3. Uses subcommunication rather than overt verbal communication. To someone without cool, he is annoying vague and hard to pin down. This is because, in the terminology of Venkat Rao, he is using powertalk. (If you follow that link, make sure you read all of the articles in the series).

4. Again, he has NO MUSCULAR TENSION in his body. This is both the source of and the evidence of his coolness.

5. Gets people to give him all the stuff he wants - money, pussy, status. Without ever asking.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

This Is What "Cool" Is

I was expecting a lame video of some guy pretending to be "alpha" but was pleasantly surprised when I read that first point.

I can certainly vouch for the lack of muscular tension, effective use of subcommunication and receiving without asking when I'm doing my best.

To the above, I'd add:

6. Totally in the moment, no thoughts on his mind

7. Is deathly comfortable in his own skin and with silence

8. Internally validated/ self-approval

9. Follows his instincts

10. Does what he really wants to do, not what he thinks he should be doing or what others want him to do

This Is What "Cool" Is

Quote: (05-11-2014 03:08 PM)freewheeler Wrote:  

I was expecting a lame video of some guy pretending to be "alpha" but was pleasantly surprised when I read that first point.

I can certainly vouch for the lack of muscular tension, effective use of subcommunication and receiving without asking when I'm doing my best.

To the above, I'd add:

6. Totally in the moment, no thoughts on his mind

7. Is deathly comfortable in his own skin and with silence

8. Internally validated/ self-approval

9. Follows his instincts

10. Does what he really wants to do, not what he thinks he should be doing or what others want him to do

Personally, numbers 1 and 7 are the most difficult for me. IMO, they definitely go hand-in-hand. Of course, the ability to relieve your body of all muscular tension has to do with feeling 100% comfortable in your own skin. The ability to stay so collected that others feel your self-validation and cool mysteriousness is definitely one to strive for.


This Is What "Cool" Is

Stewie knows what it takes to be cool:

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

This Is What "Cool" Is

Quote: (05-11-2014 03:08 PM)freewheeler Wrote:  

I was expecting a lame video of some guy pretending to be "alpha" but was pleasantly surprised when I read that first point.

I can certainly vouch for the lack of muscular tension, effective use of subcommunication and receiving without asking when I'm doing my best.

To the above, I'd add:

6. Totally in the moment, no thoughts on his mind

7. Is deathly comfortable in his own skin and with silence

8. Internally validated/ self-approval

9. Follows his instincts

10. Does what he really wants to do, not what he thinks he should be doing or what others want him to do

Seriously...I think a lot of this goes towards not jerking it ( no fapping) after a weak of abstinence...I feel my male energy and power rise in my body. I emit a kind of confidence and power. Granted I'm early guys my age emit more confidence than I did in my 20s....but I wish I would have known this truth as a younger man and limited to once a week or something. There's a lot of eastern wisdom in the field of semen retention. It definitely equates to a certain aura of "coolness"

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


This Is What "Cool" Is

The essence of cool is caring less.

This Is What "Cool" Is

OP - This is the kind of cool you're talking about right?

This Is What "Cool" Is

What is this muscular tension?

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