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Why women like unemotional men

Why women like unemotional men


Found the following essay on /r/TheRedPill. You may find it interesting:


Men and women both suffer from what I call the “weak” emotions. The weak emotions are fear, anxiety, depression, angst, boredom, distraction, worry, etc… There are many different types of anxiety and they combine in weird ways to cause a plethora of mental problems of women. I can’t make a complete list of the weak emotions, but you get the point. I call these emotions weak because they make a person weak: confused, listless, and unable to pursue or achieve any worthwhile goal. If you’ve ever been under the spell of anxiety or depression, you literally feel a weight on your body that prevents you from doing anything positive. Crazy thoughts race through your head that prevent you from focusing on anything, sleeping, or enjoying your life. Worst of all, the weak emotions are constantly changing, coming and going, so a person feeling them has no way to battle them or a solid footing to rest their thoughts and emotions on. Some scientists have argued that the weak emotions have an evolutionary purpose, but as a matter of practical reality in the modern world the weak emotions usually just cripple people and serve no good. The weak emotions are very difficult to overcome and basically make life shit for anybody experiencing them. This is a wild oversimplification, but mental illness is basically when a person’s weak emotions become too strong and a person’s logical mind cannot control them.

There is one thing that can conquer the weak emotions: masculinity. What is masculinity? It is difficult to describe any human emotion in words, but I will attempt to define masculinity as an emotion (or a series of emotions) that make a person feel powerful, confident, competitive, aggressive, focused, etc… In other words, masculinity is an energy that makes one feel they can overcome any obstacle life throws at them. It is probably the result of various chemicals in your body. The precise definition of masculinity is beyond the scope of this article, but you know it when you see it. The only thing that can conquer an emotion is a stronger emotion, and masculinity is stronger than the weak emotions so it can conquer and silence them. A person who can focus his masculinity with his logical brain can plow through the weak emotions, focus on his goals, feel powerful and dominant, and become successful. Masculinity clears all the emotional debris and useless thoughts floating in a person’s head and focuses them.

Just as both men and women feel the weak emotions, both men and women are capable of masculinity. Women who have no men in their life oftentimes are often forced to become masculine. Women also naturally become more masculine as they age, perhaps because of their body produces more testosterone. Both and women enjoy feeling masculine because it kills the weak emotions.

Now here is where the misogyny starts: because women are less masculine than men, they feel weak emotions on a stronger level than men. Studies have definitively shown that women experience anxiety and depression at twice the level men do. Maybe the chemicals in their brain produce more anxiety and depression, or maybe they just feel it worse because they don’t have masculinity to combat it. Who knows? Feminists argue that women feel anxiety and depression more than men because society is tougher on women, but they’re probably just creating a bullshit explanation to explain data that is not favorable for them.

Because women feel the weak emotions on a stronger level than men, they have historically been stereotyped as “emotional,” “weak,” “irrational,” “hysterical,” “crazy,” “unstable,” “constantly changing their minds,” etc… Women being emotional has historically been the excuse for not giving women rights, because women are just as smart as men. Women in power are often considered “bitches” probably because people suffering from the weak emotions are more likely to feel anxious and threatened, and lash out and become defensive. Another reason women may become “bitches” is that they are trying to fake masculinity – but because they don’t have the actual emotions that accompany masculinity, they come off as unconfident and vindictive.

Please keep in mind: women don’t like being tortured by their weak emotions. They know they are crazy. They know nothing good comes from anxiety. WOMEN HATE THEIR OWN EMOTIONS. That is why women are often disgusted by men who probe their emotions and want to “fix” them. They know there is nothing to fix. Their concerns are stupid, illogical, frivolous and constantly changing. There is no rhyme or reason to them so trying to satiate, address or fix them won’t solve anything. Women know they are being crazy and a man who enters the world of their emotions is just losing himself in a maze with no exit. Women would oftentimes rather men dismiss or ignore their emotions rather than to respond to them as if they were legitimate concerns. They also prefer a man “listen” to their problems rather than offer a solution because they know there is no solution. They don’t want their problems “solved” – they want to be in the presence of masculinity so they can forget their problems.

Because women hate their weak emotions, they are attracted to masculinity. They admire anybody who is calm, collected, unemotional, focused, ambitious, motivated, unshakeable, confident, powerful, and happy. They also like people who are disciplined, live by rules, and have strong boundaries – because those things break weak emotions. Depression makes you want to sleep all day – well you can conquer depression if you are forced to wake up at 6 AM to go the gym! Women are also attracted to men who are not afraid of other men and cannot be broken or intimidated by other men (or nature). If a man is calm, focused, and driven, and can also defeat other men in whatever competition exists, then there is nothing to worry about in life and no cause for weak emotions. He can obtain food, a place to live, comfort, security, happiness, etc… He may not be able to deliver those things today, but he has the emotional make-up for it. Women need that.

The reason men act “beta” around women because they don’t understand how awful weak emotions make women feel and how amazing they feel to be around a man not affected by those emotions. For example, it’s dating 101 that a man should take the lead on a date, choose the restaurant, guide the conversation, choose the next bar, etc… Most men don’t know this instinctively. Instead, they think “well I don’t really care where we eat – I’ll ask her what she likes.” But in a woman’s mind, making any choice invites them back into the hell of their weak emotions. “There are so many restaurants. Which one? What if the Italian place is closed? What if he doesn’t like it? Etc…” Picking a restaurant gives the woman the same angst as picking a college would for a man. That’s why a woman would much rather the man just pick a place, even if its not good. The anguish of eating at a shitty restaurant is not nearly as bad as the anguish of the weak emotions attacking her brain as she makes this decision.

Women attracted to masculine men like to feel men’s masculinity vicariously through the man. In other words, a man can lessen a woman’s weak emotions by channeling her emotions through his own masculinity. Let’s go back to our date example: if a woman wanted to go out to eat with her girl friends there would be a lot of anxiety as to which place to pick. The women would pick a place, but it would be a tough, annoying decision. She would be tortured by weak emotions. But when she’s with a man, he makes that decision for her. BAM! Weak emotions destroyed.

Another example is known as a “shit test.” A shit test is basically when a woman challenges a man with a bit of anxiety she has been feeling. If a man reacts with masculinity, he passes. If he reacts with anxiety, he fails. For example, let’s say the woman says “why are you talking to me? I’m not that pretty. You must be a player.” Here, she is expressing anxiety. Her anxiety is that you might be a player taking advantage of her. A lot of guys might respond with a long speech about how they are not a player. But that doesn’t make the woman feel better because she is still feeling attacked by her weak emotions and nothing he can say can definitively convince her he is not a player. A good response would be the following: “I might be a player. I might not. You’re just going to have to take a chance.” This response says to the woman “I am not allowing you to entertain these weak emotions. You will either fuck me or you will not.” While it may seem wrong to dismiss her concerns about you being a player, the fact is that there is nothing you can say to convince her either way, so you might as well just dismiss that emotion before it annoys her.

Here’s another shit test: she asks me to buy her a drink. I say no. She calls me cheap. Once again, her calling me cheap is an expression of anxiety. You may think her anxiety is that she doesn’t want to be with a cheap guy. Wrong! Her real anxiety is that being insulted makes her feel bad, so she wants to insult me and see how I react. If she insults me with what she KNOWS to be a frivolous insult and I act upset or insult her back, she loses attraction because I am displaying weak emotions. If I can show the insult doesn't faze me I show myself to be a suitable partner because I can destroy weak emotions in a way she can’t. So when she calls me cheap I respond “yeah, that’s why I have a lot of money. I don’t spend it on stupid shit.” I make it clear that I am not going to tolerate her feeling weak emotions about me being cheap and I will not feel insulted or make her feel shitty either. That’s why it’s usually good to respond to a shit test with a joke – it shows that you are not under the grip of any weak emotions at all.

It is said that women are more “compassionate” and “sensitive” than men. This is sometimes true – because women feel the weak emotions more strongly than men they are oftentimes more compassionate to people going through those things. However, women can also be more cruel and heartless than men because when a person is under the grip of the weak emotions and feels threatened, they will lash out in incredibly vindictive and destructive ways with no regard for the feelings of others.

It is said that women like “assholes.” This is not exactly true – women like emotionally unavailable men. Why? Because men when a man displays emotions, the women is reminded of her own weak emotions, and becomes disgusted. Many of the emotions that make up “love” are weak emotions – weak, transitory, changing, irrational, etc… Women don’t want a man who loves them, but a man they can love with no problems. It is much more attractive to a woman to see a man be passionate and emotional about something other than her, but also to let her tag along so she can channel her emotions through him and feel masculine through his life. Another reason that women like “assholes” is that society teaches us that if a person displays weak emotions we should respond with concern and compassion. But as we have learned, that’s not what women want. Women want a guy who will oftentimes dismiss their concerns.

So the upshot? When dealing with women, the man has to be an unbreakable pillar of confidence. He has to show little to no anxiety and if he does show anxiety, he must immediately have a solution for it. He must smile and have fun, because that is what people without anxiety do. And when the woman expresses anxiety through her words or behavior, he must immediately set her straight.

These facts are difficult to accept and apply. For one thing, men naturally want to make an emotional connection with women so it is difficult to extricate from yourself that situation and remember that you can’t display or encourage weak emotions. I have dated girls that were going through difficult times in their life but my “advice” only made me look unattractive. Furthermore, nobody (men or women) knows these truths, so you have to interact with women as if they were your equals. You have to dismiss women’s anxieties without looking like an insensitive jerk (most men fail on this point). Women still need love, compassion, and attention, they just need to have their weak emotions shut down. Finally, sometimes women DO have legitimate concerns, and they need to be addressed. It’s your responsibility as a man to figure out which one of their concerns are legitimate and which are weak emotions.

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

Why women like unemotional men

This sounds like a nice theory on paper.

Doesn't explain the hordes of women who want to fix broken men with their vaginas.

Why women like unemotional men

I think the article is overcomplicated.


What is the direct opposite of this? Unemotional.

So being unemotional is the best way to act unwomenly, thus creating attraction. (Attraction is created between two opposites.)

Don't act like a women, and you will get poon.

Deus vult!

Why women like unemotional men

Great theory.
Obviously, opposites attract so since women are emotionally unstable creatures they desire emotional stability, which is what men naturally are(e.g. real men don't cry, absolutely true).

It should be every man's goal in self-improvement to increase his control over his emotions. Christian McQueen wrote a great article How to Control your Emotions with Women on this and so did Danger and Play How to Stop being Fearful and start being Powerful

If you have emotional control its harder for people, in particular women, to manipulate you, and it gives you increased confidence and a sense of superhuman that nothing can affect you.

Why women like unemotional men

This is how I currently see it:

Unemotional= seemingly default state for men, very logical and rigid, out of touch with your own emotions, seemingly robotic, can falsely project emotional indifference by not being able to express yourself but really you can still be needy at your core, suppressed or repressed emotions common, feeling of internal emptiness, women may not know when to laugh when talking to you as they aren't getting any emotional context from you, very verbal/logic heavy

Emotional= trainwreck, woman-like, mangina unless you know how to wield this in a borderline psychopathic way to make women swoon, "broken-man" game

Emotional indifference= emotionally unreactive, you self-generate positive emotions and are able to freely feel and express your own emotions, feel the positive emotions swelling inside you and the positive vibe you project outward, you don't allow yourself to compromise your emotional state for anyone or anything

Emotionally expressive= able to effectively communicate on an emotional level with others, aware of and able to express yourself congruently with your subcommunications (non-verbal aspects of communication), very adept at "vibing" with people and creating that "bubble" between you and the girl

Emotional indifference + Emotionally expressive= perceived as a lover, masculine polarity felt, holy grail of pickup

Yes, women want to feel at ease and able to relax in your presence. This is when you've cultivated masculine polarity.

If you want to find out for yourself, stop thinking.

That's it.

Stop thinking and being logical it is the antithesis of success with women.

Go out in a meditative state.

Practice feeling, rather than thinking.

Why women like unemotional men

I would generalize even more and say that women experience far stronger emotions in general. Yes, they feel more anxiety and depression than men but they also probably experience higher highs.

Compared to my fiance, my emotions are very low amplitude. There's slight ups and downs but nothing crazy. She is, on the other hand, is a god damn rollercoaster.

Why women like unemotional men

I've realized that for some men having a lot of emotion (I call it passion) is just a fact of life. But for a man you get tormented for showing weakness, that's another fact. Regardless of the dumpy feminism and PC hold your hand culture we live in men still get tormented for showing the weak hand with their frame.

What I have realized that throughout time and still today Men would get a free pass to channel that passion into Art. As a artistic minded guy myself I can't think of any other reason why men basically crush women in the ability to create raw art at obscene ratios. I've basically come to the conclusion that men have used art throughout history to safely channel their emotions if they needed to. Instead of some soft shit like breaking down over a broad if you channeled that same energy into a song nobody would care. I've used music in the past as away to fend of my quick one-itis tendencies. If I started getting rubbery over a broad I'd dump it in a song. Women would be so oblivious to the point that the detail would be so precise that even the girl in question would hear it and be completely obviously that it was about her..

Men are not robots but as the article mentioned we have the ability to re-direct that raw energy into a more productive force that builds something rather then break the man down. I feel that men these days since they do not know how to redirect that energy feel they need to display outward, and raw and women chew them out for it. Nothing makes a woman cringe more then a pandering apologetic man. They will chew your balls if you do so and many men these days don't get that, or have to learn the hard way from trail and error. To many times I've had female friends chew the balls of their men for being soft little shits. The contempt of hate, you can hear it in their voices, few things drive a lady more mad and make her cringe.

This is the only way I can rationalize why men dominate the arts. Women are only skilled in tasks they can learn and use their feminine grace to excel in such as dance or singing. But it's largely men whom care the backbones of those routines or the songs themselves. The only thing women can hold their own is in writing since women are able to process words and language better then men (likely as a means to process baby talk), that's it though. I produce music also and women producers sound robotic, to the point I can listen to a son and know if it was produced by a female. They learn "how to produce" but have no ability to grow the art/work outside of rigid box in which the skills reside in.

The worlds greatest artists were likely emotional messes but channeled it into something worthwhile as a means to release it out. The traits of isolation and drug abuse were common amongst many artists even if they drowned in pussy it was always a fast lane of highs and lows for them.

Why women like unemotional men

Pretty true. I'm pretty much a statue whenever a girl is being hysterical. Sidenote: rarely visit this site but I always useful stuff. Thanks

Said she only fucked like 4 or 5 niggas so you know you gotta multiply by three

Why women like unemotional men

I agree to everything in this post except the last paragraph which states that becoming unemotional for men is hard.

For me - it was a burden of my beta youth to force myself to get emotional over issues that society told me should be valued as important adn an emotion display of group-think was in order.

Now after learning game and conscious work on my testosterone levels and health I rarely feel any emotions, certainly no weak emotions, I mostly feel joy, enthusiasm and feeling of power and control of my self and my immediate surroundings, masculinity in short. I believe this is a natural state for me and I had to unlearn more then learn to reach this state. Emotions (weak) is a thing men are conditioned into by society (women).

Taking shit close to heart and indulging in emotions is a big burden, a stone shackled to feet of slaves. I look over my shoulder and exhale in relief of knowing to have abandoned that hell forever.

Why women like unemotional men

Quote: (04-23-2014 01:14 AM)Mage Wrote:  

Taking shit close to heart and indulging in emotions is a big burden, a stone shackled to feet of slaves. I look over my shoulder and exhale in relief of knowing to have abandoned that hell forever.

[Image: potd.gif]

This. Emotions only make me weak.

Deus vult!

Why women like unemotional men

I remember seeing a video by Mystery where he says one of the key things women are attracted to besides preselection and being a leader of men is the willingness to emote. Like when Ronaldo cried at the Ballon d' or, or how anger excites some women.

Why women like unemotional men

Quote: (04-23-2014 12:35 PM)internet alpha Wrote:  

I remember seeing a video by Mystery where he says one of the key things women are attracted to (...) is the willingness to emote. Like when Ronaldo cried at the Ballon d' or, or how anger excites some women.

High-status men willing to emote are very different from beta males who emote easily!

A guy like Ronaldo has stratospheric status, and has literally millions of options when it comes to women. Therefore, if he emotes, if he cries, for instance, he looks silly and pathetic and lowers his status, which makes him look more approachable to women. He's handicapping himself, lowering his status to narrow the status gap between him and the average woman. Average beta chumps, however, cannot afford to handicap themselves.

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

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