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Bang reviews

Bang reviews

After a couple newsletters that seemed eerily timed I just ordered Bang.

I noticed some really good stuff as far as texting and dealing with younger girls (21-23)

For example, guilting them when they try to flake at the last minute is GOLD.

Anyone else read it yet?

Bang reviews

I got it some time ago. It was a good book, easy to read, and I learned a lot about American pickup culture, which is very different from Russian one. The described strategy was limited use for me as it seem to be more oriented on those who have a lot of time, but for whom spending $200 while going out is a big deal; but the book gave enough information so I could develop my own strategy which so far worked well for me.

Bang reviews

I ordered the book also. There were a few things Roosh mentioned on his website that keyed me in as to his ability to pick up women. Only on page 40 though. Great so far, especially "fake it till you make it".

Bang reviews

Hmmm...might have to order it.

If I do get though, I am getting the PDF version since it is cheaper.

Bang reviews

Roosh, I noticed there is a new edition on your site, can you give an idea of what has changed for those who have an earlier edition?

Bang reviews

I got the hard copy coming in from Amazon, I hope it has the revised addition.....

Bang reviews

By chance I stumbled across a link to here on a completely unrelated site, I then began reading as much about game as I could. Being a cheap fucker, I refused to actually buy any books. My dormant game (after an LTR) was resuscitated, but there was still something missing. Sure I was able to go out and get laid from time to time, but there was no consistency. Still I figured this was just due to being out of season, so I pressed on.

After an incredibly embarrassing experience in which I got a particular girl naked in her bed and then mine without banging her, I decided to buy Roosh's book. After finishing the book, literally the next night I went out I got an LTR (on a Thursday no less). I haven't looked back since, racking up several notches, and no longer putting up with even the most minimal amount of shit before I've banged a girl.

If you don't have any game to begin with, you may need to do some additional reading, or pre-reading, but for me having gone through college and gotten laid a fair amount, Roosh's book was a great refresher and helped me be more precise and ultimately more successful with my game.

Bang reviews

If you've ordered the book in new condition the past five months now then it will be the revised version (don't order from one of amazon's third-party vendors, especially if it's used since that may be the first edition).

If your copy has the text messaging guide, it's the revised edition. That and the solo guide (which is from the blog) are the two changes.

More details:

Bang reviews

Quote: (01-21-2011 02:23 PM)Easy E Wrote:  

Hmmm...might have to order it.

If I do get though, I am getting the PDF version since it is cheaper.

PDF's are nice but for books like this I prefer the hard copy. I end up writing side notes, highlight, and put sticky notes everywhere. The early game section has already given me a lot of new ideas to try, and improve on my current material.

Bang reviews

Buying Bang was the best purchase i made all last year. I think ill read it for the third time. It seems every time i read it i have sex within a week

Cant wait for that day game book Master Rooshv

Bang reviews

Quote: (01-21-2011 03:57 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2011 02:23 PM)Easy E Wrote:  

Hmmm...might have to order it.

If I do get though, I am getting the PDF version since it is cheaper.

PDF's are nice but for books like this I prefer the hard copy. I end up writing side notes, highlight, and put sticky notes everywhere. The early game section has already given me a lot of new ideas to try, and improve on my current material.

Exactly, I like to write in the margins. My copy just showed up and I started reading it.

For those considering the book, listen to this quote.

"You can "fail" all your life, yet accomplish more than those who never tried".

Bang reviews

Thanks guys for the compliments.

Now for a Day Game Book update: it's going to be slightly longer than Bang, but focused only up to getting a number or date. So it'll be like the Early Game chapter in Bang but on steroids (just for daytime, not bar or club).

I'm aiming hard for a summer release.

Bang reviews

Quote: (01-21-2011 03:57 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

PDF's are nice but for books like this I prefer the hard copy. I end up writing side notes, highlight, and put sticky notes everywhere.

The main reason I'm buying e-book versions those days is backup. All modern e-readers let you write notes, and you can backup them. Several years ago I lost one of my favorite books (forgot it in a restaurant, and when I stopped by the next day to ask, it was already gone), and there went all my notes.

Bang reviews

Quote: (01-21-2011 05:34 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Thanks guys for the compliments.

Now for a Day Game Book update: it's going to be slightly longer than Bang, but focused only up to getting a number or date. So it'll be like the Early Game chapter in Bang but on steroids (just for daytime, not bar or club).

I'm aiming hard for a summer release.

So, you ended up deciding to write this book after all, interesting. Day game is so situational, that I'm quite intrigued as to what areas you attack here. I'm sure I'll pick this one up.

Bang reviews

Quote: (01-23-2011 06:51 PM)CJ Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2011 05:34 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Thanks guys for the compliments.

Now for a Day Game Book update: it's going to be slightly longer than Bang, but focused only up to getting a number or date. So it'll be like the Early Game chapter in Bang but on steroids (just for daytime, not bar or club).

I'm aiming hard for a summer release.

So, you ended up deciding to write this book after all, interesting. Day game is so situational, that I'm quite intrigued as to what areas you attack here. I'm sure I'll pick this one up.

Day game isn't situational. If it is, you're doing it wrong.

Bang reviews

Quote: (01-23-2011 08:56 PM)Cruatha Wrote:  

Day game isn't situational. If it is, you're doing it wrong.

Spoken like a true rookie.

Bang reviews

Please, enlighten us.

Bang reviews

You're not going to use the same approach on the subway in New York, as you are on the beach in Miami, as you would on the street in Dallas. You get where I'm coming from?

Sure there's a lot of the consistent elements, generally opening asking for information, but the follow up can have so many variables. What if it's raining? What if someone walks by with a cute dog that steals her attention? What if it's after work and she's willing to go to happy hour with you right then? What if her friend shows up? I could go on and on, but the point is there's way more variables out on the street or wherever you practice day game, than in a club/bar.

I'm not saying I'm a day game expert (in fact I consider day game my weakest area still, because I don't do a lot of it right now), but I'm saying if you go in with the same routine and have a specific set formula for day game it's not going to work as much as if you're able to adapt to the circumstances presented in each unique situation.

Bang reviews


You're not going to use the same approach on the subway in New York, as you are on the beach in Miami, as you would on the street in Dallas. You get where I'm coming from?

Only difference is if you want to go direct or indirect. Lots of people go indirect on public transport because it's less risky. Direct shows big brass balls though. Street? Direct. Beach? Direct.

When you originally said "situational", I thought you were talking about situational openers, which really suck.

I basically only do day game. I haven't been doing it long (a little under 1 year). However, I've got a lot of approaches under my belt, and even some results.


generally opening asking for information,

No. Never do this. Indirect openers suck and are hard to transition from. I like Krauser's "How's your English?" Indirect->Direct, or Souls straight up Direct. Indirect openers are generally a waste of time on moving sets.

I disagree with just about everything you've said in this post actually. If a dog steals her attention, you're not doing well. If she's willing to go out with you, that's great - it doesn't really change anything. The basics of day game are the same. The variables you've pointed out are actually MORE present in a bar environment.

Bang reviews

The expert says:

Quote: (01-23-2011 08:56 PM)Cruatha Wrote:  

Day game isn't situational. If it is, you're doing it wrong.


I haven't been doing it long (a little under 1 year). However, I've got a lot of approaches under my belt, and even some results.

"Even some results"!!! [Image: lol.gif]


Indirect openers suck and are hard to transition from

Only if you don't know what you're doing.

With all due respect, please don't post again about day game, especially with a tone like you're some sort of authority figure.

Stick around and learn from others, but don't don't talk down to us when your knowledge is extremely suspect. You've just given everyone a green light to ignore your game advice in other areas as well.

Bang reviews

Yep, feel free to ignore everything I say. I'm not interested in giving advice anyway, and need to learn to stop doing so. [Image: smile.gif]

Bang reviews

Hey Roosh not sure if it's mentioned above, but do you have an estimated release date for that daygame book you're working on? Also I'd love (and I'm sure others too) if you could include a deep analysis regarding the big debate of direct vs indirect game.

Can't wait for it [Image: smile.gif]

Bang reviews

Quote: (01-30-2011 12:47 PM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Also I'd love (and I'm sure others too) if you could include a deep analysis regarding the big debate of direct vs indirect game.

Here you go:

I'm aiming for a July release.

Bang reviews

Damn, I let my ex brother-in-law borrow my copy and didn't get it back before leaving the country. He was only half way through it but had learned a lot so far. Couldn't take the book and let an up and comer hanging. Guess I'll order another but the daygame book is where it will be for me. Most of my approaches are daytime.

I'm in a country where approach and escalation has to be super discreet. Text game, secret meetings, and "palming" phone numbers rules the roost here. This is totally different than what I'm used to. Ah well, what don't kill you only makes you stronger.

Bang reviews

Is there a direct link to order the new edition? Roosh - do u think the book is useful for any guy, regardless of age? I haven't read to much of your work, mainly your posts around here

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