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02-01-2014, 11:31 PM
Meet a cat from Turkey who brought this up I am curious how his thinking is in mind with other members experiences in EE.
For sex go to Moldova, Russia Ukraine(no particular order)
For a wife: Albania,Bosnia, Macedonia, croatia (ideally muslim woman in his words). Also no particular order.
He was a bald fat dude with a cute Albanian muslim wife so he has some authority on speaking about this but of course I adhere to the greater RVF wisdom on subjects like this. So please share your opinions.
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02-02-2014, 02:16 AM
Turks usually don't do very well in Russia and Ukraine because the girls hate them. He's almost certainly talking about 'sex for hire'. His views on marriage are compromised because it's socially unacceptable for him to marry a non-Muslim.
After saying that, marrying a girl from a country where there's a lot of religious guilt is not a bad strategy. The ones he identified (Muslim countries) and Poland (Catholic) are probably the best options. Their religion makes them feel guilty about cheating. Don't rely 100% on her being loyal though... they are still homo-sapiens, after all.
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02-02-2014, 11:20 AM
A friend of mine married an Albanian, I must say she is very loyal and obedient.
I know it is not good to generalize, do Russian women really make good wives? I am sure they are fine in Russia but I have heard horror stories once they reach North American shores.
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02-02-2014, 11:30 AM
Russia has a lot of is hit or miss. Depends on the girl, but you've got a better shot with a Ruskie than an American, that's for sure. Also, these horror stories, you have to factor in the guy somewhat too. If the guy is a broke, nauseating beta, Russian women would eat that guy alive. If he's a hardworking normal dude, they might treat him like a king, but sometimes not, depending on the girl.
Subjects like can be useful to talk about, but in the end, it can be stupid too, because eventually it's down to the two people involved. If you date a girl for four years since she's twenty, she's beautiful, you want to have kids, I mean, no advice on an internet forum will let you know her state of mind in ten years. That's the beauty and danger of life.
I'm only 23, so, pretty much everything I just said can be taken with a grain of salt. It's just like, my opinion man.
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02-02-2014, 11:42 AM
Russian girls will take anything they can get from you. If you treat them like a beta guy, as KorbenDallas already said, I can only say good luck to you. If you act like a man towards them, they will never run from you. But if you want my personal opinion on Russian girls, I would never marry one if you didn't have any intention on living in Russia for a good part of your life. Really marrying any girl and planning to take her somewhere is much more a recipe for disaster than living with her in her country. Especially in Russia, where women are after you all the time, she has to keep herself up to the task of being your girl. Other Russian girls will try to take you away at any chance they get. If you take her to the west, those guys will try to take her from you, and as we all know, women can't resist that...
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02-02-2014, 12:01 PM
What if I got a young, pretty, smart Russian girl, brought her to Western Europe, and got her pregnant asap? Assuming that fatherhood does not make me a beta tool, will having children keep her invested in the relationship? Or would she break up, keep the kids, and force me to pay alimony? Does motherhood make those female devils any less predatorial? Are those little dark hearts capable of thinking of what is best for their own children in the long term?
Frankly, I don't see the point of having an LTR girlfriend unless one wants to have kids. Unless she's a serious girlfriend, I want to meet neither her parents, nor her friends, as one day we break up and I realize I wasted all that time trying to build trust with people who are now utterly useless to me. For me, women are either sex objects or potential mothers of the fruit of my loins, nothing in between is possible. I don't want to spend solid amounts of time with a woman whose womb will not be carrying my offspring within a couple of years.
"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken
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02-02-2014, 12:43 PM
Quote: (02-02-2014 12:28 PM)DaveR Wrote:
There is no stigma against single mothers as there is in Catholic societies. Remember that an entire generation of Russians (after the war) were raised by their mothers and grandmothers. (...) I never hear people arguing against divorce due to "shame on the family", "it's against the Church's teachings", etc. Russian girls are always hunting for the best deal, but if you're a good father and she's better off with you than some other guy, she won't have any reason to leave you.
Thanks for your reply. It reminded of
Eduard Limonov's bleak article on Russia:
Russian women are very, very bad. The worst of all. Russian women is like the Russian Government. Most Russian women at least are good looking when they are in their twenties. Some Russian women are gorgeously beautiful. But they are bad. They are treacherous because they have no moral principles. Christian faith was eliminated during existence of the Soviet Union so nobody taught Russian women morals. No such discipline was taught in Soviet schools. Russian woman hates man because she is envying him. She wants to be as brutal and stupid as him, she wants to lay on a divan doing nothing as man does, but she has less possibilities. Russian woman is disastrous, relationships with her destined to be tragedy. There is no way that you will end happily. You must subjugate her. If not, she will subjugate you. On both occasions, you will lose. Don't forget that abortions and divorces were permitted even in Stalin's Russia, so our country educated women as bitches. Millions of bitches walking our streets. I am absolutely and positively on the side of Muslim strict code of behavior for women. Their system of separation of sexes if effective and healthy.
"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken
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EE countries for fnding sex and those for finding a wife
02-02-2014, 01:56 PM
Quote: (02-02-2014 12:01 PM)Icarus Wrote:
What if I got a young, pretty, smart Russian girl, brought her to Western Europe, and got her pregnant asap? Assuming that fatherhood does not make me a beta tool, will having children keep her invested in the relationship? Or would she break up, keep the kids, and force me to pay alimony? Does motherhood make those female devils any less predatorial? Are those little dark hearts capable of thinking of what is best for their own children in the long term?
Frankly, I don't see the point of having an LTR girlfriend unless one wants to have kids. Unless she's a serious girlfriend, I want to meet neither her parents, nor her friends, as one day we break up and I realize I wasted all that time trying to build trust with people who are now utterly useless to me. For me, women are either sex objects or potential mothers of the fruit of my loins, nothing in between is possible. I don't want to spend solid amounts of time with a woman whose womb will not be carrying my offspring within a couple of years.
Once you expose a woman from any heritage or cultural background to western way of life the risk of her adopting the mindset and ways of her new home land are high.
Let's imagine that you marry an Ukrainian girl and she get pregnant in the USA. What do you think, after the honeymoon phase is over and problems arise, will prevent her from using the tools the system gives her to rip you off and live from your work for the rest of her life? From how you speak you sound like a family-man-to-be, imagine how much a cunny woman could leech you just with the threat of not letting you have contact with the kids or indoctrinate them against you.
It makes sense to bring a EE back home if you are from countries in which the men's are considered head of the family and have priority to get the child custody (Turkey, Arab Countries, Iran?) or in which the right of the native member of the couple are over those of the foreigner (Malaysia, Thailand?). Only with such legal frame safety net can you afford to bring her home fearless, but in western cuntocracy an EE woman is just a more beautiful and femenine damocles spade. Not to talk about you wanting to break up and your country having laws thanks to which an accusation of domestic violence translates in access for her to the citizenship and subsidies.
Another issue is, hypergamy willing, she may be dazzled for the amount of attention she is going to receive in your country from both father-faced providers and alfa males, one day she will get bored or tired of the relationship, it's their nature; no matter how handsome, fit, rich, smart or charismatic you are, or how many kids you have together; there is going to be someone better or just newer to put some thrill in her life.
She go crazy, is hamster!
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02-02-2014, 02:18 PM
Ok my view.
About Turks.. yes they all say they dislike them but in reality MANY Turks get Russian/Ukrainian girls.
Fact that was posted on this forum:over 200k Russain women are registered as being married to Turkish men. That doesn't include Ukrainians or unregistered. That's more than Russian girls married to Anglo's.
I once mentioned I lost a gal to a Turk,he bought her family a home though. I also knew another girl who wasn't interested in me...her friend said she had a Turkish boyfriend.
Some things to consider:
1. they like that Turkey is close to home.means they can visit family
2. many go on vacation looking to have sex with Turks.
3. the ideal type of man physically they like tends to be Mediterranean looking. Dark and prominent features. Georgians were the Latin lovers of the USSR. Many Turks look like Italians and Greeks and fit the part.
4. MOST IMPORTANT: despite their bad game....Turks continue to go to FSU because of past success from others they know. No one travels to a country in such large numbers looking for girls unless on their own forums they have had success. Of course the older ones often pay.
That ALL being said...I agree the last decade has changed a lot since they have freaked out the women with their sex tourism.
As for the guy who wants to get girl pregnant so she will stay???Good luck!
Don't do that.....I can tell you for a fact., guys have done that and learned the hard way.
Russians on one hand make great mothers and on the other hand are like mothers from hell(my mom Russian lol).
Like Dave said..they are used to bringing up children with a lot of family support. Since WW2 women have had this role and got help from extended families. It was part of Soviet model even.
A Russian women will have a child and be VERY possessive. Most foreign men won't agree with their child raising mentality .In any case she will leave and get child support and take comfort in the fact that you are a good father. This way you can get joint custody and watch the child while she is off on adventures around the world and getting fucked by some other guy.
You also have the disadvantage of lacking the Russkaya Dusha(Russian soul)...meaning she will always be influenced by any local immigrants from her native region.That includes every Igor, Sasha and Vlad she meets trying to take her from you and she being DRAWN to them.
Just so you know..I knew a guy who bought a girl( my wifes old friend )from Kiev (originally OdessaN) to Texas. He got her pregnant almost right away, same reason you mentioned. She started cheating on him(with a FAT black guy btw ..rolls eyes)while he spent time with their son babysitting. She even visited LA and Vegas with her NEW friends while he stayed home with child. She learned what to do from the local community Russain/Ukrainian church(fraternal organization in EVERY large area). At 3 yrs on the dot...she got the right to stay in USA and they got divorced.
Didn't matter that he had P.I. following her and caught her cheating , etc. She got to keep the car he bought for her use also.
When I found out...I listened to the whole thing and saw MANY errors he did. But those are the errors most guys will do.
Interestingly my wife told me that she was AFRAID of me lol. Moral of the story to keep them.. you have to be a combination of PUTIN and Stalin reborned!
I always laugh when my wife jokes that she made mistake marrying an ALPHA male! She thinks that I say NO to often and easy. But tbh that is what keeps them!
"to truly be with a Russain you have to have a dark soul and be completely insane. Its at insanity that we connect".
"you have to burn the village to save it"
When you start thinking like the above quotes..then maybe you have what it takes!
If your liberal and any of that political correctness nonsense..she will eat you ALIVE!
mating is animilistic with them. Once you show weakness they g oon the attack. its part of that BLAME culture i once wrote about.
FSU is all about passing the buck and blaming everyone for their misfortunes. The exception is beign sick.....they back off then.
For example when my flat was broken into.. the police blamed me for NOT being home and having a nice looking door!
If a cop gets attacked..cop gets blamed for Not bashing the guy first.
If you don't have money to eat.. means you deserve it because you are lazy.
If you get arrested(goes back to USSR ) means you were wrong to be noticed.
All the expats I know who were attacked were blamed for being out or being in Ukraine
Ukrainian guy(father of ex gf) who got a big brick hit on the back of his head was blamed for wearing a nice coat.
The list doesn't end. This is why they can justify using a guy for money. They see it as your fault for being weak,etc.
This is a basic character trait that I have seen my WHOLE life(live in Brooklyn). Once you understand it you will always be on guard with FSU people. That's why friendship and social circles are important. However, friends have been known to prey on friends as well.
Interestingly, they feel sorry for those who are too sick to defend themselves. They avoid predator mode in those cases often.Some say that is why the president went out sick last few days. Back in USSR going out sick was a way to delay problems.
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EE countries for fnding sex and those for finding a wife
02-02-2014, 02:21 PM
For sex go to Moldova? Lol, that guy was surely referring to prostitutes.
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02-02-2014, 02:51 PM
@ Jimurk104, what city did your friend live in around Texas?
I know there are some in Dallas, but the bigger Russian community would be in Houston.
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02-02-2014, 03:04 PM
^^ Makes sense. Everybody in Dallas/Ft Worth is divorced and people cheat all the time with regards to relationships. As for hooking up, pretty fun place lol. Couples that relocate to DFW together in general always see their time end.
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EE countries for fnding sex and those for finding a wife
02-02-2014, 06:11 PM
Quote: (02-02-2014 04:45 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:
Quote:bacon Wrote:
For a wife: Albania,Bosnia, Macedonia, croatia (ideally muslim woman in his words). Also no particular order.
![[Image: laugh3.gif]](
As a local, I find this hilarious. I can understand the other three (especially Macedonia and Albania), but how did he manage to lump Croatia under that? The only thing our women have going for them is that they're very pretty. The country is developed enough that marrying out of the country doesn't present a significant motive like in Albania or parts of Ukraine, and the local laws concerning marriage are awful. The divorce rate is 30% and growing. Hamster rules all the national media. People go to jail over child support (with imputed income, of course). Domestic abuse and rape hysteria is at an all-time high despite actual levels being low. The traditional culture is dead. Just... no.
G*damm Croatia only just joined the EU in the summer of 2013 and was a charter member or whatever for just a few years before that. How the f*ck did it all go pear-shaped so quickly and become so PC/feminized/misandrist? I guess being right next door to the Feminist EUSSR for awhile is enough? I'm a little surprised it's that bad but as Roosh has said and we all know it only takes a few years for it all to go to hell especially given the climate globally right now towards hererosexuality and masculinity (at least among the various Western mainstream media).
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02-02-2014, 06:34 PM
^^since men are the richest and most powerful in most countries.. why does this happen?
Is it possible that rich and powerful are the biggest betas and they figure they don't want men to rule since most men aren't rich like they are?
I just curios what the dynamics of feminism and this homo movement is. I certainly don't know any normal male supporters?
Have the EE patriarchies stopped feminism?
The day I see beta Russian guys kissing women's asses ..its time to cut our throats!
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02-02-2014, 06:41 PM
Quote: (02-02-2014 06:34 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:
I just curios what the dynamics of feminism and this homo movement is. I certainly don't know any normal male supporters? Have the EE patriarchies stopped feminism?
homosexualism is a crusade of the U.S. State Department and its ideological allies, just like international feminism. It's a religious crusade.
Most of these crusaders are clueless
true believers desperate to find some meaning and purpose in their lives, and they are led by a few sociopaths who have figured out that they can use "homophobia" and "misogyny" to galvanize the troops, so that they can expand their personal empires and acquire influence, power, and assets.
"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken
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EE countries for fnding sex and those for finding a wife
02-02-2014, 08:01 PM
Quote: (02-02-2014 06:41 PM)Icarus Wrote:
Quote: (02-02-2014 06:34 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:
I just curios what the dynamics of feminism and this homo movement is. I certainly don't know any normal male supporters? Have the EE patriarchies stopped feminism?
International homosexualism is a crusade of the U.S. State Department and its ideological allies, just like international feminism. It's a religious crusade.
Most of these crusaders are clueless true believers desperate to find some meaning and purpose in their lives, and they are led by a few sociopaths who have figured out that they can use "homophobia" and "misogyny" to galvanize the troops, so that they can expand their personal empires and acquire influence, power, and assets.
? You lost me there. The state department uses a lot of faulty ideologies and key words to justify its actions but I've never heard of homophobia being one of them.
Neither homosexuality nor feminism, as a movement, had their origin in the U.S. We still don't allow gay marriage in most of the states for crying out loud. Compared to other western countries(for what it's worth), the U.S is socially quite conservative.
Sometimes the America bashing borders on the comical here...
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02-02-2014, 08:06 PM
Quote: (02-02-2014 08:01 PM)SpecialEd Wrote:
Quote: (02-02-2014 06:41 PM)Icarus Wrote:
Quote: (02-02-2014 06:34 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:
I just curios what the dynamics of feminism and this homo movement is. I certainly don't know any normal male supporters? Have the EE patriarchies stopped feminism?
International homosexualism is a crusade of the U.S. State Department and its ideological allies, just like international feminism. It's a religious crusade.
Most of these crusaders are clueless true believers desperate to find some meaning and purpose in their lives, and they are led by a few sociopaths who have figured out that they can use "homophobia" and "misogyny" to galvanize the troops, so that they can expand their personal empires and acquire influence, power, and assets.
? You lost me there. The state department uses a lot of faulty ideologies and key words to justify its actions but I've never heard of homophobia being one of them.
Neither homosexuality nor feminism, as a movement, had their origin in the U.S. We still don't allow gay marriage in most of the states for crying out loud. Compared to other western countries(for what it's worth), the U.S is socially quite conservative.
Sometimes the America bashing borders on the comical here...
Yeah the US is fairly socially conservative but that doesn't stop the powers that be from shoving they PC values, victimology & sh*tty values down everyone's throat 24-7 (and completely destroying any vestiges of culture that were left).
If you asked the average person in the US today they have no idea what's going on and would be all in favor of ending 'homophobia', tacitly supporting 'gay rights' and 'strengthening marriage' not realizing that the gay lobby and Feminists are maniacal in trying to spread their own versions of 'values' and actually hurting the average guy on the street.
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02-02-2014, 08:10 PM
Quote: (02-02-2014 08:01 PM)SpecialEd Wrote:
The state department uses a lot of faulty ideologies and key words to justify its actions but I've never heard of homophobia being one of them.
Then you haven't been paying attention. Gay parades in Eastern Europe have been promoted by the U.S. State Department for years.
Quote: (02-02-2014 08:01 PM)SpecialEd Wrote:
Sometimes the America bashing borders on the comical here...
You are completely missing the point. I am not bashing the U.S., I am bashing D.C., which is something very,
very different.
America itself is a beautiful country with many great people, but D.C. is rotten, and the State Department is the sneeze that propagates D.C.'s ideological germs and contaminates the rest of the world.
"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken