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So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

What a RIP. OFF.

It should be illegal for homosexuals to act straight.

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

Maybe you're ugly.

[Image: wink.gif]

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

Maybe you receive every night.

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

Quote: (10-31-2008 07:00 PM)Chick Wrote:  

What a RIP. OFF.

It should be illegal for homosexuals to act straight.

For reals because I'm tired of homosexuals trying to pick me up.

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

I tired of lesbians inviting me back to their place.

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

Quote: (10-31-2008 07:00 PM)Chick Wrote:  

What a RIP. OFF.

It should be illegal for homosexuals to act straight.

I agree. It should also be illegal for women to falsely advertise. Dave Chappelle did a bit on this. Women like to dress provocatively and insist that they not be treated as sluts. This is like me dressing like a police officer; you approach me with an emergency and I tell you I'm not a cop, I'm just dressed like one. False advertising is bullshit. On the count of 3... everyone in America act like what you are!

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

gay guys know how to kino escalate well, so just notice what they do and apply similar things on women ;P

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

Quote: (03-27-2011 12:02 PM)Andreas Wrote:  

gay guys know how to kino escalate well, so just notice what they do and apply similar things on women ;P

I agree with this.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

Quote: (10-31-2008 07:00 PM)Chick Wrote:  

What a RIP. OFF.

It should be illegal for homosexuals to act straight.

And that ladies and gentlemen is how HIV is injected into the heterosexual dating market.

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

Was just thinking the same thing.

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

Quote: (03-27-2011 06:19 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

homosexuals ... is how HIV is injected into the heterosexual

That's pretty inaccurate. In Africa it is primarily a straight disease spread through prostitutes. In the U.S. straight women get it from intravenous drug use. By sharing needles, they inject the virus directly into their veins, which is ten times as infectious as any sex act. Drug-using prostitutes are the worst infectors.

The geometry of the sexual network is an important factor. Americans spread the disease slowly with serial monogamy. Africans spread it faster through concurrent partners, even if they have a similar number of lifetime partners.

Indeed, one economist suggests reducing the spread of disease by having conservatives take more sexual partners and thereby dilute the risk pool.


So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

That initial infection into an otherwise "straight" person is what I'm talking about. It's my understanding that the whole thing started in Gay communities despite the huge media movement to have people believe otherwise. Just saying, physically in sexual intercourse it's hard for a male engaging in hetero sex to become infected. It's very easy physically for an infected male who's cuming into a man or woman to spread the disease which, needle sharers aside, begs the question "How else did they get infected"?

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

How is it hard to get infected if you're banging girls? I've heard that a few times

So I tried to pick up a gay guy.

Quote: (03-31-2011 12:45 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

It's my understanding that the whole thing started in Gay communities

No, Wikipedia says:

HIV-1 strains are thought to have arrived in the United States from Haiti in the late 1960s or early 1970s. HIV-1 is believed to have arrived in Haiti from central Africa,

rapid transmission of SIV through unsafe or unsterile injections (that is, injections in which the needle is reused without being sterilised), colonial abuses and unsafe smallpox vaccinations or injections, or prostitution and ... syphilis

Then it spread among Haitians, gays, hemophiliacs (Arthur Ashe), and heroin users because of their concentrated networks of infection. Put it this way - if it had spread among MMA groupies then you might have gotten it and inadvertently passed it indirectly to your friends.

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