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Too needy?

Too needy?

What up fellas, Here's my situation: Met a cute redhead at the bar and ran some decent game. I was there with friends who are all less social/beta guys and some girls that like me so that was good. She was giving me all the standard IOI's, her and her friend were laughing at my devastatingly witty commentary and buying me drinks... anyway, it went well. I told her about a show I was going to that next night and she expressed interest in going so I said I would call her. She gave out the digits then left because she was there with a bunch of other girls and supposedly had to get up early for work.

Texted her the next day at around 3pm: "how are you?"... no response until 11:30pm "Hey mntgoat! I just got your message. I left my phone in my friends car last night and just got it back. Sorry I missed you. How was the show?." I texted back twelve hours later the next morning "Wow... there was some sick pickin' there. Do you want to hang out sometime?" (It was a bluegrass show and I dig hippy chicks). I haven't heard anything back for two days.

Normally I wouldn't be overly concerned, however, one of her friends is a known hell-bitch shit-talker and doesn't care for me. Never banged her friend, she just doesn't like me because she thinks I'm a player/creep so I suspect the cock-block has been activated since my last text and that's why I haven't heard back. What can I do to combat this? This girl was cute and cool... I would like to see her again. I welcome all opinions/observations!

Too needy?

If the bang is already lost because of a cock-blocking shit-talking individual there's little you can do. This is one problem with social circle game, gossip.

I'd text her one more time, no response, the number gets deleted. Move on to the next girl.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

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