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Game is more about how you live your life

Game is more about how you live your life

and less about how you deal with any particular girl

Mulling this statement around as of late....

There's a kernel of something there, but it's not quite right.

So why not put up a half-cocked idea and see if you guys can set me straight?


Game is more about how you live your life

In a sentence?

Game is how valuable your time being spent with women is.

If you really break it down the sentence above makes sense.

1) Rich guys who have the pussy on the pedestal are directly telling the woman she is on the pedestal because he is spending so many hours chasing her.
2) broke guys with game ignore her, she is confused because she knows he has free time, so guess what that implies she is of lower value to him
3) rich guys with game are very fast and more direct, they don't get stuck in text message hell, they are quick as if she is watching a comet. Better jump on this opportunity or you are gone, and they know you are serious.

That's basically the three types of time value display. This is also why I laugh out loud when people say "oh I wonder if he would get chicks if he was broke" hahaha okay it's much easier to fake guy number 2, try faking guy #3 as a broke dude and you are going to be turned out like a gangbanged slut.

Game is more about how you live your life

It's hard to game like a boss when you aren't a boss anywhere else in your life.

When you get the other stuff up to par, the benefits include words with weight and respect.

Game is more about how you live your life

Game is getting laid.

I don't care how much theory you have, how much alpha you are, how much you can take rejection, how many sick lines you have, how many super negs you use, if you are not getting laid by multiple chicks,you don't have game.

Game is more about how you live your life

Very provocative thread WIA

Personally, I am pleased you brought up this topic. Many guys new to Gaming may ONLY think it extends to getting chicks or notches etc. But to piggyback/expand on Frenchie's comment, when Game is IN you and not ON you it will extend to EVERY facet of your life. From how you deal with family, strangers, co-workers, your boss and HIS boss. It becomes a natural "protectant" as well. It allows you to see through the BS that people bring your way. You become a BETTER and more innovative problem solver too. You don't just see 2 sides to every story but 3 & 4

No matter what we personally feel about him, but people like Billl Clinton have GAME. Here's an individual who took several bullets to his armor and has come out practically unscathed on the other side. He is NOW look at as a wise man, go to guy to get shit done, an eloquent, connected guy. 15 years ago with the blowjob scandal/witchhunt, the failed attempt at Universal Heatlhcare bill, the 1995 US Govt shutdown he was seen as a lot of things but not the aforementioned. What turned it around? GAME...He didn't panic, tuck his head, or spiral out of control (ala John Edwards0, he rehabilitated his image. Just one of MANY examples.

When you have GAME, crisises become managable, life becomes EASIER because you are functioning with knowledge, patience and understanding. For the MOST part all things are fixable...


Game is more about how you live your life

Quote: (12-13-2013 01:09 PM)MY DETROIT PLAYAS Wrote:  

Very provocative thread WIA

Personally, I am pleased you brought up this topic. Many guys new to Gaming may ONLY think it extends to getting chicks or notches etc. But to piggyback/expand on Frenchie's comment, when Game is IN you and not ON you it will extend to EVERY facet of your life. From how you deal with family, strangers, co-workers, your boss and HIS boss. It becomes a natural "protectant" as well. It allows you to see through the BS that people bring your way. You become a BETTER and more innovative problem solver too. You don't just see 2 sides to every story but 3 & 4

No matter what we personally feel about him, but people like Billl Clinton have GAME. Here's an individual who took several bullets to his armor and has come out practically unscathed on the other side. He is NOW look at as a wise man, go to guy to get shit done, an eloquent, connected guy. 15 years ago with the blowjob scandal/witchhunt, the failed attempt at Universal Heatlhcare bill, the 1995 US Govt shutdown he was seen as a lot of things but not the aforementioned. What turned it around? GAME...He didn't panic, tuck his head, or spiral out of control (ala John Edwards0, he rehabilitated his image. Just one of MANY examples.

When you have GAME, crisises become managable, life becomes EASIER because you are functioning with knowledge, patience and understanding. For the MOST part all things are fixable...
Bill Clinton is a stallion

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Game is more about how you live your life

Thread is already spiraling out of control.

I agree with everything said so far, but my "idea" isn't ready for primetime.

I tend to be much better focusing on a problem and making necessary extrapolations.


Game is more about how you live your life

It's basically "game 2.0."

The entire premise of danger & play is "lifestyle game."

Look at how this forum has changed.

Less game per se and major growth in lifestyle section.

Game is more about how you live your life

“If you look good, you feel good, If you feel good, you play good, If you play good, they pay good.” - Deion Sanders

"What's the difference between us.
We can start at the penis.
Or scream I just don't give a fuck and see who really means it."
- Marshall Bruce Mathers III

Game is more about how you live your life

Yes and No.

Your "life" and your "sex life" can be completely different and unrelated.

You can be "successful" in all areas of life, and still struggle with women.

On the flip side, you can be a complete loser and still have an active sex life.

Work on both areas simultaneously, your life and your game.

Game is more about how you live your life

That's pretty much what has been trending around here and a lot of game blogs. "Tricks" are shunned in favor of guys getting built and actually being cool.

Truth is, you still need to have the technology to close.

Game is more about how you live your life

Quote: (12-13-2013 10:54 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

In a sentence?

Game is how valuable your time being spent with women is.

If you really break it down the sentence above makes sense.

1) Rich guys who have the pussy on the pedestal are directly telling the woman she is on the pedestal because he is spending so many hours chasing her.
2) broke guys with game ignore her, she is confused because she knows he has free time, so guess what that implies she is of lower value to him
3) rich guys with game are very fast and more direct, they don't get stuck in text message hell, they are quick as if she is watching a comet. Better jump on this opportunity or you are gone, and they know you are serious.

That's basically the three types of time value display. This is also why I laugh out loud when people say "oh I wonder if he would get chicks if he was broke" hahaha okay it's much easier to fake guy number 2, try faking guy #3 as a broke dude and you are going to be turned out like a gangbanged slut.

Girls get brought up being taught to "value your sex, only give in to the ones who deserve it"

How are boys taught? Nobody tells boys "value your time, only spend it on bitches who deserve it" Girls don't make the mistake as often because giving away free sex is seen as bad, while giving away free friendship/time is perceived as an honorable act.


Game is more about how you live your life

Quote: (12-13-2013 12:39 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Game is getting laid.

I don't care how much theory you have, how much alpha you are, how much you can take rejection, how many sick lines you have, how many super negs you use, if you are not getting laid by multiple chicks,you don't have game.

The only reason I disagree is that guys with no game can get laid like crazy in the right situation.

Gringo in DR, white guy in Thailand, rich guy just about anywhere.

I've known some pretty talentless but wealthy cats who stumbled into pussy on the regular.

Game is more about how you live your life

There are definitely different ways of looking at it.

The simplest definition that comes to my mind is: game augments your lifestyle, and lifestyle augments your game.

Work on your lifestyle; make money, get fit, dress well.

Work on your game; approach, seduce, close.

Being efficient at both takes time and hard work.

There are many guys that have their lifestyle built up but failed to work on the game side of it so they struggle with women despite having money. Also there are guys that do have game but don't have a lifestyle to back it up, but this is much less common.

Balance is key.

Game is more about how you live your life

Guys I know who live in Vegas, eek out a small living from online poker, get into clubs free. Smash out 50-100 per year.

When 40+ will be completely fucked.

Narcissistic and fatalistic. Both believe they will die young so don't care.

But if they live until 40 their lives will suck hard.

Game is more about how you live your life

Point is, they are pure game, no life. Game is not 'more about how you live your life' but how focused you are on pussy.

Game is more about how you live your life

This depends on how you define life. Biologically, the purpose if life is to survive and reproduce.

But what does it mean for a human to survive? Let's say you get the basics of food, shelter, Etc. Out if the way.

Then it becomes about mental survival and maintaining healthy seratonin levels until you die.

For some men (it can be argued all but I believe a lot are in denial), fresh, high quality pussy is necessary for mental survival. I start to get really fucked up if I'm not getting laid.

So, for me, game is life. It's a necessary action and practice to main my emotional health.

Learning all the tricks is just learning the alphabet of a language that most men don't know how to speak: woman.

You can lift, make money, take care of yourself, but there's very little chance the pussy will fall in your lap.

Even with all the good stuff, you still need to have game. At the very least you need "not fuck this up" game.

Game is more about how you live your life

As for "game is about how you live your life", I would call that part of inner game. You still need to approach individual bitches.

Game is more about how you live your life

^ Yeah people don't get that you can't fake success though.

If your time is really valuable you think a guy is going to waste his time in text messaging hell? No he sends an uber black car to pick her up straight to his place to get dropped off. He doesn't care about the cost because he can make that up in 5-10 minutes of work.

You want to be guy 3 in your life at some point. Everything is about becoming guy #3. Literally.

Game is more about how you live your life

Here's my life: play music, get pussy, hang out with friends and family, learn about things of interest, excercise.

It's simple you don't really need to much. I wake up whenever I want, get free drinks at a lot of places.

Game is more about how you live your life

Quote: (12-13-2013 08:08 PM)soup Wrote:  

Here's my life: play music, get pussy, hang out with friends and family, learn about things of interest, excercise.

It's simple you don't really need to much. I wake up whenever I want, get free drinks at a lot of places.

Don't you have a job?

Game is more about how you live your life

Quote: (12-13-2013 08:18 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Quote: (12-13-2013 08:08 PM)soup Wrote:  

Here's my life: play music, get pussy, hang out with friends and family, learn about things of interest, excercise.

It's simple you don't really need to much. I wake up whenever I want, get free drinks at a lot of places.

Don't you have a job?

I thought he was trying to say he was a DJ...

Game is more about how you live your life

"If your time is really valuable you think a guy is going to waste his time in text messaging hell? No he sends an uber black car to pick her up straight to his place to get dropped off. He doesn't care about the cost because he can make that up in 5-10 minutes of work.

You want to be guy 3 in your life at some point. Everything is about becoming guy #3. Literally."


I don't care how much Game one has, if he hits his 40's and 50's and doesn't have $$$, he will not be pulling 21yo models on the regular, nor will he be able to keep them around.

And besides the sluts, do it for yourself. Who wants to be 40 and broke?

Fuck that.

Game is more about how you live your life

All of life is "game".

It's not just picking up broads.

Game is more about how you live your life

Personally, I think game is about being stronger than everyone else, and I am not just talking about physical strength.

It is about being the strongest physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Strength to the point where you live your life defined by your own rules and no one else's. Freedom.

There are no limits. Nothing is impossible. There is no "roof". Most importantly, no one can tell you what you are and are not capable of.

That is what Game is to me.

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