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Tolkien on Gun Control
12-02-2013, 05:32 PM
The Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dûr
‘The rabble of Gondor and its deluded allies shall withdraw at once beyond the Anduin, first taking oaths never again to assail Sauron the Great in arms, open or secret. All lands east of Anduin shall be Sauron’s for ever, solely. West of the Anduin as far as the Misty Mountains and the Gap of Rohan shall be tributary to Mordor, and men there shall bear no weapons, but shall have leave to govern their own affairs. But they shall help to rebuild Isengard which they have wantonly destroyed, and that shall be Sauron’s, and there his lieutenant shall dwell: not Saruman, but one more worthy of trust.’
Looking in the Messenger’s eyes they read his thought. He was to be that lieutenant, and gather all that remained of the West under his sway; he would be their tyrant and they his slaves.
I was reading some Lord of the Rings recently, the second part of The Hobbit comes out soon, and this passage jumped out at me. I've always seen gun control for what it is. The political establishment attempting to disarm its political enemies in order to further subjugate them. A free people does not lay down its arms
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Tolkien on Gun Control
12-02-2013, 06:26 PM
What do you think of gun control outside of the US? Do you think it's only bad if it applies to Americans but it can actually be a good thing in other countries?
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Tolkien on Gun Control
12-02-2013, 06:38 PM
No, I think its bad applied anywhere. I'm living in the Czech Republic right now, which, is one of the least strict nations in Europe regarding guns. Basically, any Czech citizen willing to go through the process and who can afford owning a gun may have one. 5% of Czechs own a gun. 500,000 out of 10 million citizens. And thats just the percentage of legally registered ones. The Czech Republic has an extremely low violent crime rate. The thing about guns is, it doesn't really effect the violent crime rate. It's the culture that's important.
But its funny I was debating gun control with a Brit one night who said, "I love Prague because they don't allow guns. I don't know if I would love it as much without gun control, I wouldn't feel safe." An older Czech guy and I pointed out lots of people in Prague own guns. British guy was like, "Well, I guess my argument went out the window." The thing is, governments change and can become tyrannical. It's a fact of human behavior. A weapons bearing citizenry is simply a requirement for a free people.
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Tolkien on Gun Control
12-02-2013, 06:44 PM
Australia essentially banned guns because of psychopath mass shootings. It would be enjoyable to watch you argue with Australians that they are not free, opening themselves up to tyrannical govt, etc.
At the same time I recognise that no policy would ever 'fix' US gun violence - it's too far gone down that path, there's no point in trying to restrict guns now.
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Tolkien on Gun Control
12-02-2013, 06:47 PM
Australians may be more free than Americans, however, it does open them up to tyranny in a sense losing their weapons.
By the way in Detroit the police take on average 58 minutes to respond to the scene of the crime.
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Tolkien on Gun Control
12-02-2013, 09:53 PM
Those who support disarming the people are always anti freedom in a fundamental way.
They are actually not anti gun; they just want the State to have all the guns
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Tolkien on Gun Control
12-03-2013, 06:47 PM
What people don't understand about guns and weapons: they are the only instruments which guarantee your freedoms. Writing out a bill of rights is great, but without the ability to defend and enforce your rights from a tyrannical government, you have no rights period. If you allow the government to have a monopoly on violence (which gun control does) you become a slave. Look at China, Soviet Union, etc.
George Washington famous remarked that "Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
In the Soviet union, people had paper rights--hell they even had their own constitution--- but that did not help you when the men in black uniforms came for you and your family in the dead of night with AK47s. All you could do was to scream and cry when they took daddy or mommy away for a thought crime and sent to a gulag to die. The kids were then sent for re-education training in government orphanages.
He has often been called the "Last of the Romans"
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Tolkien on Gun Control
12-03-2013, 08:03 PM
Gun rights in the US are to make sure the government cannot control you, we need the right to fight back. It as put into the constitution because British soldiers were taking housing in people's homes and the people had no recourse. The people should be as armed as the government is.
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Tolkien on Gun Control
12-03-2013, 08:31 PM
The funny thing is, the government's level of weapons technology is so advanced, their training so in-depth and their surveillance so meticulous and intrusive that if they wanted to oppress citizenry, there really wouldn't be much to it. Even if the citizenry is armed to the teeth.
AR-15 means fuck all if you've got manless drones blowing up whole towns to smithereens from 50 miles away.
The reason why guns should be legal is because they're fun as fuck to shoot. Out in the bush, a rifle, some prairie broad with a case of 24 cold beers sitting on a lawn chair nearby, me shooting cans off a tree, that's the life.
But they're not going to protect me from a government that has nukes, manless drones, surveillance satellites, weapons satellites, missiles, and the legend known as Obama.
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Tolkien on Gun Control
12-03-2013, 08:42 PM
Gun control has NOTHING to do with violence,crime or child safety like the gun grabbers want the low i.q. masses to believe.It's about people control. If the population is rendered defenseless and dependent on the .gov for everything the .gov elitist can pretty much do what they want.History has a way of repeating itself and anytime the citizenry is disarmed, tyranny and oppression soon follow. All the violence in America today all traces back directly and indirectly to the removal of fathers from the home and the break down of the nuclear family.Which oddly enough was caused by the same people that wanna take away all the evil guns. It's kinda ironic.
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Tolkien on Gun Control
12-03-2013, 09:37 PM
Quote: (12-02-2013 06:47 PM)KorbenDallas Wrote:
Australians may be more free than Americans, however, it does open them up to tyranny in a sense losing their weapons.
By the way in Detroit the police take on average 58 minutes to respond to the scene of the crime.
Thats only if it's a murder. Otherwise you gotta handle it yourself.
A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock