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Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

[Image: lNvxivg.jpg]
[Image: 7qIGFaG.jpg]

THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, so I met Jordan Feldstein (aka Jonah Hill’s brother & Adam Levine/Robin Thicke’s manager) a couple years ago and he was what I thought a pretty cool guy. He had a great career, he was funny, he liked to take me to nice dinners and totally made me feel like I was the One. This guy is probably a 3 on the hot scale and I’m so completely out of his league that all his friends talked sh*t about me because they thought I was only after one thing, money. That couldn’t be farther from the truth but as we all know, with money comes insecurities. We had a long run of ups and downs, and he ALWAYS accused me of talking to other dudes, hooking up with old boyfriends, etc.

That is the red flag right there. When a man is constantly paranoid and accusing his girlfriend of doing sh*t, it’s because HE’s the one who is actually doing sh*t. I went to a party in July and my friend told me he was dating another chick behind my back, a friend of a friend. I ended up making out with another guy that night. Hot, tall, british, beautiful man. The next day Jordan denies it all and says it was such a stupid mistake and that nothing happened he only hung out at dinner. He said he sent her home and that was it. It took me about a week after persistent texts and harassment. I kind of just took him back so he’d stop acting crazy. He proposed to me and we started going to therapy because I told him about the guy I made out with so he was EXTRA insecure. He wanted to know who the guy was, wrote him emails, he cried like a baby. 35 years old crying like a 5 year old child.

He really couldn’t get over the fact that I made out with this guy and started accusing that I slept with him, for months. constant battles about if I had slept with him or not. After 3 months of him not taking “NO I DIDNT SLEEP WITH HIM” , I finally said ” YES I DID” to stop the insanity. What was I to do? say NO more? there was no resolution. Anyway. That was last week and we haven’t seen each other but last night a gf of mine told me he has been f*cking this chick behind my back for awhile. He buys her bags and jewelry. It’s really sad because I thought he wasn’t just about the hollywood life when really he’s the douchiest douchebag out there. I’m sure he fucked the other girl who he “invited over for dinner and nothing happened” bullsh*t. She was texting him pissed about something, girls don’t get pissed unless something was going on.

So finally I’ve seen the light and can’t believe I wasted 2 years on this FAT F*CK. I was loyal to him, took harassment, he would verbally abuse me, bully me to make himself better. It was really such an unhealthy relationship and I’m so happy I’m out of it. I know the truth that he’s a lying, disgusting, fat pig. STAY AWAY GIRLS. HE’LL TAKE YOU ON NICE DINNERS AND FANCY TRIPS and make you feel like you’re the one, BUT YOU’RE NOT GETTING ANYTHING REAL WITH HIM. I thought I was going to marry this man and he ended up being a COMPLETE JOKE and waste of time.

Let me tell you how SMALL his penis is. It actually is introverted when soft. Sometimes I’d look at it in the shower and think WOW. But hey I’m not a shallow person, I fell in love with him. I fell for his lies. He scored a hot chick and that’s all he cared about.

Also before I even found out about all the wh*res he has been f*cking behind my back – I had my artwork in a place where he had a key, he ruined ALL of my sh*t – My artwork I’ve worked hard on for years, he slashed them all with a knife and dropped them off on the sidewalk like garbage. I’m still missing 3 paintings that were probably stolen.

I’ve had some loser boyfriends but those controlling insecure men are the ones you gotta watch out for. He has gotten physical with me more than once too which is a whole story but he’s such a p*ssy it’s not even worth mentioning. He deserves to have his pansy cellulite ass kicked in. Douche.

- classy

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

hahaha, the hamster is in all walks of life. I love how she pulls from the textbook of breakup insults

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

The Internet is tirning the whole world into high school.

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Obviously she is pissed she doesn't get to continue the lifestyle.

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Bitch ain't hot.

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Isn't it amazing how every guy who has ever had a bad breakup with a girl has a small penis?

Hell of a coincidence.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

In his case in sure he had a small dick.

What a textbook group of insults though.

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Bitches always think they could have done better when they're on the curb.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Saw one good comment on there. Something about more hot chicks that rich guys, so he'll do better.

Also, I'd add this girl needs to be careful. With money comes access and dumb bitches like this disappear all the time.

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

So instead of talking to him to see if he was seeing this girl with the goal of de-escalating the situation, she completely blows it up by "making out" with this guy (By the way, rule number 1, if a girl says she 'made out' with someone, she's fucked him.).

Once again, emotion trumps logic. Very sad for this guy that she goes after him on dick size. I bet if a guy broke up with a girl and spread the word that you could drive a golf cart through her, he'd be vilified and labelled as petty, mean, and spiteful.

I feel for the guy.

'Logic Over Emotion Since 2013'

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Ok, she's petty and bitter.

But let's learn something here: The guy has no game. Okay he's banging and juggling multiple girls, but something tells me that's because of his money, career, access, and social circle. Note how he's banging "a friend of a friend".

Instead of getting jealous and crying, he should have just dropped her ass. I think this is where many guys fall short in their frame control. It's one thing for a girl you're casually dating to shit-test you with, "Are you seeing any other girls?" and it's another thing for a girl you've been dating for the last 2 years to say, "Are you cheating on me?"

But it's one and the same. It should be the same response:
"Yup, every weekend. 5 new girls."
"Yes, every chance I get."
"No. Yes. I mean, well, just my penis is."
"Nooooo baby! You know you're the only broad for me. There's something about your overbite that keeps me coming back for more."

Etc. Hollywood types are extremely insecure and it seems like this guy and this chick fit right in. They deserve each other.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

What is the exact way he could have dropped her and "left her better than he found her"?

He has two choices: Leave her with hatred or leave her with sorrow. Rage or tears. Who wants to deal with tears?

Serious question: How do you properly game yourself out of a relationship (leave her better than he found her)?

Say you're this guy's friend. You know he wants out of the relationship. What advice do you give him?

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

This guy isn't leaving any girl better than when he found her. He has no game an is coasting on his clout in Hollywood.

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Quote: (11-22-2013 01:32 PM)Sawyer Wrote:  

What is the exact way he could have dropped her and "left her better than he found her"?

He has two choices: Leave her with hatred or leave her with sorrow. Rage or tears. Who wants to deal with tears?

Serious question: How do you properly game yourself out of a relationship (leave her better than he found her)?

There's plenty of info in the Game section. Heartiste had a famous post about this.

Guys with game that have girls on lock have to accept that they're going to ruin this girl's world by taking off.

But this guy has no game, which is why you see this bitch getting high and mighty "I was wayyy out of his league". She's just some bitch that needs to be cut loose, right at the moment she admits to making out with another guy.

If it was me, I would have laughed in her face and told her to get the hell out, and the invite one of my other girls over.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Quote: (11-22-2013 08:35 AM)Clyde Wrote:  

So finally I’ve seen the light and can’t believe I wasted 2 years on this FAT F*CK. I was loyal to him, took harassment, he would verbally abuse me, bully me to make himself better. It was really such an unhealthy relationship and I’m so happy I’m out of it. I know the truth that he’s a lying, disgusting, fat pig. STAY AWAY GIRLS. HE’LL TAKE YOU ON NICE DINNERS AND FANCY TRIPS and make you feel like you’re the one, BUT YOU’RE NOT GETTING ANYTHING REAL WITH HIM. I thought I was going to marry this man and he ended up being a COMPLETE JOKE and waste of time.

This is the key paragraph. Notice how she thought she was going to marry him and she "wasted 2 years."

This is the way women think about longer term relationships that they hope are heading toward marriage- as investments, just like a man who puts a lot of time and effort into a startup business venture, they are hoping that it will pay off big in the future.

Marriage is women's primary means of acquiring economic assets; I've actually heard women say that they "invested" in a relationship when describing their disappointment that it fell apart before marriage

This girl was with this "fat fuck" as she called him because she wanted the money and lifestyle he provided and would have the opportunity to divorce rape him down the road and never have to work again. This is why she's pissed; it's not because he banged another girl

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Quote: (11-22-2013 01:42 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

This guy isn't leaving any girl better than when he found her. He has no game an is coasting on his clout in Hollywood.

Yeah, agreed, you can tell this guy has NO Game, or this girl wouldn't have aired him out so bad.

1. He didn't screen
2. He didn't lead
3. He didn't dictate the pace
4. He didn't control

But look at the guy?

I will go against the grain (as I usually do) but the girl is probably right here.

We don't have to defend every male against every female.

I hate other males.

But then again, I am a Silverback Gorilla.

Our job is to stomp other males, while mating with groups of multiple females.


Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Yeah, it's important to keep things in perspective here.

After all, this is a forum for improving game. This isn't a "Hate every female on Earth" forum, though sometimes it seems that way.

When you see a terrible relationship between a man and woman, it's fine to critique her actions and behavior. But you'll learn more by applying that same critique towards the guy; what could he have done differently?

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Quote: (11-22-2013 04:06 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Yeah, it's important to keep things in perspective here.

After all, this is a forum for improving game. This isn't a "Hate every female on Earth" forum, though sometimes it seems that way.

When you see a terrible relationship between a man and woman, it's fine to critique her actions and behavior. But you'll learn more by applying that same critique towards the guy; what could he have done differently?

Yeah, I don't know exactly when that really started happening on here, but I can tell the younger guys on here that that attitude isn't healthy.

In fact, it goes against the Laws of Nature.

I really have trouble relating to that stuff.

It's kind of funny how there is so much loving men and hating women on here.

I am the opposite. I love women.

And I hate men.

(Family, friends and rooshvforum brothers excluded).

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Clint Eastwood's Daughter Francesca Marries Jonah Hill's Brother in Vegas

[Image: 1122-francesca-eastwood-hfpa-getty-3.jpg]

He got game? She's much better looking than the girl in OP.

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

I am guessing they will be divorced in less than a couple of months.

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

And she's only 20.

Well done, sir.

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Clint Eastwood's reaction to the news:

[Image: 100.gif]

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Francesca Eastwood is a huge slut, there's tons of gossip tabloids to suggest she pretty much a Hollywood town bike.

Case in point:
[Image: steven%20francesca%20date%2027feb13%2001.jpg]

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

You know, it wouldn't shock me if this new marriage is a sham or hoax to detract the bad publicity from his ugly ex skewering him in the press.

Jonah Hill's brother Jordan Feldstein Ex

Quote: (11-22-2013 07:03 PM)Emancipator Wrote:  

Francesca Eastwood is a huge slut, there's tons of gossip tabloids to suggest she pretty much a Hollywood town bike.

Case in point:
[Image: steven%20francesca%20date%2027feb13%2001.jpg]

hahaha Taylor swift anyone

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