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So I've done a Denver and Aspen thread, if you want full details on these cities, check out either of those threads. This thread I'm gonna do a quick rundown on which places to see and which places not to see in Colorado...

General Breakdown: So I've been all over CO. I'm gonna do a quick layout of some of the towns I've been to and tell you the good shit to do there. At the end I'll rate girls, places to stay, over all beauty, nightlife, and what group it fits under. Places in Colorado can be classified more or less in 3 groups, the mountains, the midwest, and City. But really what I'm trying to do here since, Colorado isn't a place to go for nightlife and girls, is tell you about the nice places to see. Though there aren't many clubs or girls, Colorado is a state I would recomend everyone visit once in their lives.

Aspen and Roaring Fork Valley: Huge thread on this already, if you want in deapth, check it out. This is the place to be in Colorado. Awesome snowboarding, for a mountain town it has good girls, and a great nightlife. There are TONS of great places to see. If you go make sure you catch Maroon Bells, which I didn't mention in the other thread. This place is Beautiful. I couldn't even begin to list all the awesome hikes and places to see in Aspen. Get a trail map and try asking locals or concierges about some good hikes. Go on the Aspen gondola, winter or summer for a beautiful view of the valley. If you think you can make it, go to Conundrum. It's a nude hotsprings and there are usually a pretty decent number of people there, but it's something like a 10 mile hike round trip. Make sure to take Independence Pass in the summer. You can stop anywhere on that road and walk around and you are gonna see some awesome shit. Also, Mount. Soprise is sick if you're willing to do a hike. Otherwise I wouldn't tell you to go all the way down to Carbondale just to look at it. Rudi reservore outside of basalt is another nice place.
Girls: 6
Places to stay: 6. There are tons of great places but they are gonna cost you an arm and a leg, even the shitty places. The CHEAPEST room you are gonna find will run you $250 in the winter.
Overall beauty: 10
Nightlife: 7
Category: Mountains

Glennwood Springs: Glennwood is kind of a cool town, real mountain feeling. There isn't too much to see here though. They do have a brewery that has some good beer. There are a couple of decent nightlife spots that I couldn't tell you the name of. There's also an amusement park. If you're here in the summer, check out the rafting. Glennwoods main attraction though is their hotsprings. There's a HUGE hotsprings pool here with waterslides and all. There's also some decent golfing in the area. Nothing to be too stoked on though. There is also a mountain to ski on here, but there is no reason to go since Aspen is 45 minutes away.
Places to stay: 6
Overall beauty: 6
Nightlife: 5
Category: Mountains

Grand Junction and all the cities between there and Aspen: Grand Junction is probably one of the worst places I've ever been in my life, as are all the cities in between. Girls are ugly. The place is gonna make you feel like a tweaker just driving through. I wouldn't know about the nightlife or much else in Grand Junction, as the place is a peace of shit. DO NOT GO HERE!
Girls: 2 probably mostly tweakers
Places to stay: 0, you should never stay here
Overall beauty: 1
Nightlife: Wouldn't know but I would guess 2
Category: Midwest/tweakerville

Montrose/ Delta: Montrose and Delta are pretty close to the same level as Grand Junction, the only reason I'm not gonna rate it as bad is that I spent a good amount of time there and met some decent people, as someone close to me lives there. It's a huge hick town, and those who aren't hicks are hippies. It's a decent place to find some herb and blaze down. The only places to go around here are Chili's and TGI Fridays type gigs. The only other places are shitty dive bars. There is one good brewery, which is Smuggler. Stop in for a good bear, I recomend the rasberry wheat. Not much to see in Montrose, all the girls are fatties. One nice place to see in this area though is the Royal Gorge.
Girls: 2
Places to stay: 3, not only are they all shitty Best Westerns, the hotel I had to stay at cost as much as my hotel in Aspen!
Overall Beauty: 3
Nightlife: 2
Category: Midwest

Ridgeway and Ouray: Though I'm putting these two together, they are quit different, but in the same area. Ridgeway is a little prettier than montrose, you are starting to get close to the mountains, but Ouray is beatiful. It has one of the most famous ice climbing places in the US. You can go there in the summer and check out the waterfalls. Not sure where you wanna go hike, but I do know there are great trails out that way. It's a tiny town with nothing really to do but check out the scenery. I would recomend driving the 30 minutes out of your way, because there isn't much to see past it.
Girls: Girls live here?
Places to stay: Wouldn't know
Overall beauty: 6
Nightlife: Nonexistant
Category: Mountains

Silverton: This place is a ghostown, literally, but it's pretty cool to check out and it has some of the best skiing in the world without a doubt. It's a super advanced mountain, so don't even think about it if you are a beginer, or even intermediate. The way this mountain works out is they only let 100 people on a day. Silverton is gorgeous and it's way the fuck up there, probably around 14000 ft. I wouldn't even recomend staying the night unless you are skiing. Just drive through and check it out. The drive there is cool too, lots of old abandoned mining areas. It seems like it's always dark here since its in such a narrow valley. You really only get a couple of hours of full sunlight. I'm sure there are great places to see around here, I haven't checked many out though so I wouldn't know where to tell you to go.
Girls: Probably don't live here
Places to stay: There's probably only 1 hotel and I never saw it
Overall beauty: 7
Nightlife: Couldn't exist here, and if it does it's probably gonna be locals looking at you like, "What the fuck is this stranger doing in our bar?"
Category: Mountains

Telluride: Telluride is a great mountain. The town itself isn't the greatest, though it has a cool vibe to it. It's super hippy and chances are within 5 minutes of getting there, people are gonna be trying to sell you weed. It's a beautiful place in the mountains as well. There are lots of stars coming out this way, it's starting to turn into the new aspen, with Opera and Tom Cruiz, along with a couple of other stars having houses here. The nightlife pretty much sucks though. They also have a Smuggler micro brewery like Montrose. Telluride is a place I recommend checking out for a couple days. It's in the San Juan Mountains, not the rockies. Lots of good hikes and nature to see.
Places to stay: 5 expensive
Overall Beauty: 8
Nightlife: 4
Category: Mountains

Durango: This is a college town. The nightlife is decent and they have quite a few micro breweries. Check out Ska, they make my favorite beer. This places is also a hippie town, but with a cool vibe. You can probably find some pretty cool house parties around as well. Durango Mountain is about 20 minutes outside of town but the skiing is nothing to get excited about. Go around and check out the town though, it's worth stoping in for a night. As far as nice places to see, it's mediocre.
Places to stay:6
Overall Beauty: 6
Nightlife: 6
Category: Mountains/midwest

Mesa Verde: Though this isn't really a city, I had to put it on here. It's fucking RAD! It's got a ton of cliff dwellings and things like that from old native american tribes. This place is a must see. You can even go into the dwellings. It's a national park and there are all sorts of places to see spread out through the park. Definitely check it out if you are in the are. I'm not gonna rate this one because the rating standards don't apply here except for the overall beauty and I'd give it an 8.

Moving back north now...

Vail and I-70 resorts: Fuck Vail, I say that because Aspen and Vail have a huge rivalry, but really it's nothing special. It's a nice place, I'm sure there are some good places to see around here, especially Copper Mountain and through out I-70, but I don't know them much. All the I-70 resorts are decent, probably not on Aspen's level (Except Breck, but I'm doing another section on that), but the thing is is they get wayyyy to crowded. On the weekends you can be waiting in 45 minute lift lines, where in Aspen, the bussiest day ever, you MIGHT wait 20 minutes, and that's just unbelievable if you are a local. Usually there really is no wait.
Girls: 4 I'm guessing
Place to stay: Varries which resort you're at. Overall 5.
Overall beauty: 7 I will admit, there are some beautiful spots in this corridor, but I don't have enough info on where to go
Nightlife: 4 I'm guessing
Category: Mountains

Breckenridge: Or "Breck" is the place you wanna be if you are a good park rider. This is where all the kids go that wanna be pro. The overall riding there doesn't touch Aspen, but the park is where it's at. And they have 4 different parks ranging from beginer to pro. The nightlife is decent here and I feel the girls can be a little more friendly than Aspen, but less quality. From what I hear there are some great spots to check out. Anywhere between here and Denver, there are nice nature spots to check out, but nothing other than that.
Girls: 5
Places to stay: 6, much more affordable than Aspen but not as good quality
Overall beauty: 6
Nightlife: 5
Category: Mountains

Denver: For more info see the Denver thread, but a quick breakdown: Denver has a huge dubstep/electronic/hip hop/ jam band scene. Basically a big music scene in general. A lot of music venues are gonna be better than the bars and clubs. I haven't even seen many clubs around Denver. The bars pretty much suck and everyone who runs them seems to think they are a lot better than they are. Denver is probably the most progressive cities for weed in the country, probably one of the most progressive in the world. Denver is one of my least favorite big cities I've been to. Be sure to check out Red Rocks though, great place to see a concert.
Girls: 6
Place to stay: 5-6 not real sure, always stayed with friends.
Overall beauty: 4
Nightlife: 6
Category: City

Boulder: Boulder is a fun place and a college town. There are tons of house/college parties to be found on the hill. Just ask, people will show you were to go. People are really nice here and there are tons of hippies. The girls aren't bad either since it's a college town. It's a cool town to check out in general, lots of cool buildings. This is a very liberal city. Tons of weed shops here as well and weed is very progressive. Like Denver there is a huge music scene here, all sorts. There's a huge jam band following. You can also find some cool bars, I couldn't tell you the names, you just have to ask the locals.
Girls: 7 (Probably best in CO honestly)
Places to stay: 7, you can probably find a room to pass out in for free honestly if you play your cards right, or for you ballers, there are still nice places to stay here as well
Overal beauty: 7
Nightlife: 7
Category: Mix of city and mountains

Fort Collins: Fort Collins is pretty week as far as college towns go, though isn't bad in the area of girls. I would suggest hanging around campus to find girls because the clubs suck. Try and find a college party, as this is probably gonna be one of the easiest places to hook up, and there are plenty around. There isn't much to seee in the way of nature. Ft. Collins is pretty flat and in the planes. There are plenty of places to eat open late for all the college kids. If you don't have much time in CO, skip Ft. Collins and go to Boulder. Though downtown Ft. Collins is pretty cool and there are also a decent amound of concert venues and shows going on.
Girls: 6 1/2
Places to stay: 6?
Overall Beauty: 5
Nightlife: 5 1/2
Category: City/midwest

Colorado Springs: I was young when I was here, so I can't give you much of a rundown, but I know the nicest hotel in CO is here, the broadmore, and I also know there is supposed to be a lot of nice nature around the city. Pikes peak, the highest peak in CO is real close. I've heard good things, but there are better places to check out I'm sure. I'm not gonna rate it since I don't know enough about it.

Anywhere east of denver besides maybe CO Springs and Ft. Collins aren't worth checking out. It's all the midwest. Just a bunch of cow fields. Though you can find some sick skateparks around there for some reason if you are into skating.

I hope someone uses this guide because it took me forever to write, and it's pretty legit, I covered most of CO. There are countless spots to go around CO that are amazing, totally off the map (Litterally). It would take some serious exploring for years to treck all the awesome spots CO has to offer. I think I gave ya'll a pretty good starting point though. Any questions, just ask...


To the Last of the Famous International Playboys,

Thanks for this extensive write-up on the great state of Colorado. I have been to the Summit County area, including Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge and Keystone. Loved it. Also had a girlfriend who had worked at Mesa Verde National Park, which she recommended as well. I intend to get back to Colorado, maybe this winter. So thanks again for this info, and for that other thread where you talked all about Aspen and other ski areas, including Big Bear. Much appreciated.



Thanks for the interest homie, glad someone might use this, much love.


I'll post some pics in a few..... I have to shrink them though because it's not letting me add them on here as they are...


Thanks man I'll definitely be using this. I've always wanted to check out Boulder to possibly live.


Quote: (10-28-2010 01:10 AM)gringoed Wrote:  

Thanks man I'll definitely be using this. I've always wanted to check out Boulder to possibly live.

Boulder is a cool place bro. Probably one of the most liberal places I've ever been. It's a great college scene. If your into smoking her, this place is like disneyland, not to mention even if not, there are mad house parties everywhere. It is pretty hippy (Actually, more "yippie" than anything, yuppi hippy), but also has all types of people. I could definitely live in Boulder for a couple of years. But to tell you the truth I'm all Coloradoed out. I love the place, but for my type of lifestyle, it's not somewhere I could have been much longer.


I will be in Boulder, Co Beginning Nov. 1st for 3 weeks. It is a business trip for the most part, and will try my best to dig around for spots and a data-sheet.

If anyone here has any pointers for Boulder to add to Int'l Playboys breakdown, please post. I love hookah bars and lounges of that type of stuff.



Quote: (10-20-2011 11:19 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

I will be in Boulder, Co Beginning Nov. 1st for 3 weeks. It is a business trip for the most part, and will try my best to dig around for spots and a data-sheet.

If anyone here has any pointers for Boulder to add to Int'l Playboys breakdown, please post. I love hookah bars and lounges of that type of stuff.


He's right about the hill, there are always a lot of house parties there and it won't be hard to find where you need to go if you just walk around over there.

For bars go to Pearl street. I usually hit up the Walrus but that's because it has the cheapest beer, not because the girls are particularly hot there although it does always seem to draw a crowd. I'm not there frequently enough to know what the current hot spots are so you'll have to ask around, but whatever it is I guarantee you it's in the Pearl street area. Just hop around and you'll find what you're looking for.

Boulder bitches get my seal of approval, Colorado has the lowest obesity rate in the nation and hot girls want to go to college at CU. Keep in mind that everybody and I mean everybody smokes weed, so plan accordingly.

There are hundreds of people from my hometown who go to CU Boulder or still live there. I think it's pretty funny that there's an outside chance that you'll bang someone I went to high school with.


Cool thread. I'm actually from CO but I've only been to three cities in my lifetime lol (Springs, Aurora and Denver). Will have to check out Boulder sometime when I make it back to the states.


Whats the latest and greatest on Colorado? It's at the top of my list for places I'm considering moving in the next 2 months.

I would ideally like a nice smaller town thats maybe a hour away from a the big city.... an nature, there has to be lots of nature near my town. I'm more of a green mountains, lakes, and rivers kind of guy. However one of my friends and fellow forum members said he went to the red rocky part of south western Colorado and it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen.... so that piqued my curiosity
[Image: o-GARDEN-OF-THE-GODS-570.jpg?1]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin


Don't everyone chime in all at once

Boulder always sounds great until I hear people talk about how its more liberal then San Francisco

[Image: 10f502a5-a888-43df-b1d3-96320841cc78.jpg]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin


I'd say avoid living in Boulder if at all possible. The housing prices are pretty terrible, and most people I know that live there have to live with multiple roommates just to make end's meet. I can't say I know a ton about great places to live with beautiful landscapes and cheap house payments.

However, there's plenty of small towns around both Boulder and Denver where it's about a 20 minute drive to get to Boulder and about an hour to get to Denver or Red Rocks. I'd say it's better not live in either Boulder or Denver right now anyway. The homeless problem has been getting worse in Denver and it's been spilling over into Boulder.

"Their emotional waves will swamp you if you're just quietly-floating, so you need to learn to surf." - AnonymousBosch

||Learn How to Sing Datasheet||



Boulder is hipster granola central. Unless you like over-paying for an apartment and waxing your moustache while sampling the latest apricot and dog hair triple IPA then I'd stay away. CO is a beautiful state in general though. A happy medium between the city and the mountains would be the foothills. Evergreen, Conifer, Morrison etc. Ft. Collins is nice too, it's about 1.5 hrs north of Denver. I know a forum member that loves up there he likes it.

PM me if you want to know more or get more specific.


Lived in Denver for 18 yrs. Moving from TN was a definite drop in women (quality/quantity) but the mtns and sunshine/snow kept me staying. The tech scene here has always been sturdy and now Amazon is looking into having a 2nd headquarters here. For me, it's great to walk down the street and buy a fat cone joint of Gorilla Glue.

All of that aside, be ready for extreme rents and difficult social scene (compared to the mtn towns). For gaming, you're best bet is staying in one of the few hostels, focus on foreign women. (large amount of ethiopoian, russian, polish here) and hit the malls hard (cherry creek, park meadows, etc)


There are not many hot women in Colorado. Is this travel log for gaming women or sight seeing. I love Colorado but with the cadets and all women is the least I will say about Colorado.


This thread
[Image: frankenstein-its-alive-gif-4.gif]

Just in time. I put in my moving notice at my current residence Monday

Yea smaller towns on the outskirts of cities is more my style. Going to be doing a lot more research on this...

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin


@c33pin - so you coming to CO? PM me man let me know where abouts and we can get together.


Also I'd like to note that a lot of people in thread hating on the women and nightlife in Denver are likely talking about Denver 5+ years ago. This place has blown up the past few years. Tons of nightlife, and tons of easy 20-something pussy. Can kill on swipe apps around here. The lifestyle and recreational marijuana laws really got the ball rolling, and then with the influx of population Denver started to become a bigger tech/commerce producer (Hell there's even an Amazon facility here now) so lots of younger people have been moving here. It's a good spot these days but traffic and cost of living is getting out of hand.

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