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Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

As far as I understand such a theoretical alpha would be like this:

-so delusionally grounded is his own reality that he can pass ANY shit test without being emotionally affected in the least

-pure go getter mentality all the time

-lead, lead, lead and lead more. Simply lead women from meet to sex without ever faltering at women offering resistance.

But for real, is there anyone on earth who was born with these traits at such intense level?

We hear so much about the mythical natural around PUA boards and I am yet to meet such a creature.

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

[Image: troll.gif]

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

Oh, cmon. Some mental masturbation is not too big of a problem here and then.

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

I will bite. There are no "alpha" genes. All of the traits you described above are products of environment, with the foundations for that mentality mostly set in your first 5 years of life.

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

Your use of "-" to list your points on such an early post points to a troll.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

It´s a thread for fun, not to be taken seriously. It´s the "everything else" board after all, and I took it to be the offtopic part of the forum.

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

Geez, nobody wants to have fun so I´ll go first: I have the square jawline thing, and also a naturally deep voice, sure I dont lack the testosterone factor. However, I have never realized by myself that shit tests are supposed to just be treated as kids saying something silly and ignored. My default reaction when a girl said something rude was to try and put her in her place and being confrontational leads to nothing.

Also leading. I was never one to care about leading anyone, as long as I was left alone (was however very averse to being lead since a little kid). But you have to lead or else no results.

Pretty much manosphere told me what to do, god knows how long it would take me to understand these two things by myself.

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

Quote: (08-13-2013 03:56 PM)RationalHandsome Wrote:  

Pretty much manosphere told me what to do, god knows how long it would take me to understand these two things by myself.

Well I'm convinced.

[Image: troll.gif]

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

Quote: (08-13-2013 04:07 PM)Katatonic Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2013 03:56 PM)RationalHandsome Wrote:  

Pretty much manosphere told me what to do, god knows how long it would take me to understand these two things by myself.

Well I'm convinced.

[Image: troll.gif]

Apparently manosphere didnt teach you the shit test thing, and you figured it out by youself. Yeah right.

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

It has nothing to do with learning or being taught, and everything to do with the way you said it.

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

I think the more interesting case is dystopian compared to female birth control.

Women are taking advantage of their naturally granted status of being 'weaker' so that they can use male sympathy to gain access into male space- but only by birth control choking their natural impulse to be knocked up.

Men have no such drug, cause we are all hardwired to be aggressive any way we see fit. We all die young in our own way, to quote the recent ROK article. This is more proof to the concept that the male imperative is 50% to knock up beautiful women, 50% to ally with other men and restrict female ability to encourage infighting.

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

Seeing how this thread started off on a not-too-serious note, I'm wondering if I should bother posting, but when I read the thread title I thought of this right away... A lot of men still carry the genes (obviously mixed in with others) from one "alpha" dude in particular:


[Article: 1 in 200 men direct descendants of Genghis Khan]


In the life and legacy of the great Mongol warlord I suspect we see the patterns of male domination and power projection which were the norm after the decline of hunter-gatherers, and before the rise of the mass consumer society. During this period complex civilizations built on rents extracted from subsistence agriculturalists arose. These civilizations were dominated by powerful men, who could accrue to themselves massive surpluses, and translate those surpluses into reproductive advantage.

Now using the word pure when talking about human genetics is really a kind of a contradiction in itself because the whole point of sexual (as opposed to asexual) reproduction is to mix genes. (But obviously you can have situations where there are isolated populations that don't interbreed with others as much...)

In theory if you had an isolated society, and it was set up in a way so that only the "most alpha" could reproduce, then over the generations the population of men should exhibit more and more "alpha" traits. There will still be random mutations, though.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Is there such a thing as PURE ALPHA genes?

Pure alpha genes: Levi's

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